Chapter 72 Win-Win (22)

Because the soldiers are better than more.

This is a universal truth.

On the battlefield, the importance of having an elite force that dares to fight and can fight at critical moments is self-evident.

On the Chinese battlefield in this era, a small number of elite troops still have the ability to turn the tide of the war.

Zhu Jing'an left the armament warehouse and returned to the Ming army camp to start preparations for the expedition.

Before the army went on an expedition, a large amount of wine, meat, chickens and ducks were transported into the army to reward the troops.

The Ming army ate meat, drank wine, talked and laughed loudly, and their morale was high. Countless people were discussing how to chop off more Tatar heads.

Most people are looking forward to war!
You know, the Ming Dynasty now allocates Anjia farmland to the entire Ming army.

Now that the field is in their hands, it belongs to them. Now the Qing army wants to take it back, which is something the Ming soldiers absolutely cannot agree to.

Anyone who dares to rob their fields will be killed!
Not to mention that the enemy was just the green battalion soldiers of the Qing army, even the legendary Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers who were said to be invincible, the poor and scared Guangxi veterans dared to rush forward and fight for their lives.


In the 42nd year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty, it was early morning on February [-]th.

The weather was cool and the spring breeze was warm. After reorganizing the army, the Ming army set off from Jintian Town.

The army went all the way north, preparing to go to Dawei Mountain and the Datong River area to proactively attack the Qing army heading south.

On February 23rd alone, the highly motivated Ming army followed the Xiangsi River and headed north to a small village called Hualiang Village.

Twenty or thirty miles to the north from Hualiang Village is Dawei Mountain, and to the east is Datong River.

Zhu Jing'an immediately ordered the Ming army to camp and repair on the spot.

He also strictly ordered the Ming army to abide by military discipline and do no harm to the common people.

Those who disobey the order will be beheaded!

At the same time, he also sent a team of sentries north to investigate the movements of the Qing army.

In the Chinese army's tent, the Ming army generals gathered in front of a map to discuss the deployment of troops for this battle.

"Grand Governor, look here. Hualiang Village is located halfway up Suozi Mountain. There is a stream flowing outside the village, which can meet the drinking water needs of the army."

"If our army builds a fortress here, it will be easy to defend but difficult to attack!"

Han Sigu pointed to the markings on the map and said.

"Grand Governor, and here, you see, Crescent Mountain is just on the left side of the official road."

"If our army controls Crescent Mountain, we can attack the invading Qing army from a high position. This is a more suitable camp point for our army."

Liu Mingyou also spoke.

Listening to the argument between the two, Zhu Jing'an had a thoughtful expression on his face.

He touched his chin with one hand and pointed on the map with a baton in the other hand, thinking about the plan for this battle.

After a moment, Zhu Jing'an raised his head and said.

"Just looking at the map won't show any results. I'll take people to see it on the spot and observe the terrain."

Looking at the map and arranging troops, it seems a bit taken for granted.

Zhu Jing'an decisively decided to observe the terrain on the spot before making a decision.

Doing what he thought of, Zhu Jing'an led the people out of the military camp, and headed towards a hilltop, escorted by dozens of soldiers.

He led people up to the top of the mountain, and then began to observe the surrounding terrain with a telescope.

The telescope in his hand was a foreign thing that Li Mu bought from Guangzhou through the channels of Tiandihui.

The price is not cheap!

But its effect is actually average, and it is not even as far as the cameras of some later mobile phones.

But in this era, there is nothing to be picky about. Having such a telescope is better than nothing after all.

Zhu Jing'an held a telescope and looked far into the distance, his eyes roaming everywhere, choosing the battlefield he liked.

After a moment, he pointed to a low mountain in the distance and said.

"Order people to explore the terrain on that low mountain. If the terrain is suitable, the artillery position will be set up there."

"Take the three 24-pound long cannons and two [-]-pound long cannons that our army purchased from foreigners and put them on the low hill to set up the artillery array."

The artillery currently equipped by the Ming army is mainly divided into two types, one is long cannon and the other is short cannon.

There are five long cannons in total, including three 24-pound long cannons and two [-]-pound long cannons. They are all finished products purchased by Li Mu from foreigners at a large price.

And short guns are field guns.

It is mainly based on the Type 65 field artillery produced by the Ming army itself, supplemented by those previously captured earthen artillery.

The purpose and positioning of the two are different.

Long guns are mainly used for long-range fire suppression. Therefore, special artillery positions need to be arranged.

