Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 14 Lifting the roof and opening windows

Chapter 14 Lifting the roof and opening windows

"We agreed today not to have any more disputes. If you cause trouble again in the future, I, the clan leader, will ask for justice in front of my ancestors."

As Mr. Lu Xun said, the Chinese people's temper has always been like this. If you directly tell them to open the window, they will most likely refuse.

But if you say you want to take off the roof, and then say you can open the windows, then it will probably happen.

This is what He Shou is using now.

First come up with several plans that are unacceptable to both parties, and then come up with the real plan after they reject it.

At this time, because they had already rejected the clan leader's proposal many times, coupled with the reasonableness of the current plan, and the gloomy look on the clan leader's face, they were definitely embarrassed to refuse.

In this way, this matter will most likely be solved perfectly!

As the leader of a clan, He Shou has a lot of insights into how to deal with these trivial matters in the clan.

The two families looked at each other, and although they were still a little reluctant, they could only nod in agreement.

Seeing this, He Shou nodded slightly to express his satisfaction.

However, he had just prepared to ask everyone to leave the ancestral hall so as not to disturb the peace of the ancestors.

A man ran in outside.

The man trotted all the way to He Shou and gasped.

"Clan...Clan leader, something serious has happened."

"The Yang family in Jintian Town is calling together the Tujia representatives in the town to go to the Yang Mansion to discuss matters. They want to form a militia, but... they may be coming against us!"

He Shou's face suddenly darkened when he heard this, but he still spoke.

"what is the problem?"

The man wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and said.

"To the chief, during the autumn harvest some time ago, a conflict broke out between us and the Tujia people over a piece of grain drying ground, and we had a fight with weapons."

"Five were injured on our side, ten were injured on the opposite side, and one died."

"At that time, both parties were busy with the autumn harvest and no manpower was available, so the incident did not escalate."

"But now that the autumn harvest is over, those Tujia people are gathering people in Jintian Town again. It seems that they are preparing to retaliate against us."

When the man said this, he couldn't help but grit his teeth.

He didn't know that the Ming army passed through Jintian Town and then entered Zijing Mountain. Therefore, he thought that the Yang family gathered people in Jintian Town to prepare for the Hakkas like them.

He Shou was also misled when he heard this.

The expression on his face turned green and white, and he realized the seriousness of the matter.

Everyone around them spoke one after another.

"These stupid Tujia people won't give us a way to survive!"

"If he wants to fight, then let's fight. We Hakka people will accompany him to the end. The autumn harvest happens to be here and we have money and food. Since he wants to fight with weapons, we will fight with them till the end."

"Yeah, isn't it just a fight with weapons? Just fight, if you're afraid of death, why don't you act like a ghost!"


Hearing the clamor of the tribesmen around him, He Shou was also excited and spoke directly.

"Damn it, send someone to notify the village chiefs so that everyone is ready to fight with weapons."

"Take out the guns and cannons from the bottom of everyone's house. If those Tujia people really dare to invade, then give those damn Tujia people a hard time."

"Damn it, if you don't show them how powerful you are, they still think we Hakka people are easy to bully!"

Everyone should be.

These days, the scale of fighting between locals and guests in Guangxi is very large.

There are often hundreds or even thousands of people, and the people of Guangxi, who are full of martial arts, will even use some native guns and cannons in the armed fights.

Although the Qing Dynasty in these days strictly prohibited guns, it could only be implemented in prosperous places such as Zhili Central Plains and Jiangnan.

Guangxi old men will definitely not listen to the orders of the Manchus.

After all, they still have to fight with weapons. What if they really ban guns?If the government really wants to ban the guns of Guangxi old men, then they will definitely fight against the Manchu and Qing government.

Faced with the Guangxi old men who were full of martial virtue and could easily pull hundreds and thousands of people into fighting with weapons, the official uniforms of the Qing court also had a headache.

In the end, I could only turn a blind eye.

After all, it is impossible for the Qing government to drag tens of thousands of people to Guangxi to dig into the mountains and ravines just to ban guns, right?

That’s not worth it!

After receiving the warning from Hejia Village, the Hakka villages in Jintian Town also began to prepare for armed fighting.

Naturally, the actions of the Hakka people cannot be hidden from the Tujia people.

A group of Tujia people led by the Yang family soon learned of the Hakka people's actions.

"Sir, this is the situation."

"Those Hakka people heard rumors somewhere that we Tujia people gathered militia to deal with their rumors, so we all prepared to fight with weapons."

"Among them, the larger villages, Hejia Village, Luojia Village, and Weijia Village are already connected to each other."

"It seems that he is planning to have a collision with us!"

With a heavy heart, Butler Niu came to his master's study to report.

When Mr. Yang heard this, his expression became quite solemn.

With the strength of his Yang family, if he just suppressed thieves, there would be no problem.

Those hundreds of rebels could not be the opponent of his militia in any case.

Most of Mr. Yang's militiamen are elites tempered by years of fighting with weapons.

Speaking of combat effectiveness, it may not be worse than the economical soldiers of our Qing Dynasty.

But if those Hakka people also get involved, things will be in trouble.

You know, the number of Hakka people in Jintian Town is much smaller than that of the Tujia people.

But when it comes to combat effectiveness, it is not worse than them.

In the past, when fighting with weapons, the Hakkas were at a numerical disadvantage, but the outcome of the fighting was usually [-]-[-].

The Tujia people don’t get any advantage!
After thinking for a while, Mr. Yang spoke.

"How about sending someone to explain to those Hakkas that we called the militia to defeat thieves, not to fight with them?"

Butler Niu heard this and spoke.

"If you tell me back to the master, I think those Hakka people may not believe it."

"Hakka villages are all on the edge of the mountains, and if we want to go into the mountains to suppress bandits, we must go in the direction of the mountains."

“So, I’m afraid those Hakka people won’t believe it!”

When Master Yang heard this, he hummed and said.

"In that case, there's no need to explain it to them."

"At worst, we'll defeat the Hakkas first, and then go into the mountains to suppress the bandits."

Mr. Yang grew up in Guangxi and participated in many martial arts fights.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is a feud with the Hakka people.

When facing the Hakka people, he would not back down no matter what.

When Butler Niu heard this, he could only praise the master for his wisdom.

After Master Yang said this, he spoke again.

"However, I'd better explain it if I can."

"Whether those Hakkas believe it or not, we must avoid conflicts with them as much as possible."

"After all, suppressing thieves is our main goal."

(End of this chapter)

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