Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 48 If you don’t believe it, all the evil ones will rush to the streets.

Chapter 48 If you don’t believe it, all the evil ones will rush to the streets.

If a feudal dynasty wants to establish a stable ruling order, it must collude with the ruling class of the landlords and gentry.

Even when Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang first started his army, he also represented the interests of the big landowners and gentry.

The famous Ming Dynasty's decree to make decisions for the people was something Zhu Yuanzhang only came up with after he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor and established a firm foothold.

In his later years, Zhu Yuanzhang made great efforts to purge heroes. It is difficult to say whether he had any intention of purging the minions of the landlords and gentry in the court.

In this era of China, nothing can be accomplished without the support of the landlord class.

In the distance, there is the Yellow Turban and Red Eyebrow, and in the distance, there is Li Chuang, the western thief, and behind there is the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Those who do not believe in evil are rushing to the streets.

Of course, rabbits are not part of the discussion.

At the very least, small and medium-sized landowners need to be won over.

And those big landowners, if possible, should try to win over them as much as possible.

This is how you conquer the world. Every time you win over one's side, you add weight to the scale of victory.

It would be even better if the additional weights were taken from the enemy.

One ebbs and another!
This is also the reason why Zhu Jing'an's position is biased towards winning over the landlords and gentry.

Because he knows what the current basis of Manchu rule is.

It was definitely not the Eight Banners soldiers who claimed to be invincible, but their collusion and interest binding with the ruling class, the landlords and gentry.

Once the landowners and gentry began to stop supporting the Manchu Qing Dynasty, it would be time for the Manchu Qing Dynasty to fall.

As the saying goes, only by having a lot of friends and a few enemies will you be able to succeed in the end.

Zhu Jing'an always understood that what he really needed to attack were only those landlords and gentry who firmly stood on the side of the Manchus, not the entire class of landlords and gentry.

Those who are enemies of an entire class never end well.

Also, Zhu Jing'an's policy of allocating fields and land was only for meritorious officers and soldiers in the Ming army, and he never had any intention of expanding its implementation.

One is because if he really did this, the land would not be enough.

The second reason is that he is worried that if he allocates fields to ordinary people, the Ming army will feel unbalanced.

Why do they have to fight life and death on the battlefield to get the land, while those common people can get the land without doing anything?
Do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from inequity, nothing more.

If everyone in the Ming army thought so, then the morale and morale of the Ming army would collapse.

If the morale of the army is shattered, then why fight?

The more important reason is that if Zhu Jing'an really engages in allocating land to local tyrants and pushes the entire class of landlords and gentry into the arms of the Manchus, then he is really looking for death.

Under the rule of the Qing Dynasty for more than 100 years, there is no soil for revolution in China.

In China at this time, 100% of the intellectuals who could govern the country and build the foundation of a political power were members of the landlord gentry class.

If a regime is anti-landlord and gentry, it is destined to be unable to go far.

Because the most important thing for the establishment of a political power is the participation of intellectuals.

If there are no intellectuals to serve as officials for you, how can you establish a political power?

Zhu Jing'an has always been very clear-headed. He knows that he is a remnant of the previous feudal dynasty, not a so-called revolutionary.

The activities he is carrying out now are not a revolution, but just a war riot to restore the previous dynasty.

He has always represented the interests of the ruling class, not the proletarians.

Because the proletarians do not need an emperor.

And he wants to be emperor!
Even if he wants to promote the bourgeois revolution, promote the outbreak of the industrial revolution, and start to fight for the interests of the bottom class, it will only be after he successfully restores the Ming Dynasty and becomes emperor.

And the reason why he did this was not sincerely thinking about the people at the bottom, but just to make his rule more stable.

Zhu Jing'an knew that there might be a saint in this world, but it would not be him.

Being selfish, greedy for money, lustful, and timid and afraid of death, he cannot be that great... Zhu Jing'an continued.

"Our only enemy is the Wuxuan County government, which represents the Manchu Qing Dynasty."

"When we get to the battlefield, what we need to do is not to annihilate all the invading Qing troops, but to destroy the part of the Qing troops that represents the Wuxuan County government."

"As long as we, the Ming Dynasty, concentrate our forces and defeat the Qing army representing the Wuxuan County government, there is a high probability that the remaining militiamen will disperse instead of continuing to fight with the Ming Dynasty."

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded approvingly.

Zhu Jianzhuo also spoke in approval.

"What my son said is true!"

"Concentrate the elite and defeat the Qing army representing the Wuxuan County government. Then our army will win half of this battle."

Wang Shun stood up and said.

"Reporting to the Supervisor, I have something to say!"

Zhu Jianzhuo nodded and signaled Wang Shun to go ahead and speak.

When Wang Shun saw this, he was not polite and stood up and said.

"I am reporting to His Majesty the Supervisor that the Qing army is about to invade. Under the command of the Crown Prince, our army should have a great chance of winning this battle."

"But after all, the war is fierce and Jintian Town is not safe. We sincerely ask His Royal Highness to move back to the Bauhinia Mountains."

"Just to be safe!"

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an also nodded and said.

"I'm reporting this to my father. I think what the chief minister said is reasonable."

"If my father moves back to Bauhinia Mountain, my sons and ministers will have less worries in this battle and be more flexible in the use of troops. The winning rate of this battle will definitely increase."

Zhu Jianzhuo's return to Zijing Mountain will allow Zhu Jing'an to lead the soldiers without any weaknesses.

There is no need to worry about the safety of the rear, and the tactics and tactics he can use will naturally be more flexible.

Seeing this, the generals also spoke in agreement.

When Zhu Jianzhuo saw everyone expressing their opinions like this, he hesitated for a while before speaking.

"All right!"

"Since everyone has done this, then the lonely king is going to move back to Bauhinia Mountain..."

In fact, Zhu Jianzhuo did not resist the move back to Bauhinia Mountain because he was also afraid of death.

The reason why I didn't agree before was, to put it bluntly, because I wanted to lose face.

If he, the prisoner, ran far away whenever there was danger, he would be afraid of being looked down upon.

But since everyone is now urging him to move back to the mountain, with such a step, Zhu Jianzhuo naturally followed it down.

With his son in charge of leading the troops, he felt relieved.


In the 41st year of Qianlong's reign, it was the second day of October.

The autumn wind is bleak. There was a light rain just yesterday. The temperature dropped suddenly. It was no longer hot and humid. The air was filled with cold and damp water vapor.

A section of the stone road in front of the Wuxuan County Yamen was washed away by rain and not stained by a trace of dust.

Li Jie got up early and stood waiting at the gate of the county government office with his companions who were also government officials.

Each of them wore brand-new uniforms, with a big word "catching" on the chest and back, and new straw sandals on their feet.

They each held a long knife in their hands, with sticks on their waists, and they held their chests and heads high, looking majestic.

(End of this chapter)

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