Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 93 Infantry and Artillery Collaboration

Chapter 93 Infantry and Artillery Collaboration
The Ming army may even launch a pursuit, causing the main force of the Qing army in Guangdong to collapse during the retreat.

The Qing army's second option was to stand still and shoot at the Ming army!

But this option is still not feasible!
Because the range of the Ming army's artillery was far beyond that of the wrought iron cannons equipped by the Qing army's green battalions.

The range of the Ming army's artillery was almost twice that of the Qing army's artillery.

This means that if the Qing army stands still and does not move forward, it will only be beaten unilaterally.

And can't fight back!
Although the Hongyi cannons specially provided by the Qing government for the Eight Banners, as well as the mighty and invincible general cannons and other heavy artillery, the range was not limited to the field artillery of the Ming army.

Even more than a lot!
But the problem is that among the Qing troops now appearing on the battlefield, there are only a few such heavy artillery!

After all, the Guangzhou Eight Banners soldiers who came to supervise the battle only dispatched more than a thousand people in total.

With such a small force, how many heavy artillery can it carry?
The third option given to the Qing army was to continue moving forward until the array was advanced within the range of the Qing army's firearms, and then shoot against the Ming army.

However, advancing against the enemy's artillery fire was really a huge challenge for the Qing army.

If it was the Eight Banners and Green Camp when they first entered the customs, they should be able to do it.

But right now...

Well, I understand everything!
Yang Jingsu looked at the tragic scene where his own formation was shelled by the Ming army, with ditches of flesh and blood being blasted out, and broken limbs flying everywhere.

I couldn't help but have the same questions as Zhennan Guandu Si Liu Shang.

It is simply incredible that the weapons of the Ming thieves, a group of thieves, were far more sharp than the imperial soldiers.

Where did the Ming thieves come from so many such sharp firearms?

"Governor Yang, the Ming thieves are firing sharply, please make a decision quickly!"

Yong Wei couldn't help but urged.

Listening to the rumble of cannons, the horse under his crotch was obviously a little restless.

When Yang Jingsu heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, but he still spoke.

"Give the order, and the army will speed up its march and move forward."

"After arriving within the effective range of the artillery, use firearms to shoot at the thieves."

There are not many Qing troops today who dare to fight hand-to-hand, but there are still many who dare to pick up firearms and shoot with the Ming troops.

Yong Wei frowned when he heard this.

"That's it?"

Yang Jingsu asked, not knowing why.

"What do you mean, General?"

When Yongwei saw this, he didn't talk nonsense and said directly.

"Send the order, drive the militia and civilians in front of the formation, and defend the army from the artillery bombardment of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Minimize casualties as the army advances!"

"Since Governor Yang is concerned about his reputation, let me be the bad guy!"

Anyway, Yongwei was a bannerman, and his promotion depended on the emperor's grace, not the reputation of the scholar.

Things that were difficult for Yang Jingsu to do were not a big deal to Yong Wei.

Yang Jingsu's heart sank when he heard this, but he also knew that although Yong Wei's current method was cruel, it was still a good strategy.

Yang Jingsu sighed.

"If our army can rush out a batch of shield vehicles for this battle, it will be able to reduce a large number of casualties!"

When the Manchu and Qing dynasties were outside the customs, the shield car was their only weapon against the Ming army's firearms.

The shield car is no different from paper in front of heavy artillery like the Hongyi Cannon.

However, it is not a problem to use it to withstand light artillery such as the Crouching Tiger Cannon and Fran Machine Cannon, or to withstand the firing of muskets.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the number of heavy artillery equipment of the Ming army was extremely limited.

The limited heavy artillery was equipped to Shanhaiguan and other important passes for use as city defense artillery.

When the army is in field battles, most of the artillery equipped are light artillery, and there are even many antiques such as bowl-mouth blunderbuss.

Therefore, when facing the Ming army's firearms, the Qing army's shield vehicles often work wonders.

But now the war has begun. Even if the Qing army knows that the shield car is useful, it is too late to rush to build it.

The Ming army will not give them this chance!


The situation on the battlefield evolved rapidly.

The Qing army drove the militiamen and civilian husbands to the front of the battle line to serve as cannon fodder.

Then, using these people as human shields, they continued to advance forward, preparing to wait for the distance between the two sides to close, and then use artillery fire with the Ming army.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an snorted coldly.

"Haha, it's true that dogs in the Qing and Tatars cannot change their ways of eating shit!"

Zhu Jing'an took a deep breath and ordered coldly.

"Send the order, adjust the firing angle of the artillery, let the forward battalion go up, and cooperate with the infantry and artillery to drive away the Qing army's militia and civilians."

