Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 89 The supply line that military strategists must fight for

Chapter 89 The supply line that military strategists must fight for
However, as soon as he pulled out the knife from the body of the tragically killed Green Camp soldier, another Qing soldier rushed towards him and stabbed him diagonally.

This Qing soldier didn't waste any time and struck directly at Yang Chen's vital part.

Yang Chen couldn't dodge in time and could only barely avoid the vital point, but he was still struck by the knife in the chest. His skin and flesh suddenly turned out and blood flowed profusely.

Bright red blood kept gushing out, dyeing the clothes on his body red.

The scene is shocking!

However, before the Qing soldier who slashed Yang Chen could feel proud, he heard a pop and his chest was pierced by a sharp spearhead.

The spearhead was still dripping with blood. As the spearhead was pulled out, the look in the eyes of the Qing sergeant quickly dissipated and he fell to the ground.

Behind this Qing soldier, the Ming soldier holding a spear grinned at Yang Chen and spoke with concern.

"Brother Yang Chen, are you okay?"

This soldier was a fellow villager of Yang Chen and one of the lucky ones who escaped from Hualiang Village with him.

In order to avenge the murder of his family, he also chose to join the Ming army and became a member of the Ming Dynasty King's Division.

Yang Chen shook his head and was about to say that he was fine when he saw an arrow flying towards him.

With a pop, the gleaming arrow suddenly penetrated his fellow villager's eye socket.

After the Ming soldier was hit by the arrow, he didn't even scream and fell to the ground with his head upright.

It won't work on the spot.

However, the sporadic resistance of the Qing army could not change the general trend of the battlefield.

The smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger, and more and more Ming soldiers poured into Zhennan Pass.

The Qing army's resistance was defeated by the Ming army as if it were overwhelming.

At the top of Zhennanguan, the flags belonging to the Qing army were lowered, and the bright flags were hunting in the wind.


"Hahaha, Zhennan Pass is broken! It's broken!"

Seeing this scene, Zhu Jing'an clapped his hands and laughed excitedly, his face full of excitement and excitement.

"Report! Report to the Grand Governor that our army has captured Zhennanguan Pass!"

"Zhennan Guandu Secretary Liu Shang fled on horseback, and our army is pursuing him."

A messenger strode up to Zhu Jing'an and reported excitedly.

Just now, after the Zhennanguan garrison was defeated by the Ming army, Liu Shang did not stubbornly resist to the end.

Instead, he very decisively chose to move in front of the formation.

He led his personal guard Geshha to break out of the siege, and then headed east toward Zhaoqing.

Prepare to go to Yang Jingsu, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, for help!
Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly after hearing this.

"Command the army to start recruiting the remnants of the Qing army in the pass."

After thinking for a while, Zhu Jing'an continued.

"As for the prisoners of war in this battle, they will be spared if they are shot at [-]. Let's kill them at [-] to give an explanation to the people who were killed in Chishui Ruins and other places."

"All the remaining people will cut off their braids and form a forward battalion. When the battle of Zhaoqing happens, let them fight as a forward!"

Zhu Jing'an knew that his trap and killing of surrendered soldiers might make it more difficult for the Ming army to recruit and surrender the Qing army in the future.

However, for now, his bottom line still cannot allow him to turn a blind eye to the massacre.

However, quietly, he changed the original thirteen kills to eleven kills!

Obviously, although Zhu Jing'an has a bottom line, it is not high...

The reason why he wanted to show mercy to the prisoners of war of the Qing army and organize them into forward battalions was mainly to make up for the current shortage of troops in the Ming army.

According to Zhu Jing'an's knowledge, the number of green battalions of the Qing Army in Guangdong was 9000.

Now, Yang Jingsu, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, mobilized half of them to gather in Zhaoqing Mansion.

Even excluding the shortage of empty pay, the number of Qing troops currently gathered in Zhaoqing Mansion is at least 4000.

In addition, Yang Jingsu's supervision and the Guangzhou Eight Banners led by General Guangzhou came to supervise the battle.

The total strength of the Qing army in Zhaoqing Prefecture is now about 3.

The current total strength of the Ming army, even including the navy, is only 1000.

The comparison of military strength has almost reached the level of three to one.

This battle is really difficult to fight!

But the problem is that the Qing court will not give Ming a chance to slowly develop and accumulate strength.

If Zhu Jing'an does not fight this battle now, then when the Qing army mobilizes troops from several provinces to encircle Guangxi, the situation facing Ming Dynasty will only become more dangerous.

Therefore, Ming Dynasty must fight this battle!

Or the kind that can only win but cannot lose!

If you fail, you will die without a burial place!

Therefore, for the current Ming Dynasty, every bit of power is precious.

And history has proven countless times that the ability to make good use of troops is the key to the success of a regime.

Don’t talk about the far ones, let’s talk about the near ones.