However, field artillery is mainly used to provide fire support to infantry. Therefore, once it is placed in the front row of the array during war, there is no need to arrange a special artillery position.

Hearing this, the orderly soldiers beside him responded and trotted forward to make arrangements.

Soon, the expression on Zhu Jing'an's face was startled, and he pointed to an east-west river not far from the short mountain and said.

"Is there a stone bridge there?"

Hearing this, everyone raised their binoculars and looked over, then nodded.

"The Governor is wise, that is indeed a stone bridge."

After Zhu Jing'an thought for a while, he spoke.

"Order people to explore the stone bridge, and ask our army to prepare to build fortifications near the stone bridge. That will be the main battlefield of this battle."

With the river as a natural barrier, and it happened to be within the fire delivery range of the Ming army's long artillery, Zhu Jing'an couldn't think of any place that could be more suitable as a battlefield.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Jing'an spoke.

"Order people to expand the scope of exploration and search a thirty-mile radius of the battlefield to ensure that there is no place where the enemy can ambush their troops..."

The messenger responded again.

Zhu Jing'an can still be regarded as a rookie in the military. Therefore, when commanding the army, he does not dare to do anything fancy.

We can only try to be prudent and cautious to ensure that no big mistakes will be made.

Only if the preparations before the war are complete enough, will our own flaws and mistakes be as few as possible.

In this case, the possibility of our own side winning the final victory on the battlefield will be greater.


At the same time, the Qing army was about to enter the battlefield.

Gao Shengtuan sat on the horse, with a bow and arrow and saber pinned to the saddle inlaid with gold, and his body rose and fell with the movements of the horse.

Today, he did not wear armor during the march, but only wore a military uniform, which made him look very imposing.

Beside him, there was a guard named Goshiha, doing his best to protect his safety.

On the battlefield of this era, there is a rule that if the general dies, all the bodyguards will be killed.

There was no room for these Goshihars to be indifferent to the safety of their generals.

The main force of the dark Qing army marched along the official road, with big flags hunting in the wind, and the red tassels on the red tassel guns constantly swaying in the wind.The carriages responsible for pulling the baggage and food were connected back and forth for several miles.

A famous Qing soldier marched listlessly with his head lowered, surging forward as the large army advanced.

Since ancient times, marching has been a very torturous thing.

When you are full of energy at the beginning, you cannot walk fast. When your energy is almost exhausted, you cannot walk slowly.

And you can’t stop and rest at any time along the way.

People's physical strength and patience are worn away bit by bit in this process, and in the end all that is left is fatigue that keeps coming up like a tide.

After more than ten days of long-distance marching, the morale of the Qing army was inevitably somewhat low.

Gao Sheng put his palms in front of his brows to block the sun. Since he was not wearing a hat and was sweating, his bare forehead reflected the dazzling light.

Very conspicuous.

Gao Sheng looked far away, and then he seemed to see something and spoke.

"Command the army to hold on and wait until they reach the town ahead before stopping to repair."

Gao Sheng's order was issued, and the morale of the Qing army was slightly boosted, because he could hear the subtext in Gao Sheng's words.

That is to say, when they reach the town ahead, they can "relax" and vent their anger in the town.

It was to let the troops vent their grievances caused by the long march.

It also stained the Qing army with blood and stimulated the wolf nature in their hearts.

So as not to be unable to lift the sword again after entering the battlefield.

Although the Qing army in Guangxi is now fighting inside the province, this does not prevent our Qing soldiers from slaughtering cities and looting, killing people and making a fortune when they arrive.

The Qing court basically would not interfere with such matters.

If they really interfered, almost all the generals would be punished, and no one would be able to escape.

Because the imperial court had no money and could not afford it, or it could be said that it was reluctant to pay enough military salaries to the Green Camp soldiers.

Normally, he is reluctant to spend money, but at the critical moment, he still wants the green soldiers to fight and protect the country.

Then we can only let the Green Camp soldiers go and grab it while they are fighting.

From the beginning of the Qing Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, my Qing Dynasty's operations have always been like this.

The massacre of the city was regarded as an important means to boost the morale of the army.

The price is nothing more than the death of some Han untouchables and the corruption of military discipline in the army.

I, the Qing Dynasty, don’t care about this.

Anyway, those who died were not bannermen. In the eyes of the Manchu rulers, the Han people were all poor people, and it didn't matter how many died.

In the early Qing Dynasty, the struggle between Ming and Qing Dynasties resulted in ten rooms and nine empty houses.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the population was reduced by half after the Taiping Rebellion. This is how it all came about.