In this battle, not only the Qing army had cannon fodder to use.

There are some here in Ming Dynasty too!

In Zhennanguan and Wuzhou Fucheng, the Ming army captured a large number of Qing prisoners of war.

After cutting their braids, these prisoners of war were organized into forward battalions.

Not now, when?
There was a change of flags on the Ming army's side, and the forward battalion was driven onto the battlefield by Ming soldiers with swords and guns.

Under the coercion of the artillery behind them, the forward battalion began to kill the oncoming Qing army and militia!
Well, if the forward battalion is obedient, then the Ming army's artillery will provide them with fire support.

If someone is disobedient, escapes from the battle, etc., then the field artillery of the Ming army is used to supervise the battle and massacre the defeated troops.

What is this called?
This is called infantry and artillery coordination!

"Kill! The Ming Dynasty is victorious!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"

"Fight the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and revive China!"


The sound of shouting and killing resounded all over the field.

Driven by swords and guns, the forward battalion of the Ming army charged straight into the front of the Qing army.

The Ming army's artillery adjusted its firing angle, avoiding the position of the forward battalion, and launched angular bombardments towards the two wings of the Qing army.

There was a rumbling sound of shelling!
Shout out to the sky!
Although the forward battalion of the Ming Army was formerly the green battalion of the Qing army, these former green battalions still performed well with swords, guns and artillery at their backs.

In the past, they were trembling when they fired muskets from the Ming army, but now they can lift swords and guns to fight with the Qing army.

Progress is nothing short of insignificant!
The fighting on the battlefield is getting more intense!
The forward battalion of the Ming army fought against the militia of the Qing army.

Because both sides had the swords and guns of the war team behind them, they were both fighting tooth and nail.

Although the Ming army had artillery for fire support, the Qing army also had a numerical advantage and could use human sea tactics.

Therefore, it was impossible to tell the winner on the battlefield for a while.

The cry of killing resounded throughout the battlefield like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. Bodies lay all over the battlefield, and the smell of blood was astounding.


On the other side, Xinwei Town!
The cannons are booming!

The heavy artillery of the Ming army spit out tongues of fire wantonly.

Heavy artillery shells were fired towards Xinwei Town.

Under the cover of artillery fire, the Ming army's offensive troops launched a fierce attack on Xinwei Town.



"Long live Daming!"


Amid shouts of killing, the Ming army launched a charge towards Xinwei Town.

The rumbling sound of shelling greatly boosted the morale of the charging Ming army. The Ming army's offensive troops continued to surge forward like a rolling wave.


The shells smashed into Xinwei Town, and as they rolled and rotated, buildings collapsed one after another.

Whether it is wooden or masonry buildings, they are vulnerable to artillery shells.

The Ming saber shield bearers wearing steel helmets and breastplates followed the gaps opened by the heavy artillery and killed into Xinwei Town.

The Qing army defenders in the town tried their best to block it!Arrows flew, and the muzzles of black holes stretched out tentatively in the streets and alleys.

Clouds of gunpowder smoke exploded, and the muzzle of the gun loomed.



For a moment, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who rushed to the front fell down.

The moment gunfire rang out from the opposite side, Zhu Haitao lay down subconsciously.

However, he was still shot.

The breastplate he was wearing had a large piece of iron sand embedded in the front.

But in the end he failed to break through the armor successfully!
But what was more unlucky for him was that his cheek was also hit by iron sand, and blood continued to seep out from the wound, and the blood flowed like a stream.

He opened his mouth and spat, and the blood-stained saliva was mixed with a few pieces of iron sand.

But before he could react, the charge bugle sounded again. Zhu Haitao could only shout "kill", raised his sword and shield, and charged forward with the large army.

On the battlefield, when the charge horn sounds, as long as you can still move, you must move forward, otherwise the sword in the hands of the supervising team will not recognize anyone.

"Come on! Come on, brothers!"

"The Tatars have finished shooting their shotguns. Rush up before they finish reloading and kill them!"

"Long live Daming!"

The grassroots officers of the Ming Army led the team and rushed to the front.

The Ming army's offensive troops entered Xinwei Town with great momentum.

Seeing this scene, the Qing army did not retreat as imagined, but instead raised their swords and fought with the Ming army.

Gaozhou Prefecture is in an important position and often faces attacks from foreign pirates.

Therefore, among the Green Camp soldiers in Gaozhou Town, there are many soldiers who dare to fight hand-to-hand with the enemy.

The Ming and Qing armies collided head-on, fighting face to face with bloody swords.

Zhu Haitao shouted to kill and rushed to the front.

The severe pain on his cheek stimulated his continuous secretion of adrenaline.

His excitement made him look ferocious, and he ignored the pain and kept moving forward.

