However, what made Heshen undecided was.

If Incheon falls because of its refusal to reinforce, the Ming army will drive a nail in Incheon and gain an excellent window to intervene in the Korean War.

In this case, how should I explain it to the court?

Also, He Shen still doesn't know how many troops the invading Ming army has.

It is impossible to judge whether the Ming army had the strength or ideas to continue to invade Seoul after capturing Incheon.

Therefore, He Shen does not dare to rashly order more troops to Incheon now.

Taking a deep breath, He Shen spoke to his followers.

"Send the order and let our army's garrison in Seoul prepare for battle and be ready to move out to reinforce Incheon at any time."

Although He Shen has not yet made up his mind whether to reinforce Incheon, he still needs to pretend, otherwise the people below will inevitably be disappointed.

However, after ordering the troops to prepare for the expedition, He Shen turned around and continued.

"Send fast horses to Incheon to investigate and determine how many troops the invading thieves have!"

"Quick! Must be quick!"

Another follower heard this, beat Qian'er away, and ran toward Incheon, trying to investigate the situation.


Outside Incheon!

The Ming army that had completed the landing was quickly preparing for an siege.

As soon as the naval guns destroy the city wall of Incheon, the Ming army's landing troops will go up and take advantage of the situation to capture the city of Incheon.

It is true that the Ming army's landing troops did not have enough siege equipment. Otherwise, there would be no need to rely solely on heavy artillery to blast the city wall.

The cannons on the sides of the warships floating on the sea kept firing.

The smoke filled the air, almost obscuring everyone's sight.

Amidst the large clouds of gunpowder smoke, there was a faint flash of fire.

With bursts of roaring, the Qing army's coastal defense guns were all knocked out one by one.

On the entire battlefield, only the Ming army's naval guns were still firing.

The black artillery shells pierced the air, passed by at low altitude, and made bursts of buzzing. The suppressed Qing troops in Incheon City could not raise their heads.

The artillery shells fell on the city wall of Incheon, causing the bricks and stones to fly away.

Wall stacks, gate towers, forts and other city defense facilities were destroyed one by one.

Soon, the brick cladding outside the Incheon City Wall was knocked off, revealing the inner city wall made of rammed loess.

The Ming army's large-caliber naval guns continued to fire concentrated fire.

The shells fell one after another, and the rammed soil layer was soon shaken very loose. The sand flew and then disintegrated little by little.

Half a day passed quickly, and with a loud rumbling sound, the city wall of Incheon finally couldn't withstand the artillery bombardment and collapsed.

The next moment, harsh charging horns and shouts of killing sounded one after another. The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who had completed the landing shouted to kill and rushed towards the direction of Incheon City.

The red armor gathered together on the beach, forming a very obvious red tide.

Surge forward like a flame!

It seems that they want to destroy everything that stands in their way.

With the collapse of the Incheon City Wall, chaos inevitably occurred among the Qing troops in Incheon City.

After Chen Xiao contained the chaos, he looked up and saw that the Ming army had reached the outside of Incheon.

There are only a hundred or ten meters left from the gap in the Incheon City Wall.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiao shouted loudly.

"He who rides on the horse, hold on, must hold on!"

"Give me a hard beating so that the Ming thieves can see how powerful we and the Qing soldiers are."

As Chen Xiao's military order was issued, many muskets protruded from the top of the gaping city of Incheon.

The black muzzle was aimed at the Ming army's landing troops rushing towards Incheon City.

The next moment, neat musket firing sounded.

Streams of gunpowder smoke continued to rise from the top of Incheon City, and projectiles were fired at the soldiers of Ming Dynasty.

Immediately, many people in the charging Ming army array fell down.

However, this cannot contain the Ming army's offensive!

The Ming army's charge continued.

Accompanied by loud shouts of killing, the Ming army braved the musket fire and arrow rain of the Qing army and rushed to the breach in the Incheon city wall.

The Qing army's musketeers and archers began to focus fire on the gap.

As the smoke filled the air, only bursts of screams could be heard.

Under the concentrated fire of the Qing army, the Ming soldiers who rushed to the gap in the city wall suffered heavy losses, with dozens or hundreds of people falling.

But soon, as the muskets in the hands of the Qing army were empty, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty finally broke through their fire blockade, shouted to kill, and invaded Incheon City along the gap in the city wall.

Seeing this, Chen Xiao could only order the Qing army to attack and compete with the Ming army for the gap.

Soon, soldiers from both sides were strangled together.

There were shouts of killing and shouts, and the sound was like a mass.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty held loaded muskets and launched a bayonet charge.

