Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 95 Kick the lame man’s bad leg hard

Chapter 95 Kick the lame man’s bad leg hard
Because once the two wings collapse, it will eventually lead to the collapse of the entire front.

Yang Jingsu's face was full of anxiety and worry. He really didn't expect that the task of defeating the thief, which he thought was easy to capture, would be so difficult...

He really couldn't figure out how the Ming thief could be so powerful in combat? !

They are obviously just a group of thieves!

How could a group of thieves and bandits suppress the imperial government's elite soldiers?
Seeing the deterioration of the battle situation on the right wing, Yang Jingsu could only grit his teeth and mobilize troops from the frontal front where the current battle situation was best.

An elite supervisor was mobilized to reinforce the flanks and save the battle.

But as the saying goes, if you are prepared for the left, you will be few on the right; if you are prepared for the right, you will be few on the left; if you are prepared for the front, you will be few for the rear; if you are prepared for the back, you will be few for the front; if you are prepared for everything, you will be few for everything.

Since the Qing army has deployed troops to reinforce the right wing, the rest of the area must be empty!

Zhu Jing'an couldn't help but smile as he watched the Qing army mobilize troops from the front.

He spoke decisively.

"Send the order, mobilize our army's reserve force to support the left-wing battle, attack with all strength, and tear apart the Qing army's left-wing array as soon as possible!"

When the ordering soldiers heard this, they clasped their fists and left.

In war, one uses more to defeat the less, and uses force to overwhelm others.

Since the Qing army deployed troops to reinforce the right wing, its left wing and frontal front were naturally empty.

Compared to the frontal front where the battle situation was stalemate, Zhu Jing'an preferred to complete a breakthrough on the left wing of the Qing army, which was already at a disadvantage.

To put it bluntly, it means kicking the lame man's bad leg hard.

After the order to mobilize troops was issued, the Ming army quickly mobilized troops to attack the left flank of the Qing army and strengthen the offensive on the left flank.

Reinforcements from the Qing army had just arrived on the right wing to reinforce, and they had just managed to stabilize the battle situation with the help of the elite supervisors.

The left wing is in trouble again!

Yang Jingsu had no choice but to continue to mobilize troops from the front to reinforce the left wing.

However, after the deployment of troops to reinforce the left wing, the Qing army could barely maintain the war situation, and the frontal front, which had been fighting back and forth with the Ming army, also showed its decline.

Zhu Jing'an saw this.He took out the saber from his waist, rode on the horse, and shouted loudly.

"The whole army attacks! Defeat the enemy!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he really galloped forward, preparing to command the Ming army to launch a fierce attack on the frontal front, which would be the straw that broke the camel's back.

As Zhu Jing'an's banner began to move forward, the sound of the war drums became more and more rapid, and everyone in the Ming army couldn't help but cast their eyes on the high-flying banner.

Then he saw Zhu Jing'an, who looked quite ostentatious under the banner of the great banner, wearing a suit of gold-painted fish scale armor and a scarlet cloak.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Long live the governor!"


Zhu Jing'an's spearheading charge directly ignited the already high morale of the Ming army.

The general takes the lead in the charge. No matter in which era, this is a very exciting thing.

The Ming army cheered and shouted to kill, and launched a charge towards the Qing army in front of them.

The Ming army wearing a red turban was like a roiling torrent, constantly moving forward, destroying everything that stood in his way.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"


Amidst the roar, with Zhu Jing'an's personal guards as arrows, the morale-filled Ming army directly tore a hole in the front line of the Qing army.

At this moment, even the soldiers in the forward battalion couldn't help but cheer.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Long live the governor!"


Countless Ming soldiers poured in from the torn holes in the Qing army's array, expanding the results of the battle.

At the same time, Zhu Jing'an also quietly reined in his horse and retreated from the first line to the second line.

He took the lead in the charge, more to express an attitude of leading by example.

It is impossible to really say that he will lead people into the Qing army's array!

The most important thing for a general on the battlefield is to direct the battle, not to lead the charge.

Once the general leads the charge and is killed on the battlefield, the consequences will be disastrous.

As a mature general, Zhu Jing'an naturally knew what he should and should not do.

Even if he takes the lead in the charge, he is always protected by layers of personal guards. It is actually his personal guards who are really charging in front, not himself.

He himself is always located further back in the first echelon.


Yang Jingsu and Yong Wei watched the situation on the battlefield deteriorate, and the expressions on their faces kept changing.

Yongwei said.

"Governor Yang, our army has suffered a setback in this battle and our defeat is certain."

"Why don't we retreat to Xinwei Town for the time being and join up with Wang Jie, the commander-in-chief of Gaozhou Town, to conserve our strength and wait for reinforcements?"

