Chapter 94 fierce battle
The Eight Banners soldiers who were responsible for supervising the battle saw that the militia collapsed, and they were ready to withdraw.

But when they saw that the Ming army also collapsed, many people instantly became excited and chased them on horseback.

At this moment, these Eight Banners soldiers of the Qing army seemed to have awakened their blood and turned into their ancestors who once killed the Ming army on the battlefield like chickens.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an ordered with a cold face.

"Go down with the order, the field artillery is ready to fire!"

"Aim at the defeated troops in the forward battalion and hit them hard to let them know the consequences of retreating without orders!"

The command flag was waved, and the Ming army's central army conveyed the order to fire artillery.

The next moment, the Ming army's field artillery began to roar again.

However, this time the target of their attack was no longer the Qing army, but the defeated Ming army's vanguard camp.

Thousands of projectiles swept past!

The fastest runner, the defeated troops at the forefront were obviously stagnant, and then they were all swept down by shotguns.

For a moment, the battlefield was silent!
Yingda rode on horseback and galloped. The thick cotton armor on his body gave him a great sense of security.

Enjoy the feeling of the strong wind blowing on your face, feel the saber in your hand passing over the neck of the Ming army's defeated soldiers, and with a gentle stroke, the head will be chopped off happily.

He felt as if he was possessed by his ancestors!

Enjoying the wantonness of chasing the enemy, Yingda's heart was beating rapidly.

In his opinion, the performance of the Eight Banners Iron Cavalry, which was invincible back then, on the battlefield should be nothing more than this!
Yingda licked the warm blood that splashed onto her lips, feeling extremely excited.

However, before he could be proud for long, he felt a heavy blow on his chest.

Under the impact of the kinetic energy carried by the cannonball, his body tilted back uncontrollably, separated from the horse's back, and flew backwards.

A shotgun pellet hit Yingda's chest. The pellet spun and rolled, tearing open his cotton armor and turning his internal organs into pulp.

Yingda's body landed heavily, and the violent impact caused the blood vessels in the corners of his eyes to burst, and the world in front of him turned into scarlet...

In his ears, he could still hear the shouts of death from his companions, as well as the rumble of horse hooves.

But soon these sounds were blurred.

As the life was extracted from the body bit by bit, the world in front of Yingda gradually lost its color and turned into gray and white.

"Kill! Long live the Qing Dynasty!"

"The Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers are invincible!"

"Long live the Qing Dynasty, the Heavenly Soldiers of the Eight Banners are invincible!"


These Guangzhou Eight Banners had not yet recovered from the sudden fire attack. They were still cheering, screaming strangely, and charging on horseback.

The horses' hooves flew, and many of the Ming army's defeated troops were trampled to death under the horses' hooves.

Under the coercion of their companions, these Eight Banners men who normally would not even dare to kill a chicken and would shout even if they scratched their skin, today dared to charge forward in the face of the hail of bullets.

Very brave!

But soon, the Ming army used fierce shelling to make the Eight Banners soldiers understand a truth.

People die on the battlefield!

And they are not invulnerable!
If you are concentrated by cannonballs, you will still die.

With the sound of the Ming army's artillery, after being bombarded for several rounds, the Eight Banners soldiers who were still galloping collapsed, showing their idiot nature.

They all turned their horses' heads and ran towards the Qing army's main formation.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an put down the telescope in his hand, sneered disdainfully, and spoke.

"Haha, the Qinglu Eight Banners are nothing more than that!"

"The resilience on the battlefield is not as good as that of the Green Battalion and the Vigilante Group!"

"Go down with the order and prepare to collect the defeated troops of the vanguard camp. After the collection is completed, we will select again and find those who escaped from the defeated troops to the governor and punish them as a warning to others."

For the current Ming Dynasty, those soldiers in the forward battalion are stepmothers to put it bluntly.

In order to allow these bad green soldiers to exert sufficient combat effectiveness, severe punishment is the only way.

There can be no mercy!

These green camp soldiers are all fucking rotten. If the supervising team doesn't follow suit and kill them ruthlessly, they will be more afraid of the supervising team than the enemy.

How can we ensure that they will not run away when they go to the battlefield?

Of course, harsh punishments alone are not enough.

While the punishments are severe, there is also a need to reward the meritorious soldiers among them.

Since ancient times, military management has focused on clear rewards and punishments.

Even rewards are ranked before punishments!
When Tian Wenchang heard this, he clasped his fists and accepted the order.


On the battlefield, the war continues!

The Ming army adjusted the firing range of its artillery. Each Type 90 field gun and Type 65 field gun adjusted its firing range, aiming at the Qing army's array and began to deliver firepower.