He shouted "kill" loudly, raised his shield and ran into the Qing army's formation.


His face was covered with blood, but he still screamed for death, frightening many timid Qing soldiers.

Behind them, the sword and shield bearers, were the spearmen of the Ming army who had arranged their queues, held up their spears, and advanced like a wall.

The battlefield is the most important place where every inch is long and every inch is strong.

Even in the age of firearms, it is true that every inch is longer and every inch is stronger.

Well, range is the truth.

The range is long, that’s also long!
The armored sword and shield bearers can be used for spearhead assaults and disrupting enemy formations, but if you really want to win on the battlefield, you still have to rely on spears and big guns.

After the spearmen came up in formation, Zhu Haitao and others also received the order to retreat and began to break away from the Qing army.

The spearmen of the Ming army pressed forward!


"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"


The Qing army did not react hastily and was defeated steadily by the Ming army's spear phalanx.

Currently, half of the equipment of the Qing army is shotgun.

The rest include spears, swords, bows and arrows and other cold weapons.

Spearmen were a rare species among the Qing army!
Now, the Ming army and the Qing army faced each other on the battlefield, and the Qing army immediately showed its decline.

Facing the spear array of the military formation, the sword and shield wielders of the Qing army suffered a heavy loss.


This is the roar of heavy artillery.

The Ming army's heavy artillery had its muzzle too high, so it aimed the shells at the reinforcement path of the Qing army's reinforcements and began to fire.

Bursts of gunpowder smoke filled the air, and artillery shells flew wantonly in the air.

Wherever the projectile passed, there was a roar.

One after another artillery shells fell into the Qing army's array.

The shells rolled and spun, plowing a bloody path through the Qing army's array wherever they passed, and the smell of blood filled the sky.

There were even Qing soldiers who were smashed into a pulp after being hit by artillery shells.

Many Qing soldiers with missing arms and legs lay on the ground and let out bursts of shrill screams.

This is also a tactic of infantry and artillery coordination!

The infantry pressed forward, and the artillery used firepower to block enemy reinforcements, thereby destroying the enemy's array.

Although the artillerymen of the Ming army are still a little immature now, under the command of the foreign artillerymen hired by the Ming Dynasty at a large price, they can still barely play the role of infantry and artillery coordination.

Soon, the Ming army's spearmen gained the upper hand.

"Grenade throw!"


The grenadiers threw their arms away and threw the lit grenades forward.

In the rumbling explosion, the black gunpowder added with sugar exploded with terrifying lethality.

Debris swept across, and the Qing army's array was torn apart.

The next moment, the piercing charge trumpet sounded, and the Ming army's spearmen straightened their spears and launched a charge.

The moment the Ming army's spearmen began to charge, the sound of shelling from behind stopped.

Because I am afraid of accidentally hurting my own people!

Such a difficult operation as Xu Jin's barrage is not something that ordinary troops can accomplish.

The Ming army may be able to do it in the future, but it is still very difficult now.


On the other side, on the main battlefield!

The fighting between the Ming and Qing armies has entered a fever pitch.

The Qing army wanted to continue to push forward against the militia, but was blocked by the Ming army's forward battalion.

The Ming army's artillery fired continuously, and shells flew one after another.

Those Type 90 field guns used shotgun shells directly, and dense barrage bombarded the Qing army and militia.

Those projectiles flew wildly, and wherever they passed, the Qing army's militia soldiers fell to the ground row after row like wheat.

At this moment, human life becomes the least valuable thing.

Finally, the militia group held in front by the Qing army collapsed, and some people began to drop their weapons, turn around and run away.

The escape of a few people directly led to the collapse of the entire front.

Even if the Eight Banners of the Qing army in charge of supervising the battle were galloping on horseback, their heads would be thrown away when their sabers were waved.

In the blink of an eye, they chopped down the fleeing militia soldiers to the ground, but they still could not stop the collapse of the militia.

In the eyes of the soldiers of some militia groups, no matter how terrifying the Qing army's butcher knife was, it was far less terrifying than the Ming army's artillery.

When the soldiers of the Ming Army's forward battalion saw the enemy in front of them collapse, they suddenly became excited. They waved their swords and guns, yelled to kill and began to pursue them.

However, they didn't have time to be happy for long.

They met the Eight Banners of the Qing Army coming on horseback!
Among the soldiers of the forward battalion of the Ming army, the Qing army came on horseback, their horses' hooves flying, their sabers sharp, and they couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts...

Then, it collapsed!

Started to turn around and run away.

The collapse only takes a moment!

PS: Today, my classmates came to play with the author. I had something to do in the afternoon and couldn't code, so there is only one update.

Normal updates will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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