Chapter 74 Intelligence and Fine-tuning (22)

In order to submit a certificate of surrender to the Ming Dynasty, the two of them even cut off their braids, and they even touched several Qing army sentries along the way.

Yang Chen made a sneak attack with a bow and arrow, and Zhu Haitao chopped off his head with a butcher knife.

It can be regarded as a tacit understanding of cooperation.


The Ming army’s camp, the Chinese army’s tent!
It was dark outside, but the lights were brightly lit inside the tent!

Zhu Jing'an did not fall asleep, but sat by the sand table, constantly deducing and thinking about how to fight this battle.

Silently perfecting the battle plan.

The Qing army could receive news that the main force of the Ming army had been discovered, and the sentries on the Ming army could naturally detect the news that the Qing army was about to enter the battlefield.

The pressure from the Qing army was like Mount Tai, pressing on top of his head, and Zhu Jing'an could not sleep well no matter what.

So he simply stopped sleeping, got dressed, and went to the sand table to ponder the war.

Zhu Jing'an held an oil lamp and stared at the sand table with bright eyes.

There is also a cup of strong tea in his hand, and he will take a sip of strong tea from time to time to refresh himself.

To be honest, when it comes to refreshing yourself, coffee is actually better than strong tea.

When Li Mu went to Guangzhou last time, he also brought back some coffee and planned to try it.

But no matter what, Zhu Jing'an really couldn't get used to the taste of coffee.

When he drank coffee, he could only taste bitterness, but not mellowness. Therefore, he became insensitive to coffee.

How should I put it? Before Zhu Jing'an traveled through time, he couldn't even drink the coconut milk coffee from Ruixing's family because it was too bitter.

Not to mention pure coffee in this era.

There is no need to forcefully embarrass yourself just to show off.

At this moment, there was a burst of noise and noise outside the big tent.

"Report! Report to the Commander-in-Chief that there are people outside our military camp asking to see you."

A messenger opened the curtain and came to Zhu Jing'an to report.

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an raised his head, with a very obvious expression of astonishment on his face, and asked.

"what happened?"

The messenger gasped and spoke.

"When I return to the Governor, according to the people who came to see me, they are from Dong'an Town not far to the north."

"After the Qing army marched to Dong'an Town this afternoon, they chose to camp outside the town."

"After resting for a while, the Qing army chose to massacre and plunder Dong'an Town. Now Dong'an Town is a river of blood."

"They were lucky enough to escape. In order to avenge their families, they chose to join the Ming Dynasty."

"In order to express their sincerity, they also brought several heads of Qing soldiers as certificates of surrender."

The messenger briefly stated the whole story. After Zhu Jing'an heard this, he fell silent and his expression was not very good.

As a descendant, Zhu Jing'an has always hated the massacre and looting of cities.

After pondering for a while, Zhu Jing'an spoke again.

"Bring them here, the governor just needs to ask them something..."

When the ordering soldier heard this, he responded with clasped fists, turned around and left.

Not long after, Yang Chen, Zhu Haitao, and a few lucky people they met on the way who had escaped from Dong'an Town were brought outside Zhu Jing'an's tent.

Yang Chen and others looked at the big tent in front of them, as well as the Ming army soldiers standing solemnly with swords and spears outside the big tent, and they felt the pressure coming from the front.

Especially when the eyes of the Ming army soldiers focused on them, Yang Chen and others couldn't help but sweat broke out on their backs.

Sweat flowed into the wound on his back, and a tingling sensation came, making Yang Chen feel a little restless.

They didn't have to wait long before another messenger came out of the tent and greeted the group.

"The Governor has summoned you, you can come in!"

After hearing this, Yang Chen and others began to move towards the tent.

But when they arrived outside the big tent, they were stopped again.

The soldiers on duty searched them before putting them into the tent.

Zhu Jing'an attaches great importance to his own safety.

Your life is yours, and you don’t care. Who else can you expect to care?
After Yang Chen and others entered the big tent, the first thing they saw was Zhu Jing'an sitting on the main seat.

At this time, Zhu Jing'an was wearing a military uniform, a hat on his head, a cowhide belt around his waist, and a pair of black leather boots on his feet.

The whole person looked majestic and outstanding.

At this time, his temperament was quite outstanding, heroic and resolute.

Just sitting there doing nothing makes him feel like a young general who stepped out of the history books.

Wei Huo is alive and well!

Especially when Zhu Jing'an's eyes turned and looked at Zixiong, people could feel a huge pressure rushing towards them.

