Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 319 Qianlong’s death and the secret funeral

In the dormitory, the atmosphere was quite depressing.

The air is filled with the strong smell of Chinese medicine and the sour smell caused by being without ventilation for a long time.

Qianlong opened his eyelids that seemed to be stuck with glue with difficulty, and looked at Yonglin who was kneeling in front of the hospital bed.

Qianlong opened and closed his mouth as if he had something to say.

Seeing this, Yonglin quickly walked a few steps to Qianlong's bedside and spoke.

"Huang Ama, my son is here, my son is here, please speak slowly if you have something to say, don't be anxious..."

When Yonglin said this, his eyes were full of grief and concern that were so intense that they couldn't be turned away.

Now Yonglin's appearance is not just pretending, but a real expression of true feelings.

He really has feelings for Qianlong.

Qianlong's mouth opened and closed, as if rough gravel was rubbing against his throat, and he spat out a few vague syllables.

"I...I'm afraid I'm going to die."

"Yong... Yonglin, after my death... you will take over the throne. You have to take on... the responsibilities of the new king. The future of the Qing Dynasty... will be entrusted to your hands. On..."

In fact, to be honest, Qianlong was not very satisfied with Yonglin.

His real favorite successor is his fifteenth elder brother Yongyan.

Otherwise, he would not have handed over all the northwest areas of the Qing Dynasty that had the greatest war potential to Yongyan.

However, now Yongyan has been sent to the outer town!

He was far away in Xi'an, but Qianlong's body was already failing and might collapse at any time.

At this time, it was already too late to call him back.

Therefore, Yonglin, who was not sent out to the outer town because of his young age and was still left in the capital, was Qianlong's only choice.

Qianlong really didn't expect that his body would collapse so quickly...

Otherwise, he would definitely have made arrangements for this matter in advance.

It's just that the matter has come to this, and now Qianlong can only pray silently in his heart, praying that Yonglin will be a successful person and be able to shoulder the important task of revitalizing the Qing Dynasty in the future.

When Yonglin heard this, he knew that these were probably Qianlong's last words.

With tears in his eyes, he nodded vigorously.

"Huang Ama, I understand, I understand."

"Don't worry, Emperor Ama, I will definitely not disappoint you..."

Qianlong was lying on the hospital bed. He lifted up his skinny palm and touched Yonglin's cheek.

Seeing this, Yonglin took the initiative to send his face to Qianlong.

Qianlong's thin palms caressed Yonglin's face carefully, as if what he was touching was a piece of fine jade...

The atmosphere in the entire dormitory began to become more and more depressed.

At this moment, along with a burst of chaotic footsteps, an announcement sounded outside the dormitory.

"Your Majesty, urgent report from Liaodong!"

Hearing this announcement, Qianlong's spirit perked up a little.

He ordered to Li Yu on the side.

"Li Yu, go get the emergency report and let me see what's going on."

Qianlong knew that he was going to die, so he wanted to use his last sober time to do something for the Qing Dynasty.

Hearing this, Li Yu opened his mouth and said.

"Master, no, you need to rest now. You must not work any more!"

This was Li Yu's rare disobedience to Qianlong, and his tone was quite firm.

When Qianlong heard this, he was not angry. He knew that Li Yu was caring about his body, so he just shook his head slightly and said.

"Go get it!"

"Don't make me say it a second time!"

Although Qianlong was seriously ill, his power became stronger and stronger.

He just stared, and Li Yu was instantly stuck. Not daring to say anything, he turned around and went out, following Qianlong's instructions to get the urgent report.

Then it was solemnly handed over to Qianlong!

But his eyes still looked worried.

Qianlong took the urgent message from Liaodong and sat up from the bed with the support of Li Yu and Yonglin.

Immediately, he opened the emergency report and started reading it.

But soon, Qianlong's face turned from white to red, and from red to black. Immediately, his throat bulged and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

In an instant, Qianlong's eyes widened and he lay back.

The whole person suddenly lost his breath, and the urgent letter was also covered in blood.

Qianlong's last consciousness rested on the line of text he just saw.

[The sixth elder brother Yongrong, the governor of Shengjing, reported that Zhaoling and Fuling were attacked by bandits. Shengjing's troops must be used to defend Zhaoling and Fuling, and they are unable to reinforce the Korean war in a short time...]

Just looking at this urgent report, it doesn’t seem like it’s a big deal.

But if you connect things back and forth, it's a different story.

Why did the bandits not come earlier or later, but why did they attack Zhaoling and Fuling after the imperial court ordered Shengjing to mobilize troops to reinforce the Korean War?

What a coincidence!

