Chapter 31 Mr. Yang’s Painted Cake

The night was dark, and the moonlight filtered through the sparse branches, bringing the only glimmer of light to the three people who were walking in the dense forest, illuminating the road under their feet.

"Master, please be careful!"

He Qiang supported Master Yang and spoke with concern in his voice.

Mr. Yang, who had always been pampered in the past, had already developed blisters on the soles of his feet within a short time of walking.

He needed help to continue walking, and he kept screaming in pain along the way.

Beside him, Butler Niu and He Qiang, both had sweat on their faces.

The three of them looked back from time to time, not daring to stop at all, as if a man-eating tiger was chasing them behind them.

Now there are only two people left with Mr. Yang, as for the others.

After exiting the tunnel, they fled separately.

"No...I can't do it anymore. I really can't do it anymore. I need to take a rest!"

Mr. Yang was sweating on his forehead, and his melon cap was soaked with sweat.

The braid hung weakly on the back of his head, and drops of sweat dripped down his back.

Mr. Yang said with a trembling voice.

After hearing this, Butler Niu and He Qiang could only choose to stop and rest.

Master Yang sat down on a large bluestone, exhaled heavily, and the expression on his face became visibly relaxed.

"I'm tired...I'm exhausted!"

He Qiang said while fanning Mr. Yang with his sleeves.

"Master, we have to rest for a while and then continue on our way. Otherwise, the thieves may catch up at any time, and I'm afraid it will be dangerous then."

Mr. Yang panted and shook his head.

"No, no, I can't walk. I really can't walk."

"Wait... wait until daybreak before we start our journey!"

Mr. Yang has been pampered for most of his life, but he has never suffered such a crime.

He Qiang looked troubled when he heard this, and after thinking for a while, he spoke.

"Let's do this. Master, you and the cattle steward will wait for me here for a while. The younger one will go to the mountains to cut two branches and vines to make a stretcher for you. The cattle steward and I will carry you."

Hearing this, Butler Niu opened his mouth and wanted to say that he was tired too.

But after all, he still didn't dare to say the words.

After hearing this, Mr. Yang nodded with approval.

"Okay, okay, okay, that's the best. Then there are you two, Lao Heqiang and Niu Sheng."

"As long as I can successfully escape this time and arrive at Wuxuan County safely, I will definitely not treat you badly in the future."

"My son is working as an official away from home, and right now we are short of a few reliable people to help him. When the time comes, I recommend that you join my son and become an official."

Master Yang skillfully painted the cakes for the two of them.

When Butler Niu heard this, his previous reluctance disappeared instantly, he nodded vigorously, and began to flatter Mr. Yang.

"Master, don't worry. I have been working for the Yang family for decades. You know me. As long as I am here, I will ensure your safety."

He Qiang on the side didn't say anything, he just picked up the saber in his hand, turned around and walked towards the depths of the jungle, with an expression on his face that was obviously worried.

But because it was too dark, neither Mr. Niu nor Butler Yang noticed his expression.

Unlike Butler Niu, He Qiang's identity is relatively sensitive. He has a murder case on his back and is still wanted by the court, so his identity is unclear.

In this way, he would be satisfied if he could ensure that he had enough to eat and drink, but he did not dare to long for an official position...

... He Qiang went into the forest with his thoughts in mind, found a few small trees of suitable thickness and cut them with his knife.

After a while, he got two sticks with good toughness and similar thickness.

Then, he went to find a few more vines.

After collecting the raw materials for making a stretcher, He Qiang took the things and prepared to go back to the original place to find Mr. Yang and the cattle steward.

On the way, he heard screams far away, but they were not real. He Qiang subconsciously quickened his pace and started to jog.

But when he returned to the place, Master Yang and Butler Niu had disappeared.

He Qiang panicked and looked around hurriedly.

Suddenly, behind the big bluestone where Mr. Yang sat, he saw a blood-stained corner of his clothes and an obvious blood stain.

He followed the blood trail and found the dying cattle steward behind a bush.

At this time, the cattle steward was lying on the ground, and his body was covered with tooth marks left by the beast's bites, as well as marks of tearing by sharp claws.

His stomach was cut open by sharp claws, his intestines were torn to pieces, and several pieces of flesh were obviously missing from his arms, thighs, chest and other parts, and they were dripping with blood.

Even when it was connected, a large piece of its skin had been chewed off by wild beasts, revealing red flesh and white bones.

Now Niu Guanjia is almost breathing his last breath...

Butler Niu was about to die, but after seeing He Qiang, his cloudy eyes shone brightly.

Pointing in one direction.

"There is... there is a big insect, and the master has been taken away..."

After saying this, he tilted his head and completely lost his life.

When He Qiang heard this, his eyes widened, he put down the things in his hands and ran quickly in the direction pointed by Butler Niu.

By the time He Qiang followed the traces and found the tiger's den, it was already dawn.

And Mr. Yang had already been chewed into bones by big insects.

A big insect was lying at the entrance of the cave, lazily basking in the sun.

Several cubs were playing around Master Yang's bones, grinding their teeth on the bones that were still stained with blood and flesh...

He Qiang's eyes were about to burst when he saw it, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Although He Qiang is very skilled, he is not like Wu Song. Even with a sharp blade in his hand, he cannot beat the giant insect.

He Qiang endured his grief and anger and lay motionless on the spot, hoping to see if he could find an opportunity to collect the bones of Master Yang.

He Qiang lay there all morning. At noon, the big insect finally moved. He got up and took his cub to drink water from the distant stream.

He Qiang seized the opportunity, quickly ran to the cave, and collected Master Yang's bones.

Then he quickly left the place!
After burying Mr. Yang, He Qiang, full of grief and indignation, took the token he got from Mr. Yang's bones and prepared to leave for Guangdong to join Mr. Yang's eldest son who was an official abroad.

Please find a way to avenge your master!

As for the second and third young masters of the Yang family?
One of these two people is doing business abroad. They should be doing business with the Thirteenth Bank in Guangzhou now. They only go home every year during the Chinese New Year.

The other is preparing for the exam in the provincial capital and is preparing to take part in this year's provincial exam.

If you want to avenge the master, neither the second nor the third young master can be trusted, and you still have to look to the eldest young master who is an official.


At dawn, He Shou got up early.

Then he began to read and practice calligraphy in the morning glow. When the sun rose three o'clock in the morning, his family prepared the meal and sent it to him. He Shou had already copied half of the book "The Doctrine of the Mean" with a brush dipped in water on the slate used for practicing calligraphy. .

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(End of this chapter)

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