Amidst the deafening sound of shelling, projectiles were fired towards the Qing army array.

Wherever the dense barrages passed, the soldiers in the front row of the Qing army fell to the ground like wheat.

However, after the militia suffered a large number of casualties, the Qing army still successfully advanced within the range of its own firearms.


Wrought iron cannons were lined up in front of the formation, spitting out tongues of fire.

The projectiles were fired towards the Ming army.

The gunmen, working in pairs, raised their muskets, loaded them, took aim, and pulled the triggers in one go.

The low sound of musketry sounded.

In just the blink of an eye, someone in the front row of the Ming army was hit by a projectile fired from a gun of the Qing army. There were balls of blood exploding from his body and he fell to the ground.

Or he was hit by an artillery projectile, and the point of impact turned directly into minced meat, causing him to die miserably on the spot.

Firearms from both sides started shooting at close range.

Casualties on both sides!

The screams of the wounded soldiers were heard.

The battlefield was filled with gunpowder smoke, but swept by the west wind, the gunpowder smoke drifted to the side of the Qing army, seriously obstructing the Qing army's vision.

With God's help, the Ming army's chances of winning were virtually increased.

However, Zhu Jing'an is still squinting his eyes and his face is not pretty.

In this battle, the number of artillery pieces of the Ming army was still a little small. Otherwise, the Ming army should have defeated the Qing army as they advanced.

Why did they let the Qing army advance in front of the Ming army and then engage in firearms exchange with the Ming army?

Thinking of this, Zhu Jing'an waved his hand and ordered.

"Send the order, the army moves forward, prepare to fight hand-to-hand with the Qing prisoners!"

Zhu Jing'an has always known what the Qing army's biggest shortcoming was at this time.

Without him, I would be afraid of physical combat!

What the Ming army is least afraid of now is hand-to-hand combat.

Under Zhu Jing'an's order, the Ming army began to advance.

Taking the lead was the forward battalion that had just completed its reorganization after the collapse.

They were suppressed by Ming soldiers, guns, cannons and swords, and once again launched a charge against the Qing army.


Yang Jingsu looked at the forward battalion of the Ming army rushing up again, his face so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip from his face.

"Damn it, these stinky Qiuba are really shameless and ungrateful!"

"Previously, when they were officers and soldiers fighting against thieves, they behaved in a terrible way and even surrendered and became prisoners."

"How come they become so brave when they become thieves under the hands of Ming thieves?"

Yang Jingsu could recognize that almost all of the so-called forward battalion of the Ming army were prisoners of war from the Green Battalion of the Qing Dynasty.Because the clothes on these people are still the original Green Camp uniforms.

Compared with before, the soldiers of these forward battalions only lost one braid and had red scarves wrapped around their heads.

But there was no way. Daming's forward battalion had already rushed forward, and Yang Jingsu could only deploy troops to deal with it.

Ordinary green soldiers were unable to fight hand-to-hand, so he could only send his own supervisor to resist.

For a time, the forward battalion of the Ming army and Yang Jingsu's supervisor were fighting together.

Spears poked, swords chopped, at this moment, lives disappeared quietly...

But soon, the rest of the Ming army in the rear rushed up under a hail of bullets and launched a charge against an enemy that was several times larger.

The musketeers were transferred to the left wing of the Qing army. After firing a round of volleys, they picked up their bayonet-mounted muskets and launched a bayonet charge.

Facing the Ming army musketeers who rushed up with bayonets in hand, the green soldiers on the flanks of the Qing army showed timidity visible to the naked eye.

Some people even want to retreat and hide!

For a time, before the Ming army could rush forward, a dent appeared in the Qing army's array.

On the frontal battlefield, the Ming army also surged up with spears in hand.





The spearmen of the Ming army shouted to kill and charged forward like a wave.

Although during the recent charge, the Ming army suffered a lot of losses due to having to face the Qing army's artillery attacks.

However, the casualties on the battlefield not only failed to collapse the morale of the Ming army, but instead inspired their bloody courage.

Many of the soldiers in the Ming army were blood relatives, uncles and brothers from the same village and clan.

If one person is killed or injured, ten people will fight to the death. This is not just talk.

In an instant, the Ming army's spearmen collided with the Qing army's array.

Facing the strict array of spears of the Ming army, the shotguns in the hands of the Qing soldiers instantly turned into fire sticks.

The moment the two sides came into contact, the Qing army began to be pressed back and retreated.

Now, the scene on the battlefield is very strange.

The smaller Ming army took the initiative to charge towards the larger Qing army.

Moreover, the side with more people who can still fight is losing ground!