Facing the oncoming enemy, they raised their muskets and shot them in the face.

Accompanied by a burst of gunfire, the Qing army rushing at the front suffered heavy casualties.

Soon, as the two sides began to fight, the Qing army was forced to retreat, and its morale became lower and lower.

Its decline is already apparent!

However, the morale of the Ming army was still high.

Keep launching wave charges!

Wave after wave, one after another, rushed towards the gap.

Wanting to overwhelm the Qing army blocking the road.

As time passed, the Qing army gradually became depleted, and even Chen Xiao's personal soldiers were lost by more than half.

Helpless, Chen Xiao had no choice but to order Korean soldiers to fight against the Ming army, hoping to relieve the pressure on the Qing army.

However, as soon as the Korean soldiers advanced, they were defeated by the Ming army without even resisting a bayonet charge.

The defeated Korean soldiers abandoned their helmets and armor and ran away. Following the herd mentality, they defeated the Qing soldiers who could barely support them at first.

For the Qing army, the battle situation in Incheon finally collapsed completely.

Chen Xiao looked at everything in front of him with a gloomy face, but he had no choice but to order the withdrawal of troops.

Soon, the Qing army's banner at the top of Incheon City was cut off and thrown down from the city top.

Instead, there was a large flag flying high!


In the hall of the North Korean governor's office, He Shen was pacing in circles, anxiously waiting for news from the direction of Incheon.

Heshen didn't have to wait long before a burst of chaotic footsteps sounded.

He Shen subconsciously looked in the direction where the footsteps came from, and saw his own follower striding towards him with a look of urgency on his face.

The follower quickly walked up to He Shen and spoke with a solemn expression while breathing heavily.

"Sir, something big happened. Bad news came from the direction of Incheon. The Ming thieves successfully landed from Incheon. After landing, they stormed and captured the city of Incheon."

"Chen Xiao is leading the remnants of the Incheon garrison to retreat eastward, but under the pursuit of Ming thieves, the outcome is hard to say..."

When He Shen heard this, the expression on his face immediately condensed, and he was so gloomy that he could drip water.

He kept pacing in place, with a bad premonition growing in his heart. The loss of Incheon also means that the west gate of Seoul is lost.

Ming thieves can march west from Incheon at any time and attack Seoul.

Even if the Ming thieves do not come to attack Seoul and just stay in Incheon to confront the Qing army, it can greatly reduce the Qing army's arrogance in Korea.

Inspiring the determination of anti-Qing rebels across North Korea to resist the Qing Dynasty.

It is definitely not a good thing for the Qing army!

He Shen couldn't help but take a deep breath. The situation in North Korea is critical!

At this moment, Yue Rui, the North Korean admiral appointed by the Qing court, suggested.

"My lord, for Seoul, Incheon is really a place at your elbow."

"If Incheon is occupied by Ming thieves for a long time, the situation in North Korea will be critical."

"The last general's suggestion is that our army may start preparations to recapture Incheon from the Ming thieves..."

He Shen couldn't help but look thoughtful when he heard this, but he was obviously moved.

However, in the end, he still couldn't make up his mind now and just said.

"What Admiral Yue said is reasonable, but it is still unknown how many Ming rebels are currently in the Incheon direction. It would not be a wise move for our army to rush into action now."

"My opinion is that even if our army wants to mobilize troops, it will only be after the specific strength of the Ming thieves in the direction of Incheon and the arrival of reinforcements."

Now the Qing army has been psychologically shadowed by the Ming Dynasty.

Although Heshen has never fought against the Ming army, if he is not 100% sure, he still dare not touch the Ming army's tiger's beard.

Yue Rui on the side heard this and just nodded.

"Your Excellency is wise!"


Liaodong, Shengjing!

Shengjing Palace!

When he first arrived in Shengjing, Yongrong was still quite taboo about the palace in Shengjing.

Don't dare to touch!

However, as he stayed in Shengjing for longer and longer, Yongrong's heart began to gradually swell as the governor of Shengjing gained power.

Especially after the news came that Qianlong was seriously ill and could not be a director, Yong Rong immediately became paranoid and began to regard a side hall in the Shengjing Palace as his governor's office.

He even lives in the palace every day!

The ambition is obvious.

Although he was not bold enough to live directly in Chongzheng Hall.

However, if his behavior were normal, it would be enough to make him lose his head several times.

However, now my Qing Dynasty is no longer what it used to be.

Although Yong Rong's behavior was a bit over the line, no one would argue with him at this time.

