Chapter 11 Finally getting back the money
For Fang Kunzheng, this was a rare opportunity for a thief to cleverly create a name and make a lot of money, so he naturally didn't want to miss it.

He must have made enough money first before he would think about sending troops to quell the thieves.

Otherwise, if the thief is defeated, how can he find an excuse to continue making money?
"What is 2000 taels of silver enough for? Why can't we collect 5000 taels before we send troops?"

"Otherwise, if the bandit-suppressing army is short of food and pay after sending troops and is defeated, who can bear this responsibility?"

Fang Kun said sternly.

His heart is full of profit calculations, but on his face he still insists on being upright and upright.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Dianshi felt that he was a little sorry for his hometown elders by doing so.

But when he thought that he also had a share of the money, he immediately fed his conscience to the dog and praised it.

"Your Majesty is wise, I admire you!"

Fang Kunzheng nodded and said.

"Zhang Dianshi, please continue to do it and try to speed up the collection of funds."

"The bandit situation is urgent. It may spread to the area at any time and brutalize the people. We, the local officials, should put down the bandit situation as our top priority. We must not delay it too much."

Zhang Dianshi heard this and said goodbye.

Fang Kunzheng, on the other hand, was stroking his beard and settling accounts.

If his calculations were correct, he would almost be able to get his official capital back once this incident of pacifying the thieves is over.

From now on, if he continues to make money locally, it will be pure profit.

It’s really not easy. After several years, he is finally getting his money back as an official!

Jintian Town!
The geographical location of Jintian Town is relatively important, backed by mountains and close to rivers.

There is a long stretch of impact plain along the river with fertile land and plenty of water for irrigation.

Natural resources such as forests, medicinal materials, and minerals are quite abundant.

There are even several large-scale mines in the adjacent mountainous area.

Big businesses in Jintian Town have even opened private mines in the mountains and are making profits from them.

But it is precisely because of the rich resources here that a large number of people gather near Jintian Town, making Jintian Town's population a bit too dense.

In addition, this is a typical area where Tujia and Hakka live together, so local fights between Tujia and Hakka often break out due to competition for water and land.

Every time there was an armed fight, it was two families of natives and foreigners. Men, women, old and young all went into battle, and even used many native guns and cannons to support the battle. The momentum was not much smaller than when our Qing Heavenly Soldiers fought.

Every time a weapon fight ends, a few lives must be sacrificed.

The natural environment of Guangxi, which is narrow and densely populated, determines the aggressiveness and strong character engraved in the bones of Guangxi people.

Because in Guangxi, the competition for survival resources is too fierce. If you are a good person, you will most likely starve to death.

This is also the reason why in Guangxi, the power of the government is greatly suppressed. The local government is almost autonomous by the gentry and clans, and it is difficult for the government to issue government orders even in the county seat.

The Ming army consisted of hundreds of people. The crowd passed through Jintian Town and then advanced towards the mountainous area. There was a lot of movement.

The Yang family, a wealthy family in Jintian Town, received news that a large number of refugees were crossing the border from outside the town, so they sent people to follow them to investigate.

Jintian Town, at the entrance of the Yang family compound.

The butler, wearing a mandarin jacket and a melon-pipe hat, was pacing back and forth anxiously.

And behind him is the Yang family compound.

As the only big family in Jintian Town, the Yang family exclusively occupies half of the farmland on the edge of the Qianjiang River, so the courtyard is naturally magnificent.

The wall is tall, with green bricks and green tiles, and the copper nails on the red-lacquered door have been polished to a shine.

The stone lion placed at the door is also showing its teeth and claws, which is very majestic.

The reason why the Yang family has such momentum is because the Yang family is the leader of the local Tujia people in Jintian Town and the leader of the clan.The more important reason is actually because the Yang family is famous.

The head of the Yang family has three sons, the eldest of whom has passed the imperial examination and is now an official abroad.

The second son was left at home to run the family business. He was considered a good hand in business and assisted his father to make the Yang family's family business bigger and bigger.

The third son is currently studying in Fucheng and is preparing to take the imperial examination next year.

With three sons like this, the Yang family can naturally dominate Jintian Town.

The housekeeper kept circling around the door, his face full of anxiety.

Mr. Yang in the study had the same expression, also waiting for specific news.

Obviously, the news of a large number of refugees crossing the border frightened the Yang family.

After all, the Yang family is the largest family in Jintian Town. If the refugees crossing the border want to harm the place, the Yang family will definitely be the first to suffer losses.

Just as the housekeeper was running around in circles, getting more and more anxious, a boy stumbled over from the corner of the street.

The boy was sweating profusely, and the sweat was dripping down his forehead. The expression on his face was full of fear and fear.

The boy ran all the way to the door of Yang Mansion, pointed in the direction outside Jintian Town, and said with heavy breaths.

"Niu...Niu Butler, something...has happened!"

"Those who are crossing the border from our town are not refugees at all. They... they don't even have pigtails. They are... a group of rebels!"

"Those rebels are heading towards Bauhinia Mountain. It seems they are going to enter the mountain..."

Butler Niu's expression also changed slightly, and his heart skipped a beat.

realized the seriousness of the matter.

If the people crossing the border were just refugees, then Jintian Town could just pretend that nothing happened.

It's just a matter of being careful during this period to prevent refugees from coming out to rob and steal things.

Not much to lose!
Even after a while, the Yang family might be able to recruit some tenants from those refugees to farm their own land.

On the contrary, there is still money to be made!
But if the people crossing the border are rebels, that's a different story.

Not to mention that rebels are often more threatening than refugees.

Just the imperial court's attitude towards refugees and rebels was different.

If there are refugees hiding in the mountains, the court will most likely not care about them.

But if the rebels hiding in the mountains are rebels or even have their braids cut off, that's another matter.

It would be okay if the imperial court didn't find it, but once it was discovered, it would definitely send troops to encircle and suppress it.

There is a high probability that Jintian Town outside the Bauhinia Mountains will become the garrison of the imperial army's army to fight against thieves.

When the time comes, the Yang family, as a large local family, will naturally have to bleed a lot to provide money and food to supply the needs of the army.

If it's just that, it's fine.

But the military discipline of our Qing soldiers is notoriously poor.

Once the imperial army comes to Jintian Town to suppress thieves, Jintian Town will probably be in a state of chaos.

Butler Niu took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then prepared to take the boy to see Mr. Yang and ask Mr. Yang for his decision.

Butler Niu and the boy came to the door of the study room. There was a knock on the door of the study room, and Master Yang came in with a sound from inside.

Then, the door was pushed open, and Butler Niu and the boy walked into Master Yang's study together.

(End of this chapter)

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