Chapter 65 Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi (12)

The Qing Dynasty at this time is not the Qing Dynasty after the Duck War, and the arrogance of the Celestial Kingdom has not yet been knocked down.

Officials are not afraid of foreigners.

A few years ago, when the imperial court issued a decree banning religion, many foreign missionaries were killed.

Today's foreigners are still foreign devils, not the foreign adults after the Duck War.

Once trouble occurs in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the official will not unilaterally please the foreigners and accept humiliation just to calm the trouble, as he did after the Duck War.

He was afraid that he would provoke foreign soldiers and start another war, which would cause him to be criticized by the court.

Instead, they will drag the foreigners who cause trouble to the government office to fight!
Especially here in Guangzhou, almost every year, several foreign devils are caught illegally crossing the border into the Qing mainland.

For these foreigners, unless they can spend money to ward off misfortunes, they will inevitably have their pants taken off in public and receive a beating.

Therefore, there are really not many foreigners in the interior of the Qing Dynasty who dare to illegally cross the border.

Li Mu frowned and said after hearing this.

"Can't you hire even a single foreign soldier?"

Fang Yuan shook his head when he heard this.

"A small number of three or five foreign soldiers or foreign monks can still be hired. There are always some who want money rather than their lives."

"But if you want to recruit a mercenary, I'm afraid it won't work."

The foreign monks mentioned by Fang Yuan are also the so-called missionaries.

They dared to venture into the interior of the Qing Dynasty. Apart from the temptation of money, they actually also had missionary intentions.

The religious fanaticism of other countries and nations in the world is incomprehensible to the Chinese.

When Li Mu heard this, he no longer pressed, and just nodded.

"If that's the case, I would trouble Hall Master Fang to pay more attention to recruiting craftsmen and purchasing foreign firearms."

"As long as things can be done well, my boss will definitely not be stingy with money."

Hearing this, Fang Yuan just smiled and said.

"We are all anti-Qing martyrs and friends who stand on the same front. We should help each other."

Fang Yuan now roughly figured out the identities of Li Mu and others.

Although he is not very optimistic that Zhu Jing'an and his son will succeed in overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty, this does not prevent him from making angel investment and selling it well to Zhu Jing'an.

What if he becomes it?
Of course, investment is investment and business is business.

He purchases materials and hires people, and Zhu Jing'an should pay no less in agency fees.

There are so many brothers in Tiandihui waiting for rice to be put into the pot. If they don't have money, why don't they tear him down as the leader?

Governor's Mansion of Guangdong and Guangxi!
flower hall!

Yang Zhong was sitting on a stool, with only half of his butt firmly seated, and his expression was obviously anxious.

The servants of the Governor's Mansion brought him tea, but he did not dare to drink it. He just sat tense and waited.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the distance.

A group of maids and servants appeared in front of Yang Zhong surrounded by an old man in brocade clothes.

The old man has strong features, protruding cheekbones, slender cheeks, and gray beard and hair. However, he appears to be in high spirits against the backdrop of his rich and beautiful clothes.

The visitor was Yang Jingsu, the current governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

The reason why he was transferred to the governorship of Guangdong and Guangxi was because when he was the governor of Shandong, he assisted the scholar Shu Hede and made great contributions in quelling the Wang Lun rebellion of the Qingshui Sect.

And when Qianlong went on a southern tour to find Niu, he led troops to quell the chaos along the way and protect Wang Jia.

Therefore, Qianlong valued him, so he was promoted to the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi as a Han Chinese as a reward.

Yang Zhong saw Yang Jingsu at a glance, quickly stood up from the stool, took a few steps forward, knelt down and saluted.

"I have met the Governor-General Yang Zhong, the magistrate of Panyu County."

Seeing this, Yang Jingsu walked up to Yang Zhong and helped him up.

"How come Anguo has time to come to this governor today? Is there something going on?"

Anguo is Yang Zhong's brand name.

After hearing what Yang Jingsu said, Yang Zhong spoke.

"My lord, when I come here this time, I have two things to report to the governor."

"The first is that Xiaguan's father has recently died, and Xiaguan invited Ding You."

Hearing this, Yang Jingsu thought for a while and then nodded.

"But if you are Ding You, the position of Panyu County Magistrate will be vacant, and I will order someone to fill it."

"But don't worry, I will have other arrangements for you when you are done with Ding You."

"In this huge governor's palace, there are many positions for subordinate officials."

Yang Jingsu comforted Yang Zhong.

The reason is simple, because Yang Zhong is his confidant.

Panyu and Guangzhou are attached to Guo. If they are not the confidants of the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, they will definitely not be able to hold this position.

Yang Jingsu still liked Yang Zhong, a subordinate who was obedient and sensible and could bring benefits to himself.