It was precisely because Li Zicheng made good use of the elite border troops of the Ming army who surrendered to him that he was able to rapidly develop and expand after leaving Shangluo Mountain in the east, until he conquered most of the world.

And it was also because the Qing army made good use of the surrendered Green Camp troops that they were able to take control of the Central Plains and put down the rebellion of the Three Feudatories.

If the frontier troops of the Ming Army did not join, the bandits would always become bandits instead of becoming a climate.

If it weren't for the green battalion soldiers who fought desperately for the Qing Dynasty, the population of the Eight Banners would not have been able to dominate the world even if they were all dead.

This shows the importance of making good use of surrender troops!
The reason why Zhu Jing'an wanted to organize the Qing army's surrendered troops into a forward battalion was not to mix them with the Ming army's various departments.

In fact, the main concern was that the Ming army soldiers would learn bad things from the Qing army prisoners of war.

Also, the reason why Zhu Jing'an still insisted on killing Qing prisoners of war when the situation was so critical now was actually not just to bring justice to the people who died under the Qing army's butcher's knife.

More importantly, it was actually to establish authority in front of prisoners of war.

After all, if you can't scare the prisoners of war, how can the prisoners of war obey you?

As Zhu Jing'an's order was issued, the Ming army quickly began to take over the city defense of Zhennanguan.

Those Qing troops who were still resisting in Guancheng were also searched out and detained together, preparing to be dealt with.

The Ming army quickly took control of the city defense of Zhennanguan!
Zhu Jing'an took his personal guards and boarded the Guancheng of Zhennanguan Pass.

He glanced around, looking at the terrain around Zhennanguan, the Xunjiang waterway not far away, and the city's defense situation.

Zhu Jing'an slowly exhaled a breath and sighed.

"The location of Zhennanguan is very important."

"It is close to the Xunjiang Waterway and controls the junction of Guangdong and Guangxi. It has many merchants and merchants and convenient transportation. Its importance is self-evident."

"It would be a pity if this city was abandoned!"

He Jin on the side heard this and asked.

"What does the governor mean?"

Zhu Jing'an pondered for a while, and then continued.

"After the war in Zhaoqing is over, our army will prepare to repair the city defenses at Zhennanguan, deploy troops to station, and deploy defenses."

"We must use Zhennanguan as the core to ensure that the Ming Dynasty has absolute control over the Xunjiang Waterway, the supply line for the Eastern Expedition."

"Zhennanguan, if our Ming Dynasty does not defend it, the Qing army will definitely take it back." "Once Zhennanguan is captured by the Qing army again, then there is a risk that the supply line of our Eastern Expedition army will be cut off at any time."

The main force of the Ming army entered Guangdong from Guangxi, and the waterway from the Qianjiang River to the Xunjiang River, then to the Xijiang River, and even the Pearl River was the most important supply line.

Although these rivers have different names, they are all connected by a straight line, which can go directly from Guangxi to Guangzhou, the hinterland of Guangdong.

There are very few turns!
When the Ming army wanted to transport ordnance and supplies, there was nothing more convenient or trouble-free than taking this waterway.

It is precisely because of this that almost all the ordnance supplies needed by the entire Ming army now go through this waterway.

Once the waterway was cut off by the Qing army, it would be a disaster for the Ming army.

Therefore, the importance of this waterway is self-evident.

As one of the key hubs on this waterway, Zhennanguan naturally became a battleground for military strategists.

He Jin nodded when he heard this.

"The governor is wise!"

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he waved his hands and said.

"Wherever there is anything wise or unwise, the importance of Zhennanguan is shown here."

"As long as he is a leader, you cannot ignore him!"

After pondering for a while again, Zhu Jing'an spoke.

"Command the army to prepare to rest!"

"At dawn tomorrow, the main force of the army will continue to repair and prepare for war at Zhennanguan. He Jinqian will lead his troops to capture the city of Wuzhou. Is there any problem?"

He Jin heard this and clasped his fists hard.

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, I will take your orders and promise to complete the mission."

There are currently more than a thousand Green Camp defenders in Wuzhou City, which are completely vulnerable to the Ming army.

In He Jin's view, Zhu Jing'an appointed him to capture the city of Wuzhou, which was a complete compliment to him.

Of course he has no reason to refuse!
Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly, and then led the people down the city wall, preparing to go to the wounded soldiers camp to take care of the wounded soldiers.


Zhaoqing Mansion!
The Qing army's cavalrymen who came from Zhennanguan worked hard all the way, and it took only one day and two nights to arrive outside Zhaoqing Mansion.

The soldiers of the Qing Dynasty who were responsible for asking for help were taken outside the governor's palace of Yang Jingsu.

The messenger's body was covered in dust and black ash, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was full of visible fatigue.

Several Goshihars entered the camp to report.

