Chapter 75 Fierce Battle at Stone Bridge (12)

Zhu Jing'an then looked at Zhang Hu again and explained.

"Zhang Hu, please also lead your troops to prepare for war. If the battle situation becomes critical, be prepared to send troops to support the retreat of Zeng Yao's troops."

To put it bluntly, Zhu Jing'an planned to let Zhang Hulai lead people to take up the role of the reserve team to avoid any surprises on the front line.

Zhang Hu heard this, although he was still a little unwilling, he still cupped his fists.

"The last general takes orders!"

No one in the current Ming army can disobey Zhu Jing'an's orders.

Since the policy of dividing fields and land was implemented, Zhu Jing'an and his son's control over the Ming army reached its peak.

Because everyone in the Ming army knew who assigned them the fields!
In the eyes of people of this era, if you can allocate land to them, then you are their reborn parent.

It is not an exaggeration to risk one's life to repay your kindness.

Shangguan is nothing, how can he be more important than the reborn parents who allocate land to them?
Zhu Jing'an continued.

"Also, immediately dispatch five Type 65 field guns to the Shiqiao front line to provide fire support for Zeng Yao's troops!"

If it weren't for the fear of scaring the Qing army, and the narrow road on the stone bridge, which would make it difficult to use more, Zhu Jing'an definitely mobilized more than five Type 65 field guns.

Since the Ming Dynasty unlocked the technology of iron mold casting cannons, the production of Type 65 field guns began to explode rapidly.

Even those that were left in the Bauhinia Mountain Fortress and used to enhance the defense of the fortress were removed.

For Zhu Jing'an's expedition alone, the army carried a full thirty Type 65 field guns.

Designed to provide fire support to frontline troops.

Although the quality of the artillery produced by the iron mold casting method is somewhat worrying, this is an indisputable fact.

But what you need to know is that what the Ming army needs most now is actually quantity, not quality.

Anyway, everyone knows the quality of Qing military firearms. The cannons cast by the Ming military using the iron mold casting method, no matter how low-quality they are, are definitely better than the firearms of the Qing Dynasty.

As long as the Ming Dynasty can take advantage of the numerical advantage of artillery to temporarily overwhelm the Qing army on the battlefield and create a living space for itself, the quality problem can be solved slowly in the future.

No problem!


Soon, with the flags flying, the Ming army began to mobilize.

Zeng Yao led people towards the stone bridge.

Five field artillery pieces were also deployed, with their muzzles aimed in the direction of the stone bridge, ready to fire at any time.

Behind the field artillery were teams of Ming soldiers.

The musketeers were arranged in a strict array, carrying the Type 14 flintlock guns made by the Ming army and the captured shotguns. Their muzzles were aimed forward, ready to fire at any time.

Behind the musketeers were the spearmen and archers of the Ming army.

Sword and shield soldiers were still placed on both sides of the array, ready to be mobilized for reinforcement at any time.

When the Qing army saw the Ming army setting up defenses on the south bank of the stone bridge, they also accelerated their march.

He Zijing raised his telescope and glanced at the Ming army's array, and said with great disdain.

"Oh, I can't believe that the Ming thief's array is quite organized!"

"But it's useless. No matter how organized his formation is, he will never be a match for our Heavenly Soldiers of the Qing Dynasty!"

"Send the order, let the army press forward and immediately begin to capture the stone bridge, opening an attack channel for the main force of the army to cross the river."

He Zijing's order was issued, and his deputy generals from the left and right associations led their troops towards Shiqiao.

The dark Qing army rushed towards the stone bridge. A large number of Qing army gunners did not even form a formation, but simply rushed to the stone bridge with loud shouts of killing.

In many people's minds, the Green Camp is an armed force that mainly uses cold weapons.

In fact, this is not the case. Starting from the Yongzheng period, the firearms equipment rate of Green Camp has reached an astonishing level.

In a battalion of green soldiers, half of the weapons are shotguns.

In addition, the Green Camp soldiers are also equipped with a large number of guns and a large number of light wrought iron artillery weighing hundreds of kilograms.

The remaining people will be equipped with spears, swords, crossbows and other cold weapons.

Therefore, the firearms equipment rate of the Qing army in this era is really not low.

Even if we look at the world at the same time, the firearms equipment rate of the Qing army is definitely among the top players.

The only problem is that although the Qing army's firearms equipment rate is not low, the quality of the firearms is...

Well, I understand everything!
If you don’t understand, you can ask an adult!

Therefore, almost half of the weapons equipped by the Guangxi Green Camp of the Qing Army that appeared on the battlefield this time were shotguns.

