Chapter 81 The Heart of Scholars?

Chapter 81: Discussion and decision-making

By the time Zhu Jing'an arrived at the meeting hall, he had almost finished eating the buns in his hand.

Zhu Jing'an stuffed the last bit of bun skin into his mouth and chewed it, still feeling a little choked.

Pushing the door open and walking into the meeting hall, everyone stood up and saluted when they saw Zhu Jing'an arriving.

"I have met the Grand Governor!"

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an only nodded slightly.

He didn't say anything, he just strode to his seat, picked up the tea cup and took a sip before speaking.

"Free gift!"

After Zhu Jing'an finished speaking, he sat down in his seat.

He looked at the first position, but Zhu Jiazhuo hadn't arrived yet.

But everyone didn't have to wait long. Zhu Jianzhuo, surrounded by several attendants, walked into the meeting hall.

Everyone, including Zhu Jing'an, stood up and saluted.

"The ministers are waiting to see His Royal Highness Jian Guo!"

Zhu Jianzhuo nodded.

"Retire without courtesy."

After saying this, Zhu Jianzhuo sat down at the head of the table, and then continued to speak.

"Today King Gu calls everyone here. There are three main things that need to be discussed with everyone."

"Everyone doesn't need to be restrained, just speak freely."

After saying this, Zhu Jiazhuo paused for a while, and then spoke.

"First of all, Wuxuan County sent people to contact our country, wanting to discuss the matter of surrender."

"What do you, dear friends, think of this matter?"

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he stood up first and said.

"When I return to my father, I have something to say."

Zhu Jianzhuo nodded.

"Say something!"

Zhu Jingan nodded and then spoke.

"My son agrees with my decision to recruit and surrender Wuxuan County in the Ming Dynasty."

"Previously, the reason why I objected to my Ming Dynasty's march into the prefectures and counties was because during the expansion, we mainly controlled the countryside."

"The main purpose is not to attract the attention of the Qing court, so that Ming Dynasty can build high walls, accumulate grain, and slowly become king."

"So that our Ming Dynasty can hide its strength, bide its time, and develop its power."

"But it's different now. We, the Ming Dynasty, first occupied the countryside of several counties, and then attacked the Qing court's crusade army. We can no longer keep a low profile."

"The strategy of hoarding grain widely, building high walls, and slowly becoming king has failed. The Qing government is expected to mobilize heavy troops to encircle and suppress our Ming Dynasty soon."

"In this case, my Ming Dynasty's development strategy will naturally change."

"We can no longer tie our hands and feet just to hide our capabilities and bide our time. Instead, we should aggressively attack everywhere to expand our strength in order to quickly expand our sphere of influence."

"It's time to occupy the state capital, dominate the country, and show my Ming Dynasty's majesty!"

"The surrender of Wuxuan County may help us recruit other prefectures and counties in the future in the Ming Dynasty, and play the role of a golden horse bone."

Zhu Jing'an said calmly.

Zhu Jianzhuo nodded in approval upon hearing this, and then asked the rest of the people.

"Then dear ladies, do you have any other opinions on this?"

Seeing this, everyone spoke in agreement.

"The governor is wise!"

"I'm waiting for a second opinion!"

"For Wuxuan County, recruiting and surrendering is indeed the best policy."


Seeing this, Zhu Jianzhuo nodded.

"If that's the case, then let's finalize the surrender as soon as possible."

"When we turn back, Wang Shoufu will go to negotiate with Wuxuan County to discuss the terms of recruitment and surrender."

When Wang Shun heard this, he stood up and responded with clasped fists.

"Old minister obeys!"

Seeing this, Zhu Jianzhuo continued.

"The second thing to discuss next is the disposal of prisoners of war."

"In this battle in Hualiang Village, our army captured a large number of Qing prisoners of war, nearly five thousand in total."

"There are more than [-] Green Camp soldiers among the prisoners."

"If these prisoners of war are not handled properly, they may cause disaster."

"What do you gentlemen think?"

When everyone heard the words, they said in unison.

"His Royal Highness the Governor is wise."

Seeing this, Han Sigu stood up and said.

"Returning to Your Highness, the general's opinion is to classify and screen those prisoners of war before disposing of them."

"The civilian men among them can be identified, and after their braids are cut off, they can be incorporated into our army as auxiliary troops."

"After the auxiliary soldiers go to the battlefield and train a few times, they will naturally transform into combat soldiers and fight to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty."

"As for those Green Camp soldiers, the last general suggested that they be sent to labor camps to atone for their sins."

