Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 77: Broken the bridge and wiped out the enemy

Chapter 77: Broken the bridge and wiped out the enemy (12)

Since firearms began to become popular on the battlefield, the weight of cold weapons has become less and less.

However, the ability to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy has become one of the important criteria for measuring whether an army is elite.

As the saying goes, the bayonet is a hero, and the bullet is a fool. Only the army that dares to fight the enemy with bayonet can be called a true elite.

During the historical Duck War, the reason why the British and French armies were able to defeat the Qing army was that their advantages in firearms were certainly very important.

But the key lies in the fact that the Qing army was generally afraid of fighting in hand-to-hand combat.

In the current era of front-loaded firearms, the killing effect of firearms is actually very limited, and it is difficult to completely determine the outcome of a war.

Hand-to-hand combat still plays a huge role in war.

For example, during the Duck War, when the Qing army fought with the British and French armies.

When the two sides were at a certain distance and engaged in musketry exchanges, although the Qing army was in a panic, most of them could still manage to support it.

Although due to the quality of the muskets, it was difficult for them to cause effective damage to the British and French troops, but during the musket shooting stage, the Qing army dared to support the British and French forces.

Not afraid of the ocean like a tiger!

But whenever the British and French troops held bayonets and launched bayonet charges, the Qing army would collapse thousands of miles away and disperse with a blast.

Therefore, the defeat of the Qing army did not lie in the backwardness of firearms, but in the lack of courage in hand-to-hand combat at the top of the Qing army.

As soon as the enemy rushed up, the Qing army collapsed. How could we fight this battle?
In history, one of the rare victories of the Qing Dynasty against Western powers was the victory of Zhennanguan Pass in Guangxi led by national hero Feng Zicai.

It relies on the courage of the Guangxi wolf soldiers to fight hand-to-hand with the French army in the high mountains of the southwest!

In this battle, the role of firearms was just a supplement.

Victory was won by Guangxi wolf soldiers with spears and swords.

You know, that was still more than 100 years later!
In today's era, firearms are important, but hand-to-hand combat with cold weapons is still an important factor in determining the outcome of a war.

Not even one!

After the Ming army pressed forward with spears, the Qing army was obviously timid.

Their speed across the river has dropped a bit!
Looking at the shining spear points, the gunners of the Qing army could not even hold their guns steady, and they were trembling all over.

"Kill! Kill!"

"Kill the thief!"

He Zijing was riding on horseback, shouting loudly, wanting to command the Qing army to attack.

The Zhenbiao beside him has been sent out by him to go to the front line... to supervise the battle!
However, the effect is not very obvious.

Even if someone supervised the battle, the Qing army still did not dare to fight hand-to-hand with the Ming army.

He was constantly being pressed back.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the gun in the hand of a Qing army gunner exploded.

The fire caused by the explosion sprayed out in all directions, and the gunpowder smoke filled the air. The face of the shotgun soldier was directly blown into a pockmarked face.

Blood keeps oozing out!
He covered his face and let out bursts of piercing wails and screams.

Seeing this, the Qing army commander supervising the battle came forward and chopped the screaming shotgun soldier to death, fearing that he would affect the morale of the army.

However, the actions of Zhen Biao, who was supervising the battle, made the shotgun soldiers around him feel sad.

The movement of loading the muskets in their hands significantly slowed down, and the amount of powder charged was significantly reduced to prevent the muskets from exploding.

After the reloading speed slows down, the shooting speed will naturally slow down.

The power of musket shooting also began to decline.

The Qing army's counterattack gradually became weak!
But the Ming army continued to press forward across the board, squeezing the Qing army's living space.


Zhu Jing'an put down the telescope in his hand and saw that the remaining Qing troops showed no signs of continuing to cross the river for the time being.

Moreover, the Qing army general was not prepared to cross the river, so he no longer hesitated and immediately waved his hand and gave the order.

"Send the order down!"

"Blow up the bridge!"

As Zhu Jing'an ordered.

The Ming army of the demolition team ignited the fuses they had laid in advance.

The next moment, the burning of the fuse spread towards the stone bridge.

Zhu Jing'an subconsciously covered his ears.

The next moment, a series of explosions sounded one after another.

Fires burst out from the load-bearing parts of the stone bridge one by one, and there were rumbling explosions and shock waves flying everywhere.

There is a strong smell of gunpowder smoke remaining in the air!

The earth and rocks caused by the stone bridge being smashed were splashed everywhere, and many Qing troops near the stone bridge were hit with bloody heads.

"Explosion is the art of life!"

Zhu Jing'an raised his eyebrows while riding on the horse and said with a slightly frivolous tone.

