Chapter 76 Small Victory (22)

At this moment, suddenly, smoke appeared again at the corner of the mountain col in the distance.

Zhu Jing'an raised his telescope and saw the main force of the Qing army arriving on the battlefield in a mighty manner.

The Qing army, horse and infantry, all moved forward, and the black crowd could not be seen at a glance.

It seemed to fill his sight!
A large number of civilians followed closely behind the army, numbering at least ten thousand.

he knows.

Reinforcements from the Qing army.


Zhu Jing'an ordered with an undetectable curve at the corner of his mouth.

"I sent an order to Zeng Yao's troops. As soon as the Qing army reinforcements arrived and joined the battlefield, they immediately retreated and made way for the stone bridge to let the Qing army cross the river."

"Zhang Hu's troops must also be prepared to respond, so as not to impact the army formation when Zeng Yao's troops withdraw."

When the ordering soldiers heard this, they clasped their fists and left.

Zhu Jing'an turned around and gave instructions.

"Send the order to the heavy artillery positions on the hilltop and let them be ready to fire at any time upon receiving the order."

"Send the order to the demolition team and tell them they can prepare to blow up the bridge..."

Zhu Jing'an's orders were issued continuously, and the Ming army was preparing for the war in full swing.

Boom!dong dong!

The war drums sounded again.

At the same time, on the Shiqiao battlefield, the Qing army had already shown signs of defeat.

The Ming army had the carrot of military merit dangling in front of them, as well as the belief in protecting their homeland and country as support.

In any case, the army's resilience must definitely exceed that of the Qing army.

To put it bluntly, the green soldiers of the Qing army are just a group of traitors passed down from generation to generation.

Their ancestors may have had good fighting ability. They once followed the Manchu Qing Dynasty's Eight Banners to conquer the world, and even pacified the Three Feudatories for the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

He has made great contributions to the great Qing Dynasty!
However, over the past 100 years, the Green Camp soldiers have almost become rotten.

You let them drink, gamble, go whore, smoke opium, and compete with each other's masters.

But if you let them go to the battlefield to fight the thieves, you will be making things difficult for them...

If the Qing reinforcements had not arrived, they would have been defeated.

He Zijing was riding on horseback, looking at the clearly defeated Qing army on the stone bridge, and urged.

"If we send people to the military gate to ask for reinforcements and ask for reinforcements to arrive at the battlefield quickly, we will say that we will not be able to support them anymore."

He Zijing was very anxious now, and his face was full of sorrow.

While riding on horseback, he kept looking back and forth, at the Shiqiao battlefield, and then at the direction of the reinforcements behind him. He was obviously restless.

At the same time, on the Shiqiao battlefield.

I don't know who among the Qing army shouted first that he couldn't stand it anymore and ran away.

In an instant, the Qing army, which had already reached the critical point, collapsed.

Countless Qing soldiers dropped their shotguns and raised their guns. They didn't even care about the artillery placed on the ground. They turned around and fled backwards.

It was as if some man-eating demon was chasing them behind them.

Seeing this, Zeng Yao was entangled in his heart. The order Zhu Jing'an had just given him was to be ready to retreat at any time.

But now that the Qing army has collapsed, should he pursue it or not?
However, just as he was hesitating, Zhu Jing'an had already made a decision. The Chinese military flag waved and ordered Zeng Yao's troops to pursue him.

Seeing this, Zeng Yao couldn't help but look overjoyed, quickly seized the opportunity and ordered a charge.

"Brothers, kill, cut down a Tatar soldier and divide two acres of land!"

"Kill! Long live the Ming Dynasty!"

The moment the piercing charge horn sounded, the Ming army, stimulated by the slogan of "heads for land", held up their spears and waved their swords, chasing the defeated Qing soldiers all the way.

This time, the Qing army was defeated even more completely.

The Second Left and Right Associations were severely damaged in their first attack on Shiqiao, and their morale was naturally low.

A short period of repair can't bring them back to their original state!

Seeing that the two associations at the front and back were also defeated, the Ming army's pursuers were closely chasing behind them. The two associations on the left and right who were supporting the Qing army's main formation were shaken instantly. Some people began to throw away their weapons, turned around and ran away.

The Ming army chased the defeated Qing army and rushed directly into the front line of the Qing army.

He Zijing, the chief military officer of the Qing Dynasty, was so frightened by the Ming army that he quickly rode away.

Ignoring the crumbling infantry, they quickly withdrew from the battlefield with their cavalry and fled towards the direction where the main force of the Qing army was coming.

The general ran away, and the forward of the Qing army was blown away by the Ming army in an instant like wind and rain.

On the battlefield, the Ming army shouted like a mountain and a tsunami.

"Long live Daming! Long live Daming!"

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

"Long live the governor!"



Seeing the scene on the battlefield, Zhu Jing'an also beamed with joy.

