Chapter 30 Result and Capture

Zhu Jing'an smiled and patted Zhang Hu's shoulder and said.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, merit will be rewarded and punishment will be punished. This is what I, the general who leads the army, should do."

"This battle is the first battle since the formation of King Ming's army. Although there are some mistakes, it does not affect the overall situation. I am very pleased to have such a result."

After saying this, Zhu Jing'an looked around and spoke.

"All the soldiers have worked hard in this battle! Everyone has a big reward."

"When the situation in Jintian Town stabilizes, all the rewards promised to everyone will be in place."

"House, land, wife, reward, everything you should have will be there!"

When the surrounding Ming soldiers heard this, they couldn't help but raise their arms and shout.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Ming Dynasty Wan Sheng!"

"Reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, divide the fields and divide the land!"

"Long live the governor, the governor is wise."


Obviously, the morale of the Ming army is very high now.

While talking, Zhu Jing'an led Zhang Hu and Han Sigu into the Yang family's mansion.

Zhu Jing'an asked as he looked at the red-lacquered door that was blown open by the explosive charge.

"Commander Zhang, how powerful are those explosive packs? Is there anything that needs improvement in actual combat?"

Zhang Hu heard this and spoke.

"Returning to the Governor, the power of the explosive package is very impressive. When it explodes, the sound is like thunder, and the power is comparable to thunder."

"In my entire life, I have never seen gunpowder with such amazing power."

"The Governor can invent the formula of this magical medicine. I, the Ming Dynasty, really have the help of heaven. Great things can be expected!"

When Zhang Hu talked about the power of the explosive pack, he couldn't help but get excited and his mood was very exciting.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just nodded slightly.

"That's good!"

As he spoke, he and Zhang Hu continued to walk towards the Yang family mansion.

The two of them walked outside Mr. Yang's study. Zhang Hu pointed at the study in front of him and said.

"Grand Governor, our people discovered a tunnel in the study. Master Yang should have escaped from Jintian Town through the tunnel here."

While talking, the two entered Mr. Yang's study.

The bookshelf in the study room was pushed open, revealing a secret door at the back.

Several Ming soldiers were working together to pry open the door.

The reason why they did not directly use thunder or explosives to blow up was because they were afraid that the explosion would collapse the tunnel, which would make it impossible for the Ming army to pursue the escaped Master Yang along the tunnel.

A moment later, with a loud bang as a heavy object fell to the ground, the tunnel's secret door was finally pried open.

Zhu Jing'an glanced at the dark tunnel, squinted his eyes and said.

"Send people into the tunnel to chase him. If he can catch Mr. Yang, it would be best. Even if he can't catch him, he still has to find out where the tunnel exit is and prepare to backfill the tunnel."

When Han Sigu heard this, he cupped his fists and accepted the order.

At this moment, a person walked in from outside, it was Li Mu.

Zhu Jing'an led the attack this time and raided Jintian Town. Li Mu, as the Minister of Household Affairs of the Ming Dynasty, also accompanied the army.

He is mainly responsible for the army's food and fodder dispatch, logistics support and other issues.

As well as post-war results and battle damage statistics.

Li Mu came to Zhu Jing'an and said.

"To the Commander-in-Chief, the losses and results of our army in this battle have been calculated."

Zhu Jing'an nodded and said.


Li Mu presented a document to Zhu Jing'an and then spoke.

"Preliminary statistics show that in terms of battle results, our army killed a total of 51 enemies and captured 36 people." "We seized [-] spears, [-] long knives, [-] crossbows, [-] shotguns, and some gunpowder. , well, there are also two cannons.”

"A great harvest!"

Guangxi is a place where weapons are used for fighting. It is quite normal for a landlord to have several cannons in his house.

Zhu Jing'an frowned when he heard this.

"The Yang family still has cannons? Why didn't I hear anything?"

Li Mu heard this and spoke.

"The cannon was originally placed behind the gate by the Yang family. They wanted to wait for our Ming army to break through the gate and fire it to cause damage to our army."

"But in the end, the door of the Yang family was not knocked open by our soldiers, but exploded by explosive packets. Therefore, the two native cannons of the Yang family were not used."

"The shock wave generated by the explosion of the explosive pack directly overturned the two cannons. It was only after our soldiers rushed into the Yang family mansion that they discovered the two cannons behind the door."

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an nodded with satisfaction.

"In that case, it's a coincidence."

"What about our army's casualties in this battle?"

When Li Mu heard this, the expression on his face became solemn and he spoke.

"Back to the Governor, according to statistics, our army suffered a total of 21 casualties in this battle."

"Eight of them died on the spot, and the remaining 13 have been treated by Dr. Song."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Jing'an gave instructions without any hesitation.

"Send someone to tell Song Yizheng to do your best to treat the wounded in our army. Don't worry about whether the medicinal materials are wasted. Human lives are more important than medicinal materials."

In ancient times, many people believed that wounded soldiers were a drag.

But in Zhu Jingan's view, it was just the opposite. Wounded soldiers were the most valuable asset in an army.

One is because all wounded soldiers have been on the battlefield. When they return to the army after recovering from their injuries, they will become veterans.

On the battlefield, it's not just talk that one veteran can be worth ten recruits.

There is no doubt that the greater the number of veterans in an army, the stronger its combat effectiveness will be.

Also, treating wounded soldiers is actually not just for the wounded soldiers, but also for other people to see.

By doing all he could to treat the wounded soldiers, Zhu Jing'an was actually showing his attitude to the entire army that he would not give up any wounded soldier.

Only in this way can he let more soldiers go to the battlefield and let go of their worries about being abandoned by the army after being injured.

Furthermore, only when the army goes to the battlefield can they risk their lives and fight with all their might. In this way, the army can exert stronger combat effectiveness.

The more people who are not afraid of death in an army, the stronger its combat effectiveness. This is for sure.

After pondering for a while, Zhu Jingan spoke again.

"Song Yizheng may not be able to handle the situation alone. Send someone to invite all the doctors and doctors in the town to help Song Yizheng."

"Tell the soldiers that our Ming Dynasty will never give up on any of the heroes who have fought for our Ming Dynasty."

Li Mu heard this and responded with clasped fists.

"The governor is wise!"

Zhu Jing'an led people out of Master Yang's study, and then asked again.

"By the way, have you checked out the Yang family's grain warehouse and everything now?"

"How much food supplies are there?"

Li Mu said.

"When we return to the Grand Governor, we are still counting them."

"Since the autumn harvest has just begun, the Yang family's granary is now filled with mountains of grain, and it will take a long time to count them out."

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he couldn't help but smile on his face and said.

"Very good. Let's take your time to count them. Send the order and order people to report the victory to Bauhinia Mountain!"

"Let's just say...our army has a great victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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