It was obvious that he was in a good mood now.

After the explosion, the load-bearing structure of the stone bridge was destroyed and the bridge began to tilt significantly.

And, as time goes by, the angle of inclination is getting bigger and bigger...

When the Qing troops on the stone bridge saw this scene, they were all frightened to death.

Because the river beneath their feet was not a creek.

It is a river that is quite fast and has a lot of water flow. The distance between the south bank and the north bank alone is less than 30 meters.

Even for people with good water skills, it is not that easy to cross the river.

If they fell into the river, it would be difficult for them to survive...

However, reality will not change due to human will.

Accompanied by a crackling sound of earth and rocks collapsing, the stone bridge collapsed completely.

A large amount of earth and rocks fell into the river, causing water to splash in all directions.

But there were more Qing troops on the bridge. Most of them fell into the water as the stone bridge collapsed.

The earth and rocks blown up by the explosion continued to fall, smashing the heads of the Qing soldiers who were struggling in the river and bleeding.

Blood began to spread on the river!
Qing troops who were not very good at water kept sinking to the bottom and became floating corpses in the river.

When Gao Sheng saw this, his expression suddenly changed.

Because, after the stone bridge was bombed, the Qing army was divided into northern and southern parts by the river in front of them.

The part that crossed the river to the south bank was already surrounded by the Ming army.

Even if the North Shore wanted to support, they were powerless!
Because whether it is building a pontoon bridge or finding a ferry, it takes time and cannot be completed in a short time.

By the time the Qing army on the north bank built a pontoon bridge or found enough ferries to cross the river, the Qing army on the south bank would have been annihilated by the Ming army countless times.

Thinking of this, cold sweat began to break out on Gao Sheng's forehead.

The expression on his face suddenly became quite solemn, as if it was so gloomy that it could drip water.

This time he led his army from Guilin and went south to fight against the thieves.

He had a total of nearly ten thousand troops on hand.

In addition, there were almost [-] civilians helping out.

But now, nearly half of the troops he had on hand, almost [-] Qing army green camp soldiers and [-] civilians, were trapped on the south bank.

If all the Qing troops on the south bank fold in now, then he will be completely defeated this time when he leads the troops to defeat the thieves.

Even if he can finally put down the bandits, he will not be able to explain to the governor or the court when he returns...

He was afraid that he would be punished!

Thinking of these, the expression on Gao Sheng's face became more and more solemn.

"Quick! Quick! Quick!" "Immediately start looking for a ferry, start preparing to build a pontoon bridge, and reinforce our troops on the south bank..."

Gao Sheng ordered at the top of his lungs, his face full of eagerness.

At the same time, the Qing army on the south bank was also in panic.

Because their way back was cut off, but the Ming army in front of them was still pressing forward, trying to squeeze their living space and squeeze them into the river.

He Zijing turned his head and looked at the broken stone bridge behind him and the rushing water. The expression on his face was as ugly as if he had eaten shit.

It's's over!
He knew that he was afraid that he was going to die!

But after seeing this scene, Zhu Jing'an couldn't help but raise his head and laugh.


"Good! Good! Good!"

"Instruct the heavy artillery troops to aim at the Qing troops on the south bank and open fire with all their might!"

"And order all troops to annihilate the Qing army crossing the river without making any mistakes!"

"My Ming Dynasty has won this battle!"

Zhu Jing'an's hearty laughter made everyone infected and couldn't help but echo.

"The governor is wise!"

"The Qing army is really stupid. They fell into the governor's trick without realizing it. They deserve to be destroyed."

"That's right. My Ming Dynasty can win this battle. It's all thanks to the wiseness of the Commander-in-Chief and the blessing of God."


When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he laughed and cursed.

"Stop fucking flattering me, it's useless!"

"At this time, killing the enemy should still be our top priority!"

"Let each of you lead your troops. The credit will be there. Whoever can win it will be his."

After hearing the words, the generals agreed in unison and began to lead their troops forward to encircle and suppress the Qing army crossing the river.


This is the heavy artillery deployed by the Ming army on the hilltop in advance.

The foreign artillerymen hired by the Ming Dynasty skillfully operated the artillery, calculated the shooting points, and then loaded and fired.

The Ming army's own gunners opened their eyes wide and tried to remember every move of the foreigners while they were attacking.

Asking for advice from time to time is obviously stealing from others.

Amidst the rumbling sound of shelling, black projectiles drew an arc in mid-air and fell towards the Qing army trapped on the south bank.

The cannonball landed, rolled and spun, splashing mud and sand wherever it passed.

