Chapter 78 A desperate counterattack (22)

You know, the current Beidahuang has not yet become Beidacang.

If He Zijing's family members were really sentenced to be exiled to Ninggu Pagoda outside the Pass, and enslaved by the armored men, they would really have a narrow escape from death.

He Zijing would rather die on the battlefield than have his family suffer the consequences outside the customs.


"My sons, follow me to kill thieves. If you behead one of the thieves, you will be rewarded with ten taels of silver. If you behead one of the thief generals, you will be rewarded with one thousand taels of silver. If you behead the thief chief, you will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of silver. You will be promoted to three levels in a row..."

"Kill the thieves and serve the country. Today, the time has come for the sons and daughters to serve the Qing Dynasty. Come with me!"

He Zijing figured this out and knew he had no way out. He gritted his teeth, held a war horse in hand, and galloped forward.

He just wanted to take his own town sign and charge straight into the center of the Ming army.

Either come and capture the thief first to capture the king and turn the tide of the battle.

Or, use your own "fight and die" to get a better ending for your family...

In his mind, as long as he died heroically on the battlefield, the court would not embarrass his family.

He Zijing took the lead, and behind him, the Goshikhas and the standard-setting cavalry soldiers followed closely.

Although most of the Qing army lacked the courage to fight hand-to-hand with the Ming army, these elite soldiers of the Qing army still dared to fight face-to-face with the Ming army.

The shouts of killing shook the heaven and the earth, and the sound of horse hooves rumbled.

He Zijing and others relied on the advantage of the cavalry to make a large circle around the battlefield. After getting rid of the entanglement of the Ming army's pursuers, they rushed directly towards the Ming army's center from the empty flanks.

He wanted to use the speed of the galloping horses to break through the Ming army's array.

Then kill the general and capture the flag!

But it is a pity that He Zijing underestimated the resilience of the Ming army.

After discovering that the Qing army's cavalry was heading towards the Chinese army, the Ming army responded quickly.

Under the command of the central army's order flag, the spearmen of the Ming army's central army quickly turned to the flanks and formed a strict spear phalanx.

Used to resist the impact of the Qing army's cavalry!
Archers and musketeers also appeared in the phalanx.

Each loaded a musket, or bent a bow and set an arrow.

When the Qing cavalry rushes up, they will launch a fire attack on the Qing cavalry.

Facing the roaring Qing cavalry, the Ming army's phalanx refused to retreat even a step.

"Withstand! Withstand!"

"Don't go back!"

"The Governor who allocated our fields is right behind us. We must not put the Governor in danger."


The Qing army's horse soldiers rushed up, gritting their teeth and ramming into the Ming army's array. The horses hit the spears, and the sharp spears immediately pierced both men and horses.

You know, there is no heavy cavalry in the Green Camp.

The commander-in-chief, He Zijing, was surrounded by nothing more than a group of light cavalry. Except for the fact that they had a set of antique cotton armor passed down from their ancestors.

War horses don’t have vests!

If the light cavalry wants to charge into the formation, it will easily be pierced by a spear.

However, the price the Ming army paid for this was that the spearman of the Ming army who was holding his spear was directly knocked away by the impact of the galloping war horse.

Vomiting blood, broken bones and tendons!
Many people even had their chests collapsed after being trampled by horse hooves, and died tragically on the spot.

For a time, the Ming army also suffered heavy losses.

The array was even dented.

But even so, the Ming army showed no signs of collapse.

Under the command of junior officers, they quickly regrouped and restored their array.

The forest of spears is still lush!
Everyone's eyes were still so firm, without any wavering.

They did not allow anyone to harm Zhu Jing'an who divided the fields for them.

No one could rush to Zhu Jing'an before they were all dead.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"


He Zijing reined in his horse and retreated, taking a circle around the battlefield, gathering speed and preparing to lead his men into the battle again.

The result of just charging into battle was something he could not have imagined.

He couldn't believe that a bandit army could stop the army's cavalry from charging into the formation.

If those who had just been charged by the cavalry were Qing Dynasty's green soldiers, He Zijing dared to conclude that the green soldiers would have dispersed in a rush.

Today's Green Camp soldiers don't even dare to fight in hand-to-hand combat, let alone face the cavalry soldiers charging into battle.

They can't do it!

However, what the official army could not do was accomplished by the rebel army.

Facing the cavalry and soldiers charging into the formation, the formation of the bandit army remained motionless.

One can imagine how shocked this incident was to He Zijing.

"If I charge again, I won't believe it. The bandits are really so resilient!"