"My Ming Dynasty is currently stepping up the construction of the outer fortifications of Jintian Town, mining mines, and producing cement. A large amount of labor is needed everywhere."

"Just let those green camp soldiers use their remaining energy!"

How should I put it, Green Camp is really rotten to the core.

Han Sigu would rather absorb the civilians who had no war experience among the prisoners of war into the Ming army than recruit the green camp soldiers.

The reason why those civilian men performed poorly on the battlefield was because they were civilian men and had not experienced any special military training.

As long as it can go through certain training and training on the battlefield.Those civilian husbands can quickly complete their transformation and become excellent soldiers.

But those green camp soldiers, they are really good.

If he really wants to absorb the Green Camp soldiers into the Ming army, Han Sigu is afraid that those soldiers will lead the Ming soldiers to evil again.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an spoke in agreement.

"My son agrees with General Han's view."

"However, in my opinion, I, the Ming Dynasty, will never be lenient to those Green Camp soldiers. Reeducation through labor alone is not enough."

"Everyone should already know what happened in Dong'an Town. On the battlefield, everyone must also know about the Qing army driving the people in front of the battlefield."

"We must make the Qing prisoners of war pay the price for this, in order to stop this unhealthy trend."

"Otherwise, even if I, the Ming Dynasty, can regain control of the world in the future, I am afraid that the world will be reduced to ten rooms and nine empty houses."

"This is unacceptable to me!"

Hearing this, Zhu Jiazhuo groaned for a while with a sad expression on his face, and then asked.

"What do you mean, my son?"

Zhu Jing'an spoke directly without any hesitation.

"Any green battalion soldiers of the Qing army who participated in the massacre and looting of the city and drove the people in front of the formation will be killed!"

"In this world, most people care about food but not fights."

“For something to have a profound impact on people and make them afraid to do it again, it must make them feel enough pain.”

"Blood and killing are the best means of deterrence!"

Li Mu on the side heard the words and spoke.

"Is the Governor's method too harsh?"

"I am afraid that [-]% of the prisoners of war captured by our army this time were involved in massacres and driving the people in front of the battle lines."

"If our army slaughters all the prisoners of war in this battle, the Qing army will probably not dare to surrender to our Ming Dynasty even if the war goes badly."

"If this is true, then on the battlefield, if our Ming army wants to win, I am afraid they will have to pay more unnecessary casualties as a price."

"I hope the Governor will understand this!" After Li Mu said this, Zhu Jing'an's face darkened, but he did not have an attack.

Because he knew that what Li Mu said made sense.

After pondering for a while, Zhu Jing'an spoke again.

"Then let's kill at fifteen!"

"It depends on who is lucky. If you are lucky, you will survive. If you are unlucky, no one should blame you."

As soon as Zhu Jing'an said this, almost everyone gasped, and the atmosphere in the meeting hall suddenly froze.

In ordinary armies, there are often eleven-day killing orders.

That is to say, one of the ten people is drawn by lot, and the other nine people are killed.

This cruel method is used to shape the majesty of the general and maintain the strictness of military law.

But what Zhu Jing'an advocated this time was fifteen kills, which meant killing five out of ten people.

That means half the chance of dying.

This method is much more powerful than the eleventh blow.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Jianzhuo knocked on the table, breaking the stagnant atmosphere in the meeting hall.

Open your mouth and turn around.

"Fifteen kills are too intense. Let's kill at thirteen!"

"Select three of the ten people and kill them to atone for the previous massacre of the city and the driving of the people in front of the battle."

"The rest were sent to labor camps to atone for their sins."

"What do you think, my son?"

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he pondered for a while.

"it is good!"

"It's up to my father to handle this matter. Let's do it this way."

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Jianzhuo also smiled and talked about the third thing.

"The third thing is to discuss our next development and expansion strategy for Daming."

After saying this, Zhu Jiazhuo looked at his son.

I hope my son will stand up and make up his mind.

Because judging from the current situation, there are those in the Ming army who have the ability and courage to be counselors and plan the overall strategy for the army.

There is only one person, Zhu Jing'an.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an did not hesitate. He stood up and walked to a map, pointed at the map and spoke.

"First of all, I believe that our Ming Dynasty's next development strategy can be divided into two parts: war and defense."

"The combat part is the direction of strategic attack."

"My son does not prefer to go north to capture Guilin, but hopes to actively develop naval power and go east to capture Guangdong."

"Then, we will use Guangdong's money, food and population to expand the power of the Ming Dynasty and connect the two Guangxi areas for the future."

Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, nodded in approval, and then asked.

"What about Mamoru?"

Zhu Jing'an heard this and continued to give guidance on the map.

