Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty


321 Chapters Ongoing Status


AD 1776, the 41st year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty.
In this year, the United States issued the Declaration of Independence, Watt invented the steam engine, and Adam Smith published "The Wealth of Nations", thus modern economic theory was born.
In this year, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties pacified the Jinchuan and Jinchuan areas. Satisfied with his ambition, Qianlong began to prepare for the Daxing of Literary Prison and the compilation of the "Sikuquanshu".
This year, a time traveler raised his head and looked north, swearing an oath to the world.
"Arebadi, my Ming Dynasty is back!"

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