The major shareholder behind the Yang family's private mine in Zijing Mountain, Jintian Town, is actually Yang Jingsu, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

Every year, the private mines in Zijing Mountain bring Yang Jingsu considerable profits.

There is some real collusion of interests between the two!

Hearing this, Yang Zhong couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart, and knelt down again and said.

"I would like to thank you, Lord Governor, for your promotion."

When Yang Jingsu heard this, he nodded slightly.

"It doesn't matter, what's the second thing An Guoqin did when he came here?"

When Yang Zhong heard this, the expression on his face suddenly became solemn, and he spoke word by word.

"Returning to the Governor, the second thing I want to report to the Governor is that someone in Guangxi raised a flag to rebel."

"This person claimed to be a remnant of the Ming Dynasty clan. He called himself the supervisor of the country, proclaimed himself the king and established the system. He ran rampant in the local areas, entrenched the mountains, and caused trouble to the states and counties. The officials, gentry and the common people suffered greatly."

"Xiaguan...Xiaguan's father gathered clan tenants and formed a militia in order to defeat the thieves, but he was defeated by the Ming thieves' surprise attack."

"The militia immediately collapsed. Even Xiaguan's father died tragically at the hands of the Ming thieves. No fewer than a hundred of Xiaguan's clan members died due to the abuse and torture of the Ming thieves."

"The officials, gentry and people in Jintian Town are fighting fiercely, and the number of victims is unknown..."

"But even so, local officials in Guangxi are still timid to do their job. Not only have they failed to exterminate the rebels, they even deliberately cover up their official status to deceive superiors and subordinates."

"Please also ask the Governor to send troops to quell the thieves, make decisions for your subordinates, and make decisions for the innocent people of Jintian Town!"

After saying this, Yang Zhong knelt in front of Yang Jingsu and kowtowed continuously.

His head hit the floor, making a dull thud.

Yang Jingsu walked to the chair on the side, lifted up his robe and sat down.

A thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

There is a rebel in the local area, which is not a good thing for the lower-level officials, so they need to cover it up as much as possible.

But for him, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, it was different.

There are rebels in the local area, especially those who claim to be kings, who claim to be descendants of the former Ming Dynasty, who want to rebel against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and who directly poke the lungs of the imperial court. This is actually a good thing for him.

Because if there are rebels, there will be military merit.

As for whether the scale of the rebellion is large?

In fact, there is no need to consider this, because the descendants of the former Ming Dynasty rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, restored the Ming Dynasty, and established the kingship system. This is enough to poke the lungs of the imperial court.Even if the scale of the rebel thief is small, his influence is huge.

As long as the rebels can be defeated, it can still be regarded as a good military achievement.

How did Yang Jingsu get his position as Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi?

To put it bluntly, it was because he assisted the great scholar Shu Hede in putting down Wang Lun's uprising, and he helped the emperor clear the way of rebels during his southern tour.

Because of this, he showed his face twice in front of the emperor!
If he can put down the Ming rebel uprising in Guangxi this time, then he can show his face in front of the emperor again.

By then, he will be able to hold the position of governor of Guangdong and Guangxi for a few more years...

You must know that Yang Jingsu is only a Han, and the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi is the private territory of the banner people.

His current position as governor of Guangdong and Guangxi is only a transitional role.

When there is a vacancy for a senior bannerman, he will give up his position.

By then, he still doesn’t know where he will be transferred as an official!

It would be fine if he was in a prosperous place such as Jiangnan or Huguang, but if he were thrown into the bitter cold northwest or the miasma-hot southwest, it was not certain how long his old bones could survive.

Therefore, Yang Jingsu is now extremely eager for military glory.

And Yang Zhong's arrival can be regarded as falling into Yang Jingsu's trap.

After thinking for a while, Yang Jingsu raised his head and said.

"Don't worry, Anguo. This governor will report this matter to the court and send troops to Guangxi to suppress the bandits and put down the rebellion, so as to help you avenge you."

As the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Yang Jingsu needs to report to the court if there are rebels in the local area.

However, there is no need to wait for the imperial edict from the imperial court to dispatch troops to quell the thieves. The troops can be mobilized to quell the thieves directly.

In Guangdong and Guangxi, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. If everything was reported, the day lily would be cold.

After saying that, Yang Jingsu spoke again.

"Anguo, please go back and rest first. Your father has recently lost his life. You have been obviously exhausted recently, so it would be better to rest more."

"If there is any news later, I will send someone to inform you."

Yang Zhong kowtowed again.

"I thank you for your kindness."

After saying this, he turned around and left.

After Yang Zhong left, Yang Jingsu spoke to the attendant around him.

"Go down and ask someone to prepare the sedan chair and prepare to go to the General's Mansion in Guangzhou. The governor wants to discuss with the General how to quell the thieves."