In Yongwei's view, the Qing army's formation in this battle has been torn apart and their defeat has been decided. There is really no need to persist any longer.

If you wait any longer, the situation will only get worse!

Yang Jingsu gritted his teeth and said after hearing this.

"it is good!"

"Send the order, the army is preparing to break away from the Ming army and withdraw to Xinwei Town."

After thinking for a while, Yang Jingsu spoke again.

"The soldiers and horses of each department take turns to be responsible for blocking the rear of the army and blocking the pursuit of the Ming thieves."

Yang Jingsu knew that under the current fighting situation, if no one stopped the retreat, the army would not be able to safely withdraw from the battlefield.

However, he overestimated the Qing army's resilience.

As soon as the order to retreat was given, various Qing army units began to scramble to escape.

What happens after the break is really up to whoever likes to do it, I definitely won’t do it anyway!

On the battlefield, the Qing army fled very quickly after the collapse.

Countless soldiers and horses scrambled to escape towards Xinwei Town.

Running at the front was the Eight Banners of the Qing Army on horseback.

These Eight Banners soldiers may not be good at other things, but when it comes to escaping, they are definitely more professional than the last.

Followed closely by Yang Jingsu's supervision.

The rest of the green battalion soldiers and the militiamen ran relatively slowly and were left behind, and were swallowed up by the Ming army.

I want to use this to delay the Ming army's offensive!

On the battlefield, shouts of killing resounded.

The Ming army drove behind the defeated Qing army with great momentum, killing the defeated troops unscrupulously and expanding the results of the battle.


Xinwei Town!
The battle on the main battlefield became more and more intense and reached a fever pitch.

There’s no need to give in too much here!

In the streets and alleys of Xinwei Town, fierce battles between the Ming and Qing armies can be seen everywhere.

Corpses were laid out one after another, and blood was flowing everywhere, gathering together to form a blood puddle.

Under the cover of artillery, the Ming army controlled several arteries in and out of the town, and captured most of the town with repeated charges.

The Qing army retreated steadily and huddled in the remaining half of the town, lingering.The two sides continued to see each other back and forth, and each brave soldier spilled his blood on the battlefield.

Most of the soldiers who dared to fight and were able to fight under Wang Jie, the commander-in-chief of Gaozhou Town, were killed or wounded, and the rest no longer had the ability to fight hand-to-hand with the Ming army.

All he can do now is to gather his troops and hide in the buildings in the town to resist.

However, listening to the roar of artillery outside.

As well as the roar of heavy artillery, followed by the sound of building collapse, Wang Jie felt full of powerlessness.

Now, he could only hope that the main force of the Qing army could make a breakthrough on the main battlefield, and then send troops to reinforce Xinwei Town.

Otherwise, he really can't think of any other way to break the situation.

Wang Jie sat on a chair, his face covered with dust, his cotton armor stained with blood, his face full of exhaustion, and a sense of powerlessness from his heart.

At this moment, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps outside, and then one of Wang Jie's soldiers opened the door and walked in.

Wang Jie raised his head and asked expectantly.

"How's it going? Is there any news from the Governor?"

"Did you say when troops would be sent for reinforcements?"

When the soldier heard this, he shook his head with dull eyes and spoke in a hoarse voice.

"If...we go back to the military gate, there will support!"

"Over there on the main battlefield, our army was defeated..."

"The Governor and the General are leading their troops to withdraw to Xinwei Town, preparing to join our troops, and then wait for reinforcements in Xinwei Town..."

When Wang Jie heard this, the expression on his face kept changing.

My heart sank immediately.

The Qing army was defeated on the main battlefield, but the Qing army in Xinxu Town was also having a hard time.

The Ming army has now captured almost half of Xinwei Town. Even if the main force of the Qing army can withdraw to Xinwei Town, how can they hold on and wait for reinforcements?
Damn it, the overall situation is ruined!

The expression on Wang Jie's face was full of worry.

But, at this moment, boom!Boom!
A series of roars of heavy artillery sounded.

Shells pierced the sky one after another, shooting towards the small courtyard where Wang Jie was hiding.

A shell smashed through the courtyard wall, shattered the windows, and hit the load-bearing beams of the house with a bang.

The remaining shells also hit the target one after another.

The load-bearing structure of the house was damaged, bricks and stones flew instantly, and it collapsed.

The moment the gunfire sounded, Wang Jie subconsciously held his head to avoid it.

After the gunfire ended, he looked up, only to see the beams falling from the sky.

Before he could react, he was pushed away by the soldiers beside him at the risk of his life.

"Military gate, be careful..."

Wang Jie was pushed to the ground, and there was a stinging pain in his hand, which must have been a scratch.

