Chapter 92 Fighting for Xinwei Town (22)

After hearing this, Zhu Jing'an squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, and then immediately gave the order.

"Send the order, the army will repair on the spot, bury pots to make rice, regain strength as soon as possible, and be ready to face the enemy at any time."

He didn't know what the current situation of the Qing army was, and he didn't know whether the intruders were the main force of the Qing army in Guangdong, the Qing army's green camp guards somewhere, or the militia armed forces.

But Zhu Jing'an knew that he had asked the Ming army to prepare for battle in advance.

You can’t go wrong with this!


The Ming army had just set up camp when the sentinels sent by Zhu Jing'an flew back all the way.

"Report! Report to the Grand Governor!"

"Our army's sentry cavalry fought fiercely with the Qing army's sentry cavalry. The Qing army's sentinel cavalry retreated. Our army's sentinel cavalry has now discovered the movement of the invading Qing army."

"Judging from the original flag, the intruders this time should be the main force of the Qing army in Guangdong led by the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, the general of Guangzhou and other Qing officials."

The messenger came to Zhu Jing'an and reported.

Zhu Jing'an frowned and thought for a while, then continued to ask.

"How far is the Qing army from the battlefield now?"

The messenger heard the words and spoke.

"If we return to the Grand Governor, the Qing army's forward is still less than thirty miles away from our army!"

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an took a deep breath and spoke in a solemn tone.

"very good!"

"It seems that the war is about to begin!"

After saying this, he began to give orders.

"Send the order, and the whole army will continue to advance, camp at Xiangshan, and build a camp."

"And be prepared to set up open and hidden sentries inside and outside the camp."

"Then disperse the Sentinel Cavalry to investigate the battlefield and ensure that the situation on the battlefield is transparent to our army to avoid a surprise attack by the Qing army."


Zhu Jing'an continued to issue orders to enrich the Ming army's active preparations for war and to be ready to fight the Qing army.


On the other side, Yang Jingsu and Yong Wei also received news of the Ming army's movements.

"Report to the general and the governor that our army's sentries are in contact with the Ming thieves' sentries."

"It has been proven that the thieves and horses have arrived in Deqing Prefecture, less than thirty miles away from our army."

When Yang Jingsu heard this, he couldn't help but look surprised, but then he laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, I was still thinking about our army's strategic strategy after entering Guangxi."

"Now it's just right. The thieves took the initiative to attack, saving us the trouble."

"After passing the order, the army will speed up its march and arrive at the school field outside Deqing Prefecture as soon as possible to set up camp and prepare for the war."

"In this battle, I am determined to destroy the main force of the bandits invading Guangdong in one battle, so as to give the imperial court a good start in the next battle against the bandits."

Yang Jingsu said excitedly.

He had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

However, the expression on Yong Wei's face beside him was not pretty.

The reason is that he reacted.

That guy Gao Sheng actually dared to deceive him.

If Gao Sheng really delayed the main force of the Ming thieves in Yong'an Prefecture, how could the Ming thieves still have the energy to invade Guangdong?
Not to mention that the Ming army that invaded Guangdong even took only one day to conquer Zhennanguan.

From this point of view, the Ming thieves who invaded Guangdong this time are definitely the main force among the Ming thieves.

If that's the case, what exactly is Gao Sheng doing in Yong'an Prefecture now?
Yong Wei felt resentful that he had been deceived.

He even has the urge to kill Gao Sheng now.

Taking a deep breath, Yong Wei kept his emotions calm, and then gave instructions to his personal soldier Geshiha.

"Let each of the Eight Banners prepare for the war. This time they must annihilate all the invading thieves, promote the prestige of our Qing Dynasty, and revive the glory of our Eight Banners."

The Qing army also began to accelerate and continued to march in the direction of Deqing Prefecture!

In the 140th year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty and the 42nd year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, it was May [-]th.

In the wilderness west of Deqingzhou City!
The sky is cloudless and the sun is high!

The yellow earth was scalding hot under the blazing sun.

A gust of west wind blows, causing big flags to hunt in the wind, bringing a rare refreshing feeling to the ground.

The atmosphere in the surrounding world was quite calm and depressing.

If you raise your sight, you will find that on the endless land, two armies are heading towards each other.

Although there is still a distance of seven or eight miles between the two sides, this distance is constantly being narrowed.

It won't be long before a war breaks out again!
On one side is the Ming army, whose uniforms are messy, but their heads are uniformly wrapped in red scarves.

Accompanied by the rhythmic drumbeats of the Chinese army, the Ming army marched forward in formation.

The array is quite neat!
A huge military formation was lined up on the field, with sharp spears pointing straight into the sky. The dense forest of spears formed the central army of the Ming army.

