Chapter 97 Post-War Statistics
However, at this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the teahouse.

The streets resounded with the rumble of hooves of fast horses galloping by, followed by shouts and the sound of people being driven away.

"Urgent report, urgent report!"

"The imperial army was defeated by Deqing. The governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, the general of the Gaozhou army and other important officials were all on the battlefield. Zhaoqing is in danger!"

"Zhaoqing is in danger!"

After Yong Wei escaped from Deqing Prefecture, he did not flee directly back to Guangzhou City.

Instead, he fled all the way back to Zhaoqing, preparing to deploy defenses in Zhaoqing to prevent the Ming army from continuing to move eastward and threatening Guangzhou.

He is the general of Guangzhou. If Guangzhou is also captured by Ming thieves and the Eight Banners of Guangzhou suffer, then he will probably be held accountable by the court.

If the Eight Banners suffered too many casualties, his connections within the Eight Banners would not be able to save him.

Then, after arriving in Zhaoqing, Yongwei began to order people to ask for help from Guangzhou.

Request Guangzhou to send reinforcements to Zhaoqing!

On the one hand, in the name of General Guangzhou, he convened regiment training and recruited civilian men to strengthen Zhaoqing's defense.

Prepare to defend Zhaoqing!


Listening to the noise outside the teahouse, Fang Yuan subconsciously stood up from his seat, apologized to Li Mu, and strode to the window.

Open the window and look out.

Then, he saw an Eight Banners soldier of the Qing army, whose cotton armor was stained with blood and covered with dust, and who was in a state of embarrassment, riding a horse and galloping along the street.

This Eight Banners soldier of the Qing army wearing cotton armor was running, shouting or lashing his whip to drive the people on the street out of the way.

He ran straight towards the office of the Admiral of Guangdong!

Now, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, the commander-in-chief of Gaozhou and other high officials have all died in Deqingzhou, and the generals of Guangzhou are still in Zhaoqing preparing to deploy defenses to stop the Ming army from moving eastward.

Therefore, the only one who can come forward to organize troops and rush to Zhaoqing to aid is the Admiral of Guangdong, the official in charge of the military forces of Guangdong Province.

Watching the fast horses galloping past on the street, Fang Yuan's expression changed.

His expression turned serious involuntarily!

Because he knew how many troops the Qing army dispatched to participate in this battle.

Almost half of the green camp garrison in Guangdong was gathered in Zhaoqing, and then was taken by the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi and the general of Guangzhou to fight against the thieves.

As a result, so many people were defeated by the Ming army that came out of Guangxi, and even the governors of Guangdong and Guangxi were not present in the battle.

It really shocked Fang Yuan.

He couldn't help but look at Li Mu, who was sitting on his seat drinking tea.

Li Mu didn't show much shock at this, and just raised his glass.

"His Royal Highness the Prince is astonishingly talented. His generals are like Wei Huo's rebirth, and his ability to lead troops is unparalleled in the world."

"It's normal to win this battle!"

Fang Yuan lowered his head and sat back on his seat. After thinking for a while, he raised his head and said.

"Mr. Li, what you just said, that we, the Heaven and Earth Council, will coordinate the Ming uprising, is not beyond negotiation."

"I want to know, if our Heaven and Earth Society can raise troops to respond to the Ming army's offensive, what conditions can the Ming side offer?"

After learning that the Ming army had won a great victory in Deqing Prefecture and even killed the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Fang Yuan's attitude changed.

He had previously shied away from the idea that heaven and earth would mobilize troops to support the Ming Dynasty in attacking Guangzhou, but he relented.

Because, from this incident, he really saw the possibility of Ming Dynasty conquering Guangzhou!

If this is the case, then the conditions issued by Daming are naturally not worthless empty promises.

He was interested in having a good talk with Daming.

Hearing this, Li Mu raised three fingers and said.

"There are three conditions in total!"

"First, if the hall master intends to serve in literature, then the hall master can rely on this meritorious service to directly enter the cabinet and serve in front of the emperor. He can choose one of the six ministerial positions."

"Secondly, if the hall master intends to join the army, he can be directly promoted to the rank of commander-in-chief and given the rank of general to take charge of a war effort."

"Third, no matter what the hall master chooses from the first two options, as long as the hall master can help the Ming Dynasty win Guangzhou, His Highness Jian Guo promises that he can bestow a title on you, the hall master!"

When Fang Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but take a breath of air and his heart was moved.

But in the end, he did not make a rash decision, but asked.

"What about the brothers down there?"

"If we, the Heaven and Earth Society, want to raise troops to support the Ming Dynasty in taking Guangzhou, then we have to put our heads in our belts and rebel and risk our lives."

"I can't just enjoy the glory and wealth, the brothers below must also gain something!"

