Chapter 40
Ordinary people in ancient times actually had two meals a day, one for breakfast and one for dinner. Unless it was busy farming season, they would not eat at noon.

Three meals a day was a treatment only a wealthy landowner could have.

And now the reason why the militiamen have to make rice at noon is just because they were too anxious when setting off in the morning and didn't even eat breakfast.

Therefore, it’s time to eat something at noon.

It was not that Mr. Tian was out of kindness and suddenly became conscientious and prepared to give the vigilante group three meals a day.

However, as soon as Mr. Tian said this, he was immediately opposed.

"Sir, we don't know what the situation is over there in the village. Maybe the village is being attacked by bandits and is in urgent need of reinforcements. It would be better not to stop on our way."

"Yes, Master, hurry up and leave as soon as possible. It's okay to be hungry for a few meals. Everyone can bear it."

"Master, we can't waste time on rest now."


Everyone said in a hurry, Mr. Tian's mouth twitched, "Farmers like you can bear it, but I am so hungry that I can't bear it anymore."

But looking at the eager eyes around him, he couldn't say anything more.

He could only turn around and give instructions.

"Okay, since everyone says so, there will be no rest."

"Give me the order, continue on your way, and wait until you return to the village to rest."


Mr. Tian is prepared to endure it for now.

The group continued on the road and headed towards Tianjiawei.

Time passed, and in the afternoon, when they walked along the official road, they reached a mountain col.

Suddenly, three cannon shots rang out from the hills on both sides of the official road.


The moment the shelling sounded, two clouds of gunpowder smoke appeared along with the firelight.

The cannonball was pushed out of the barrel by the gas produced by the burning gunpowder, shot towards the militia on the official road, and poured into the militia's ranks in the blink of an eye.

Mr. Tian was riding on horseback. The moment he heard the sound of cannons, he subconsciously turned his head and looked around.

But before he could see clearly where the cannon was firing, he felt a heavy blow on his chest.

A shell hit his body directly, and Mr. Tian's chest and abdomen hit by the shell immediately turned into a ball of flesh.

His broken body was carried by the kinetic energy of the cannonball and rolled off the horse.

He only felt that the world was spinning before his eyes, and then he completely lost consciousness.

The sudden shelling and the death of Mr. Tian plunged the militia team into chaos.

Many people looked around with fear on their faces, as if trying to find the source of the shelling.

But before they could react, the second attack followed.



The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty suddenly appeared on the hilltop with muskets and bows in their hands. They aimed at the militia on the official road and started shooting.

Under the cover of firepower, the militiamen on the official road suffered heavy losses immediately, and their wails could be heard everywhere.

Soon, another Ming army emerged from the hilltop with swords and spears raised, forming a formation and swooping towards the militia on the official road.

At the exit of the mountain col, the Ming army's ambush troops also appeared, forming a strict spear phalanx and pressing forward continuously.


"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"


For a moment, the battlefield was filled with shouts of killing.

The Ming army surrounded them on three sides and pressed against the militia in the ambush circle.

As the old saying goes, besieging an army must be blocked, and a poor enemy should not be pursued. When fighting, it is actually more beneficial to the battle situation to leave a way for the enemy to survive properly.

After all, if you are surrounded on all sides and don't leave a way for the enemy to survive, then you will force the enemy to fight you to the death.

Even if the war can still be won, some unnecessary costs will have to be paid.But if you leave a way for the enemy to survive, if there are a few enemies who are not determined to fight and choose to escape before the battle, it will be easy to connect the dots and lead to the complete collapse of the enemy.

Then oneself can achieve the final victory at the minimum cost.

Soon, the two sides entered a stage of close combat.

Spears stabbed, swords and shields clashed, blood spurted, and screams rang out.

The archers were also constantly bending their bows and shooting arrows.

After the handover between the two sides, the Ming army gradually suffered casualties.

But looking at the overall situation on the battlefield, the Ming army undoubtedly had the absolute upper hand and was constantly suppressing the militia.

The Tianjia Militia was suddenly attacked during the march, and they were beaten without any precautions.

In addition, Mr. Tian happened to be hit by a cannonball and died on the spot.

The entire militia lost its command almost immediately and turned into a complete mob.

Coupled with the Ming army's superior strength, it was surrounded on three sides.

With so many prerequisites added up, the Ming army quickly secured victory.

After the militia resisted even a little bit, they completely collapsed and began to escape according to the escape channel that the Ming army had set aside for them in advance.

The Ming army also took advantage of the situation and launched a charge, preparing to resolve the enemy's last stubborn resistance.

Boom!dong dong!

The loud and dull war drums sounded, followed closely by the harsh charging horn.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

"Long live Daming!"


The Ming army surged forward like a wave, launching the final charge.

Zhu Jing'an stood under a short tree on the top of the mountain, looking at the battlefield where the overall situation had been decided, and said with a smile.

"Our army will win this battle!"

Li Mu on the side heard this and said with cupped fists.

"The governor is wise!"

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly very reservedly.

After the Ming army captured Daliushu Village, they chose to ambush the Tian family's militia. It was a decision Zhu Jing'an made after careful consideration.

The reason why he made such a decision was, firstly, that the strength of the Tian Jia Militia was second only to that of the Li Jia Militia.

The elimination of the Tianjia Vigilante Group was a huge blow to the power of the vigilante group in Jintian Town.

The second reason is that on the way back to Tianshiwei from Lijia'ao, there happened to be a place suitable for an ambush.

The two reasons were superimposed, and Zhu Jing'an made a decisive decision and beat him!

Facts proved that Zhu Jing'an's choice was correct. The Ming army successfully ambushed the Tianjia militia and won.

Not long after, the war was over.

Han Sigu and Zhang Hu came to Zhu Jing'an to return to their lives, carrying the smell of blood all over their bodies.

"I report to the Commander-in-Chief that our army will win this battle."

"More than 120 enemy soldiers were captured and killed, but dozens of remaining enemies still escaped from the battlefield."

Zhu Jing'an nodded when he heard this and said in a very satisfied tone.

"It's just a straggler, it's nothing."

"When our army captures Tianjiawei later, those stragglers will take the initiative to surrender to me, the Ming Dynasty."

When the two heard this, they clasped their fists and accepted the order.

Then, Li Mu asked again.

"Grand Governor, since we have won this battle, what will be our army's next move?"

Zhu Jing'an pondered for a while, then spoke.



(End of this chapter)

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