The current general of Guangzhou is Yongwei, a member of the Huangdai clan whose surname is Aixinjueluo.

His grandfather was Yinreng, the former crown prince of Kangxi who competed with the fourth and ninth sons of Yong Lao for the throne.

Although Yin Reng was deposed as the crown prince, his status in the Eight Banners was still high, and his descendants were still important shareholders of the Eight Banners.

In the 20th year of Emperor Qianlong's reign, Yongwei was awarded the title of Minister of Sanzhi, which was considered as official official service.

In the 26th year of Qianlong's reign, he concurrently served as deputy commander of the Han Army of Xianglan Banner.

He has managed the affairs of the Mongolian capital of Zhengbai Banner for 30 years.

In 31 years, he was awarded the title of You Zongzheng of Zongren Mansion.

Tiao Zongzheng in 36 years. In 38 years, he was awarded the title of Minister of Internal Affairs.

In the 40th year of Qianlong's reign, he was promoted to General of Guangzhou!

This background and the speed of promotion are comparable to those of Han officials like Yang Jingsu.

Even if he borrowed a hundred courage from Yang Jingsu, he would not dare to go against Yong Wei.

If he wanted to send troops to quell the thieves, he could only act based on Yong Wei's face. Before sending troops, he had to say hello to Yong Wei and get Yong Wei's permission.


Guangxi, Wuxuan County, Jintian Town!

Jintian Town was full of joy inside and outside, with red cloth and red lanterns symbolizing the festival hung everywhere.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke left after the fireworks were set off.

The town was filled with flowing tables, chicken, duck and fish, and delicious food and wine were served to the tables as if they were free of charge.

A famous sergeant gathered together, talking and laughing loudly, celebrating today's happy event.

Today is the day for Zhu Jing'an to take in his concubine.

There are two concubines that he will welcome today. One is the daughter of the He family, who represents the Hakka people, and the other is the daughter of the Zeng family, who represents the Tujia people.

Of course, even though they were concubines, Zhu Jing'an was not stingy about the title and gave each of the two women the title of a talented person.

She is the second most powerful person in the prince's palace, second only to the princess, so it is not a bad treatment for them.

As for the choice of the Crown Princess, there is no rush to finalize it.

Zhu Jing'an's princess will naturally become the future mother of the Ming Dynasty. This is a very important political bargaining chip.

Judging from the current situation, there is no one worthy of Zhu Jing'an's political chips to win over.

Therefore, he planned to leave the position of Crown Princess vacant for the future.

It is worth mentioning that after returning from Bauhinia Mountain, Zhu Jianzhuo specifically checked with the He family and the Zeng family and confirmed that the two women did not have "foot binding", and then decided on the marriage.

But when you think about it, it’s actually normal. There is a threshold for foot binding.

If you are not from a wealthy family where you have plenty of food and drink, and someone to take care of your food and clothing, you most likely won't be able to have your feet bound even if you want to.

Because once the feet are wrapped into three-inch golden lotus, it will be difficult for that person to even walk, let alone work.

And poor people can't afford to feed the trash that eats nothing.

Most of the time for poor families, the whole family, young and old, have to work in the fields and go up to the mountains to cut firewood and pull grass to support their families.

If you had your feet bound, you would starve to death.

Besides, besides wanting a woman to carry on the family lineage, the main purpose of marrying a wife these days is to increase the labor force.

But once your feet are bound, you can't do most of the work.

Who the hell would marry an ancestor who can't do any work and go home to provide for him?

Therefore, foot binding is, to put it bluntly, a perverted game played by powerful people.

People at the bottom cannot afford to play...

And the He family is obviously not the kind of powerful family that can afford to have their feet bound.

The daughter of the Zeng family actually had her feet bound, but her foot binding was only to shape the soles of her feet, making them more delicate and beautiful, thus satisfying the special hobbies of a certain group of people.

Rather than wrapping your feet into the shape of a three-inch golden lotus...

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an can also accept it.

Well, hold your nose and accept it.

However, Zhu Jing'an still didn't like foot binding after all.

Of course, if the power behind a woman is strong enough, her father and brother are generals with heavy troops, or cabinet ministers at the level of feudal officials, no matter how much her feet are bound.

Zhu Jing'an can also consider making her the crown prince.

In Zhu Jing'an's view, since he had made up his mind to be a national hero who fought against the Qing Dynasty and restored the Ming Dynasty, and to be a cold-blooded and pure political animal, love was insulated from him.

His marriage can be used to exchange for political resources, to exchange interests, to win over civil servants and generals...

But it will not be dedicated to love!
 There will be another chapter later tonight. The author is almost recovered from the cold, so I will try to resume normal updates.

(End of this chapter)

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