He Zijing turned his horse's head, let out a loud shout, and rushed towards the Ming army's array again.

The rumble of horse hooves made the ground tremble.

The sharp saber reflected the cold light under the sunlight.


"Grand Governor, the Qing Dynasty cavalry is charging into the formation. The soldiers are fierce and the battle is in danger. I would like to ask the Grand Governor to take shelter for now."

"Then we will send orders to the front line to return reinforcements to protect the Chinese army."

Liu Mingyou, who was beside Zhu Jing'an, suggested.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he shook his head firmly.

"No need to say more, the governor is here and he is not going anywhere!"

"This is a battlefield. If I, the general, run away from the battlefield, how can I, the Ming soldiers, fight this battle?"

"Besides, with the soldiers here, what danger can I face?"

"Can the soldiers still let the Qinglu's horsemen rush in front of the governor?"

On the battlefield, the general cannot move easily at any time.

On the battlefield, the general generally has only two choices, either to charge forward and boost the morale of the army.

Either stay where you are and stabilize the morale of the army.

Because once the general chooses to retreat, it will greatly affect the morale and morale of the army.

Even simply causing the battle to collapse is not completely impossible!
Therefore, Zhu Jing'an would not move no matter what.

Seeing this, Liu Mingyou took a deep breath, nodded and shouted.

"Everyone is here, form a formation to protect the Governor!"

"Unless I'm all dead, I can't let the Grand Governor suffer any harm!"

The surrounding Ming soldiers heard this and responded in unison.

And then he drank loudly.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Protect the governor!"


Zhu Jing'an was deeply moved when he saw this scene.

Because he knew that Ming Dynasty would definitely win this battle!

The whole army is united and has the intention to sacrifice for the sake of benevolence. Such an army will not be defeated!
"Give me the rifle!"

Zhu Jing'an said.

After saying this, he took a musket from one of his own guards, rode on horseback, and began to load the musket.

First, load gunpowder, and then use a small hammer to smash the lead bullets, which are a circle larger than the muzzle, into the barrel of the gun little by little, not along the rifling...

After the loading was completed, Zhu Jing'an raised his gun and aimed it at He Zijing, who was running towards him on horseback.

The musket in his hand now is a rifled gun.

Li Mu purchased it from foreigners in Guangzhou.A total of ten were purchased, eight of which were equipped to Zhu Jing'an's personal guards.

The remaining two were handed over to the ordnance workshop for disassembly and study, and preparations were made to imitate them.

Although the rifled gun is more troublesome to load and the rate of fire is too slow, its range and accuracy are quite impressive.

Within a range of 300 meters, the hit rate of rifled guns is guaranteed.

In this era, it can be used as a "sniper rifle".

Zhu Jing'an took a deep breath and adjusted his breathing. The muzzle of the gun moved with He Zijing's figure.

Seeing the Qing cavalry getting closer and closer to the Ming army's center, Zhu Jing'an suddenly pulled the trigger.

There was a loud bang, and a cloud of smoke rose from the muzzle of the rifle in his hand.

Thick smoke blocked Zhu Jing'an's sight, preventing him from seeing the results of his shooting immediately.

But after the gunshot, the cheers all around spoke volumes.

"Long live!"

"The Great Governor's Shooting!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"


Listening to the cheers around him, Zhu Jing'an knew that he had probably hit the target.


He Zijing galloped forward, as if there was blood in his chest.

Suddenly, he felt as if something had hit him hard in the abdomen.

Although there was no pain, he subconsciously reached out and touched it, and then he touched streams of warm blood.

He opened his mouth to say something, but there was a strong smell of blood in his mouth.

There was a lot of blood pouring out of my throat...

The next moment, severe pain hit him, and the expression on He Zijing's face even became distorted.

As soon as his vision went dark, he fell off his horse.

At the moment when he fell off the horse, the only thought in He Zijing's heart was.

The Ming thief's musket is really poisonous...

He Zijing's fall from the horse caused the surrounding Qing soldiers to turn pale with shock, and the expressions of countless people changed.

The next moment, morale collapsed.

The fall of a general is a disaster for an army.

When the Ming army's central army on the opposite side saw the fall of the Qing army's general, their morale was instantly boosted.

While cheering, some people began to launch a countercharge towards the Qing cavalry with spears.

"Long live Daming! Long live Daming!"

"The governor is mighty!"


The morale of the Qing army's horsemen collapsed. Some people turned their horses and ran away, but more people chose to kneel down and surrender.

