Chapter 91 Attack (12)

Seeing this, Yong Wei's face looked better and he spoke.

"Go bring people in!"

When Goshiha next to Yongwei heard this, he chirped and left immediately.

Not long after, Liu Shang, who was pale and smelled of blood, was helped in from the outside.

Although he was able to escape from the pursuit of the Ming army, almost all of the Goshiha around him died in the battle.

He himself suffered several injuries and was extremely miserable.

Liu Shang's body slumped limply in the banquet hall. He raised his head with difficulty and spoke in a dry and hoarse voice.

"Qi...Qiu, Lord Governor."

"Zhennanguan... Zhennanguan has been lost!"

As soon as Liu Shang finished speaking, the expressions of Yang Jingsu and Yong Wei changed.

You know, they had just sent the envoys from Zhennanguan to ask for help, but Zhennanguan was lost. Isn't this a slap in the face?

When Yang Jingsu heard this, he stood up and shouted.

"Liu Shang, is what you said true? Do you know what crime it is that our Qing soldiers will lose the city and the territory?"

Liu Shang did not dare to hesitate and spoke immediately.

"My Lord Governor, even if you borrow ten courages from my subordinates, the general will not dare to deceive you."

Yong Wei also frowned and asked.

"Tell me in detail what's going on!"

When Liu Shang heard this, he recounted the battle at Zhennanguan with fear on his face.

After a moment, Yang Jingsu and Yong Wei looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

Damn it, the main force of the Ming thieves is really in Zhennanguan!
If the main force of the Ming thieves was not in the direction of Zhennanguan, how could they have broken through Zhennanguan so quickly?
Apart from that, they really can't think of any other possibilities!

"General, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Yang Jingsu asked Yong Wei for his opinion.

When Yong Wei heard this, his face was solemn, but he still spoke.

"Now that we have received the imperial edict from the imperial court to quell the traitors, we no longer have to worry about the taboo of not being able to mobilize troops across provinces."

"My Lord Governor, prepare to use the main force of our army to enter Guangxi to defeat the thieves!"

"We can no longer allow the thieves to expand!"

Yongwei made a very decisive decision.

When Yang Jingsu heard this, he nodded in agreement.

"What the General said makes sense!"

"Isn't the reason why we gathered the main force of the Guangdong Green Camp in Zhaoqing now?"

After saying this, Yang Jingsu turned to his new master Yang Zhong and gave instructions.

"Master Yang, go here and pass on the military orders from this governor, and order the governor to prepare for an expedition to Guangxi to destroy the bandits."

When Yang Zhong heard this, he called Qian'er to answer the question, turned around and prepared to pass the order to Governor Biao.

Yang Zhong's father is newly deceased, and according to the rules, Ding You must be the one to do it.

But his hometown fell into the hands of thieves, and Ding You had no place to go.

Therefore, in order to avenge his father, Yang Zhong suddenly changed from Panyu County Magistrate to the confidant of Yang Jingsu, the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

As for the original Master Xu, he was dismissed by Yang Jingsu.

Well, I was sent to Shenjiang to feed the fish!

Yang Jingsu did not forget that he almost made a big mistake under Master Xu's misguidance and did not issue an imperial edict to mobilize troops across provinces.

If, as Master Xu said, there was no order to mobilize troops across provinces, the fate awaiting Yang Jingsu would definitely not be good.

Faced with this kind of slave who was disloyal to his master, Yang Jingsu just fed him to the sharks, which was kind enough.

Seeing this, Yongwei also opened his mouth to give instructions to his Geshe.

"Batu, you also go and send orders to Niu Lu of the Eight Banners, asking them to return to the military camp as soon as possible to prepare for the expedition."

Yang Jingsu only needs to inform Du Biao to prepare for the war, because Du Biao is quite obedient.

After arriving in Zhaoqing, he stayed in the camp to practice.

Rarely leave camp without orders!

But the Eight Banners soldiers are different. The Eight Banners soldiers have always been arrogant, and the orders of the general do not restrict them much.

After arriving in Zhaoqing, few people stayed in the military camp honestly. Instead, they went out to have fun.

Gambling money, whoring whoring, smoking duck smoking duck, no one honestly stayed in the camp to practice.

Yes, some people in the Qing army had already started smoking duck slices in this era.

But compared to the Duck War period a few decades later, opium in this era was still a rarity.

The duck fillet business has not yet formed a large scale, and the input volume is limited.

Therefore, the price is not cheap!
Only the Eight Banners uncles could afford to smoke. Even if the Green Camp soldiers sold themselves, they couldn't afford a cigarette, so naturally they couldn't get addicted.