What kind of thieves are attacking the late emperor's mausoleum? It's so obvious that Yong Rong is disobeying his order.

Qianlong's heart was full of sorrow now. He was still alive, but he was seriously ill, so Yongrong dared to disobey him.

If he waits for his death, no one knows what Yong Rong will do.

Thinking of this, Qianlong couldn't help but feel the blood rising. He opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of blood, immediately losing his breath.

She was so angry that she died on the hospital bed due to Yong Rong's sexy manipulation!

Seeing Qianlong opening his mouth and spitting out blood, and then lying back on the couch, he immediately lost his breath.

When everyone in the dormitory saw this scene, they couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"Do not……"



"Imperial Physician! Quickly tell the Imperial Physician..."

Amidst a flurry of shouts, the imperial doctor waiting on duty outside the dormitory was invited in.

He immediately rushed forward to take Qianlong's pulse...

However, as soon as the imperial doctor's fingers were placed on Qianlong's wrist, the expression on his face changed.

Immediately, he shook his head and said.

"The emperor passed away..."

When Yonglin heard this, he was the first to cry out.


"You quack, you fart, Emperor Ama will be fine, absolutely not!"

Yonglin got excited and grabbed the imperial doctor's collar, pulled hard, raised his fist and hit the imperial doctor's face.

There was only a bang, and the imperial doctor was hit with a black bruise on his face. He fell to the ground wailing. Yonglin rushed forward and punched and kicked the imperial doctor.

But soon Yonglin was pulled back.

Li Shiyao came forward and said to Yonglin.

"Brother Seventeen, it is a foregone conclusion that my master has passed away. As the new king, you must shoulder the heavy responsibility of presiding over the government."

"Thousands of common people in the Qing Dynasty will all bear on your shoulders, you must not collapse!"

Yonglin couldn't help crying loudly.

Before this, he really had no idea that he could succeed.

Now that he is suddenly about to ascend to the throne, Yonglin is actually more confused and at a loss than surprised. He had no idea what to do next!

After crying for a moment, Yonglin forced herself to regain her composure and asked with sobs.

"I...what should I do next?"

Yonglin subconsciously looked at Li Shiyao, hoping that he, the foreman, could help him make an idea.

Seeing this, Li Shiyao narrowed his eyes and said.

"The death of the Emperor is a foregone conclusion. This matter will inevitably have an impact on the situation in our country. The most important thing His Highness should do now is to minimize this impact as much as possible."

"Perhaps Your Highness can keep the mourning secret for the time being, and use the name of the emperor to recall the sixth elder brother, the eighth elder brother, the fifteenth elder brother and other elder brothers to the capital for discussion, and try to remove the military power of these elder brothers at the minimum cost, so as to Stabilize the situation in the Qing Dynasty."

"As long as several elder brothers can be relieved of their military power, His Highness can successfully succeed to the throne."

"As long as the Qing Dynasty has no internal worries, His Highness will have the hope of working hard to revive the power of the Qing Dynasty in the future."

Li Shiyao was Qianlong's confidant. Generally speaking, he would not choose sides among his elder brothers.

However, this is different from the past.

Qianlong died suddenly and left an edict to order the Seventeenth Prince to succeed him. Although Li Shiyao still had doubts in his heart, he also knew that letting the Seventeenth Prince succeed him was indeed the best choice at the moment.

Therefore, Li Shiyao has now made up his mind to stand with the Seventeenth Brother and help the new king stabilize the current situation.

Because the current Qing Dynasty really can no longer withstand civil strife!

Yong Lin heard this and nodded.


"I, I listen to Li Zhongtang, just let Zhongtang make arrangements..."

After saying this, Yonglin rushed to Qianlong's body again and began to wail and cry bitterly.

The expression is quite sad!



Prince's Mansion!

Outside the delivery room, Zhu Jing'an's face showed visible anxiety.

He kept pacing and circling at the door of the delivery room, and the air pressure around his body was very low.

Seeing this, the palace maids and chambermaids around them lowered their voices and did not dare to do anything. They even tried not to make a sound while breathing.

He was afraid that Zhu Jing'an, who was obviously a little anxious now, would be angered by something trivial, and would be punished for it.

In the delivery room, He Yuxiu's weak screams could be heard.

As well as the news of several stable ladies busy inside and outside.

She was pregnant in ten months, and today was the day He Yuxiu gave birth.

This is the first time in Zhu Jing'an's past and present lives that he is going to be a father, so it is natural that he will feel anxious.

Beside him, Zeng Yuanyuan, Huang Yingying and other concubines from the Prince's Mansion were also standing waiting.

