Chapter 10 Power works better than reason
A tael of silver may not make people willing to cut off their braids, a sign of humiliation imposed by the Qing Dynasty on the world.

But it can definitely eliminate some of the resentment in people's hearts after being forced to cut off their braids.

Forcibly cutting the braids is two different things than compensating the braids after cutting the braids.

Zhu Jingan was always willing to spend money in places like this.

When Wang Shun heard this, he looked at Zhu Guochang, obviously seeking his opinion.

When Zhu Guochang heard this, he nodded and said.

"Follow what the Crown Prince wants!"

After Wang Shun got Zhu Guochang's permission, he nodded in agreement.

Obviously, in Wang Shun's eyes, Zhu Guochang, the benefactor who had shown him kindness, was much higher than Zhu Jingan.

Zhu Jingan didn't feel anything about this.


At noon that day, the Ming army stopped on the bank of the Qianjiang River for repairs.

The old, weak, women and children were assigned the job of burying pots to make rice, while the young and middle-aged were gathered together.

Zhu Guochang stood in front of everyone and said loudly.

"This time we have gathered everyone together to announce something big."

"That means from now on, all of our Ming army must cut their braids and change into uniform, restore our Han family clothes, and no longer keep this braid that the Manchus imposed on us, which symbolizes humiliation."

"King Gu announced that today, anyone who cuts their braid will receive a reward of one or two silver coins from Gu."

After raising the flag, Zhu Guochang appointed himself the supervisor of the Ming Dynasty. When he called himself, he naturally called himself an orphan.

But just as Zhu Guochang finished speaking, he heard someone speaking below.

"Mr. Zhu, this braid is from our ancestors. You can't cut it. If you cut it, you won't be a human being."

"Yes, Mr. Zhu, how can you easily damage your body, hair, and skin by your parents?"

"Master, you must not cut off the braids. If we cut off the braids, we will leave the hair but not the hair, and the hair will be left without the hair."


A group of people kept making a lot of noise.

It has been more than 100 years since the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, and it has lived in Longting and occupied the world for more than 100 years.

As time goes by, people all over the world have gradually begun to regard the Manchu and Qing Dynasties as orthodox, and take the braids on the back of their heads as a matter of course.

Now that Zhu Guochang has ordered his braids to be cut, many people are resisting.

Listening to the noise in the crowd, the expression on Zhu Guochang's face became obviously serious.

Zhu Jingan and his father looked at each other and said no nonsense.

He immediately pulled out the saber from his waist with a clanging sound, strode into the middle of the crowd, reached out and grabbed the person who screamed the loudest, and pushed the person to the ground with his backhand.

Two servants came up and held him down. Zhu Jingan raised the knife and cut off a braid.

He bent down and picked up the braid that fell on the ground, threw it into the fire nearby, looked around, and said in a cold voice.

"What did you just say?"

"Again, I didn't catch you!"

When he said this, Zhu Jingan's eyes were cold, and beside him, the servants had their swords unsheathed and filled with murderous intent.

"Are the pigtails given to me by my ancestors? Can't I cut them off? If I cut my pigtails, I'm no longer a human being?"

"Then tell me, did people in the world have braids during the Han and Tang Dynasties? Did people in the world have braids during the Song and Ming Dynasties?"

"Braids are obviously something imposed on us Han people by the Manchu Tatars, but you actually take them for granted."

"You damn people went underground after you died. How can you have the dignity to meet your ancestors?"

"Is it possible that you should point to your shiny forehead and the rat tail on the back of your head and tell your ancestors that this is the fashionable hairstyle now? Do you really not feel ashamed to do this?" "Besides, what the hell are you doing now? They are already rebels, and we have been in the same boat as Ming Dynasty for a long time. If the boat of Ming Dynasty capsizes, every one of us here will have his head chopped off by the Tatar soldiers to claim credit."

"What? If you don't cut your braids, do you still want to go back and continue to be obedient people of the Qing Dynasty? Then the Tatar soldiers will give you a chance to become obedient people."

After saying that, Zhu Jingan continued to speak.

"Send the order and all the troops will have their braids cut without making any mistakes."

"Anyone who disobeys military orders will be punished on the spot!"

As soon as Zhu Jingan said this, the servants around him agreed in unison. The servants all agreed, and the others could only obey.

Not long after, the fire in the camp burst into flames, and the pungent smell of burning protein filled the air.

This is the Ming army uniformly burning the cut braids.

After the order was issued, Zhu Jingan came to Zhu Guochang and spoke.

"Father, we don't actually need to reason with the people below."

"Many times, power is more useful than reason."

This is an experience Zhu Jingan’s ex-girlfriend who studied management told him.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, and if there are too many people, there are bound to be strange and strange beasts.

As a manager, your most important task is to manage, not to reason with the people below.

If you have to reason with the people below you about everything, then you are screwed. Even if you talk a lot, you won't be able to accomplish anything.

Many bullies are the type who know they are wrong, but they refuse to admit their mistakes and argue with you plausibly.

Therefore, many times it is useless for you to reason because others do not listen.

Management management, to put it bluntly, the premise is that you have to manage in order to govern.

But if you want to control it, you must have power.

Zhu Guochang took a deep breath, patted his son's shoulder, and said.

"My father is old. From now on, whether our Ming Dynasty can be revived still depends on young people like you."

Zhu Jingan said nothing, but continued to support Zhu Guochang and prepare to march.

That afternoon, the Ming army marched not far outside Jintian Town, but they did not enter the town, but prepared to enter the mountains...


Wuxuan County Government!

Fang Kun was sitting behind the desk writing something. Zhang Dianshi walked in after the announcement, strode up to Fang Kun, and then spoke.

"Reporting to the Lord of the County, all preparations for quelling the thieves have been completed, including recruiting militiamen in the county, recruiting civil servants, sending out three squads of government officials, preparing food and wages, etc."

"May I ask the county magistrate, when will our army send out troops to defeat the thieves?"

Zhang Dianshi is a local and a local official, so he is most concerned about quelling thieves.

Fang Kunzheng heard this, raised his head and asked.

"How much money do the thieves have now from collecting donations from the big families in the county?"

Zhang Dianshi heard this and spoke.

"Sir, I have probably raised more than 400 taels of silver, [-] shi of rice, some cloth, medicinal materials and so on."

"The total price is about 2000 taels of silver!"

Fang Kunzheng heard this, glanced up at Zhang Dianshi, and then spoke with profound meaning.

"We have only raised 2000 taels. Why are you so anxious to send out troops?"

(End of this chapter)

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