Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 43 The Fall of the Encircled Building

Chapter 43 The Fall of the Encircled Building
But unfortunately, the gate of the enclosure was blocked from the inside with sand.

Although the Ming army's explosive pack smashed the gate of the Li family building, it failed to explode the sand seal behind the door.

Seeing this, Han Sigu was stunned for a moment, and then ordered.

"Go on, go on, don't stop!"

"Keep bombing me. If one explosive pack is not enough, use two. If two explosives are not enough, use three, five, ten, or eight."

"Damn it, I don't believe it anymore. There are doors that can't be opened by explosive charges."

The look on Han Sigu's face was one of faint anxiety.

Although Zhu Jing'an told him to pay attention to casualties, withdraw if he can't defeat them, and then find another way.

But what you need to know is that before this battle, it was Zhang Hu's task to lead the troops in the vanguard.

This was the first time that Han Sigu led troops as a forward and was responsible for attacking difficulties. Han Sigu could not tolerate failure.

He didn't want to fall behind Zhang Hu!

Under Han Sigu's order, the Ming army prepared for the second round of blasting.

In order to achieve success once, the Ming army stuffed seven or eight explosive bags worth twenty kilograms into the doorway.

After lighting the fuse, the Ming soldiers retreated again.

The next moment, a rumbling explosion sounded all around, and a large ball of fire erupted from the dark doorway of the enclosure.

Smoke and dust rose into the sky!

A large amount of yellow sand was blown out of the doorway, flying all over the sky.

The sprayed sand fell on the person, causing bursts of severe pain.

Even Zhu Jing'an in the distance could feel the oncoming shock wave and the yellow sand hitting his face.

Under everyone's attention, the sand in the doorway was finally cleared by the explosion.

But then, along with a clicking sound, there was a slight problem with the load-bearing structure of the building.

The entire doorway collapsed, and there were several obvious cracks on the building.

The entire surrounding building tilted significantly, and a large amount of earth and stone fell.

The earth and rocks above the doorway began to collapse in large quantities.

Zhu Jing'an squinted his eyes and couldn't help but feel a little shocked. He didn't expect that Han Sigu had skills in house demolition.

This explosive pack is placed just right!

It seems that this means that the surrounding building is to be demolished!

Suddenly, Zhu Jing'an's eyes lit up, as if he remembered something, he turned around and gave instructions to Zhang Hu beside him.

"By the way, the governor remembers, is the militia group of Daliushu Village also in the Li family's gate building now?"

Zhang Hu nodded and then spoke.

"The Governor remembers it right. According to the information we gathered during the night, the vigilante group in Daliushu Village did not show any signs of leaving the Li family's enclosure."

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly.

"This will be easy to handle. Send military orders and order people to start preparing to recruit and surrender the militia in Daliushu Village."

"Their wives, children, and families are now in my hands, Daming. I believe those members of the militia in Daliushu will make the most correct decision."

In this world, there are only a few people with hard hearts who can abandon their family members.

The Ming army held the family members of the Daliushu Village militia in their hands, and they didn't believe they could make any big waves.

Zhang Hu nodded after hearing this.

"Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, I will make arrangements right away to ensure that the task is completed."

At the same time, a gap appeared in the wall of the Li family building.

Han Sigu took the lead and led his men through the gap, preparing to capture the entire enclosure.

"Kill! The Ming Dynasty is victorious!"

"Reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, divide the fields and divide the land!"

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

"..." Along with the shouts of killing, more and more Ming troops began to pour into the enclosure.

At this time, Zhang Hu also led people outside the enclosure and began to organize people to shout in unison.

"Villages of Daliushu Village, please listen carefully. Your family members are now in my hands, Daming. You can only reunite with your family if you abandon your weapons and surrender."

"Villages of Daliushu Village, the Governor has promised that as long as you abandon your weapons and surrender, I, the Ming Dynasty, will definitely forget the blame. If you can defect before the battle and make meritorious deeds, I, the Ming Dynasty, will not hesitate to use you."

"Your family members are now in the hands of the Ming Dynasty. Don't make mistakes on your own. Think clearly about the consequences of your actions. Don't drag your family down with a momentary wrong choice and regret it for the rest of your life."


The Ming army organized manpower and shouted loudly outside the Li family's enclosure to persuade the militiamen of Daliushu Village inside the enclosure to surrender.

Although the Ming army's methods seemed a bit despicable and shameless.

But it is not important.

Because the winner is never condemned!
The expressions of the militiamen in Daliushu Village changed after hearing the Ming army's shouting outside the gate building.

Although few people defected before the battle, many people chose to lay down their weapons and surrender.

A large number of Ming troops poured into the surrounding buildings, and the militia groups in Daliu Shu Village began to surrender in large numbers. The resistance of the Li family militia groups began to become increasingly weak.

The entire Li family enclosure began to be gradually controlled by the Ming army.


Wuxuan County!

It was dawn again, and Fang Kun was getting up early.

While eating breakfast, he was flipping through a book, with an obvious look of relaxation on his face.

Pick up a shrimp dumpling with chopsticks, put it in your mouth, chew it carefully, and feel the sweetness of the shrimp blooming on your tongue.

Fang Kunzheng even hummed a little tune, obviously in a good mood.

During this period of time, preparations for defeating the thieves in Wuxuan County are progressing steadily.

Team training, government officials, civilian husbands, etc. are all working hard, food and grass are being put into storage, and money has already been put in place.

It seems that it won't take long to send troops to quell the thieves and eliminate the disaster.

Fang Kunzheng couldn't help but be in a bad mood.

"Lord County Lord, something happened, something happened again in Jintian Town!"

Just when Fang Kun was eating breakfast, a government servant ran in from outside.

The yamen officer trotted all the way to the front of Fang Kun, knelt down with a bang, kowtowed hard, and then spoke.

Fang Kunzheng frowned when he heard this.

"What's going on? What happened?"

The yamen servant wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

"Reply to my lord, it's... another traitor!"

"The bandits in Jintian Town moved again. The bandits first broke through Daliushu Village and then ambushed the Tianjiawei militia. After that, they also sent troops to attack Lijia'ao."

"Every village in Jintian Town was beaten to pieces and suffered heavy losses."

"Now that Lijiawei is in crisis, the Li family has no choice but to send people to the county to ask for help, hoping that the county can send troops to quell the thieves."

"My lord, please decide!"

Fang Kunzheng frowned and said after hearing this.

"It seems that I am determined to defeat the thief as soon as possible. I made the right move. Otherwise, I don't know how much trouble the thief in Jintian Town will cause."

Fang Kunzheng is now somewhat grateful for his decision to stop making money and quell the thief as soon as possible.

There is trouble in the place, and if it can be settled, it would be best to settle it as soon as possible.

Otherwise, once the matter gets serious and the superiors investigate, it will be difficult for him to keep his official title.

Thinking of this, Fang Kunzheng couldn't help but sigh.

It was really difficult to be an official in the Qing Dynasty...

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(End of this chapter)

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