In other words, only the Eight Banners have successfully evolved from shotgun soldiers to double gunmen.

The Green Camp was somewhat stronger than the Eight Banners.

I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing!

As soon as Yang Zhong walked out of the Zhaoqing government office, he met two of his subordinates.

One is He Qiang, a loyal servant who carried his father's body all the way from Guangxi to Guangdong.

Yang Zhong valued him very much and kept him with him for constant training, preparing to put him to good use.

The other person is Li Linxuan, the head catcher of Panyu County Government.

After Yang Zhong and Dingyou resigned, Li Linxuan, Yang Zhong's confidant, was squeezed out by the county magistrate who took over.

Then, he resigned angrily and chose to join Yang Zhong. Under Yang Zhong's recommendation, he became one of the personal followers of Yang Jingsu, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

Now when the county magistrate who was ostracizing him met him, he was polite to him.

"Master, master!"

The two of them said something to each other, and then took the initiative to greet him and salute.

He Qiang directly addressed him as master, while Li Linxuan only addressed Yang Zhong as master.

Because he is now the personal entourage of Yang Jingsu, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, rather than the personal entourage of Yang Zhong.

Yang Zhong nodded to the two of them and said.

"Now that you're here, come with me and let's go together to deliver orders to the governor's supervisor!"

"The Governor has ordered the army to prepare for an expedition to Guangxi to defeat the bandits."

The two of them chirped in unison and followed Yang Zhong towards Governor Biao's military camp.


Inside Zhennan Pass!

In the wounded barracks of the Ming Army, Yang Chen's chest was wrapped in thick gauze, but blood was still seeping out.

His face looked pale due to excessive blood loss, but there was a silly smile on his face.

Because, just now, a little girl dressed in military doctor's clothes came to help him change his dressing.

Although the little girl didn't look particularly stunning and her skin was a bit dark, when she smiled, the two dimples on her cheeks really touched Yang Chen's heart.

He feels like he has found love...

At this moment, an acquaintance walked in outside the barracks.

Zhu Haitao came to Yang Chen's bedside with a few eggs in his arms, grinned, and couldn't help but said happily.

"Brother Chen, you are going to be prosperous this time!"

"Do you know who the Qing soldier you hacked to death on the battlefield was? That was not an ordinary soldier, he was General Qian." "Chief Qian wanted to escape, but he was afraid that his official robe would be too conspicuous. , I changed clothes with a soldier."

"Then in the process of escaping, he ran away from his subordinates again. Unexpectedly, he happened to run into your hands, Brother Chen."

"I heard from our Xiaoqi that Brother Chen might be directly promoted to the rank of Hundred Household Officials this time, and directly be rewarded with hundreds of acres of military fields. You will definitely be prosperous this time!"

Zhu Haitao's words were full of excitement. As he spoke, he gave Yang Chen a few boiled eggs he had hidden in his arms and spoke.

"Brother Chen, I brought you some eggs, which have been boiled. You can eat them to replenish your health."

Yang Chen took the egg handed over by Zhu Haitao and frowned.

"Where did you get these eggs? Don't be confused. It's not worth breaking the military law for a few eggs."

Zhu Haitao scratched his head and said with a simple smile.

"It's okay, brother. I bought these eggs with my fellow villagers at the market price. There will be no taboos."

"You can eat without worry!"

Serving as a soldier for the Ming Dynasty now means that you can gain more than just military exploits.

Military pay is also quite generous!
This figure is almost twice the military salary given to the Green Camp soldiers by the Qing court.

Moreover, the military pay of the Ming army was different from that of the Qing army.

The Qing army's green camp soldiers also needed to deduct food expenses, military uniform fees and other miscellaneous expenses from their salaries. In the end, not much actually went to the green camp soldiers.

However, the military pay of the Ming Army is purely military pay. You can pay as much as you want, and no miscellaneous expenses will be deducted from it.

In other words, the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were almost all taken care of by the Ming Dynasty.

This kind of treatment is enough for Ming's soldiers to live comfortably, and it can also subsidize their families from time to time.

Especially for a single man like Zhu Haitao who has no family, even if he often goes out to the military camp to improve food during holidays, he can't spend all his monthly salary.

Hearing this, Yang Chen nodded slightly and accepted the eggs handed over by Zhu Haitao with confidence.

The two continued to talk, and Zhu Haitao spoke in an excited tone.

"Brother Chen, I heard that President He Jin and He Qian have led troops to attack Wuzhou."

"As soon as Wuzhou is defeated, my army will continue to move eastward along the Xunjiang River and attack Zhaoqing."