In front of these spearmen, there were Ming Army musketeers carrying Type 14 flintlock rifles. Under the command of the officers, they were arranged in three neat rows, preparing to fire three volleys.

As well as the Ming Army artillery unit consisting of Type 65 field guns and Type 90 field guns.

In this era, the position of field artillery on the battlefield was actually a large musket.

Most of the time, field artillery is pushed to the front line of the battlefield, aimed directly at the enemy array, and then begins to deliver firepower.

Of course, the heavy long guns are actually similar, and they are all aimed directly.

The only difference is that the heavy long artillery does not have to be pushed to the front line of the battlefield because of its longer range.

But the shooting method is still direct shooting!

No need for ballistics!
On the other side is the green battalion of the Qing army wearing gray-green uniforms with the word "bing" embroidered on their backs.

But compared with the neat array of the Ming army, the array of the Qing army's green camp was inevitably a bit messy.

The ones at the front were ordinary Green Camp soldiers gathered from various towns in Guangdong.

Behind these green battalion soldiers were obviously more elite supervisory troops.

Since the governor is an armed force directly under the governor, the treatment he receives is better than that of ordinary green camp soldiers, with better weapons and stronger combat effectiveness.

Behind the governor were the Eight Banners of Guangzhou wearing colorful cotton armor.

Although these Eight Banners soldiers are best equipped, not only do they all wear cotton armor, but they also have war horses for riding.

But when it comes to combat effectiveness, the combat effectiveness of the Eight Banners soldiers is not necessarily comparable to that of the elites in the Green Camp.

For example, right now, a battle is about to begin on the front line, but there are quite a few Eight Banners soldiers sitting on their horses yawning.

I don’t know whether it was because I smoked too many cigarettes and made me sleepy, or because I didn’t smoke enough before the war and my craving for cigarettes returned.

Anyway, very few of these Eight Banners soldiers in Guangzhou are in good condition.

In addition, the Qing army also followed many militiamen to help them fight.

Zhu Jing'an estimated that the Qing army's current strength should be more than [-], but approaching the [-] mark.

The current strength of the Ming army is no more than [-] people.

In other words, the strength comparison between the two Ming armies has now reached an astonishing four-to-one ratio.

The forwards of both sides were getting closer and closer. Zhu Jing'an put down the telescope in his hand and asked.

"Has Xinwei Town been captured?"

In this battle, the Ming army camped at Xiangshan outside Deqing Prefecture, while the Qing army camped at the school field outside Deqing Prefecture City.

The town of Xinwei is located between the two, not far from the battlefield.

Therefore, it became the key to this battle.

Before the war started, Zhu Jing'an immediately ordered the Ming army to seize Xinxu Town.

If Xinwei Town can be captured, the Ming army's winning rate in this battle will be increased by [-]% out of thin air.

Xie Gao heard this and spoke. "Reporting to the Governor, our army failed to seize Xinwei Town!"

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, his heart sank, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, and he frowned and asked.

"The reason? Why did it fail? Could it be that the Qing army moved faster than our army?"

Xie Gao said with a somewhat uneasy expression when he heard this.

"That's not the case when I return to the Governor."

"The reason why our army failed to capture Xinwei Town was because several large households in Xinwei Town chose to side with the Qing army and actively welcomed the Qing army into the town."

"When our army arrived outside Xinwei Town, although the Qing army had not yet arrived, the militia organized by the big households in Xinwei Town were already ready for war with our Ming army."

"That's why our army failed to seize Xinwei Town successfully!"

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, his expression suddenly darkened.

said through gritted teeth.

"A bunch of people who have forgotten their ancestors and don't know what is good or bad!"

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Jing'an continued.

"Send the order, mobilize the heavy artillery troops to join the battle, give me a hard blow, and capture Xinwei Town as soon as possible."

Zeng Yao on the side heard this and spoke with a slightly hesitant tone.

"If heavy artillery is used, the people in the town..."

Zhu Jing'an frowned when he heard this.

"Since those people chose to side with the Manchus, don't blame me for being cruel."

"There are no undead people in a war!"

Zhu Jing'an is no saint. When he should be ruthless, he is more ruthless than anyone else.

Hearing this, Zeng Yao no longer dared to say anything more.

Xie Gao on the side accepted the order with clasped fists, and then went to convey Zhu Jing'an's order in person.

After receiving the transfer order, the heavy artillery troops of the Ming Army began to dispatch towards Xinwei Town.

As time passed, the distance between the two sides on the battlefield was less than two miles.

Zhu Jing'an immediately ordered the entire Ming army to stop.

The musketeers and artillerymen in the front row prepared for loading.

