Chapter 36
Zhu Jing'an's expression improved slightly, a smile appeared on his face, and he spoke.

"Just right!"

"Our Ming army is short of weapons. Come on, isn't this what we need?"

"Order someone to make preparations for changing the uniforms of the army!"

Li Mu nodded to express his understanding.

At this moment, Han Sigu walked in from outside in a hurry.

Striding to Zhu Jing'an's side, Han Sigu said with a solemn expression.

"Grand Governor, our military sentry is reporting urgently. The military situation is urgent."

Zhu Jing'an raised his head and asked curiously.

"What happened?"

Han Sigu took a few steps forward, leaned over and whispered in Zhu Jing'an's ear.

"Reporting to the Governor, our military sentry has detected that militia groups have been organized in various villages under Jintian Town. They are preparing to gather at Lijia'ao and then attack Jintian Town."

Zhu Jing'an couldn't help but frown.

"Are there any vigilante groups?"

"Have you ever found out how many enemies there are? Who are they?"

Han Sigu said.

"Back to the words of the governor."

"The number of enemies should be roughly between 1000 and [-]. They are a militia group assembled from various Tujia villages in Jintian Town."

"Most of the members of the militia are good fighters who are used to fighting with weapons! Their fighting ability is not bad."

Zhu Jing'an felt a little worried when he heard this, and couldn't help but said a little irritably.

"Why do these Tujia villages have to fight against our Ming Dynasty? Why are they the only ones taking the lead? Why don't we see those Hakkas also forming militia to fight against our Ming Dynasty?"

"Do those Tujia people love the Manchus so much? Or are they all once favored by the Yang family and now they want to avenge the Yang family?"

After hearing this, Li Mu stood up and explained.

"The Governor is overthinking it. The reason why these Tujia villages are targeting our country, the Ming Dynasty, is not because the Tujia people are siding with the Qing Dynasty. To put it bluntly, it is actually due to their own interests."

"The key lies in the private mines and workshops of the Tujia people that I, the Ming Dynasty, confiscated in the Bauhinia Mountains."

Li Mu was from the Tujia people, so he helped the Tujia people speak in front of Zhu Jing'an.

This shows that the Tujia people are not firmly siding with the Manchus, but that the Tujia people in Jintian Town have conflicts of interest with the Ming Dynasty.

Li Mu didn't say a word.

That is, now it is not only the Tujia people who are lining up with the Manchus, but also the Hakka people.

I dare not say 100% of the landowners and gentry in the world, but at least 90.00% are now on the side of the Manchus.

The reason why the Tujia people's villages in Jintian Town appear to be so outstanding is, to put it bluntly, because their properties in the Bauhinia Mountains were confiscated and their interests were damaged.

So jump on it!

The Hakkas, whose interests were not affected, sat quietly and watched. At most, they could only think about joining forces to protect themselves.

As long as their interests are not affected, sitting on the sidelines is the choice most people will make.

Zhu Jing'an nodded to express his understanding and turned to ask Han Si about the ancient way.

"How long does it take for the enemy to arrive at Jintian Town?"

Han Sigu said.

"Right now, militia groups from various villages under Jintian Town are gathering towards Lijia'ao. It will take about two days for them to complete their assembly and attack towards Jintian Town."

Zhu Jing'an pondered for a while.

"It takes two days..."

"Being passively beaten is never an option. How about I, Ming, still take the initiative this time?"

Li Mu frowned and asked.

"What does the governor mean?"

Zhu Jing'an laughed, stretched out two fingers and said.

"Two words!"

"Take the fire out of the cauldron and call in reinforcements!" After saying this, Zhu Jing'an opened his mouth to explain.

"The militia that came to our Ming Dynasty is not an elite group. To put it bluntly, it is actually a ragtag group of several villages. Their biggest problem is their discord."

"It's best to deal with such an enemy!"

Zhu Jing'an said with confidence.

"We don't necessarily have to wait for the enemy to come to Jintian Town after they are ready, and then passively respond. In my opinion, taking the initiative is the best choice."

"While the enemy's main force is gathering towards Lijia'ao, our army can raid various Tujia villages."

"If the village is attacked, I don't believe that those militia groups can still sit in Lijia'ao."

"As long as someone chooses to leave the brigade and return to their own village, that will give me the opportunity to defeat them one by one!"

This is Zhu Jing'an's character. Being passively beaten has never been his style.

In his opinion, offense is the best defense!


Accompanied by a burst of horns and gongs and drums, the Ming army, which was still resting, quickly completed its assembly.

A soldier named Ming returned to the team and completed the formation in the open space outside Jintian Town.

But it was very obvious that many individuals in the Ming army were obviously out of spirits.

He yawned, stretched, and stood there looking loose and awkward.

Apparently he was exhausted last night and couldn't get a good rest.

But this is normal. Being able to sleep well on the wedding night is not something ordinary people can do.

Zhu Jing'an entered the venue riding a pony. He was already good-looking, but he looked even more majestic when he came on horseback.

When the Ming army saw this, they all cheered up and shouted in unison.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

"Long live the Ming Dynasty, long live the Governor!"

"Reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, divide the fields and divide the land!"


Obviously, the morale of the Ming army is very good now.

First, because of the victory in the Battle of Jintian Town, the morale of the Ming army was boiling.

The second reason is that Zhu Jing'an fulfilled his promise to provide wives to the meritorious soldiers in the Ming army, which made many Ming soldiers' eyes red from stimulation.

Now that Zhu Jing'an has divided his wife among them, it is only a matter of time before they divide their fields.

They also want wives and share the land.

If before this, dividing the fields and giving wives was just a pie drawn by Zhu Jing'an for them, everyone in the Ming army was still doubtful.

But after the Battle of Jintian Town, they had determined that this pie could really be eaten.

Everyone in the Ming army was excited!

Zhu Jing'an rode to the front of the Ming army and spoke.

"Soldiers, I have some bad news for you today."

As soon as Zhu Jing'an said this, the entire Ming army fell into silence.

After everyone in the Ming army fell silent, Zhu Jing'an continued to speak.

"According to reliable information, the local tyrants and evil gentry in the villages under Jintian Town have made a decision. They have abandoned their ancestors and sided with the Manchus."

"These people once again contributed money and effort to organize militia groups, preparing to help the Manchu Qing court attack the Ming Dynasty."

"They want to take away our fields, our wives, and the last copper from us..."

"Even in the end, they will chop off our heads, use our heads to ask for credit from the Manchu court, and use them as their promotion steps."

"They want the Manchu and Qing court, which represents their interests, to put pressure on us Han people forever and ever."

"We want our children and grandchildren to make cattle and horses for them forever, plow the fields and work hard, support them with all our efforts, and support the high-ranking Eight Banners borers to eat, drink and enjoy themselves for the rest of their lives."

"Tell me, can you agree?!"

Zhu Jing'an shouted the last sentence, his fair and delicate face turned red from suppressing it, and his chest heaved violently.

(End of this chapter)

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