Chapter 15 Raid on the Mine
Upon hearing this, Butler Niu bowed and agreed.

"Don't worry, sir, I understand. I'll arrange for someone to do it later."

After hearing this, Mr. Yang nodded with satisfaction.


It's night, the moon hangs high.

Due to the Mid-Autumn Festival that just passed the day before yesterday, the moon is still very bright, and a large disk with only one corner missing hangs in the sky.

Bright stars dotted the night sky, and the galaxy stretched beautifully.

But now Pan Dazhu has no intention of appreciating the beauty of the night sky and the stars.

Because he was a mining slave, or a mining slave who was beaten half to death by the supervisor after failing to escape, and then hung on the flagpole to wait for death.

One day of sun exposure almost killed most of his life.

His bound hands were even numb and purple due to congestion. If he continued like this, it wouldn't be long before his hands, and even his arms, would become necrotic due to congestion.

His face, which was bruised and swollen and covered in blood, seemed to be filled with pain and despair.

In his blur of consciousness, he seemed to see his parents, wife and children waving to him.

Maybe he really wants to see them this time, Pan Dazhu thought.

He once had a small but happy family although he was poor.

Pan Dazhu was from Sichuan. In recent years, the imperial court conquered Jinchuan and Jinchuan and recruited a large number of civilians from Sichuan to accompany the army. Pan Dazhu was one of them.

He went through untold hardships on the battlefield and worked hard to survive. When he returned home, he was devastated to find that his home was gone and his parents, wife and children all died in the war.

What made him even more devastated was that the perpetrators were not the chieftain soldiers from Jinchuan and Jinchuan, but our Qing Heavenly Soldiers stationed there.

After Pan Dazhu learned the news, he immediately became furious.

I worked tirelessly on the front line as a civilian husband for the imperial army, serving the food, drink and shit of the soldiers. At critical moments, I was forced to die on the battlefield as cannon fodder.

It can be regarded as sacrificing his life to protect the Qing Dynasty!

But is this how the Qing Dynasty treated him?
Others were still fighting for the Qing Dynasty on the front line, but the Qing Dynasty killed his whole family!
In anger, Pan Dazhu chose revenge.

He used his identity as a civilian husband to sneak into the military camp and put a large bag of arsenic in the Qing army's food. He poisoned more than ten Qing soldiers to death, including a Dusi officer.

It can be regarded as revenge for his family.

Then, he took advantage of the chaos to escape from the military camp and embarked on the road to escape.

Fleeing all the way south to Jintian Town, Guangxi, Pan Dazhu wanted to settle down in Guangxi, live a good life, and start a new life.

Unexpectedly, the Yang family saw that he was a foreigner, helpless and easy to bully, so they tricked him into working as a miner in the mountains.

He also bullied him into being illiterate and took out a slave deed from being sold into slavery and lied to him that it was a miner's work deed so he signed a bond.

Then, Pan Dazhu changed from a free man to a slave in the Yang family mine.

He risked being killed in the mine every day and worked exhaustingly, but he couldn't even get enough to eat.

As time passed, Pan Dazhu couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to escape.

But unfortunately, his escape failed and he was caught by the mine supervisor. He was whipped dozens of times in front of about [-] mine slaves, and then hung on a flagpole and left to die.

Use this to deter other restless miners in the mine!
Pan Dazhu's head was lowered, and the braid on the back of his head was hanging weakly.

My throat was so dry that every time I took a breath it felt like I was stabbing my throat with a knife.

My lips are already dry and flaky!
After being exposed to the sun all day, he was now severely dehydrated and almost completely unconscious.

The saliva in his mouth was regarded as nectar, and he was not willing to waste it at all.

Pan Dazhu swore that if someone could give him a large glass of cold water now, he would sell his life to him.Opening his eyes with difficulty, Pan Dazhu's eyes were staring in the direction of the overseer's residence, even though he was vaguely conscious, his eyes full of ferocity and resentment.

If he can survive this time, he must kill those damn overseers...

Thinking of this, Pan Dazhu couldn't bear it anymore. It was as if there was glue on his eyelids and he could no longer open them.

As he was dying of consciousness, Pan Dazhu saw in a trance a supervisor who came out of the room to urinate at night. He was stabbed through the heart with a knife from behind. His body trembled and he fell to the ground.

After that, Pan Dazhu knew nothing.


Zhu Jingan pulled out the long knife that pierced the overseer's heart, suppressed the discomfort he felt after his first murder, and thought to himself.

Sure enough, my ex-girlfriend who had been a forensic doctor was right. When killing someone, stabbing the heart was more efficient than a headshot.

This is really efficient!

As for cutting the throat...

Modern medicine has proven that even when cutting the throat, the dagger is first inserted into the neck, and then cut from the inside out to break all the blood vessels and trachea, the person can still live for dozens of seconds after the throat is cut.

He spoke with a cold face and gave instructions to the Ming army beside him.

"Go ahead and try to catch as many alive as possible."

Upon hearing this, Han Sigu and Zhang Hu each led a group of people and left with fists in hand.

They went towards the houses where the overseers lived.

Zhu Jing'an was responsible for the specific command of this raid on the Yang family mine in Zijing Mountain.

Zhu Guochang also sent two of his generals to join Zhu Jingan.

Even though one of Han Sigu and Zhang Hu was a servant and the other was just a butcher, before they came to Zhujiazhuang, they were both famous ruthless figures on the court's wanted list.

Han Sigu was once a member of the Tiandihui. He was forced to flee because he killed officials who bullied him in anger, and was later taken in by Zhu Guochang.

Zhang Hu is said to have participated in the Qingshui Sect uprising in Shandong and was one of the leaders of Wang Lun.

After the Qingshui Rebellion was defeated, he had no choice but to flee south to Guangxi.

After arriving in Guangxi, he was taken in by Zhu Guochang and worked as a butcher in Zhujiazhuang, and he settled down.

These two people are not simple characters.

The two men led people straight to the wooden house where the overseers lived, and broke in through the door.

In an instant, there was a burst of screams and fighting sounds in the wooden house. The Ming army had a numerical advantage, and they were still prepared or unprepared.

Naturally, the battle ended quickly.

One of the supervisors wanted to resist, but Zhang Hu swung an ax and smashed his skull with his backhand, causing his brains to burst out.

The bloody scene frightened other supervisors around.

A total of three people were killed and two were injured by the Ming army. Looking at the bloody and terrifying scene in front of them, the supervisors were so frightened that they no longer dared to resist.

It was a very wise choice to surrender.

After all, they only use money to do things, and the mine is not theirs. They only get a little salary a month, so why bother to work hard?
Soon, Han Sigu and Zhang Hu, who were covered in blood, came to Zhu Jingan and opened their mouths to report.

"Prince Qi, the battle is over."

"Three of the enemy were killed, two were injured, and the rest have been captured."

"Our army is victorious!"

(End of this chapter)

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