Chapter 9
The wealthy people were forcibly extorted to donate money. Although each one of them was reluctant, they could only bear the pain and cut off their flesh to spend money to buy peace.

Who said they have no fame?
Faced with such a thing, there is no other way except to endure it.

Ordinary people were even more miserable, being forcibly assigned and extorted by the Manchu and Qing government.

Many people even had their last rations taken away by the government officials who came to their homes.

In fact, just being robbed of food is not a bad thing.

What's more, even people and food were packed away by the government officials.

People will be dragged to work as civilian husbands and go to the battlefield to defeat thieves, while food will be used as military rations.

As long as the people resisted even a little bit, they would be beaten and kicked.

Especially those unorganized white servants, all of them are particularly evil-minded and ruthless.


It was just daybreak. After breakfast, the Ming army, which had been repairing on the bank of the Qianjiang River all night, immediately set off and continued eastward.

The Ming army's team supported the old and young, meandering forward and backward. Even if there were ships transporting supplies and food, the speed could not be fast.

But compared with yesterday's large team of 600 people, the number of Ming troops is now significantly smaller.

Even though Zhu Jingan injected chicken blood into the Ming army, many people still escaped under the cover of darkness last night.

So when Zhu Jingan got up the next morning and counted the number of people, he found that there were about a hundred people missing from the team.

After learning about this, Zhu Jing'an felt solemn, but he did not dare to say anything.

I am afraid that after the news spreads, the already low morale of the Ming army will be even lower.

The only option was to quietly find Zhu Guochang to discuss how to deal with this matter.

Zhu Jingan supported his old father, and the two of them moved forward together. Zhu Guochang's fat figure usually looked rich.

But it was a huge drag during the march.

Just moving a little, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

The clothes on his body were already soaked with sweat, and his back, armpits and other places were all wet.

He lacks exercise on weekdays, but after a sudden high-intensity exercise, he needs help to walk.

"Father, when we were making rice this morning, I ordered someone to count the number of people and found that there were about a hundred people missing from the team."

"Many of them ran away last night."

"We can't go on like this. If we can't stop the spread of deserters, maybe everyone will run away before the army reaches Jintian Town."

When saying this, the expression on Zhu Jingan's face was quite solemn.

There was a heavy cloud of sadness between Ying Ting's brows and eyes that could not be dispelled.

When Zhu Guochang heard this, he also frowned, and spoke with a solemn expression on his square face.

"The only reliable people around my father and son now are the thirty or so servants that my father has raised over the years."

"It's normal for these thirty or so servants to be unable to control so many people."

"Maybe I was negligent last night!"

Zhu Guochang had been planning to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty for so many years, so he naturally had some suitable people around him.

These thirty or so servants are the dead men he has raised over the years.

After being well-fed and well-fed, these people were very loyal to Zhu Guochangdu.

When the uprising first started, Zhu Guochang relied on these men to take all the villagers in Zhujiazhuang aboard his pirate ship.

However, after the army set off and began to move towards Jintian Town, Zhu Guochang's manpower obviously began to become insufficient.

These thirty or so servants not only had to protect Zhu Guochang and his family, but also kept an eye on the ships on the Qianjiang River and the farmers who were being held hostage.

The manpower has obviously become tense!
Once the manpower becomes tense, some troubles will inevitably occur.

Zhu Jingan pondered for a while and then said.

"Father, I have a method, maybe you can try it." Zhu Guochang took out the handkerchief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked.

"Tell me!"

Zhu Jingan made a scissor gesture with his right hand and said two words.

"Cut your braids!"

"Since we want to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, we cannot just cut off the pigtails of our father and son. The whole army must also cut off the pigtails that symbolize the rule of the Qing Dynasty."

"That's the only way to distinguish us from them."

Zhu Jingan's intention was very clear. He wanted to make a clear distinction between the farmers in Zhujiazhuang and the obedient people of the Qing Dynasty by cutting their braids.

In this case, even if these bankers want to be deserters, they have nowhere to go.

If the braids are cut, it will take more than a day or two for the hair to grow back to the point where it can be braided.

If they were caught without pigtails by the Manchu government, they would most likely be stabbed in the neck.

In order to completely emasculate Chinese culture and destroy Chinese civilization, the Qing Dynasty took the policy of shaving one's hair and changing clothes into clothes very seriously.

It is strictly enforced to keep your head but not your hair and keep your hair but not your head.

If Zhu Jingan really cuts off the pigtails of these farmers, then without their pigtails, they will have no choice but to follow Lao Zhu's family and go all the way.

Either successfully defeat the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and cut off the braids of everyone in the world.

Or after the defeat, my Qing Heavenly Soldiers would lend me my head to record my merits.

I know everything about the military discipline of the Qing Dynasty. When it comes to ancient Chinese feudal dynasties, the degree of military discipline in the early and middle dynasties was so corrupt that no one can surpass the Qing army.

Massacres and looting have become a habit for the Qing army.

It is not just talk about massacre of the city in every battle.

There were even some armies that dared to refuse to go into battle even if the leading general did not allow them to plunder and massacre the city after the war.

As we all know, in the places where our Qing Heavenly Soldiers marched, every dog ​​passing by had to be slapped twice, ant holes had to be poured with boiling water, eggs had to be shaken to loose their yellow color, and earthworms had to be split vertically...

Even if you are a rich man and have pigtails, you may not be able to guarantee that your head will not be borrowed by the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty to take credit.

If you don't even have braids, your head will definitely not be saved.

Although Zhu Jingan's trick is a bit damaging, it is definitely useful.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Guochang pondered for a while and then spoke.

"In that case, let's do what my son wants."

"Hmph, if their braids are cut off, they will have no choice but to follow my Zhu family wholeheartedly and fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty together."

Zhu Jingan said with a smile.

"Father is wise!"

Zhu Guochang nodded and gave instructions to a servant.

"Go and call Commander Wang, Commander Zhang, and Commander Han!"

Wang Shoufu is the steward Wang Shun, Commander Zhang is the butcher Zhang Hu of Zhujiazhuang, and Han Zongbing is named Han Sigu, the head of the Zhu family's servants.

These people can be regarded as Zhu Guochang's confidants, and they have all had their pigtails cut off.

Zhu Guochang wanted the whole army to cut off their braids, so he naturally had to talk to all these people.

Not long after, Wang Shun, Zhang Hu, Han Sigu and others came to Zhu Guochang.

Zhu Guochang gave instructions to several people about cutting pigtails. Han Sigu and others accepted the order with clasped fists, and then each prepared to do it.

Zhu Jingan added.

"Wang Chief Assistant, you go and withdraw 300 taels of silver from the account."

"When I'm waiting for my braids to be cut later, I'll give you a reward of one or two silver coins for every braid I cut..."

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(End of this chapter)

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