He pointed out several key points around Wuxuan County and then spoke.

"If we want to defend, our army will attack from all sides, create margins on all sides of Wuxuan, and deploy defensive lines."

"The first is the north where the Qing army poses the greatest threat to our Ming Dynasty."

"My son's opinion is that the Ming Dynasty can set up a line of defense between Dawei Mountain and Datong River, and use the natural dangers of Dawei Mountain and the natural dangers of Datong River to resist the Qing army moving south."

"Next is the west. I believe that the Ming Dynasty should advance along the west of Guizhou and Jiangxi, attack Laibin, and set up a defense line along Laibin to resist enemies from the west."

"And the south side is going south along the Yujiang River to capture Guixian County, with Guixian County as the core to build a southern defense line."

"As for the east side, we can capture Pingnan. Firstly, it will serve as the eastern barrier for our base, and secondly, it will ensure the way back for the army heading eastward..."

"After deploying a certain amount of troops in these four directions for defense, the main force of our Ming Dynasty can be used in the east, from the east of the Qianjiang River to the Xijiang River, and directly into Guangdong."

Hearing this, Zhu Jianzhuo couldn't help but ask.

"What if the Qing army takes advantage of the absence of the main force of the Ming Dynasty and gathers the main force to attack Wuxuan?"

Zhu Jing'an shook his head when he heard this.

"will not!"

"For the Qing court, Guangdong was more important than Guangxi."

"As long as I can lead the main force into Guangdong and go straight to Guangzhou, the reinforcements mobilized by the Qing government from various provinces will definitely be used in the direction of Guangdong."

"Because no one can bear the responsibility of losing Guangzhou."

"At that time, the troops that can be used in Guangxi will be nothing more than Guangxi's Green Battalion."

"But now the Guangxi Green Camp has been crippled by my Ming Dynasty and is no longer a threat."

"Besides, I, Ming, can build fortifications and build defense lines at the key points I mentioned in advance."

Zhu Jing'an had already considered these clearly when formulating his strategy.

When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, he nodded slightly, then looked at the others and asked.

"Gentlemen, what do you think of this matter?"

"Do you have anything else to add to our Ming Dynasty's development strategy?"

Everyone had no objection to this and spoke.

"The governor is wise."


Outside Jintian Town, by the Qianjiang River.

More than three thousand Qing prisoners of war were driven out of the prison camp.

These prisoners of war were tied together in groups of ten, and the Ming soldiers drove them towards the Qianjiang River like animals.

If anyone paused for a moment, there was a flurry of punches and kicks without mercy.

The Ming army really looked down upon these green soldiers of the Qing army who were good at killing people before the war, but went to the battlefield to show off their clothes.

On the battlefield, these green battalion soldiers collapsed almost instantly and were simply vulnerable.

How could Ming soldiers think highly of them?

Faced with the brutality of the Ming army, the Qing army gritted its teeth and endured it.

Because they are losers, and losers deserve everything.

However, when these green camp soldiers were driven to the Qianjiang River.

Looking at the rushing river in front of them, feeling the howling cold wind, and the execution platform not far away, many people felt a chill in their bones.

The expressions of some people with keen senses have changed, and many people have realized what is about to happen.

The riverside, the execution platform, the cold wind, this Ming thief is probably not going to kill them, right?
I think back on those days, when I was massacring Guangzhou during the Qing Dynasty, didn’t I also drag people to the Pearl River and kill them?

It is said that the Qing Dynasty killed hundreds of thousands of Guangzhou people that time, and their blood stained the Pearl River red.

Many of their ancestors had participated in that massacre, and they never thought that it would be their turn to be massacred now.

Many people's faces were full of horror and fear.

However, when they wanted to struggle, they found that they had been hungry for several days and now they had no strength at all.

Also, facing the bright swords and guns of the Ming army all around, even if they have the strength, it is estimated that few people can muster the courage to resist...

Sometimes, killing people is easier than killing chickens.

At the very least, when the chicken is killed, the chicken will struggle and resist and escape.

But once a person is frightened and collapses, he doesn't even dare to run away, he just kills him at the neck.

On the bank of the Qianjiang River, many people near Jintian Town came with their families to watch the excitement.

The crowds swarming in almost crowded the Qianjiang River bank.

Well, it’s Chinese nature to watch the excitement, and I really can’t control this thing.

 This chapter was blocked because it was just posted, and then the author reposted it. After reposting, the chapter was unblocked again, and then it was repeated in two chapters.

  But don’t worry, the author has changed the content of the last chapter into a new chapter, so everyone’s subscription will not be wasted.

  There is no way to change the chapter name. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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