No matter what they were thinking deep down, at least on the outside, all of them looked anxious.

No matter how much they hoped that He Yuxiu would have trouble giving birth or that He Yuxiu would not have a son, they did not dare to show it in front of Zhu Jing'an.

In front of Zhu Jing'an, his concubines still maintained the most basic harmony on the surface.

Even if everyone has conflicts, they dare to break them in front of Zhu Jing'an.

As for the secret manipulation?

They even dare not.

Regarding the competition between concubines and concubines, Zhu Jing'an was actually happy to see the results.

Because if these women want to compete for favor, they have to compete to show off in front of him and serve him in different ways to make him feel more comfortable.

In other words, when these women compete for favor, it is actually Zhu Jing'an who benefits in the end.

In this regard, Zhu Jing'an naturally turned a blind eye.

However, fighting for favor is still fighting for favor, but if anyone dares to cross the line, such as secretly murdering a pregnant concubine, Zhu Jing'an is not a fool.

Who dares to push things too far? Don't blame Zhu Jing'an for being ruthless.

How should I put it? Zhu Jing'an knew that once this kind of unhealthy trend appears, it must be killed ruthlessly.

Don't show mercy when this clan is exterminated!

Otherwise, if the concubines in the harem really resorted to unscrupulous means to commit evil, he really couldn't guarantee that some of his heirs would survive to adulthood.

As a mature political animal, in Zhu Jing'an's heart, everyone has his or her own weight.

Obviously, to him, the weight of a woman cannot be compared to that of an heir.

Seeing the visible anxiety on Zhu Jing'an's face, Huang Yingying took a few steps forward and spoke to comfort her.

"Your Highness, don't worry too much. Sister He has a profound blessing. I believe that Sister He will be safe and sound, and mother and son will be safe."

Huang Yingying's voice was quite gentle.

She knows when to say the right words for maximum effect.

"Besides, here are the best stable women in the entire Nanjing city. Even if there is an emergency, they will definitely have a way to solve it."

"Your Highness, please relax!"

Huang Yingying continued.

After He Yuxiu became pregnant, the Ming Dynasty began to recruit Wen Po from among the people and collected various precious medicinal materials to prepare for her delivery.

Ever since He Yuxiu became pregnant, no matter what she did every day, she would be accompanied by two experienced senior women.

Just afraid of what might happen!

Now that she was finally about to give birth, Zhu Jing'an was still nervous.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just slowly exhaled a breath and nodded slightly.

"Yeah, I understand!"

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

From a distance, I heard a palace maid saluting.

"My slave, please see your majesty. Long live your majesty, long live, long live your majesty!"

After Zhu Jianzhuo heard the news that his daughter-in-law was about to give birth, he immediately put down his government affairs and ordered someone to go to the Prince's Mansion to check out the specific situation in person.

Come and witness the birth of your eldest grandson or granddaughter in person!

Compared with Qianlong, although Zhu Jianzhuo was still young, his health was not very good and he suffered from many chronic diseases.

Therefore, Zhu Jianzhuo planned to give the Zen position to Zhu Jing'an after the world was unified, and then he could retire and take care of himself.

After that, his greatest pleasure was to play with his grandson and enjoy family happiness.

In this case, how could he not care about his daughter-in-law's birth situation?

Zhu Jianzhuo arrived outside the delivery room with several chamberlains and guards.

Before Zhu Jing'an could salute him, Zhu Jianzhuo stepped forward, supported Zhu Jing'an, and then asked.

"How is my son's condition? Is he going to give birth?"

Zhu Jing'an's face darkened slightly when he heard this, but he still spoke.

"Thank you for your concern, Father, the situation is not good."

"We have been busy in the delivery room for half an hour. According to Mrs. Wen, Yuxiu may be pregnant with twins this time, and it will be difficult to give birth..."

When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, the original joy on his face faded a bit, and his thick eyebrows frowned slightly.

The expression on his face is not very pretty.

The reason is also very simple, because since ancient times, if twins are born in the royal family, it will be a trouble.

If it's a girl, it's okay. They're just twin sisters. How rare they are. It's not like the royal family can't afford them.

But if it’s a boy, that’s a big problem!

Because the appearance of the twins is almost identical, it is difficult to tell who is the elder brother and who is the younger brother. At this time, the eldest son inheritance system of the Ming Dynasty will appear very weak.

That's why Zhu Jianzhuo's face looks a little ugly.

Like Zhu Jing'an, he did not hope that there would be civil strife in the Ming Dynasty due to the succession of the throne in the future.

The old Zhu family can't imitate the old Li family and make this bad idea of ​​"the father resigns and the son laughs"! (End of chapter)

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