Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 79 Supporting troops to protect oneself

Chapter 79 Supporting troops to protect oneself (12)

With He Zijing's defeat, the main force of Guangxi Green Camp suffered serious losses.

This bright thief in front of us is no longer something that Guangxi Province can exterminate!
It was necessary to alert the imperial court and ask the imperial court to send out special governors and mobilize troops from several provinces for a joint encirclement and suppression campaign.

Gao Sheng didn't believe it. When the reinforcements mobilized by the imperial court from the southern provinces arrived, this Ming thief could continue to be arrogant.

Anyway, no matter what, Gao Sheng will definitely not fight against the Ming thieves.

Retreating to Yong'an Prefecture and waiting for reinforcements is the best choice for Gao Sheng at the moment.

Anyway, as long as he leads his troops and stays in Yong'an Prefecture, it can be guaranteed that the rebel army cannot go north to attack Guilin.

As long as Guilin does not lose, the situation in Guangxi will not be too bad.

As the governor of Guangxi, the court will naturally not be too harsh on him...

What's more, the situation in Guangxi is now deteriorating, and Gao Sheng can't help but have some thoughts of supporting troops to protect himself.

Thinking of this, Gao Sheng couldn't help but sigh.

He kept making his own little calculations in his mind.

He didn't dare to defend himself with troops, but he not only had the courage to defend himself with troops, he was also very courageous.


Zhu Jing'an had just returned to his central army tent and sat down, preparing to discuss with the generals how to write a victory report and report it to the rear.

Then a Ming army messenger rushed to the outside of the big tent and asked to see him with a face full of joy.

"The Grand Governor! Report to the Grand Governor!"

"The Qing army has withdrawn, the Qing army has withdrawn!"

The words of the messenger were full of joy, and the expression on his face was even more joyful.

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an stopped what he was doing and spoke.

"Come in and talk!"

"what is the problem?"

After Zhu Jing'an finished speaking, not long after, a messenger came in and reported to Zhu Jing'an with a happy face.

"When I returned to the Grand Governor, it was time for dinner. Our army's sentries observed the smoke from the Qing army's cooking and found that the amount of smoke from the Qing's cooking was wrong. They were worried that it was a plan to reduce the number of cooking stoves, so they sent people across the river to investigate."

"The sentries crossing the river saw with their own eyes that the Qing army was breaking camp and retreating!"

"The main force of the Qing army has left the camp on the north bank and is retreating in the direction from which it came."

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an couldn't help but lower his head and fell into deep thought.

I couldn't help but think about it, what was the intention of the Qing army's withdrawal of troops?

Could it be that he was cowardly?

Should not be!

Although the Qing army was beaten badly by themselves this time, after all, they were separated by a river and the Ming army was unable to pursue them. There was no need for them to retreat in a hurry.

Thinking about this, Zhu Jing'an stood up from his seat and walked to the aisle in front of the map.

He looked at the map hanging in front of him.

"The Qing army may want to withdraw to Yong'an Prefecture and set up defenses to block our army's northward attack on Guilin."

He Jin on the side said.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he sneered disdainfully.

"If this is really the case, then the Qing Dynasty Admiral of Guangxi has made a wrong calculation."

"My governor has never planned to go north to capture Guilin!"

The main reason why he had no such plan was because the terrain of Guilin City was dangerous, easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it was really difficult to fight.

He has the energy to go over the mountains and ridges to conquer Guilin, so he might as well just follow the Qianjiang River into the Xijiang River, all the way east, and go directly to Guangzhou.

You know, Guangzhou in this era is truly the number one city in the south!

If the Ming army could capture Guangzhou, the wealth, soldiers, and influence they could gain would be much greater than if they captured Guilin.

To put it bluntly, even if the Ming army fought back and forth with the Qing army in Guangxi and destroyed the entire Guangxi, the loss would be insignificant to the Qing court.

Because Guangxi is a poor place, and it can't provide much tax revenue to the Qing government all year round.

He also causes trouble from time to time!

But Guangdong is different. Guangdong is one of the important tax areas of the Qing court.

In particular, a large amount of Guangdong's customs duties were turned over to the court every year, which was considered an important financial source for the court.

Once Guangdong was captured by the Ming army, the Qing court would really feel the pain.

Hearing Zhu Jing'an's words, all the generals around had doubts on their faces.

Because they thought that after this battle, the Ming Dynasty would simply send its troops north to fight Guilin.

He Jin, who had just spoken, asked.

"Then what the Commander-in-Chief means is, how will the Ming Dynasty advance its troops next?"

Zhu Jing'an looked at the map and said.

