Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 46 The nature of patriarchal preference

Chapter 46 The nature of patriarchal preference

Pan Dazhu's words came from the bottom of his heart.

Although he wants a son to pass on the incense, this does not conflict with his love for his daughter.

The reason why people in this era favor boys over girls is, to put it bluntly, the lack of development of productive forces, which makes it difficult to obtain the means of production.

As a result, poor families may not be able to feed all of their children if they have many, and they can only selectively feed one or more of them.

Compare the gains and losses of raising a son and a daughter.

Sons will be strong laborers in the future. Although it costs a lot to marry a wife, it is also adding children to one's own family.

In other words, it means adding more labor force to your family!
But my daughter is a little worse at work.

In addition, daughters will get married sooner or later. Even if they can receive a betrothal gift before getting married, the water thrown out by the married daughter will be regarded as belonging to the husband's family.

After all, raising a son is definitely more worthwhile than raising a daughter.

It is precisely because of this that when faced with the choice of raising a son or a daughter, many people will make the choice that maximizes their interests.

That means concentrating resources to support his son.

Because sons can not only carry on the family line and continue the incense, but they can also farm and work better than daughters.

Precisely because of this, daughters will naturally be treated poorly, and even common people often drown baby girls.

This is the origin of the idea of ​​favoring boys over girls.

To put it bluntly, the root of this kind of thinking still lies in the insufficient development of productive forces.

If productivity develops to a certain level, the means of production will no longer be scarce.

Then it is estimated that people will not care too much whether the child is a son or a daughter.

If conditions permit and we can feed everyone after birth, the problem of favoritism may still be unavoidable, because human beings have double standards by nature, and few can keep a bowl of water even.

But how many parents are willing to drown their daughter to death after she is born?
After all, there are only a few such beasts.

Regardless of son or daughter, they are all his biological children after all, blood is thicker than water.

Pan Dazhu now belongs to the type who has no shortage of production materials, so naturally he doesn't care whether his wife has a son or a daughter, he likes both.

It doesn't matter how many more children he has, they can all support them anyway.

Thinking of this, Pan Dazhu made up his mind that he must be a good soldier and help the Ming Dynasty overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Because he knows that everything he can enjoy now, including land, houses, official positions, status, and even his new wife, are all gifts from the Ming Dynasty.

His interests are highly consistent with those of Ming Dynasty.

He must stand with Daming.

Otherwise, once the Ming Dynasty is destroyed by the Manchus, everything he has now will be nothing more than flowers in the moonlight in the mirror.

You will be blown away by wind and rain in a blink of an eye!

Only when Ming Dynasty completes the great cause of resisting the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty can his glory and wealth be guaranteed.


Zhu Jing'an looked at a report in his hand, which recorded in detail the current situation of the Ming army.

Including the number of troops, weapons and equipment, etc. are all recorded.

According to the report, the Ming army now has a total of more than [-] soldiers.

It is divided into five departments, each with about [-] people, which is almost full.

The troops were led by Han Sigu, Zhang Hu, Xie Gao, Zhong Haishan, Liu Mingyou and others.

Here, Han Sigu turns out to be the head servant of the Zhu family.

Zhang Hu was a fugitive from the Qing Dynasty who was protected by the sixth prince Zhu.

Xie Gao was Han Sigu's former deputy, and he was also Master Zhu's confidant.

Zhong Haishan was the childhood friend of the original Zhu Jianzhuo, and his relationship with Mr. Zhu was somewhat similar to Brother Xun and Runtu.

After the Ming army rose up, Zhu Jiazhuo was naturally promoted as a confidant.Liu Mingyou is Zhu Jianzhuo's brother-in-law, Zhu Jing'an's biological uncle, and a member of the foreign relatives' influence.

In general, they are all confidants!
With these people in charge of leading the troops, Zhu Jing'an and Zhu Jianzhuo and his son felt more at ease.

In terms of armament, the Ming army's current weapons and equipment are still mainly spears.

Supplemented by bows and arrows, swords and shields, etc.

In addition, there are also a small number of muskets, artillery and other firearms.

The current military formations of the Ming army are mainly pure formations. For example, the spear phalanx is dedicated to spears, and the sword and shield phalanx is dedicated to swords and shields.

In encounters or ambushes, an army in a pure formation may suffer a loss due to the single unit type of troops.

But it also has a great advantage.

That is, forming an army and training is simpler than a flower formation.

The same goes for those who use spears and specialize in spears, and those who use swords and shields and specialize in swords and shields, bows and arrows, and muskets.

Concentration leads to mastery.

If you only practice one thing, you will definitely get results more easily than if you practice everything else and bite off more than you can chew.

The requirements of the Flower Formation are a bit high for the army. It requires the army to go through a long period of training and running-in before they can cooperate on the battlefield and exert corresponding combat effectiveness.

What the Ming army lacks most now is time!

There was not much time for Zhu Jing'an to slowly train the army.

Zhu Jing'an could only ask the Ming army to train mainly in pure formations first, and then dispatch the army to coordinate operations according to specific needs during war.

So far, the effect should be pretty good.

At the very least, after these consecutive battles, the Ming army's combat effectiveness was pretty good.

Also, after Zhu Jing'an settled down, he also replenished the Ming army's establishment.

There is an adjutant for each establishment, who is mainly responsible for taking over the command of the chief officer and continuing to command the army in wartime when something unexpected happens to the chief officer.

In addition, he also set up a wounded battalion in the army specifically responsible for medical treatment, a war supervision team specifically responsible for supervising operations, a gendarmerie specifically responsible for supervising military law and discipline, and ideological instructors specifically responsible for ideological education in the army, etc...

It can be regarded as further improving the establishment of the Ming army!
Although there are still many shortcomings in the Ming Army at present, they will definitely continue to improve in the future.

Zhu Jing'an was never a genius, he was just good at learning.

If you want him to come up with a complete military establishment all at once, to be honest, he can't do it.

As an ordinary person, he can only find problems, then patch them, and slowly correct them.

"Grand Governor, the land allocation matters have been fully implemented."

"The soldiers who have won military honors have all obtained the land they deserve."

Zhu Jing'an was reading the report, and Li Mu came to report.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just nodded slightly.

"very good!"

"What's the feedback from the soldiers on this?"

Zhu Jing'an asked.

Li Mu nodded vigorously.

"Morale boosted!"

"As soon as the field is divided, I can clearly feel that the morale of our army is high, and the soldiers are truly home."

Zhu Jing'an nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, as he said, there is nothing in the world that can win over the military more than Bita.

This move is a big killer no matter when it is used.

(End of this chapter)

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