Such a scene is quite like the reappearance of the battlefield between the Ming and Qing Dynasties at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty.

The smaller Qing army could often suppress the Ming army several times or even ten times the size.

The Ming army was forced to retreat steadily!

However, now everything is reversed.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Jing'an's expression relaxed slightly.

But he did not relax, but continued to direct the battle.

"Let the sword and shield men prepare to attack, flank the Qing army's right wing, and defeat them!"

The armored sword and shield hand has always been Zhu Jing'an's trump card.

When the ordering soldiers heard this, they clasped their fists and ran away.

The situation on the battlefield continued to evolve, and the sword and shield bearers of the Ming army began to move towards the right wing of the Qing army.

Yang Jingsu was riding on horseback and couldn't help frowning as he watched his side fall into a state of decline on the battlefield.

"Most of our troops are gunners. Long-range firepower is okay, but it is inferior to close combat."

"Now the Ming thief has rushed up and wants to engage our army in close combat. What should we do?!"

Yong Wei on the side also said with a cold face when he heard this.

"To conquer the world, you still need fast horses and strong bows. Flashy things like firearms are really unreliable."

Many times, it is not the weapons that determine the outcome of a war, but the people.

Historically, the Ming army, which had a very high firearms equipment rate, was defeated by the Eight Banners cavalry of the Qing army countless times with less and more, which created a psychological shadow.

For example, now, the Green Camp of the Qing Army, whose firearms equipment rate exceeds 50.00%, is being retreated steadily by the Ming Army's spears.

Yang Jingsu said.

"The current battle situation is really unfavorable!"

"Dubiao can barely withstand it, but the troops in the other towns are retreating steadily. If this continues, it won't work."

"Our army is afraid that it will be defeated..."

Yongwei frowned and said.

"Ask the supervisor to withdraw and prepare to join forces with the Eight Banners to supervise the battle."

"Our army has the advantage in strength in this battle. As long as there is one elite soldier holding down the formation to ensure that the army's position remains stable, then this battle cannot be lost."

In Yong Wei's view, the most valuable things in the Qing army now are the Eight Banners of Guangzhou under his command and Yang Jingsu's supervision.

As long as these two do not collapse and can supervise the battle with swords and guns to ensure the stability of the array, the Qing army will not be able to lose this battle.

As for other soldiers and horses, in Yong Wei's eyes, they are all expendable cannon fodder.

it is not important!

Hearing this, Yang Jingsu couldn't help but frown slightly, but in the end he nodded.

"Okay, let's do it!"

Yang Jingsu quickly issued an order to remove his supervisor from the front line.

In order to fill the vacancy in the Qing army's array caused by the retreat of the supervisory standard, Yong Wei commanded the Eight Banners soldiers to supervise the battle and sent a group of green battalion soldiers forward to pad the sword.

However, the Qing army had just arranged its array, and the Ming army's sword and shield wielders launched an attack from its right wing.

Amidst the shouts of killing, the Ming army launched a wave of offensive.

Wearing face-to-face breastplates and flying saucer helmets, the Ming saber-shielders rushed straight into the Qing army's array like tigers rushing into a herd of sheep.

Swing the knife, chop, blood splashes!

On the battlefield, although swords and shields are not as useful as spears, they are much stronger than the Qing army's shotguns.

Amid the shouts of killing, the sword and shield wielders of the Ming army continued to weave in and out of the Qing army's array, disrupting the Qing army's array.

For a time, Wan Sheng's shouts echoed throughout the battlefield.

The chaos on the right wing of the military formation, coupled with the chain reaction caused by Du Biao's retreat, caused the morale of the Qing army to begin to decline at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the various departments of the Ming army were fighting bravely to take the lead, trying to tear apart the Qing army's array.

On the huge battlefield, there were shouts of killing everywhere.

"Grenade! Grenade clears the way, kill!"

The sword and shield bearers of the Ming army raised their shields and brandished their swords, slashing through the Qing army's array.

The grenades in their hands became a weapon to clear the way.

Rumbling explosions sounded continuously.

The right wing of the Qing army was almost torn apart by the Ming army.

The situation on its left is no better.

The musketeers of the Ming army raised their bayonets and launched a bayonet charge, suppressing the shotgun soldiers of the Qing army and retreating steadily.

Only on the frontal battlefield where the main forces of the two sides clashed, the Qing army could barely maintain the formation because of the Eight Banners and Dubiao supervising the battle.

The array was not completely torn apart by the Ming army!

However, this didn't work.

As the war situation on the left and right wings deteriorated little by little, for the Qing army, defeat was only a matter of time.

(End of this chapter)

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