Chapter 49 The braid in people’s hearts
The gate of the county government office was wide open. Li Xian Cheng, wearing a military officer's robe, walked out of the county government office. The county magistrate Fang Kun was reluctant to say goodbye to him.

"The journey here is difficult and dangerous, and it is not easy to defeat the thieves. The safety of this county and the safety of the gentry and people are entrusted to the hands of the county magistrate."

Fang Kun was wearing an official robe, with an embroidered patch on the chest, an official hat, court beads, and a top hat.

Full of authority!

Li Xian Cheng also wears neat official robes, but the patch on his chest is a seahorse symbolizing the ninth grade, which does not look very impressive.

Li Xian Cheng knelt down in front of Fang Kun and saluted, and then spoke.

"Don't worry, sir. If I go here, I will definitely be able to put down the bandits and come back with a great victory!"

"I will definitely live up to your lord's cultivation, the trust of the court, and the high expectations of the gentry and the common people..."

Fang Kunzheng nodded vigorously when he heard the words.

"I really did not misjudge you!"

"Then I will be here in advance to wish Prime Minister Li a victorious return."

As he spoke, he helped Li County Cheng up from the ground.

Li Xian Cheng turned around and took the people away, taking Bai Ding, the county government servant, and the Tuan Lian civilian husband, all the way to the outside of Wuxuan City.

After leaving the city, the Qing army began to march along the Qianjiang River, heading east toward Jintian Town.

Along the way, militia groups in the hands of landlords and gentry from various places also gathered one after another, and the scale of the Qing army was constantly expanding.

On the water of the Qianjiang River, the ships responsible for transporting grain, grass, ordnance for the Qing army were connected together.

Can't see the edge!
The scale is quite huge!

After the Qing army mobilized troops in Wuxuan County, Zhu Jing'an quickly received the corresponding news.

He immediately ordered the army to prepare for war and be ready to face the invading Qing army.

Since the meritorious soldiers had just been allocated a wave of fields and a daughter-in-law, the morale of the Ming army was now very high.

Even after knowing the news that the Qing army was coming to kill them, no one in the Ming army felt any fear or fear.

On the contrary, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were all ready to move, scrambling to go to the battlefield and give the invading Qing army a lesson.

If we say that before this, the Ming army was only fighting for the Ming Dynasty, to "destroy the Tartars and restore China", although the slogans were very passionate, they were ultimately a bit illusory.

But after Zhu Jing'an divided the fields for them, the Ming army no longer fought for the Ming Dynasty, but for themselves.

Whether it is for themselves or for Ming Dynasty, the gap between them is not small. The combat effectiveness and enthusiasm that the soldiers can exert are naturally different.

Zhu Jianzhuo led his troops back to Zijing Mountain, while Zhu Jing'an personally led the troops and took the initiative to prepare to fight the Qing army.

At the beginning, Zhu Jing'an was originally thinking of launching a defensive counterattack based on Jintian Town.

But after thinking about it, he found that this was not feasible.

Because people in Jintian Town are unstable!

If he chooses to use Jintian Town as a battlefield, he is afraid that when the fighting becomes fierce, changes will occur on the rear and the people of Jintian Town will turn against them.

The Manchu Qing Dynasty now is no longer the Manchu Qing Dynasty when they first entered the customs.

After more than 100 years of stability in the world, more and more people in the world began to regard the Manchu Qing Dynasty as orthodox.

To the people of Jintian Town, the Ming Army at this time was just a bandit under the banner of the previous dynasty.

The Manchu and Qing government was the imperial court.

If they had a choice, they would definitely want to side with the imperial court.

The reason why I didn't resist before was because I was frightened by the Ming army's force and didn't dare to resist.

But once the Qing army invaded the country and they saw an opportunity to resist the Ming Dynasty, it was another matter.

The braid on the back of a person’s head is easy to cut.

But it is very difficult to cut off the braids in people's hearts.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, people all over the world were forced to shave their heads. At that time, shaving their heads did not necessarily mean that they would aspire to the Manchus.After shaving their heads, countless people raised flags to rebel against the Qing Dynasty.

In the same way, at this time, cutting one's braids does not mean that one's heart is towards the Ming Dynasty.

Although the people of Jintian Town had their braids cut off, they still yearned for the Manchus.

As long as the Manchus and the Qing Dynasty promised not to hold them accountable for their severed braids, it would be a matter of minutes for the people of Jintian Town to turn against them.

Under such circumstances, how could Zhu Jing'an dare to defend and counterattack in Jintian Town?

Although this matter is only a possibility that Zhu Jing'an himself guessed.

But he still didn't dare to bet on the choices of the people of Jintian Town.

Now the only choice left before Zhu Jing'an was to take the initiative.

Zhu Jing'an led his troops to leave Jintian Town again and headed west, preparing to meet the invading Qing army in the Dongxiang area.

After the Ming army left Jintian Town, the solemn atmosphere that had been hanging over Jintian Town for a while had obviously dissipated a lot.

The autumn wind howled, and the flags of the Ming army fluttered.

A famous soldier wore a red scarf on his head and sang the powerful Red Scarf Army war song, preparing to embark on the battlefield against the Tartars.

"The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, fame and fortune, dust and soil!"

"Looking at Shenzhou, the people are suffering, and thousands of miles of fertile land are barren!"

"Look at the world, make all the hustlers, and make up for the incompleteness of heaven!"

"Good man, don't be parents, just for the common people, not for the sake of the Lord!"


Once upon a time, our ancestors sang the war song of the Red Turban Army and drove the arrogant Mongols out of the Central Plains, establishing the glorious Ming Dynasty.

Now, it is their turn to sing war songs loudly, to fight against the Manchu and Qing Tatars, to overturn the mountains weighing on everyone's heads, and to fight for the national liberation of the Han nation!

Zhu Jing'an was riding on the horse, with blood surging in his chest.

It had been more than a month and a half since he launched an army to fight against the Qing Dynasty. Now it was finally his first time to fight against the Qing army. Naturally, he couldn't calm down.

"Report, Commander-in-Chief, our army's sentinels reported that the Qing Tatar troops are still less than twenty miles away from our army."

A sentry rider came galloping to report.

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly, signaled the sentry to investigate again, and then spoke.

"After the order is passed, the army will camp on the spot and build forts. The whole army will repair and restore its strength. The leading soldiers and civilians will make rice and be ready to fight at any time."

Since the last time he led an army to raid Jintian Town, under his command, the army rushed to Jintian Town in one breath, but it was exhausted due to the march and could not go into battle, which made a big joke.

Zhu Jing'an also has a good memory.

There is no use rushing into the battlefield. To win a war, the physical condition of the soldiers is also one of the important factors.

If the physical strength of our soldiers has been exhausted before the war begins, then half of the battle will be lost without fighting.

Still more than half!

Therefore, before the war begins, Zhu Jing'an must let the Ming army recover as much physical strength as possible.

Let the enemy consume more energy!

Thinking about this, Zhu Jing'an spoke again.

"Thank you!"

Hearing this, Xie Gao stood up and said with fists in his hands.

"The end is here!"

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(End of this chapter)

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