Not long after, several Gesheha came out and brought in the messenger from Zhennanguan.

Then, the messenger met Yang Jingsu, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and Yong Wei, the Guangzhou general, in the hall.

The orderly soldier saluted in front of Yang Jingsu and Yong Wei with smooth movements, knocked his head heavily on the ground, and said.

"I am reporting to the Governor and the General that the Ming thieves are moving eastward along the Xun River, and the army is pressing down on Zhennan Pass."

"Zhennan is in an emergency and is in danger. Please two adults to send troops to rescue as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, Yang Jingsu stroked his beard and asked with a frown.

"How many soldiers and horses did the Ming thieves invade Zhennanguan? Are they the main force?"

Where is the main force of the Ming thieves?

This is the issue that Yang Jingsu is most concerned about.

During this period of time, military reports of emergencies and requests for help continued to reach him from all over Guangxi.

All the news shows that the Ming army took advantage of the Qing court's move to mobilize troops for encirclement and suppression, and was constantly attacking cities and territories to expand its scope of strength.

Now that he has received a letter asking for help from Zhennanguan, Yang Jingsu actually doesn't care too much.

During this period of time, the Qing Dynasty had lost all its prefectures and counties, and the town of Nanguan was really not that important.

The only thing Yang Jingsu cares about now is where the main force of the Ming army is.

Because only by knowing this, and when the imperial edict comes down to punish the thieves, can he make a clear target and immediately send troops to suppress the thieves.

When the messenger heard what Liu Shang had told him, he gritted his teeth and said.

"There are tens of thousands of Ming thieves who invaded Zhennanguan, and they are probably the main force of the Ming thieves."

In order to allow Zhaoqing to send troops to rescue Zhennanguan, Liu Shang deliberately told the messenger who went to Zhaoqing to ask for help, asking him to say that the main force of the Ming army was attacking Zhennanguan.

There are tens of thousands of people!

The actual strength of the Ming army was directly exaggerated several times.

Yong Wei frowned when he heard this.


"Isn't it that the main force of the Ming thieves is being promoted by the Admiral of Guangxi and is leading the main force of the Guangxi Green Camp to contain them in Yong'an Prefecture?"

"Why did you send troops to suppress Nanguan?"

"Yong'an Prefecture and Zhennanguan are separated by hundreds of miles, separated by high mountains. Could it be that all the Ming thieves had wings and flew from Yong'an Prefecture to Zhennanguan?"

In order to reduce his guilt for the defeat in Hualiangcun, Gao Sheng exaggerated his current role.

He lied that he was leading his troops to contain the main force of the Ming thieves in Yong'an Prefecture to ensure that the Ming thieves did not dare to go north to attack Guilin Mansion.

In order to make his words more credible, Gao Sheng would send a battle report almost every three days and an emergency call every five days.

Shengsheng used fierce battles that only existed in battle reports to exaggerate the situation in Yong'an Prefecture.

Although Yang Jingsuren had doubts about this, Yongwei was convinced.

Because, in Yongwei's view, Guangxi soldiers have a reputation for being fierce and good at fighting. Even if they are defeated by Ming thieves, they will not directly lose their combat effectiveness.

Although Gao Sheng's move to retreat to Yong'an Prefecture was a little timid, it could be said to be mature and prudent.

At the very least, with Gao Sheng in Yong'an Prefecture to contain them, no matter how arrogant the Ming army was, they were only tossing around Xunzhou Prefecture and Wuzhou Prefecture in southern Guangxi, and failed to threaten Guilin, the provincial capital of Guangxi!

It ensures that the scale of the Ming thief's chaos can still be controlled and will not get out of hand.

If you look at it this way, Gao Sheng's retreat into Yong'an Prefecture is a great achievement.

In Yongwei's eyes, this is more reasonable.

But the messenger in front of him said that the main force of the Ming thieves was preparing to attack Zhennanguan.

Doesn't this make Yong Wei look like a fool?

If the main force of the Ming thieves is really in Zhennanguan, what is Gao Sheng trying to contain in Yong'an Prefecture now?
Is it possible that the Ming thief can fight back and forth with the main force of the Guangxi Green Camp with only one side force?

Yong Wei would never have imagined that Yong'an Prefecture is safe now.

The Ming army only left a garrison of less than a thousand men in the direction of Dawei Mountain, relying on strategic deceptions such as setting up multiple banners and setting up multiple camps.

The Qing army in Yong'an Prefecture was so frightened that they did not dare to act rashly and only dared to confront the Ming army from a distance.

When Yang Jingsu heard this, he also snorted coldly, echoed Yong Wei and said very rudely.

"to be frank!"

"If you dare to deceive me again, I will drag you out and chop you into pieces and feed it to the dogs!"

As the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Yang Jingsu still has the power to deal with a messenger.


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The author who hit the street begged for support in various ways!
(End of this chapter)

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