When Li Mu heard this, he was not polite and said directly.

"As long as the brothers of the Tiandihui are willing to mobilize troops to respond to the Ming Dynasty, glory and wealth will naturally be inevitable."

"The leaders of the incense masters under the hall master can receive corresponding official positions and gold and silver rewards according to their merits."

"And the brothers at the bottom can also be given fields and land according to their merits, and can be settled separately."

"This is also the promise of His Royal Highness the Supervisor!"

Fang Yuan was really moved now and took a deep breath.

"Is this true?"

Li Mu took out a piece of yellow silk cloth from his arms, unfolded it in front of Fang Yuan, and then said.

"This is the imperial edict that was personally printed by His Royal Highness the Governor when I set out from Guangxi."

"Now that the imperial edict has been issued, if the words are not kept, then where is the face of the Ming Dynasty? Where is the royal dignity?"

"His Royal Highness Jian Guo is the sixth generation grandson of Emperor Yizong. After Emperor Taizu Gao, this is what he cares about most!"

Hearing this, Fang Yuan took a deep breath and spoke as if he had made up his mind.

"it is good!"

"If that's the case, then this hall master will agree to it."

"But the details and the beginning and end of the operation still need to be discussed slowly..."

"Rebellion is a big deal after all, so we should be cautious."

Li Mu heard this and nodded in approval.

"What the hall master said is true!"


Deqingzhou, state government!

It was already dark, and the Ming troops inside and outside the city were celebrating their rare victory.

A large amount of wine, meat and delicacies obtained from the raids were transported into the army and distributed to various troops. The Ming army began to feast in full swing.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, fame and wealth, dust and earth..."

"War smoke rises, the mountains and rivers look north, the dragon flag rolls up, the horse neighs, the sword energy is like frost..."


Inside and outside the Ming army camp, there were cheers and the singing of military songs everywhere.

While drinking and drinking, everyone had spontaneous and heartfelt smiles on their faces.

Because they knew that after this battle, the Ming Dynasty's strategy of marching eastward to Guangdong had opened up the situation.

If the plan to advance eastward to Guangdong can be implemented smoothly, then Ming Dynasty will be able to gain a firm foothold in Guangdong and Guangdong.

For those who had vested interests in the Ming Dynasty's rebellion, no one hoped that the Ming Dynasty could gain a firm foothold or even completely overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Even Zhu Jing'an drank a lot of wine and sang with the Ming army in high spirits to celebrate the victory.

At this time, civil servants from the Ming army came to see him carrying the results and damage statistics of the battle.

"Grand Governor, the results and losses of our army in this battle have been calculated. Please take a look."

This civil servant is named Zhang Jin, a Sichuan native and a scholar.

Because he led his fellow villagers to resist taxes, he was imprisoned by the Qing government and paraded in public.Fortunately, he was rescued by fellow villagers and he was able to escape.

But even so, he couldn't stay in Sichuan anymore.

In the end, he had no choice but to flee to Guangxi for refuge.

Later, in order to make a living, he chose to join the Ming army and became a civil servant in the army, responsible for communicating up and down, and helping Zhu Jing'an handle some daily affairs.

The role and status are roughly equivalent to that of the secretary next to the leader!

By Zhu Jing'an's side, he was definitely a close confidant.

Zhu Jing'an nodded, took the report from Zhang Jin, opened it and read it.

"Report on the specific results and damage of the First World War in Deqingzhou."

"During this battle, our army annihilated a total of more than [-] Qing troops, including more than [-] killed in formation and more than [-] captured."

The annihilation here does not mean killing them all.

Instead, it destroyed the opponent's vitality.

Including, dead, wounded, prisoners, only the enemy can no longer participate in the battle.

It can all be counted in the number of enemy annihilations!
The reason was that there were only formation cuts and prisoners, but no wounded.

That's because the wounded soldiers of the Qing army were divided into two parts, and the seriously injured ones were all treated with last-ditch wounds, and were included in the number of formation kills.

Those who were slightly injured were sent to prisoner-of-war camps and counted as prisoners.

There were a total of 4 troops of the Qing army participating in the war. After the First World War, more than 4000 troops were defeated by the Ming Dynasty.

Less than 6000 people either collapsed and fled, or were brought back to Zhaoqing by Guangzhou general Yong Wei.

In general, after this battle, the Qing army in Guangdong was definitely severely damaged.

Zhu Jing'an continued to read, his face became a little serious.

Because, in this battle, the Ming army also suffered heavy casualties!
"During this battle, our army suffered 640 casualties."

"Among them, 660 were killed, 370 were seriously injured, and [-] were slightly injured."

Of this number, the forward battalion, which was used as cannon fodder and pressed in front, contributed more than half.