After receiving the Admiral's permission to massacre and plunder the city, the Qing army involuntarily accelerated their march, and many people's straw sandals flew off the edge.

At this moment, a group of sentries suddenly ran along the official road, with the sound of horse hooves, heading straight towards the rising Chinese army.

"Urgent report! Urgent report!"

"Our army's sentry riding in the front discovered the Ming thief's soldiers and horses, our army's sentry riding in the front discovered the Ming thief's soldiers and horses..."

The sentry riders held high the flag of emergency reporting, and the carriages and horses ran wildly.

Wherever it passed, the Green Camp soldiers dodged and cursed.

The Qing army sentry cavalry flew all the way to Gao Sheng, knelt down on one knee in front of Gao Sheng, and spoke.

"Report! Report to the army!"

"Our military sentry cavalry spotted the Ming bandit soldiers and horses twenty miles ahead. The Ming bandits are setting up a defense line and seem to be preparing for a field battle with our Qing heavenly troops."

Hearing this, Gao Sheng was shocked at first, and then laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, this thief really overestimates his capabilities!"

"I was originally worried that these thieves would turn from sitting bandits into rogue thieves when they saw my heavenly soldiers coming to kill them, and they would further poison the place."

"Unexpectedly, he is so overestimating his own capabilities that he actually wants to actively seek a decisive battle with my heavenly soldiers."

He Zijing, the commander-in-chief of Xing'an on the side, laughed loudly when he heard this.

"Hahahahaha, what the military sect said makes sense. This Ming thief really overestimates his capabilities, but this is good, because it just allows me to destroy that damn Ming thief in one battle in the field."

"It saves us the trouble of chasing the thief into the ravine!"

Gao Sheng also smiled in agreement. After a moment, the smile on his face faded, and then he ordered.

"Give me the order to speed up the march and wait until it reaches Dong'an Town ahead to set up camp and repair. Brothers can relax in the town."

"After repairing all night, the army will immediately set off south at dawn tomorrow to defeat the thieves and serve the country!"

Gao Sheng's order was issued, and the Qing army began to move forward in a mighty manner.

Soon, the Qing army's vanguard arrived at Dong'an Town.

Several gentry in the town had ordered people to prepare wine, meat, gold and silver in advance, and were waiting outside the town to reward the army.

The people in the town were asked to gather together, come to both sides of the road, carry hot water, drink food, and eat pots of pulp to welcome the king.

Their attitude was very respectful, but they were afraid that if they did something bad, the military master would be furious and massacre their town.

He Zijing led the people on horseback to the outside of the town. Looking at the large, densely populated and prosperous town in front of him, his eyes were full of greed and eagerness.

However, the main force led by Shangguan Gao Sheng had not yet arrived, and he did not dare to order his troops to plunder and eat alone.

He could only force a kind smile on his face and speak to the gentry who came to reward the troops.

"Excuse me, old man, please organize the manpower in the town to prepare hot water and rice for the brothers, and help them set up camp and build the fortress."

"The large force is still behind. They will arrive at Dong'an Town soon. I hope there will be no delays."

Since we can't take action against Dong'an Town for now, He Zijing is going to make use of the manpower and material resources in Dong'an Town first.

After the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty finished eating the hot meals cooked by the people of Dong'an Town, lived in the camps built by the people of Dong'an Town, and then killed the people of Dong'an Town and fucked their mothers-in-law, they would have a little more strength, wouldn't they?

What is a win-win situation?

To put it bluntly, their Qing Heavenly Soldiers won twice!
As for conscience?
He Zijing's conscience had already been fed to the dog.

These days, if you want to be an official, you can't be conscientious.

Xu Shaoding saw that the military master He Zijing had a kind attitude, and more smiles appeared on his old face, and he spoke very enthusiastically.

"Don't worry, Chief Soldier, our town is short of everything, but there is no shortage of strong labor."

"I will immediately order someone to take care of the things you told me! I guarantee that all the military masters will be satisfied."

He Zijing nodded with satisfaction after hearing this.

While Xu Shaoding ordered the strong men in the town to work, he continued to get close to He Zijing.

"The power of our Qing heavenly soldiers is truly majestic."

"When I look at it today, I really yearn for it. If I could be a few years younger, draw a stiff bow, and ride a horse, I would definitely choose to serve the imperial court and help the imperial court to defeat thieves."

PS: I recommend a book, "Da Ming: I Can Summon the Fourth Natural Disaster", which is quite interesting. If you are interested in a friend's book, you can go to Kangkang.

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(End of this chapter)

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