He also didn't expect that the Qing army would be so... so vulnerable!
The Ming army hadn't even exerted its force yet, so why were they defeated?
The Qing army's vanguard had at least 2000 men, while Zeng Yao's troops only had about a thousand men.

As a result, after only a short time of fighting between the two sides, the 2000-man Qing army was defeated by the 1000-man Ming army.

He was even driven around...

What the hell, is the Ming army too powerful?Or is the Qing army too powerful?

Zhu Jing was a little confused.

However, it doesn't matter whether he understands it or not. Zhu Jing'an now knows exactly what he should do.

"Instruct Zhang Hu's troops to step forward to control Shiqiao and prepare to meet Zeng Yao's troops."

"I will then send an order to Zeng Yao's troops, asking them to withdraw their troops and not to waste the battle. There will be many opportunities for meritorious service in the future, so don't be impatient."

"The main force of the Qing army is about to press forward. Let them withdraw first."

As Zhu Jing'an's order was issued, the command flags of the Ming army's central army changed.

The sound of war drums, symbolizing attack, also became the sound of gold, symbolizing withdrawal.

Dang, Dang, Dang!Clang, clang, clang!

A harsh golden sound sounded, and Zeng Yao's troops received the order and began to retreat.

They quickly retreated to the stone bridge and to the south bank of the stone bridge.


At the same time, He Zijing also led his horse soldiers and rode their horses all the way to Gao Sheng.

Seeing the unhappy look on Gao Sheng's face, He Zijing immediately rolled off his saddle, saluted Qian'er, knelt on the ground and spoke.

"Report to the military sect. If this person is defeated in the battle, please ask the military sect to punish him!"

When Gao Sheng heard this, the whip in his hand struck the air, making a burst of noise, and he snorted coldly.

"You still have the fucking nerve to come back!"

"Two thousand official troops were defeated by a thousand thieves. The thieves even used infantry to chase the cavalry all over the battlefield. I, the Qing Dynasty, will be completely embarrassed by you!"

At this time, Gao Sheng was very annoyed.

The scene on the battlefield just now was seen by him through the clairvoyance of the foreigners.

The army was besieging the thieves, but as soon as the vanguard arrived at the battlefield, they were outnumbered by the thieves and suffered a defeat.

There was even a farce in which the official horse soldiers were chased by the rebel infantry.

This kind of thing has a great impact on the morale of the army!To put it bluntly, it is not an exaggeration to say that the forward's disastrous defeat reduced the Qing army's winning rate against thieves by [-]%.

In this way, as the commander-in-chief, how can Gao Sheng look good?
Seeing this, He Zijing could only kowtow and admit his mistake.

He took off his hat and knocked his bare forehead on the ground, making a thumping sound.

Some gravel on the ground even cut his forehead, and blood flowed out.

"The general realizes his mistake, and please ask the army to give him a chance to make amends."

"The last general will definitely live up to the high expectations of the military and lead his troops to defeat the bandit army."

Seeing this, Gao Sheng snorted coldly.

"No need, I'll let this admiral personally lead the troops to defeat the enemy."

"Send the order and let the civilians make preparations and prepare to go to the battlefield as the vanguard of the army."

"Let the soldiers who raised the bid be ready for battle. When the civilians rush across the stone bridge, they will immediately cross the river and destroy the thieves!"

"The rest of the troops followed, not seeking to perform extraordinary feats, but seeking to defeat the enemy in one battle."

When the Qing army heard this, they all responded with clasped fists.

Then, the main force of the Qing army, which had just arrived on the battlefield, rushed towards Shiqiao again, trying to seize control of Shiqiao.

But this time, those at the forefront were not the Qing troops, but unarmed civilians.

Although the Ming army has sharp weapons, we in the Qing Dynasty have plenty of cannon fodder that can be used to fill the muzzles.

Only after these unarmed efforts break through the Ming army's array will the main force of the Qing army attack.


Looking at the civilians who were driven in front of the formation by the Qing army and killed towards the Ming army, Zhu Jing'an's face was gloomy and scary.

The veins on his fair forehead couldn't help but pop up again, and Zhu Jing'an's face looked gloomy and scary.

"These Qing prisoners are really despicable. They even drove the common people to serve as cannon fodder in front of the battle line. They are shameless!"

But after being annoyed, Zhu Jing'an quickly ordered.

"Go down with the order and try to prevent the Qing army from crossing the bridge. First launch two rounds of artillery fire and two rounds of musket fire, and then retreat."

"If anyone attacks our Ming army array, no matter who they are, they will be shot to death."

Zhu Jing'an also couldn't bear to open fire on those civilians.

However, his reason told him that he must not do this.

Because, once he couldn't bear to order the army to open fire because the Qing army drove the people in front of the formation today, he allowed the Qing army to overwhelm the Ming army array.