Even though Zhu Jing'an is young now and even has soft blue fuzz on his lips, no one dares to underestimate him.

This is the blessing that power brings to a person!
Yang Chen, Zhu Haitao and others did not dare to hesitate. After entering the tent, they all knelt on the ground immediately.

After kowtowing and saluting, he started talking in a messy manner.

"We finally meet the Grand Governor!"

"Please ask Daming to make the decision for us! Help us take revenge."

"Those Tatars are inhumane. They even rape and kill pregnant women. It's so miserable. It's so miserable!"

"Grand Governor, we also want to join the Ming army, and we also want to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty."


A group of people talked about their experiences.

Listening to the bloody and tragic stories, the expression on Zhu Jing'an's face couldn't help but be moved.

I cursed in my heart that those Qing troops were really nothing.

They were fighting on the inside. How did they attack their own people?
All I can say is that I am indeed the Qing Dynasty!

But in the end, Zhu Jing'an controlled his emotions, calmed down, and said to Yang Chen and others.

"I will not avenge you!"

When Yang Chen and others heard this, their expressions darkened obviously.

But then I heard Zhu Jing'an continue speaking.

"However, I can give you a chance to join the Ming Army and give you a chance to take revenge with your own hands."

"When you get to the battlefield, no one will take care of you."

"If you want to avenge yourself, the only one you can rely on is yourself."

"Do you all understand what I mean?"

When Yang Chen and others heard this, they nodded vigorously.

"Grand Governor, I'll understand later!"

"Grand Governor, we will take revenge ourselves, and we will definitely make those Tatars pay the price."

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, for allowing me to wait for this opportunity."


Immediately afterwards, Zhu Jing'an began to ask Yang Chen and others other questions.

"How many troops does the Qing army have this time?"

"Who is the general leading the army? What is the condition of the ordnance and equipment? Is the food and grass abundant?"

Since the Qing army is now stationed outside Dong'an Town, Zhu Jing'an thinks that Yang Chen and others should know more or less the specific situation of the Qing army.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win every battle.

Zhu Jing'an wanted to know as much as possible the current situation of the Qing army before the war started.

After hearing what was said, Yang Chen began to report the information they knew to Zhu Jing'an.

Including the Qing army's strength, equipment, leading generals, etc.

Regarding the strength of the Qing army, Yang Chen and others mostly made wild guesses on their own, because they were in a corner and could not know the overall situation. Therefore, they could not determine the strength of the Qing army.

But they still have a good idea of ​​the equipment of the Qing army.

Because these are what they have seen with their own eyes.

After Zhu Jing'an obtained information from Yang Chen and others, he also began to fine-tune the Ming army's battle plan for this battle based on the relevant information.

Well, just fine-tuning, not micro-managing!

Time passed quickly, and there was a faint light of fire in the distance in the direction of Dong'an Town.

The sky soon became brighter.

After staying up all night, Zhu Jing'an opened the curtain and walked out. There were two very obvious dark circles on his fair-skinned cheeks.

The golden morning sun was shining on the earth, and the weather was still a bit cold in the early spring morning. The cold wind made Zhu Jing'an couldn't help but shiver.He stood outside the big tent, enjoying the feeling of the golden morning sun shining on his body, and stretched hard.

Along with the sound of bones rubbing together, Zhu Jing'an also slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

He hadn't slept all night, and now he was feeling a little tired.

But fortunately, he is still young now, and staying up all night occasionally is nothing.

At this time, another messenger came to report.

"Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, our military sentry reported that the Qing army has moved and is heading towards the battlefield."

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he took a deep breath and nodded.

"Send the order and have the Huotou camp start making rice immediately."

"The whole army is ready for war!"

The ordering soldier cupped his fists.


The messenger went to deliver the order, but Zhu Jing'an climbed to the watchtower in the Ming army's camp with his thoughts in mind.

Holding a telescope, he looked towards the direction of Dong'an Town.

Through the telescope, he could vaguely see the Qing army marching on the official road, heading in the direction of the Ming army.

The scale of the Qing army also frightened him.

It was so dark that you couldn't see the edge at all.

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Jing'an got off the watchtower and returned to the Chinese army.

Then, he ordered people to wear armor for him.

At three o'clock in the morning, almost all the Ming army had finished their breakfast, and then they began to recharge their batteries and prepare for a bloody battle with the invading Qing army.

A famous messenger galloped around the battlefield, conveying orders to junior officers.

As the Qing army approached the battlefield, Zhu Jing'an ordered the Ming army to march out of camp and prepare to meet the enemy.