"The first step is to capture the prefectures and counties around Wuxuan and establish defense lines to prepare for the Qing court's counterattacks from all directions."

"Secondly, it is to train the navy and be ready to go eastward along the river and capture Guangdong!"

"Guangxi is a poor place. Even if the Ming Dynasty conquers Guangxi, the population and wealth we can obtain will be very limited, and it will be difficult to support the Ming Dynasty's large-scale military expansion."

"But Guangdong is different. Guangdong is a real financial and taxation center."

"If Ming Dynasty can capture Guangdong, it will be like a severe blow to the Qing government's purse."

"Under the circumstances of this ebb and flow, our Ming Dynasty's rebellion against the Qing Dynasty will have a chance of success!"

When the generals heard this, they all clasped their fists and said.

"The governor is wise!"

Obviously, Zhu Jing'an's thinking is far beyond theirs.

In Zhu Jing'an's mind, the whole world is a chess game, but they only focus on this three-acre land in Guangxi.

In fact, the reason why Zhu Jing'an wanted to attack Guangdong was to obtain an outlet to the sea and use the power of foreigners to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty.

Never mind how many troops the foreigners have in the East now, and whether they have any way to affect the overall situation of the world.

Just the guns and artillery purchased by the Ming Dynasty from foreigners can be regarded as a big help.

It is an indisputable fact that China's firearms lag behind the West.

In this case, the most important thing to do now is to actively learn and introduce it on a large scale, rather than closing the country off.

Guangzhou is China’s window for foreign exchanges in this era.

Whoever can win Guangzhou will be able to control the channels for foreign exchanges.

The importance of Guangzhou is self-evident!


Jintian Town, the mansion of the Supervisor!

Zhu Jianzhuo sat behind the desk, flipping through the books in his hand, his face full of visible anxiety.

Ever since he received the news yesterday that the Ming army had arrived at the scheduled battlefield and the war was about to begin, no further news had come back.

Regarding this, Zhu Jianzhuo really couldn't help but feel anxious!

If his son is defeated, what will Daming do next?
What should I do with my extended family?
There is no news, which is the biggest suffering for him now.

The tea in front of him was changed from pot to pot, but Zhu Jianzhuo didn't move.

The books in his hand were almost torn through, but he couldn't read a single word.

Anxiety, like a terrifying demon, constantly tortured his central nervous system.

dong dong!Boom!

At this moment, there was a knock on the study door.

Zhu Jianzhuo raised his head and said in a somewhat irritable tone.


"Didn't King Gu say that? Don't disturb King Gu if you have nothing to do!"

However, after Zhu Jiazhuo finished speaking, a very familiar voice sounded outside the door.

"Master, it's my concubine!"

The person who came was none other than Zhu Jing'an's mother, Mrs. Liu.

Zhu Jianzhuo's expression improved slightly when he heard his wife's voice.

Nodding slightly, his voice changed to judo.

"come in!"

Ms. Liu pushed open the door and entered, followed by several maids.The maid held a tray in her hand, and on the tray was hot Tremella fungus and lotus seed soup.

Mrs. Liu took the tray from the maid, placed it in front of Zhu Jianzhuo, and said warmly.

"I made the white fungus and lotus seed soup with my own hands. It's hot. Master, please eat some of it!"

"Since last night, I haven't eaten anything. You can't go hungry."

Although Zhu Jianzhuo now claims to be King Xing of the Ming Dynasty, as a member of his family, the Liu family is still accustomed to calling him "Sir."

Well, when I get anxious, I will call him Zhu!

Zhu Jiazhuo didn't care about this.

He and Mr. Liu have been married for 20 years, and they are really affectionate.

Zhu Jianzhuo would feel awkward if Mrs. Liu really called him His Royal Highness the State Supervisor.

Just like Zhu Jing'an usually calls Zhu Jianzhuo his father instead of his father.

Zhu Jianzhuo said with a sad look on his face when he heard his wife's concern, rubbing his eyebrows.

"I want to eat too, but there has been no news from Brother An."

"I really have no appetite, I can't eat it!"

Zhu Jianzhuo's face was full of bitterness.

Hearing this, Ms. Liu opened her mouth while placing the bowls and chopsticks.

"Brother An is the flesh that fell from my body. How can a mother not care about her son's safety?"

"But you don't care, you still have to eat."

"Otherwise, it won't be me who comes later, but Yaya."

"Be careful, the little girl grabs your beard and makes you eat."

After saying this, Mrs. Liu seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly she covered her mouth and let out a snicker.

Zhu Jianzhuo sighed after hearing this.

"Okay, okay, I'll eat, I'll eat!"

