Chapter 57 Selected Seizures (45)

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good! You did a good job."


That night, the Ming army started a feast to reward the entire army.

Pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks were slaughtered, stripped, bled, roasted, boiled, fried, and stir-fried. The entire Ming army camp was filled with the alluring aroma of meat.

In the Chinese army tent, Zhu Jing'an sat behind the table and raised his glass.

When everyone saw this, they all became quiet.

Zhu Jing'an stood up from behind the desk and spoke.

"Our army can win this battle, firstly, with the lives of the soldiers, and secondly, with the good command of the generals. Victory in this battle will be the starting point for our restoration of the Ming Dynasty, and will be the beginning of our ancestors' journey to drive out the Tartars and restore China." "The starting point of great achievements."

"The decisive role of this battle cannot be ignored. The victory of this battle will eventually shine in the annals of history."

"The merits of all of you are seen in my eyes and kept in my heart. When we stay in this battle, I will definitely report it to the supervisory country and ask for rewards for you. I will definitely live up to the efforts of all generals for the Ming Dynasty."

"Now, let us drink this cup together to congratulate the victory, congratulate the Ming Dynasty, and congratulate His Highness the Supervisor!"

When the generals heard this, their faces turned red with excitement, and they spoke in agreement.

"Congratulations to the victory, congratulations to the Ming Dynasty, and congratulations to His Royal Highness the Supervisor!"

"Congratulations to the victory, congratulations to the Ming Dynasty, and congratulations to His Royal Highness the Supervisor!"


After speaking, raise your glass and drink it all.

Zhu Jing'an also waved his hand and said.

"Everyone has a feast on his own, and there is no need to be restrained. The governor will come back as soon as he leaves."

After saying this, he stood up from behind the table and chair, and walked out of the tent with the support of his own soldiers.

Seeing this, all the generals stood up and bowed down.

"We send off the general!"

After Zhu Jing'an walked out of the big tent, the atmosphere in the big tent relaxed, and noises and laughter broke out again.

With Zhu Jing'an as their immediate boss, everyone would feel restrained. Even if it was a banquet to celebrate victory, it would be impossible for everyone to let go.

Therefore, after Zhu Jing'an brought a glass of wine at the beginning of the banquet, he left the table to make room for the generals.

He just took this opportunity to inspect the army and win over the military morale of the lower-level soldiers and officers.

This banquet was not only for the top generals in the Ming army.

Soldiers at the lower level can also receive banquets.

However, the high-ranking generals received fine wine and delicious food, large chunks of meat, and carefully prepared delicacies.

The soldiers at the bottom could only get a piece of fat meat as big as a palm, a bowl of broth, and a glass of wine.

Based on the Ming army's current logistics capabilities, this is already the limit. It is impossible for the entire army to drink freely and eat meat freely.

Even if Zhu Jing'an is sold, Ming Dynasty will not be able to produce so much wine and meat to supply the entire army.

Besides, the military has always been a hierarchical place, and it is impossible for everyone to be equal.

There is a clear difference in treatment between high-level and low-level employees, which is perfectly normal.

Besides, only when the difference in treatment is more obvious can the people below have greater motivation to climb up, right?

Of course, although the supply of meat and wine is limited, the staple food is definitely enough.

The Ming army was also very satisfied with this and had no complaints.

They can have full stomachs, eat meat and drink wine, what else are they dissatisfied with?

Although it’s small, it’s still meat!
I don't know how many people in the Ming army had never eaten meat once in their lives before joining the army.

Since ancient times, which army can have such good treatment?
People at the bottom have always been so easily satisfied.

Zhu Jing'an was wandering around the military camp holding a glass of wine.

He chatted with the lower-level soldiers in a gentle manner and raised a glass to invite them to drink together.Chat softly with them, care about their lives, and whether they have enough to eat.

Everyone in the Ming army was very moved by this.

Zhu Jing'an emerged from a tent, and Chen He trotted over to find him.

"To the Commander-in-Chief, the captures and results of our army's battle have been calculated."

Speaker, a document was presented to Zhu Jing'an.

Zhu Jing'an took the document, walked quickly to a bonfire, and began to read under the light of the bonfire.

The document records in detail the capture and results of the Ming army in this battle.

In this battle, the Ming army captured a total of 810 three spears, 350 long knives, 410 shields, 160 shotguns, 210 longbows, [-] arrows, and several gunpowder and lead balls...

In addition, some grain and the ships transporting grain were also captured by the Ming army.

As for the results of the battle, in the battle at Pangwoling, the invading Qing army was almost completely wiped out.

More than [-] people were captured and killed by the Ming army, including more than [-] killed in formation and more than [-] captured.

Today, the more than 900 prisoners of war are being held and guarded by the Ming army in prisoner-of-war camps.

Zhu Jing'an looked through the documents, thought for a while and then asked with a frown.

"What is the quality of the ordnance our army captured in this battle?"

If the weapons seized by the Ming army in this battle were all weapons of the landlord militia, Zhu Jing'an would not ask this question.

Because the quality of most of the weapons used by the landlord militia is still guaranteed.

However, what the Ming army seized in this battle was not only the weapons of the landlord militia, but also some of the weapons used by the regiment training and government officials.

Zhu Jing'an was really unsure about the quality of these weapons.

Chen He pondered for a moment and then spoke.

"Among the weapons seized by our army in this battle, there are indeed a number of defective products, and the quality is worrying."

"But they are only a minority. Most of the ordnance is of acceptable quality."

Zhu Jing'an frowned and said after hearing this.

"Let's go through the selection again, especially the firearms. We must pick out all the ordnance that is of unqualified quality and send it back to the Ministry of Industry for remanufacturing."

"Weapons of substandard quality must not be allowed to flow into the army."

The quality of cold weapons such as swords, spears, bows and arrows is not up to standard, and at best the killing efficiency is low.

But the quality of firearms is nothing to joke about.

Because once the quality of the firearm is not up to standard and the chamber explodes, it is not a matter of lower killing efficiency, but that even the user may be harmed.

When Chen He heard this, he clasped his fists to show that he understood.


Wuxuan County!

It was night, and it was dark inside and outside the city.

Due to the curfew, not even a ghost can be seen on the streets of Wuxuan County.

The only bright spots are a few brothels and gambling stalls operating all night in Wuxuan County.

The soldier guarding the city gate was leaning on the gate tower and taking a nap. The wide brim of his hat covered his face and eyes, and there was a faint snore coming from under the brim of his hat.

The long-term peace and stability made the Qing soldiers guarding the city gate lose their vigilance.

The soldiers guarding the city gate were taking a nap on the city gate tower, and the patrol team was also playing dice and gambling in the cave where soldiers were hiding.

There is no one to guard the city gate properly.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden commotion and the sound of horse hooves outside the city gate.

 Four chapters will be released first, and then there will be more. Once they are on the shelves, the author will start to explode. Unless there are special circumstances, the minimum is [-] per day, and if you can code it out, it will be [-] per day.

(End of this chapter)

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