Then the Ming Dynasty will no longer have to fight with the Manchu Qing Dynasty!
As long as the Manchus drove the people to the battlefield, the Ming Dynasty would simply surrender.

To the Manchus, isn't this just delivering food?
I, the Qing Dynasty, will not feel guilty for driving people to the battlefield to be used as cannon fodder.

Therefore, there is actually only one choice before Zhu Jing'an now.

That's what the fuck!
No matter how many civilians were killed or injured on the battlefield, only the Ming army could win this battle. They executed a group of war criminals after the war, and used the heads and blood of the Qing army to draw a red line of "those who drive the civilians out of the battle will die".

Only then can it be possible to control the unhealthy tendencies of the Qing army, which likes to drive people away as cannon fodder!

Otherwise, I can only bet that the Qing Dynasty has a conscience.

But here comes the question, does the Qing Dynasty have a conscience?
The answer is no, I have a fart conscience!

If the Qing Dynasty had a conscience, it would not drive people to the battlefield to be used as cannon fodder.

A large number of civilians were driven towards the stone bridge. The moment the civilians rushed onto the stone bridge, the Ming army also started firing.

The sound of artillery roared, and it seemed that only the rumble of artillery fire was left in the world.

Then there was the crisp sound of musket shooting, and the Ming army fired another neat volley.

The civilians who were pressed down by the Qing army with swords and guns and crying for their fathers and mothers rushed to the front row. The moment the gunfire sounded, a large number of them fell down.

Suddenly, screams sounded!

However, the Qing army in the rear still pressed their swords and guns against the backs of the civilians. If anyone dared to hesitate for a moment, they would be killed without mercy with their swords.

Although the civilians suffered a heavy blow from the shelling, they could only continue to move forward under the pressure of sharp swords and guns.

Just the sound of crying and wailing continued.

The Qing army is still surging forward.

The Ming army fired another round of artillery fire and salvo fire.

Zeng Yao finally received the order to retreat, raised his arms and shouted.

"Brothers, retreat!"

"Send an order from the Governor to retreat immediately!"


Seeing the Qing army stepping onto the stone bridge, the crowd was about to rush in front of the Ming army.

Zhu Jing'an's order to retreat finally arrived.

The Ming army began to retreat quickly and gave up the position of the stone bridge.

The Qing army also took advantage of the situation and took control of Shiqiao!
Gao Sheng saw that the Qing army had controlled the main transportation route across the river and immediately gave the order.

"Send the order, the whole army will press forward, cross the river, and destroy the thieves!"

Boom!dong dong!dong dong dong!

The war drums of the Qing army sounded.

Groups of Qing troops received the order and rushed onto the stone bridge to kill the Ming troops on the other side of the stone bridge.

Shout out to the sky!
The corpses left by the Qing troops on the stone bridge had been stepped on by countless feet and turned into pulp.

Many civilians were even squeezed into the river, flopping and struggling in the river.

Then he was swept downstream by the cold river water...

With the support of Zhang Hu, Zeng Yao's troops retreated to the rear of the Ming army's array.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an immediately ordered.

"Command the army to prepare for war and meet the enemy!"

Under the command of Zhu Jing'an, the main force of the Ming army reorganized their array and pressed forward.

The first to speak was still the artillery. A total of thirty Type 65 field guns began to roar, aiming at the Qing army rushing across the stone bridge and the civilians driven in front of the formation by the Qing army, delivering firepower unscrupulously.

The battlefield was filled with smoke. Wherever the bullets passed, the Qing soldiers fell to the ground one after another like wheat.

In order to atone for his crime, He Zijing, after getting Gao Sheng's permission, decisively led his people onto the stone bridge and came to the south bank of the river, preparing to command the Qing army's forward to destroy the Ming army.

There was the sound of horse hooves, and as more and more Qing troops crossed the river, the war gradually entered a fever pitch.

The Ming army's artillery roared, and every time it fired, it would leave a gap in the Qing army's array.

The musketeers on both sides lined up and fired at each other.

There was a burst of crackling gunfire.

People on both sides continued to fall to the ground, and the wounded soldiers screamed.

After firing the volley, the Ming army's musketeers began to retreat behind the spearmen in accordance with military orders.

Start working with the archers to carry out long-range attacks on the Qing army.

The spearmen formed an array, leveled their spears and moved forward, intending to fight hand-to-hand with the Qing army.

The armored swordsmen and shieldmen on both sides of the array looked eager to try, but Zhu Jing'an didn't ask them to attack now.

The current Green Camp soldiers are terrible. If you want them to shoot at each other with muskets from the rebels dozens of meters away, it's okay. After all, they don't have to fight hand-to-hand, and the psychological pressure is relatively not that great.

But if you expect them to fight face to face with the bandit army.

Not many of the current Green Camp soldiers can do that!


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The author who hit the street begged for support in various ways!
(End of this chapter)

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