Looking at the black Qing army shotgun soldiers coming up, the Ming army was not afraid.

All ministries are following orders and responding calmly.

As the Chinese army's order was issued, the Ming army's five Type 65 field guns opened fire.

Five cannon shots were fired in succession, and the smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air.

Thick smoke almost obscured the entire bridgehead.

The muzzle spit out a large amount of fire and gunpowder smoke, and dense swarms of shotgun pellets formed a firepower net, shooting towards the Qing army in front of them.


For a while, the sound of projectiles piercing flesh and blood continued to sound.

Those Qing troops who rushed to the stone bridge were immediately thrown down, with blood mist billowing and flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Screams followed immediately!

"Ah... help!"

"We have cannons. The thieves have cannons. We can't go any further. Get back!"


The Qing troops in the front row suffered a round of shelling, looked at the smoke-filled battlefield in front of them, and let out a series of hysterical screams.

His face was full of heartfelt horror and fear...

However, Pao Ze behind them didn't think so.

The attacking troops of the Qing army were still surging forward, shouting and killing loudly.

Obviously, the current firepower projection of the Ming army is not enough to repel the Qing army's attack.

No matter how bad the Qing army was at this time, it was still a regular army and would not collapse immediately after a round of shelling.

In addition, these Qing soldiers had just opened a knife on the people of Dong'an Town last night, and when they saw blood, they were in high spirits.

They can still continue to fight!
A gust of wind blows away the smoke from the battlefield.

Zeng Yao's vision suddenly brightened, and he ordered with a calm expression.

"Pass the order, keep the artillery's original firing angle unchanged and continue loading."

"Musketeers prepare three volleys!"



The next moment, the sound of musket shooting sounded.

boom!Boom!bang bang bang!

For a moment, there was a loud sound of musket shooting from the Ming army.

The Ming army's musketeers fired volleys unscrupulously and rotated in an orderly manner.

The front row musketeer pulled the trigger, completed the shot and then quickly retreated to continue reloading.

The second row of muskets came forward, also chose to pull the trigger, and then retreated after the same shot.

Immediately afterwards, the third row of musketeers came forward and repeated the previous operation.

After three consecutive rounds of volleys, the Qing troops who crowded on the stone bridge and charged forward were shot down in large areas.

Zhu Jing'an was riding on horseback, looking at the battle on the stone bridge, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.But he was thinking about it in his mind.

Based on today's battle situation, if the Ming army had a Great Compassionate and Compassionate Gatling Bodhisattva that could be used to block the bridge with firepower, then the Qing army would not be able to rush over no matter how many people died.

Unfortunately, we are still in the era of front-loaded firearms.

The Great Merciful and Great Compassionate Gatling Bodhisattva is still something that has no trace.

Immediately after three rounds of musket volleys, the artillery began to fire again.

The rumbling shelling resounded across the field, as if there was thunder on the ground.

Gunpowder smoke filled the air, shotguns flew across the air, and wherever the projectiles passed, human lives were harvested unscrupulously.

The Qing army suffered another round of shelling, and while corpses were strewn across the fields, their morale was obviously dampened.

Immediately afterwards, Zeng Yao pulled out the saber from his waist and shouted loudly.

"Brothers, follow me to kill the enemy, and the Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"

The moment the shouts of death rang out, one after another of charging horns appeared.

Tick ​​tock!Tick-tick-tick!
Zeng Yao's Ming army instantly launched a countercharge towards the enemy in front of them.

The sharp spears reflected the cold light. When the spearmen charged in formation, it felt as if a wall of spears was pushing towards them.

Countless spears formed a spear forest, and no one dared to strike.

Of course, the Qing army couldn't resist even if they wanted to.

Most of the weapons in their hands were shotguns, or shotguns without bayonets, which turned into fire sticks after shooting.

There's no way a shotgun can fight in hand-to-hand combat with a spear or broadsword.

Naturally, as soon as the two sides came into contact and fought hand-to-hand, the Qing army collapsed. Those who abandoned their armor along the way were driven off the stone bridge by the Ming army and driven back to the north bank.

The Taiping Rebellion a few decades later was actually the same.

The Taiping soldiers, who used broadswords and spears, relied on their own bravery and fearless death, and used hand-to-hand fighting to overwhelm the array of Qing green soldiers again and again.

They chased the green battalion of the Qing army who used shotguns all the way, captured Nanjing City, and swept across most of the world.

Many times, what really determines the outcome of a war is not the weapon, but the person who uses the weapon.