The soldiers of the Qing Dynasty died if they were touched or rubbed.

After being hit by artillery shells, the entire battlefield was littered with broken corpses, broken corpses, and white bone stubble.

The smell of blood is quite pungent!

Facing those crowded Qing troops, the lethality of solid artillery shells was quite astonishing.

The projectiles flew and penetrated the Qing army's array, and in the blink of an eye, ten rows started.

Wherever the shell passed, stumps of limbs and broken arms were flying.


The sound of shelling continued.

Not only were the five heavy cannons firing, but even the thirty light cannons were pushed to the front line, aiming at the Qing army's array and starting to approach and fire.

There was a rumble of shelling.

The dense swarms of shotshells were as dense as raindrops, accurately harvesting the lives of the Qing army.

The troops of the Ming army began to press forward, and they tried their best to encircle the Qing army crossing the river.

The spearmen advanced with shouts of kill.

The sword and shield players acted as they did in normal drills, like the two arms of a crab, using a pincer-shaped offensive to flank the Qing army.

It is very obvious that the Qing army is being suppressed and retreating.

Zhu Jing'an had a heartfelt smile on his face, and the joints of the hand holding the knife at his waist began to turn pale.

The closer victory came, the more nervous he could feel.

Fortunately, the overall situation on the battlefield has been developing in a good direction.

The Ming army's advantages are getting bigger and bigger!
"Grenade, prepare the grenade, throw it to me!"

Pan Dazhu shouted and took out a grenade from his arms.

After lighting the fuse at the tail, he skillfully threw the grenade forward.

His men also made the same move as him, and grenades were thrown into the Qing army's formation.

The next moment, the grenade fuse burned out and an explosion sounded.

At the same time as the rumbling explosion sounded, smoke and fire spread, and fragments flew everywhere.

The air was filled with the strong smell of gunpowder smoke and blood, and gaps were blown out of the Qing army's formation.

The Ming army's armored swordsmen and shieldmen shouted to kill, and broke into the Qing army's array through the gap opened by the grenade.

And constantly interspersed vertically and horizontally to expand the results.

The Qing army was beaten so hard that they could not hold their heads up. The Qing green soldiers who did not dare to fight hand-to-hand with the Ming army almost collapsed at the first touch and dispersed in front of the Ming army's armor-clad, sword- and shield-bearers.

The current scene is very similar to when the Ming and Qing Dynasties met. On the battlefield, ten or twenty Manchu and Qing Eight Banners, with two to three hundred armored men, were able to chase thousands of Ming military guards and kill them.

However, the soldiers of the Ming Army Guard who had the numerical advantage did not dare to fight back at all.

Zhu Jing'an's heart was full of joy and he opened his mouth to give orders to the messengers around him.

"Our army's victory in this battle is a foregone conclusion."

"If the order goes down, the soldiers on the front line can try to recruit the Qing army to surrender..."

The Qing army on the north bank could not cross the river, and the Qing army on the south bank collapsed. No matter who looked at it, the victory of this battle was already a foregone conclusion.

Now that the war is going to be won, there is no need to cause more killings, and you can start recruiting the remaining enemy soldiers!
When the ordering soldier heard this, he cupped his fists and went to convey the order.

On the battlefield, the Ming army was still moving forward, squeezing the Qing army's living space.

He Zijing looked at the ruined battle situation in front of him, his face full of fatigue and despair.

He regretted that he should not have recommended himself as a pioneer just for the sake of limelight and credit.

I regret that I shouldn't have taken the initiative again just to give up my merits.

It turns out that this is okay. I don't know whether the meritorious service will be successful or not, but it has become an indisputable fact that he was killed on the south bank.

Looking at the Ming army getting closer and closer in front, and then looking back at the rolling river behind him, his heart was full of tangles.

Don't know what to do!
Hearing the voices of the Ming army in front of them surrendering without killing, He Zijing couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart.

However, this so-called heartbeat was quickly suppressed by himself!
Heartbeat has a fart!

Now his family members are still in Xing'an. If he dares to surrender to the Ming thieves on the battlefield.

I, the Qing Dynasty, dare to let He Zijing experience what the Nine Tribes Xiaoxiaole is!

Not to mention such empty words as for the Qing Dynasty, He Zijing could not surrender to the Ming army just for the sake of his family.

Today he can either make a comeback and defeat the Ming army.

Either die on the battlefield and die for the country, there is no other choice.

Because, even if he could escape, he would be held accountable by the court for the defeat.

When the time comes, I'm afraid he will have to force his family to accompany him to Ninggu Pagoda and be a slave to the armored man...

(End of this chapter)

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