His wife had brought out her youngest daughter to threaten him, what else could Zhu Jianzhuo do.

He is an old daughter slave!
Picking up the bowl and spoon, Zhu Jianzhuo scooped up a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup for himself, and ate it in small bites.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside.

Then there were faint cheers that shook the earth.

"Victory! Victory!"

"The Governor-General has won. The Governor-General led his troops to defeat the Qing army!"

"A great victory, a great victory, a great victory for our army. We killed more than a thousand Qing captives and annihilated six thousand enemies. We captured nothing, and the Qing army retreated to Yong'an Prefecture."

"What a great victory for our army!"


The sound of victory is getting closer and closer, and the cheers are getting closer and closer.

Listening to the earth-shattering cheers outside, a smile appeared on Zhu Jiazhuo's face involuntarily.

He patted his thigh and laughed.

"Hahahaha, I won, I won, my Ming Dynasty won!"

"Ancestors bless me and God favors me. I, the Ming Dynasty, have won!"

Zhu Jianzhuo was so excited now that he didn't even care that his cherished beard was stained with white fungus and lotus seed soup.

Even Mrs. Liu on the side was full of joy, and her charming and charming face turned red with excitement.

Not long after, the messenger who reported the victory came outside the study and asked for an audience.

Zhu Jianzhuo did not hesitate, strode to the door of the study, opened the door of the study, and looked at the messenger who came to report with burning eyes.

Asked openly.

"How's it going? How's the battle going?"

When the messenger heard this, he handed over a copy of the good news in his hands and said with excitement in his voice.

"Qi...Qi, His Majesty the Supervisor, our army has won a great victory!"

"Our army is victorious!"

"The governor first deployed an artillery array on the hilltop, and then set up an ambush on the south bank of the river to lure the Qing army's vanguard to cross the river, and then used explosives to blow up the bridge and cut off their return route."

"After the bridge was blown up, the main force of our army pressed forward, and the heavy artillery began to fire at the Qinglu array..."

The messenger began to describe the specific events of the battle.

Even the maids on the side listened with interest.

Because they know that their current food and clothing are closely related to the Ming Dynasty.

If the Ming Dynasty falls, I'm afraid they will also be buried with him...

The messenger continued.

"In this battle, our army killed more than 34 Qing troops in total, including one general, three staff generals, and eleven thousand generals. We captured a total of [-] people and captured more than [-] Qing troops."

"It's useless to seize it!"

"Our army has a great victory!"

"The Governor-General said that after this battle, the Qing army in Guangxi will be frightened and will never be in trouble again!"

Zhu Jianzhuo also finished reading the military report and couldn't help laughing again.

"Hahaha, my son is doing well, my son is doing well!"

"For me to have such a Qilin son, doesn't it mean that God has favored me?"



On this day, everyone in Jintian Town was rejoicing.

However, after hearing the news, Wuxuan County, not far away, felt like mourning from top to bottom.

Now even the imperial army's bandit-suppressing army was defeated, so what hope could they have?


Wuxuan County government office, back hall.

Fang Kun, the magistrate of Wuxuan County, was raising his glass to drink. The clear wine dripped down the corners of his mouth and stained his official robe.

His face was full of depression and black stubble.

The entire back hall was filled with the smell of alcohol and the sour smell of vomit.

Since Wuxuan County was actually controlled by the Ming army and government orders could not leave the county, Fang Kunzheng, the magistrate of Wuxuan County, began to mess up.

I'm either drinking or on the way to drink every day.

The entire county government office was filled with the smell of alcohol.

Master Luo pushed the door in from the outside and was almost vomited by the smell in the back hall.

But fortunately, he held it back, strode to the drunken Fang Kunzheng, and called softly.

"Master! Master!"

"Master, wake up!"

Fang Kunzheng opened his sleepy eyes and vaguely saw his master.

Hehe smiled stupidly and asked.

"'s Master, what...are you doing? Is something wrong?"

Seeing this scene, Master Luo sighed helplessly, and then spoke.

"Master, please wake up, something big has happened!"

Fang Kunzheng let out a wine burp, his words were full of indifference, and he spoke with a big tongue.

"Big...big thing?"

"What big thing could happen? It's just that the court wants to accuse me!"

"There is a big bandit like the Zhu family in Wuxuan County. As a county magistrate, I cannot escape the blame. Isn't it right for me to be held accountable?"

"Where are the officials sent by the imperial court? Why haven't they come to put the shackles on me?"

Seeing this, Master Luo sighed helplessly and could only continue to speak.

"If you go back to your employer, it's not that the imperial court sent people to arrest you, but that the army sent by the imperial court to capture the thieves was defeated."

(End of this chapter)

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