Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 17 Recognize the importance of yourself

Chapter 17 Recognize the importance of yourself

Although Li Mu is now the Minister of Household Affairs of the Ming Dynasty and one of the core members of the emerging Ming Dynasty, he was actually forced to board Zhu Guochang's pirate ship.

Originally, he did not want to rebel with Zhu Guochang.

But there is no way, who told his daughter to be Zhu Guochang's concubine and gave birth to a son to Zhu Guochang?

Zhu Guochang rebelled. As Zhu Guochang's relatives, Li Mu and his daughter definitely had no chance of running away.

He had no other choice but to follow Zhu Guochang into the dark side.

All Li Mu can do now is to try his best to do everything Zhu Guochang asks.

Then, I pray that Zhu Guochang will be able to succeed in the end and be able to successfully fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty and become the emperor, instead of being defeated at the hands of the Qing court and implicating him...


Zhu Guochang arranged everything, and everyone began to get busy.

Zhu Jingan found Guo Dashan and asked him to start building a weapons workshop for the Ming army in the mine to produce various weapons and ammunition that the Ming army was in urgent need of.

Zhu Jingan walked in front, and Guo Dashan was one step behind, following closely behind him.

Zhu Jingan said.

"My Ming Dynasty King's Division has established a foothold in the Bauhinia Mountains and is about to expand its army. The gaps in weapons are even more obvious."

"Guo Shangshu has a heavy burden on your shoulders!"

Hearing this, Guo Dashan smiled bitterly and said.

"Please also ask the Governor to make it clear."

When Zhu Jingan heard this, he was not polite and spoke directly.

"I won't beat around the bush with you, and I won't make unrealistic demands."

"I won't use guns, artillery, swords and armor to embarrass you. Now I have only one request for the Ministry of Industry."

"That's the spear!"

"I only want the spear and nothing else, but I have to put it into production as soon as possible and produce results as soon as possible."

"Even if the casting method is used, the quality of the spearheads is acceptable. What I want now is quantity. Within a month, at least [-] spears must be produced to equip the troops."

"Can it be done?"

Hearing this, Guo Dashan pondered for a while, but still spoke.

"Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, I promise to complete the mission."

Using the casting method to produce weapons is indeed very efficient. However, if it is cast directly, the pig iron will be too brittle and the quality of the weapons will definitely not be good.

But if Zhu Jingan does not require quality but only quantity, then Guo Dashan is still sure to complete the task.

Zhu Jingan's thinking was very clear. He knew that for the current Ming army, it was unrealistic to develop muskets and artillery, and it was even impossible to equip the army with cold weapons such as swords, bows and crossbows.

Now all he can do is equip the army with cheap and easy-to-use spears.

Moreover, the quality issue can only be put aside for the time being, and the quantity can be improved first.

As for firearms, that has to wait until the future.

Guo Dashan is just an ordinary blacksmith. The most he did before was to make some farm tools. If you expect him to produce muskets and artillery, you might as well expect Qianlong to stand up and call for rebellion against the Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty!
And Zhu Jingan himself is a piece of junk with full theoretical knowledge and zero practical ability.

Even if he wanted to get firearms now, he wouldn't be able to do so.

No matter when, it is very important to recognize yourself and do what you can do. Don't waste your efforts on things you can't do when resources and energy are limited.

Zhu Jingan nodded slightly, and then spoke again.

"Other than that, it's about firearms."

"We don't need to think about guns and artillery for the time being, but can we make some simple thunderbolts to increase our momentum on the battlefield?" Guo Dashan heard this, thought for a while and then said.

"If you go back to the Grand Governor, there will be no problem."

"It's nothing more than getting a few clay pots, filling them with gunpowder and broken iron nails, and finally sealing them."

"Production is not difficult, even my apprentices can make it."

The original hand grenade, or thunder, is actually the most difficult firearm to produce.

As long as there are enough materials, even ordinary people can do it.

How difficult could it be to put gunpowder and broken iron nails into a jar and then seal it?
In the end, it is nothing more than a matter of quality and power.

But it’s definitely okay to make do for now.

But now in the Ming Dynasty, all kinds of conditions are here, and there is no other way to make do with it.

Zhu Jingan nodded slightly and then said.

"Very good. In that case, then Guo Shangshu will start making preparations and ask one of your apprentices to take the lead in recruiting some people to open a Zhentianlei production workshop, specializing in the production of Zhentianlei."

"Mobilize all the old, weak, women and children in the army and let them do what they can for the army."

The current Ming army has not been reorganized and trained, and is still a real peasant army.

The biggest feature of the peasant army is that there are many more old, weak, women and children in the army than combat soldiers.

And these old, weak, women and children cannot go to the battlefield.

Therefore, it became the biggest drag on the army.

But the problem is that we can’t ignore them yet!
As soon as the Ming army announced that they would not care about the old, weak, women and children, the people's hearts immediately dispersed.

Therefore, Zhu Jingan was going to arrange some things for them to do within his ability.

For example, the work of producing thunderbolts and gunpowder...

Although this kind of work is tiring, it is not like going to the battlefield to fight for your life, and it does not require such high physical fitness and strength.

Even the elderly, weak, women and children can do it!
Also, don’t think of the old, weak, women and children as useless waste.

They are indeed inferior to young and strong men in terms of physical fitness and strength.

But when it comes to work, it's actually not much different.

Due to backward productivity, in this era, except for the exploiting class, there are no people who can make a living without working.

The old, weak, women and children from poor families also have to work. The difference is that men do more and the old, weak, women and children do less.

Old and weak women and children also have their uses.

At the very least, it would definitely be okay to organize people to take care of some logistical work.

If there are women in this era who dare to say that they are only responsible for their beauty and do not do any work, then other than starving to death, the only choice is to enter a brothel and sell seafood.


After Zhu Jingan arranged for Guo Dashan to prepare for the production of ordnance, he turned around and prepared to start the Ming army's military expansion and training activities.

As of now, there are about 300 soldiers in the Ming army.

More than a hundred of them were villagers in Zhujiazhuang, and the rest were miners rescued by Zhu Jingan from private mines.

After these miners were rescued, they were semi-forced to cut their braids by the Ming army immediately.

With the deal done, they could only choose to join the Ming army and embark on the broad road of resisting the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty.

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(End of this chapter)

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