"You need to rest well due to your current injuries. You will definitely not be able to follow the army. You will probably be unable to catch up with the Battle of Zhaoqing."

"But don't worry, brother, I will go back and kill Mr. Qian of Qingtan for meritorious service, so I won't hold you back."

"When the time comes, all of us brothers will have official positions."

"When we worship our ancestors in the future, we must let our ancestors also enjoy the glory!"

Yang Chen nodded.

"Okay, so best!"

"There are not many people left in Hualiang Village. Those of us who survived must support each other."

“You need someone to help and support you so that you can go further in the future.”


The two of them were talking, and the sky turned dark before they knew it.

Zhu Haitao said goodbye to Yang Chen and left.

Yang Chen, on the other hand, was lying on the hospital bed, adjusting his body and preparing to rest.

At this moment, Li Hongyu, who was wearing military doctor uniform, opened the curtain and walked in, coming to Yang Chen's side.

He brought a bowl of broth to the low table next to Yang Chen's bed.

Then he spoke softly.

"Thank you!"

When Yang Chen heard this, the expression on his face was obviously stunned, and then he asked curiously.

"Girl, how do you say thank you? It's my turn to say thank you."

"Thank you for your care!"

When Li Hongyu heard this, he just shook his head and explained.

"My family is from Chishui Xu. The Qing Tatar Qianzong you killed on the battlefield was the bastard who led the troops to massacre me, Chishui Xu."

"Actually, it's not just me, everyone at Chishui Ruins must say thank you..."

In other words, the current Yang Chen can actually be regarded as a hero who avenges everyone in Chishui Ruins.

This is also the reason why Li Hongyu takes more care of Yang Chen.

You know, in the Ming army, the status of military doctors is not low. Even low-level officers like Xiaoqi Baihu are polite when meeting military doctors.

Even a newcomer like Li Hongyu, no one dared to offend at will.

Because you don’t know when you will fall into the opponent’s hands and need help from the opponent.

If you are an ordinary wounded soldier, you will not receive special care from military doctors.

After speaking, Li Hongyu pointed to the bowl of broth and said.

"You can drink this bowl of old hen soup while it's hot. Master Wang, the gang leader, used his own money to open the small stove for you. If you need anything, just tell me."

"You are my benefactor to everyone in Chishui Ruins. We will never forget this kindness."

Before Master Wang became the leader of the Ming Dynasty, he was the chef of a restaurant in Chishui Ruins, and his craftsmanship was quite good.

But no matter how good his craftsmanship was, it could not stop the disaster caused by the rebels. He watched helplessly as his family and relatives died at the hands of the Qing army.

Then, he chose to join the Ming army and used his expertise to become a gang leader, preparing to contribute to the fight against the Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty.

In his mind, if the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty ate the food he cooked to fill their stomachs, and then went to the battlefield to kill the enemy, he could be considered as indirectly avenging his family.

Yang Chen took a deep look at Li Hongyu and said righteously.

"Girl, there is no need to say thank you, this is what I should do!"

"I believe that no matter who it is, it is impossible for them to turn a blind eye to the Qing army they encounter on the battlefield."

Li Hongyu nodded and looked at Yang Chen not only with gratitude, but also with a bit of reverence.


In the 42nd year of Qianlong's reign and the 140th year of Chongzhen's reign in the Ming Dynasty, on May [-]th, good news came back from Wuzhou Fucheng.

The Ming army led by He Jin successfully captured the city of Wuzhou.

After Zhu Jing'an ensured the safety of his own army's logistical supply lines, he was immediately ready to order the army to break camp and move eastward, preparing to kill Zhaoqing Mansion.

As the military order was issued, the main force of the Ming army left Zhennanguan and continued its march eastward.

Ming troops wrapped in red turbans marched along the coast!

The huge team could not be seen at a glance.

In the Xijiang River, there is a quite large navy of the Ming Army, as well as the Ming Army's baggage fleet.

Zhu Jing'an rode on horseback and followed the army.

Before and after the army, messengers ran back and forth, conveying the orders of the Chinese army.

"Report! Report to the Governor!"

"Our army's sentry and cavalry urgently reported that they encountered Qinglu's sentry and cavalry. The two sides are fighting."

A messenger rushed to Zhu Jing'an and spoke.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he stopped his horse and frowned.

"Send someone to reinforce our army's sentry cavalry, and let the governor find out what's going on?"

In his opinion, the main force of the Qing army in Guangdong should stay in Zhaoqing now. Why did it come to the Ming army?

The ordering soldier clasped his fists and left.

Not long after, I saw groups of sentinels running out of the formation, heading east.

(End of this chapter)

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