The number of casualties at the Ming Army headquarters was almost one-third of the total casualties in this battle.

Although the casualties were heavy, it was still acceptable!
Zhu Jing'an closed the report, handed it back to Zhang Jin, and said.

"Very good. Instruct the Logistics Department to ensure the supply of materials for the army, especially the wounded barracks."

"Even if the governor is short of food, we cannot let those brothers who were injured for the Ming Dynasty go hungry."

Zhang Jin nodded to express his understanding.

"I would like to thank the Governor for his kindness on behalf of the brothers."

Zhu Jing'an heard this, nodded slightly, and then continued.

"Also, the Military Law Department and the Quanxu Department must do a good job in reviewing military merits, issuing rewards, and promoting appointments and removals."

"Pensions for injured and killed soldiers must also be in place, and soldiers must not be allowed to bleed and shed tears."

Zhang Jin nodded.

"My subordinate understands the direction of the Commander-in-Chief! I promise to complete the mission!"

After saying this, Zhu Jing'an waved his hand and said.

"Okay, back off!"

When Zhang Jin heard this, he did not retreat, but spoke.

"Grand Governor, there is one more thing that I need to report to you."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Jing'an turned around and asked with interest.

"whats the matter?"

Zhang Jin bowed slightly and said.

"When I get back to the Governor, it's news from Guangxi that our army's ordnance supplies are on the way and are expected to arrive at the front line soon."

Zhu Jing'an rubbed his brows to relieve the dizziness caused by drunkenness, and then asked.

"How much ordnance is coming?"

Zhang Jin took out another list, presented it to Zhu Jing'an, and said.

"Please take a look at it, the Governor!"

Zhu Jing'an took the list and started to read it.

Among the ordnance shipped from Guangxi this time, there were a total of 25 artillery pieces.

Among them, there are five 120 siege guns, five newly developed 120 field guns, five Type 90 field guns, and ten Type 65 field guns.

Six hundred Type 14 flintlock muskets.

Five hundred single-sided breastplates, five hundred flying saucer helmets, swords, shields, spears and other cold weapons are useless.

In addition, there are 15 boxes of grenades, [-] in each box.

There are [-] rounds of custom-made paper case ammunition, and a total of [-] rounds of custom-made artillery shells and ammunition of different calibers...

Such a large supply of weapons and ordnance is enough to take the strength of the Ming army to a higher level.

Zhu Jing'an closed the report and then spoke.

"Order people to do the handover work. The importance of these ordnance to our army is self-evident, and there must be no mistake."

When Zhang Jin heard this, he cupped his fists and said.

"Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, I understand!"


The Ming army repaired in Deqingzhou for several days and received the ordnance shipped from Guangxi.

After the army was almost repaired and the prisoners of war were dispersed and organized into the forward camp, the Ming army continued its journey eastward.

Regarding the formation of the forward battalion, Zhu Jing'an confidently and boldly promoted the soldiers of the forward battalion who had made meritorious service in the Battle of Deqing to officers.

Delegate authority to old prisoners of war to manage new prisoners of war!
Because these old prisoners of war have proved their loyalty to Zhu Jing'an with the blood of the enemy.

In return, Zhu Jing'an will naturally promote them!

First, rewards and comfort were given to veteran prisoners of war to stabilize the morale of the military.

Secondly, it is also to set an example for the new prisoners of war, to give them something to look forward to, and to let them understand that although they are cannon fodder now, there are still channels for promotion.

As long as you can achieve military success, you can be reused and promoted.

Another point is that the old prisoners of war have just been promoted. In order to show their loyalty, they will definitely manage the new prisoners of war more carefully.

In other words, even more cruel!
And this is exactly what Ming Dynasty needs now.

The Ming army continued eastward along the Xijiang River, heading towards Zhaoqing Mansion.


The first day of June in the 42nd year of Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty.

The big sun hung in the sky, and the sunlight splashed on the ground, causing the earth to crack.

From a distance, it seems as if the air is twisting and undulating.

Today's Zhaoqing City is filled with black troops everywhere inside and outside.

Military flags were fluttering, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood that was so strong that it could not be dispersed.

However, the obvious contrast is that the morale of the Ming army outside the city is much higher than that of the Qing army.

Zhu Jing'an put down the telescope in his hand and let out a heavy breath.

Looking in the direction of Zhaoqing City, the soldiers of the forward battalion who retreated again said expressionlessly.

"Old rule: kill anyone who escapes from battle!"

"After dealing with the deserters, continue organizing the siege!"

It has been several days since the Ming army arrived at Zhaoqing City.

In the past few days, the Ming army organized several offensives against Zhaoqing City, but all failed.

Zhu Jing'an was not angry at all about this!

(End of this chapter)

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