Boom!dong dong!

The war drums were beaten, and the Ming army began to quickly assemble and organize their queues.

Flags with clear characters were flying in the wind, and the morale of the entire army was boosted.

Zhu Jing'an rode his horse past the Ming army array and waved to everyone.

"The Ming army is mighty!"

The cloak behind him rustled, and immediately the Ming army responded enthusiastically to Zhu Jing'an.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious, and long live the Governor!"


"The Ming army is mighty!"

"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious, and long live the Governor!"


Wherever Zhu Jing'an rode his horse, cheers sounded like mountains roaring and tsunami.

Almost everyone in the Ming army was ready to face the enemy.

Since the dog Tatars are coming to rob their fields, their land, and their wives.

Then let them kill all those dog Tatars!

"Report! Report to the military gate, our army's sentinels have discovered the movements of the thieves."

"The Ming thieves arrayed themselves on the south bank of a tributary of the Xiangsi River, preparing to fight our army."

When Gao Sheng heard the messenger's report, he stopped his horse.

He asked with a frown.

"Is there a bridge over the river?"

The messenger heard this and replied.

"If you go back to Junmen, there is a stone bridge over the river."

Gao Sheng continued to ask.

"Did the Ming thieves destroy or occupy the stone bridge?"

The messenger shook his head.

"When I returned to Junmen, there was no such thing!"

"The Ming army only formed an array on the south bank of the river and did not actually control the stone bridge."

Hearing this, Gao Sheng couldn't help but raise his head and laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, thieves are thieves, they are just a mob."

"They don't even understand the principles of occupying stone bridges and controlling traffic arteries."

"We, the Qing Dynasty, will win this battle!"

Now Gao Sheng can be said to be full of confidence in victory and full of contempt for Ming Dynasty.

When He Zijing heard this, he cupped his fists and said.

"Military gate, the last general asked for orders to lead the troops as the vanguard to clear obstacles for the army and defeat the Ming thieves."

He Zijing chose to stand up and take the initiative to challenge.

Hearing this, Gao Sheng nodded.


"Then General He will be the vanguard in this battle. General He must remember that the main task of your department is to capture the stone bridge and ensure a smooth passage for the army to cross the river."

"Instead of rushing in to defeat the enemy, does Mr. He understand?"

The reason why Gao Sheng said this was not because he was worried that He Zijing would be ambushed, but because he was worried that if He Zijing successfully defeated the enemy, it would be difficult for him to share the credit.

That's the point!
He Zijing obviously heard the deep meaning of Gao Sheng's words and nodded.

"Don't worry, the general will understand!"

After saying this, he led his troops away and attacked the stone bridge.


Zhu Jing'an rode his horse back under the banner of the Chinese Army.

Immediately afterwards, the Ming army's sentry cavalry was seen galloping to report again.

"Report, report to the Commander-in-Chief, the Qing Dynasty's vanguard is about to enter the battlefield, less than three miles away!"

After the sentry knight finished speaking, Zhu Jing'an saw the Qing army's forward entering the battlefield.

The first thing that appeared was a large flag turning the mountain col.

On the big flag is the word "Qing" with the word "Douda", and behind the big flag is a general flag with the word "He".

What followed was a series of dark Qing troops.

Groups of horse soldiers came on horseback, with the sound of horse hooves making the ground they stepped on tremble.

Behind the horsemen were the dark green battalion infantry.

Boom!dong dong!

The dull sound of war drums resounded throughout the battlefield, and the Qing army forwards rushed straight to the stone bridge in an attempt to seize control of the stone bridge.

"Grand Governor, the strength of the Qing army's forward troops is about 2000."

"The end will fight!"

Zhang Hu came to Zhu Jing'an and asked him to fight.

Seeing this, Zeng Yao stood up and said.

"Grand Governor, I have never made any meritorious deeds since I brought people to join me in the Ming Dynasty, so I am ashamed to be in such a high position. I am really ashamed to see others."

"In this battle, please ask the Commander-in-Chief to be the vanguard!"

"The final general will definitely not disappoint Ming Dynasty!"

After Zhu Jing'an heard this and thought for a while, he nodded and said.

"it is good!"

"Then Zeng Yao will lead the attack and make sure to block the stone bridge."

"Before the main force of the Qing army arrives, the Qing army must not be allowed to cross the stone bridge even half a step."

When Zeng Yao heard this, he cupped his fists and responded.

"Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, we will ensure that the mission is completed."

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(End of this chapter)

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