At the same time, on the frontal battlefield, the Qing army also began to surrender on a large scale.

The moment He Zijing fell from his horse, the last resistance of the Qing army disappeared.

The Ming army quickly gathered prisoners of war, cleaned the battlefield, and finished the war.

Zhu Jing'an rode his horse forward and came to the broken bridge. Guarded by many personal guards, he looked at the other side.

His eyes were slightly complicated, and he began to reflect on his command mistakes in this battle.

Perhaps, in this battle, he should not blow up the stone bridge, but should simply release all the main forces of the Qing army and then fight a battle of annihilation.

However, it is too late to say anything now.

Before the war started, Zhu Jing'an really didn't expect that the current Qing army could be so vulnerable. He somewhat overestimated the Qing army's combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an was more conservative when formulating the battle plan.

He was afraid that the filling of the dumplings he made would be too big and the wrappers would burst.

Therefore, they only planned to eat the vanguard of the Qing army across the river, but not the main force of the Qing army.

He even blew up the stone bridge just to be on the safe side.

Cutting off the Qing army's retreat across the river and the possibility of reinforcements from the Qing army on the north bank, it also cut off the possibility of the Ming army crossing the river to pursue after the victory and expand their victory.

If he had known that the Qing army was so vulnerable, he would never have blown up this stone bridge.

If the stone bridge had not exploded, then the Ming army might have achieved greater results if they had crossed the river to pursue after their victory.

However, after all, this was the first battle between the Ming army and the Qing army's economic system. When Zhu Jing'an formulated his strategy, it would not be wrong to be more cautious.

It is better to be safe and win a small victory than to lose a big gamble and lose.

Besides, this battle for the Ming army was not just a small victory.

Starting from Guilin this time, nearly half of the Qing army that went south to fight against thieves was surrounded and annihilated on the south bank. Counting the casualties caused by the tug-of-war between the two sides for the stone bridge.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the current Qing army lost more than half of its troops in one fell swoop.

The Ming army's losses were only a fraction of the Qing army's losses. This battle was definitely a great victory worthy of being recorded in the history books!

It’s just that I didn’t get the full result!

Zhu Jing'an slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and spoke.

"Our army won this battle. All the officers and men will be credited with one point of merit. The officers and men who made meritorious service will be rewarded with an additional point of merit according to their respective merits."

Zhu Jing'an's meaning was very clear. This collective meritorious service was an additional reward given to all the soldiers at his discretion.

As long as you participate in the war, regardless of whether you have made meritorious service on the battlefield, this collective merit is shared by everyone.

The soldiers who have made military achievements are no exception. The sum of their individual merits and collective merits is their total number of merits in this battle.

After hearing this, the surrounding Ming troops raised their arms and shouted.

"Long live the governor!"

"Long live Daming!"

You know, in the Ming army, a little meritorious service can be exchanged for an acre of fertile land.

Zhu Jing'an waved his hand and was rewarded with one acre of fertile land per person. Naturally, the morale of the Ming army was boosted.

After a fierce battle, although the Ming army was now very tired, if Zhu Jing'an ordered to cross the river at this time, he would continue to attack the Qing army on the north bank.

Absolutely no one in the Ming army would have any complaints!

"Go down with the order and reward the whole army with enough food and wine!"

"Congratulations to the victory, congratulations to the prison country, and congratulations to the Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Jing'an spoke again, and bursts of cheers instantly erupted from the Ming army.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"



On the other side of the river, there were many soldiers and horses of the Qing army.

Gao Sheng was riding on horseback, listening to the cheers of the Ming army on the other side of the river, his expression gloomy and scary.

And around him, everyone in the Qing army was demoralized and had no fighting spirit.

Seeing his brothers Paoze being wiped out by the Ming army on the other side, how could the morale of the Qing army be so high?

If it were not for the prestige of the admiral Gao Sheng, the collapse of the Qing army would have only happened in an instant.

"Junmen, what should our army do next?"

One of Gao Sheng's followers asked.

Seeing the disastrous defeat of He Zijing's troops, everyone in the Qing army was afraid of this battle.

I don’t even dare to think about crossing the river!

Gao Sheng looked at the morale-filled Ming army on the other side of the river, and then at the demoralized Qing army on his own side, and gritted his teeth and said.

"Command the army to withdraw!"

"Retreat to Yong'an Prefecture and ask for help from Guilin Prefecture!"

Since there is no guarantee of victory in this battle, Gao Sheng will naturally not take the initiative to seek a fight.

The worst thing is to retreat and wait for help!
(End of this chapter)

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