Chapter 47 The Ruling Class
At this moment, a messenger came in from outside, trotted all the way to Zhu Jing'an, and bowed down.

"Information to the Grand Governor, Your Highness the Governor of the State has sent you and Li Shangshu to go to the Imperial Study Room immediately to discuss matters."

Zhu Jing'an put down the report in his hand and asked.

"Father, did you tell me what happened?"

The messenger shook his head.

"If you go back to the Governor, I won't know."

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly and waved his hand to signal the soldiers to retreat.

Then he took Li Mu with him to the so-called imperial study room.

This so-called royal study is actually the original study of Mr. Yang.

Since Zhu Jianzhuo, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was currently using it, this ordinary study was naturally upgraded to the royal study.

Of course, it's just a name change, nothing else.

When Zhu Jing'an and Li Mu arrived at the Imperial Study Room, the Imperial Study Room was already full of people.

Chief Assistant Wang Shun, Shenji Battalion Commander Zhang Hu, Guangxi Chief Military Officer Han Sigu, Ministry of Industry Minister Guo Dashan and others have all arrived.

Zhu Jing'an and Li Mu pushed open the door and walked in. Zhu Jing'an bowed to Zhu Jianzhuo who was sitting behind the desk.

"The sons and ministers see the father."

Zhu Jianzhuo nodded slightly when he saw this.

"My son is exempt from courtesy and is free of charge!"

After Zhu Jing'an heard this, he stood up and stood still. The ministers in the imperial study also bowed to Zhu Jing'an one after another.

"Your Majesty, please see His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Zhu Jing'an looked around and said.

"Excuse me, gentlemen!"

Although the son of a prince is generally called the crown prince, this refers to the prince canonized by the emperor.

Under the constraints of the vassal system, the prince's son could only be called the crown prince.

The prince is a unique title for the heir of the country.

Going further back, in the pre-Qin period, the heirs of the kings of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period were also called princes.

For example, Prince Yan Pill!

In other words, only the heirs of princes below the emperor are called princes. If there is no emperor above, the heirs of princes can also be called princes.

Applying it to the present, it is because Zhu Jianzhuo's royal title was not conferred by the emperor, but was claimed by him as a member of the Ming Dynasty clan.

In addition, he also appointed himself as the supervisor of the country, so he was considered to be half an emperor.

In addition, in order to show that Zhu Jing'an was the heir to the Ming Dynasty, he was canonized as the crown prince instead of the prince.

If Zhu Jing'an is only the eldest son, not the prince, doesn't it mean that the Ming Dynasty still recognizes the orthodox status of the Manchu Qing Dynasty?
Zhu Jing'an sat down in his seat, looked around, and asked.

"My father summoned his ministers and ministers to come here today. Why?"

Zhu Jianzhuo nodded to Zhu Jing'an and said.

"The lonely king has invited all the nobles here today, mainly because there is something that needs to be discussed with everyone."

"The sentinels arranged by our army in Wuxuan County received specific news. The Wuxuan County government has made preparations to send troops to conquer the Ming Dynasty."

"Together with the county government officials, regiment training, and civilians, as well as the resistance from the gentry and gentry in various places, the number of troops used by Wuxuan County this time is expected to be around 2000 people."

"As for the time, according to the news from Wuxuan County Government, it will send troops to attack Jintian Town within five or six days."

"What do you gentlemen think of this?"

2000 people were gathered at once. For a county, this number is not small.

That is to say, this is Guangxi, where fighting between natives and foreigners is common and martial virtue is quite abundant.

In addition, what the Ming army did in Jintian Town really frightened the landlords and gentry in Wuxuan County.Otherwise, if it were in another place, the county government would never be able to recruit so many people in a short period of time.

Zhu Jing'an's face looked solemn when he heard this.

2000 people is not a small number!

Although most of them are "rabble" such as government servants, regiment drills, and civilian men, rather than regular troops.

But what you need to know is that this is Guangxi.

The most indispensable thing in this place is soldiers who are tough and good at fighting.

Among those government officials, regiment drills, and civilians, there are indeed many who are brave and good at fighting.

Especially those militia groups controlled by landlords, who are bound by clan blood ties, are destined to have good combat effectiveness.

For the Ming army at this time, these two thousand Qing troops could definitely be regarded as a powerful enemy.

And more importantly, because the officials of Wuxuan County were mediating from it.

Therefore, these 2000 people are different from the original vigilante groups in Jintian Town.

The militia in Jintian Town are divided and have different commands, so it is easy to defeat them one by one.

And Zhu Jing'an did exactly that.

He used various means of defeat to completely disintegrate the militia forces in Jintian Town in a short period of time, allowing the Ming army to gain a firm foothold in Jintian Town.

But the enemies who came this time had unified command.

In this way, it would be a big trouble for the Ming army.

Even though the Qing government's control over Guangxi was limited, it was still unable to defeat the donkey.

I believe that no big gentry dared to openly oppose the government.

The Wuxuan County government still has a certain degree of control over the militia and civilians, which can ensure that the militia and civilians will not be scattered.

Facing such an enemy, it would not be easy for the Ming army to defeat them one by one.

The rest of the people also had serious expressions on their faces, and many of them had a look of fear on their faces.

Seeing this, Zhu Jianzhuo asked again.

"Do you have any solution to this problem?"

Everyone remained silent and turned their attention to Zhu Jingan.

Zhu Jing'an had led the Ming army to victory several times before, and now Zhu Jing'an had a halo around him in their eyes.

Therefore, after encountering a problem, their first reaction is to see Zhu Jing'an's reaction.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an also felt extremely stressed under the attention of everyone.

But after pondering for a while, he still spoke.

"Facing this threat from the Qing army, we must first understand the enemy and ourselves."

"For me, the Ming Dynasty, the biggest enemy is the Qing court."

"And the landowners and gentry are actually the ones who can be won over."

Since ancient times, all insurrectionary armies that finally succeeded did not fail to win over the landlords and gentry.

Although they are unwilling to admit it, in China of this era, the Chinese landlords and gentry, like the Western capitalists, are indeed the real ruling class.

In China, the power of the landlord class is no less powerful than that of the capitalists in Western countries at the same time.

In China, officials are representatives of the landlord gentry class, while in the West, the government is the representative of capitalists.

In fact, there is no essential difference between the two. Neither is a good thing, they are just the same.

The difference is nothing more than that one is mainly engaged in land management and the other is mainly engaged in business.

As long as the landlords and gentry can see the benefits of industry and commerce and taste the benefits, it will only take a matter of minutes to transform them from landlords representing decadent feudal backwardness into capitalists symbolizing "advanced and civilized".

(End of this chapter)

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