Yong Rong sat at the desk used by Nurhachi, Huang Taiji, Dorgon and others, reviewing the important military and political affairs of Liaodong today.

Since he arrived in Shengjing, he has been reorganizing the army outside the pass and strengthening the force of the Eight Banners outside the pass.

To this end, he even used the labor force from North Korea to reopen the mines and weapons and ordnance workshops that the Qing army had outside the customs during the Nurhachi and Huangtaiji periods.

Used to make swords and guns to arm the Qing army outside the pass.

From the current point of view, Yongrong's approach is undoubtedly successful.

Over the past few months, the Qing army outside the Pass has become somewhat elite.

However, just as Yong Rong was intoxicated while reviewing military affairs, a series of footsteps sounded outside.

Immediately, there was a knock on the study door.

"Master, there is urgent news from the capital."

The speaker's name was Xiao Yunzi, a young eunuch who was sent to serve Yong Rong by the Ministry of Internal Affairs when he was born.

Since the two grew up together, and their interests were deeply bound, and they both prospered and suffered losses, Yongrong had considerable trust in Xiao Yunzi.

Hearing Xiao Yunzi's voice outside the house, Yong Rong frowned slightly at first, thinking in his heart.

An urgent message from the capital?

What could it be? Could it be that Huang Ama passed away?

Yong Rong knew that Qianlong's health was not good and was getting worse day by day. It was not surprising to have this speculation.

But he soon gave up this treacherous idea, because he knew that if the news came from inside the pass, it was really that Qianlong had died.

Then Xiao Yunzi must be more eager than now.

After thinking about this, Yong Rong relaxed his brows and spoke richly.

"Come in and talk!"

After saying this, with the creaking sound of the door opening and closing, Xiao Yunzi opened the door, walked slowly and hurriedly to Yong Rong's desk, and spoke.

"Master, there is an urgent message from the capital. Due to the emergency in North Korea, Governor He Shen asked for help from the DPRK. The DPRK intends to let the master send troops to reinforce the Korean war."

"The imperial edict is already on its way!"

When Yong Rong heard this, he immediately frowned and said with a sneer.

"Haha, imperial edict?"

"As far as the governor is concerned, is it the intention of my incompetent seventeenth brother?"

When Xiao Yunzi heard this, he lowered his head and said nothing.

As a slave, he didn't dare to get involved in the Tian family's family affairs.

However, Xiao Yunzi wanted to be silent, but Yongrong didn't want to give Xiao Yunzi this chance to remain silent, so he asked with a cold face.

"Xiao Yunzi, tell me, will I accept this imperial edict or not?"

Yong Rong is a little undecided now.

Now that Qianlong was seriously ill and unable to govern, his decree to send troops to reinforce North Korea was obviously what Lao Qianlong meant.

If Yong Rong complies obediently, doesn't it mean that Yong Rong is willing to obey the orders of Old Seventeen and give up the fight for the throne?

That's the throne. Look, how could Yong Rong really not be interested.

If he had no interest in the throne, how could he risk violating taboos and move into the imperial city of Shengjing?

Also, if Yong Rong really obeys his orders now, he will send an army to North Korea for reinforcements.

Once the situation inside the pass changes and the mountains collapse, he won't even have a chance to fight!

However, Yong Rong was a little weak when it came to resisting the decree.

What if the imperial edict that led him to send troops to reinforce North Korea was not a "false edict" issued by Lao Qianlong, but Qianlong's own intention?

Although Qianlong was seriously ill and could no longer take charge of the board of directors, is it possible that he has recovered now?

Yong Rong dared to resist Lao Shiqi's "false edict", but he certainly did not dare to resist Qianlong's imperial edict.

And this is also the reason why Yongrong is so entangled now.

Therefore, he was going to ask Xiao Yunzi for her opinion.

When Xiao Yunzi heard this, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and then she spoke.

"Master, I have a plan that may work."

When Yong Rong heard this, his eyes brightened obviously, and then he spoke.


Xiao Yunzi swallowed, sorted out her words, and then spoke.

"Returning to the master, my slave's idea is that if a rebel army appears outside the pass now, and the crazy rebels harass Zhaoling and Fuling, trying to dig up our Qing Dynasty Dragon Vein, in this case, the army from Shengjing will not come. Very motivating..."

Well, Huang Taiji and Nurhachi are buried in Zhaoling and Fuling respectively.

If Zhaoling and Fuling were really attacked, then Yongrong, as a descendant of the Aixinjueluo family, would definitely not be able to move the army away from Shengjing at this time. (End of chapter)

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