But when he turned around, he watched helplessly as the rafter hit his soldier's head, causing his brain to burst and blood to spray out.

But before Wang Jie could feel lucky, the beam rolled over again and hit Wang Jie on the waist after crushing the soldier who killed him.

There was a thud, followed by a crack of bones, and Wang Jie instantly felt that his lower body had lost consciousness...

Immediately afterwards, countless bricks and stones fell, burying him and several soldiers around him under the rubble.

Wang Jie and his soldiers were buried alive.

Subsequently, the Qing army in Xinwei Town lost its command.

Then, the Ming army's offensive suddenly became much smoother!
Amidst bursts of shouts of killing, the last Qing army flag fell in Xinwei Town.

Instead, there are large flags with clear characters facing the wind!

When the Qing troops led by Yang Jingsu and Yong Wei arrived outside Xinxu Town, they saw such a scene.

Looking at the Ming Army's banner in Xinwei Town in front of them, and looking at the Ming Army's pursuers behind them, their expressions instantly looked as ugly as if their own mothers had died.

"What should we do? What should we do?"

"If we are defeated, Guangdong will be in danger!"

Yong Wei was riding on horseback, looking extremely anxious.

In order to defeat the thieves, Yang Jingsu mobilized almost half of the troops in Guangdong Province to gather in Zhaoqing.

Now the war situation is about to collapse!

Once the Ming thieves take the opportunity to march towards Guangzhou, the situation in Guangdong will definitely be bad.

The two of them had no way to explain to the court next.

If the emperor is held accountable for this, it goes without saying that as a Han official, Yang Jingsu will most likely be dead.

And even if Yongwei is a member of the clan, he may have to go to Yili or Ninggu Pagoda to serve in the army.

Yang Jingsu was in a daze as he was struck, and was in a daze.

After a while, Yang Jingsu gritted his teeth and said again.

"Xin...Xinwei Town can't go, we evacuate to Deqingzhou City!"

"There is a city wall in the direction of Deqing Prefecture. As long as our army can withdraw to Deqing Prefecture, defend the city, and then call in troops from various towns in Guangdong to come for reinforcements, there will be a chance for a comeback in this battle..."

After Yang Jingsu finished speaking, Yongwei nodded in approval.

The two of them did not hesitate and led their men and horses towards the city of Deqing Prefecture.

However, if the Ming army finally defeated the main force of the Qing army, how could it be so easy to let the remaining Qing troops withdraw from the battlefield?

The Ming army's pursuers followed closely behind the Qing army's deserters, constantly chasing down the deserters, capturing prisoners of war, and expanding the results...

The strength of the Qing army decreased dramatically.

When the order was first given to withdraw from the battlefield, although the Qing army was suppressed by the Ming army, its main force was not lost, and its strength was nearly [-].

But when the Qing army fled outside Xinxu Town, only 2 troops were left out of the early [-].

When Yang Jingsu and Yongwei decided to turn to Deqing Prefecture, the Qing army's strength increased from [-] to [-].

Some of the so many troops collapsed and fled, but more of them abandoned their weapons and surrendered and became prisoners of war of the Ming army.

The attrition of the Qing army in this battle was very serious!

When they fled all the way outside Deqing Prefecture, the Qing army's strength had been further reduced to more than [-].

It is worth mentioning that all the green battalion soldiers have fled, and the organization can still maintain its structure. The only ones that have not collapsed are Yang Jingsu's supervisor and the Eight Banners soldiers under Yong Wei.

Seeing that the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi and the general of Guangzhou had returned in defeat, the prefect of Deqing Prefecture did not dare to hesitate at all. He immediately opened the city gate and welcomed the Qing army into the city.

However, as soon as the city gate was opened, the Ming army's pursuers arrived.

The mighty Ming army pursuers also followed the Qing army's retreat and poured into the city of Deqing Prefecture.

Seeing this scene, the defenders in the city looked at the bloody and murderous Ming army pursuers in front of them, and they did not dare to resist at all.

Deqingzhou City quickly fell into the hands of the Ming army!

However, the remnants of the Qing army wanted to escape from the city at this time, but it was already too late.


Deqingzhou government office!

In the lobby, Yang Jingsu ordered someone to bring water to wash up.

After washing up and changing into a clean and tidy official robe, Yang Jingsu sat upright in the lobby of the state government office.

On the table in front of him, there was a pot of poisonous wine and a porcelain cup.

Yong Wei was wearing cotton armor and stared at Yang Jingsu with complicated eyes for a while, then asked.

"Governor, have you really decided?"

When Yang Jingsu heard this, he smiled bitterly and nodded.

"General, please lead your men to break out of the encirclement as soon as possible. I will lead the governor to stop you and won't leave..."

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(End of this chapter)

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