"Stop the whole army!"

"Stand still!"

"Musketeers, artillery, start loading and prepare to fire!"


When the Qing army on the opposite side saw the Ming army stop, they thought that the Ming army was afraid of them.

"This Ming thief is nothing more than that. Seeing that our Qing army has many generals, isn't it because he is afraid and dares not move forward?"

Yang Jingsu immediately ordered.

"Send the order, the whole army will continue to press forward, prepare to destroy the traitors!"

Yang Jingsu had just given the order when he saw a messenger running all the way to him and speaking.

"Report to the Governor, the Ming army has sent troops to kill Xinwei Town. It seems that they are preparing to compete with our army for Xinwei Town."

Yong Wei on the side heard the words, sneered disdainfully, and said.

"Don't worry Governor!"

"The person who was ordered to capture Xinwei Town was from the Gaozhou General Soldier Wang Jie. His subordinates often fought against foreign bandits, and there were many who were brave and good at fighting."

"The Ming thief wants to seize Xinwei Town from him, which is absolutely impossible!"

Gaozhou is located in a strategic location and is often harassed by foreign bandits on the sea. Therefore, many soldiers are battle-hardened and have quite good combat effectiveness.

Yongwei has confidence in Xinxu Town’s defense!

Yang Jingsu nodded when he heard this.

"That's a good thing, General!"

"The troops under the Gaozhou General Military Division are quite elite, so it won't be a problem to deal with the Ming thieves."

After saying this, both of them no longer paid attention to the affairs of Xinwei Town, but turned all their attention to the frontal battlefield.


"The enemy has advanced 500 meters, and the artillery is ready to fire!"


A foreign artilleryman shouted in half-baked Cantonese, and then waved the command flag.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty heard the order and began to act quickly according to the military order.

The powder packets weighed in advance were stuffed into the barrel of the cannon, and then the black solid shells were released.

Insert a skewer into the fire door and insert the fuse.

As the fuse burned out, the next moment, a blast of artillery resounded throughout the battlefield.

Smoke rose, flames spewed out, and a shell passed through the air, shooting towards the Qing army array almost a mile away.

There was a muffled sound, and the artillery shells poured fiercely into the Qing army's array.

In the blink of an eye, six or seven rows of arrays were penetrated.

Wherever the shell passed, there were stumps of limbs, broken arms, and bloody flesh.

At this moment, the Qing army's array was obviously shaken.

At the same time, after the test firing, the Ming army's artillery began to fire in unison.

"The Type 90 field artillery crew is ready, the artillery fires in rotation, open fire!"

Along with the waving of the Chinese military order flag, the Ming army's Type 90 field artillery began to show its power.


For a time, there was a loud sound of shelling.

Projectiles flew in mid-air, shooting towards the Qing army.

For a time, the sound of shells piercing the human body continued to sound, and broken limbs were flying everywhere.

It makes one’s scalp tingle!

Facing the dense array now deployed by the Qing army, the Ming army's field artillery poured out firepower to its heart's content.

A black cannonball harvested lives without restraint.

Zhu Jing'an held the telescope in one hand and looked at the battlefield, with a smile on his face involuntarily.

This is the combat thinking of the firearms era, a dimensionality reduction attack on the combat thinking of the cold weapon era.

Although the firearms equipment rate of the Qing army is not low now, in essence, the Qing army's combat thinking is still stuck in the cold weapon era.

That is to form as dense an array as possible against the enemy on the battlefield.

If this happens, it will play into the Ming army's ambitions!

The Qing army's dense array was just convenient for the Ming army's field artillery to unleash its power and harvest lives.

Although the Ming army now also uses dense arrays, the problem is that the Qing army's firearms are too powerful.

The Qing army's large-scale equipment of wrought iron cannons, rifles and other firearms had an effective range of only 200 meters.

It is impossible to form an effective attack on the dense array of the Ming army!
Not to mention the most numerous shotguns equipped by the Qing army, they have no killing effect at all from a hundred meters away.

The field artillery of the Ming army, even the smallest caliber Type 65 field artillery, has a range of 300 meters.

The effective range of the Type 90 field gun is as high as 500 meters!

The gap between the two sides is clear at a glance!
At a distance where the Ming army's artillery could effectively cause damage to the Qing army's array, the Qing army's firearms simply did not have the ability to fight back.

This is the current situation on the battlefield today!
The artillery of the Ming army was delivering firepower unilaterally according to the crazy output of the Qing army.

Now there are only three choices before the Qing army!

The first is to retreat and withdraw from the killing range of Ming army firearms!
If this is the case, the price is that the morale of the army will most likely collapse, and the pursuit of thieves will be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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