After all, you can't say that the swords and spears of the Taiping Army are more advanced than the shotguns and artillery of the Qing Army's Green Camp, right?
The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty chased after the Qing army with great morale, stabbing with their spears and slashing with their swords, and unscrupulously harvested the lives of the defeated Qing troops.

Blood was flowing everywhere on the entire stone bridge. Corpses were lying down one after another. Blood flowed along the gaps in the stone bridge and dripped into the river.

This section of the river under the stone bridge was dyed red!


He Zijing looked at the defeat of the Qing army on the stone bridge, his expression gloomy and scary.

"Unexpectedly, this Ming thief's firearm is so sharp!"

He felt that he had made a mistake and should not have taken the initiative to serve as a striker.

Otherwise, there would be no need to be in such an embarrassing situation now.

If he couldn't seize control of Shiqiao before the main force arrived, then he would have made a big show of his face in front of Gao Sheng, the Admiral of Guangxi today.

After lowering his head and thinking for a while, He Zijing spoke.

"Send the order to the army and immediately start gathering the defeated troops."

"Then we asked for reinforcements from the main force in the rear, saying that our front line had been blocked by Ming thieves. The Ming thieves had sharp firearms, and our attack was blocked."

"Please ask the military to send reinforcements!"

After talking about gathering the defeated troops and asking for help, He Zijing continued.

"I ordered people to immediately prepare for the second attack, and let the two associations go up with guns and artillery to prepare to attack the Ming army."

"We must capture the bridgehead and open up the situation."

Since the Ming army had sharp firearms, he also used firearms to defeat the enemy.

He Zijing still has confidence in the firearms currently equipped by the Qing army.

He didn't believe that the firearms equipped by a group of thieves could be more powerful than the firearms equipped by the imperial army!

After the Qing army was defeated, they repaired for half an hour before launching another attack on the stone bridge.


The first thing that kicked off the war was still the sound of several cannons.

The artillery on the Ming army's side opened fire. Amidst the rumbling shelling, the Qing army rushing at the front fell down again in a large area.

The shot fired by the artillery is a great threat to the infantry charging in a dense array.

After a round of artillery fire, there would be almost no survivors in the front row of the intensive charging infantry.

Countless Qing soldiers were hit by dense bullets, their bodies torn apart by the rain of bullets, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The smelly internal organs were splashed everywhere!

The white brains and red blood flowed together, the scene was extremely horrifying.

Under the shelling of the Ming army, those who died on the spot were at least happy.

But those who were hit by projectiles but survived for a while will really suffer the consequences.

Many people even screamed and were trampled to death by the robes that continued to surge forward behind them, trampling them into a pulp.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of artillery fire from the Qing army also sounded.


Several hundreds of kilograms of wrought iron cannons were bowed in front of the formation by the Qing soldiers, and they fired and aimed in one go.

As the smoke filled the air, projectiles were also fired at the Ming army on the other side of the stone bridge.

A black projectile penetrated the array, killing three people one after another. Then it lost kinetic energy and fell to the ground, spinning.

The projectiles are still stained with warm blood!

The Qing army's shelling made the Ming army's recruits panic a little, and the array was obviously shaken.

However, under the restraint of the officers, they still lined up in an orderly array, aiming their guns in the direction of the bridge and preparing to fire a salvo.

"Hold it all, don't retreat!"

"If you retreat, the fields assigned to you by the imperial court will be taken back by the Tatar soldiers, and your family members will become dead souls killed by the Tatar soldiers. For your own fields and for your own families, , we can’t take a step back.”

"Kill the Tatars, restore the Ming Dynasty, and fight to the death without retreating!"

"Hold on, brothers, hold on! Fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, divide the fields!"

"Reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, divide the fields and divide the land!"


The officers in charge of ideological education walked among the front lines, shouting slogans and boosting morale.

The Ming army may have been moved by the slogans of resisting the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty, or they may have been moved by the promise of dividing the fields, or they may want to protect their families and relatives...

Soon, their morale was restored to its peak, and the array was restored to order.


The artillery fire from both sides was exchanged, occasionally mixed with screams.

Some Qing soldiers tried to cooperate with each other and raised their guns to shoot.

However, as soon as they raised their guns, they were beaten into pieces by the incoming shotguns.

Dead can't die anymore!
The artillery continued to roar, and the soldiers on both sides of the bridge were simply exchanging lives for lives.

At this moment, the battle on the stone bridge had no skills or tactics to speak of.

To put it bluntly, it is artillery bombardment, musket fire, life for life.

Let’s see who can’t hold on first!
Whoever fails to hold on first will taste failure.

And those who can persist to the end will enjoy the sweetness of victory.

(End of this chapter)

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