Chapter 54 Fighting (15)

The Ming army seized the commanding heights very cleverly.

The artillery array deployed on the commanding heights posed a great threat to the Qing army on the battlefield.

If the Ming army's artillery array on the commanding heights could not be destroyed, then it would be impossible for the Qing army to launch an attack and destroy the Ming army's array under the threat of the Ming army's artillery.

The Ming army's artillery bombardment alone was enough for the Qing army to drink up and down.

Hearing this, Li Xian Cheng pondered for a while and then spoke.

"it is good!"

"Send the order, let the regiment train and prepare for battle, and prepare to seize the Ming army's artillery array."

Now that the militiamen were forced to fight on the front lines with the Ming army, even if Li Xiancheng was reluctant, he could only send the regiment training.

After thinking about it, he still found that having established government officials was more valuable.


at the same time.

On the battlefield, the militia groups of the Ming and Qing armies began to engage in close combat.

The two sides met head-on, arrayed and thrust their spears at each other.

For a while, the clanging sound of spear poles striking each other continued to sound.

These militia groups withstood the bombardment of the Ming army and fought hand-to-hand with the Ming army, which shows that they are tough and good at fighting.

This is a veteran from Guangxi, otherwise, the militia groups in other places would not have such strong fighting power.

The shouts of killing continued, and people on both sides began to fall to the ground.

A forest of spears is not just talk.

Rows of spears stabbed together, giving people a very strong sense of oppression.

But even so, the Ming army's array remained as stable as Mount Tai, without any wavering.

Strongly stimulated by Zhu Jing'an's drawings of dividing the fields and giving out pie to his wife, the Ming army showed quite good resilience.

As long as the war situation is not too bad, most people can still continue to fight.

The casualties on the battlefield not only failed to demoralize the Ming army, but instead inspired their bloody courage.

Countless people were shouting to kill and kept moving forward, hoping to defeat the enemy in front of them.

But the vigilante group was completely at a disadvantage.

The Ming army has a unified command, high morale, and the entire army is physically fit, and its combat effectiveness is at its peak.

On the other hand, the militia were completely opposite. They were attacked first and suffered heavy losses immediately, which caused their morale to be low.

It was also a long-distance pursuit of Xie Gao's troops in the Ming army, which caused severe physical exhaustion.

He went into battle with low morale and severe physical exhaustion, and was still being bombarded by the Ming army.

It is really conceivable how much fighting power they can exert!

For the militia, the more fatal problem is actually the lack of unity of command.

Li County Prime Minister could order the militiamen to go to the front and serve as cannon fodder, but he was unable to direct the militiamen's specific tactics and make array adjustments on the spot.

Although everyone is rushing forward, in essence, each militia group is actually fighting on its own.

Faced with the adjustment of the Ming army's tactical array on the battlefield, most of them only knew how to fight and rush.

Even if someone wants to command the militia to change their formation, they can only command their own militia and cannot command all militia.

That's the problem!

Needless to say, the outcome of an army with a unified command versus an army without a unified command is the outcome.

The veterans from Guangxi are tough and tough, but no matter how tough they are, there is a limit.

If they really reach the critical value of their ability to withstand casualties, they will collapse.

Almost as soon as the two sides came into close combat, the Qing army's militia was completely at a disadvantage. As the battle continued, their morale began to decline.

The decline is obvious!

At the critical moment, the sword and shield soldiers on both sides of the Ming army's spear phalanx moved.Under the command of Zhu Jing'an, they were like the two pincers of a crab, pinching the flanks of the Qing army and militia that were fighting the Ming army.

At the same time, the Qing army troops mobilized by Li Xiancheng also launched an attack on Aiqiu.

He wanted to knock down the Ming army's artillery array on the low hill to reverse the situation of the battle.

Zhu Jing'an responded calmly, first dispatching Han Sigu's troops to reinforce Aiqiu.

He also ordered Xie Gao's troops, who were almost in repair, to prepare for war and assume the role of a reserve team, ready to enter the battlefield at any time and reinforce the front line.

After receiving the order, Han Sigu did not hesitate at all. He immediately led his troops to attack Aiqiu and set up a defense line at the foot of Aiqiu Mountain in preparation for the Qing army's attack.

The Ming army's artillery array on the low hill also completed its adjustment. Half of the artillery continued to aim at the Qing army and militia groups on the front battlefield, firing fiercely.

Half of the artillery turned their muzzles towards the regiment who was preparing to attack the low hill, and the projectiles used in the artillery were changed from solid bullets to shotgun shells that were more lethal to the infantry.

The fighting is getting more intense!
In fact, the firearms equipment rate of the Qing army was not low, which is why the Qing army did not have artillery to assist in this battle.

The fundamental reason is that this battle was conducted by Wuxuan County Magistrate Fang Kunzheng himself and did not report it to the superiors.

Naturally, there will be no firearm reinforcements from the imperial court!

The county government has no artillery, only some muskets, and the quality is not good...

I know how to understand the firearms made by the upright officials.

In terms of quality, it is really incomparable with shotguns and cannons made privately by wealthy gentry families.

Although there are artillery in Wuxuan County, they are all the stuff that the landlords and gentry have at the bottom of the box and will not be taken out easily.

The landowners and gentry are not stupid, and they all know that artillery is actually a taboo of the Qing Dynasty.

The landowners and gentry had some muskets in their hands, and the court might turn a blind eye and ignore them.

But if there are cannons, that's a different story.

Therefore, how could the scheming gentry and wealthy gentry take out artillery and use it when forming a militia?

Then, the current situation on the battlefield was created.

The Ming army's artillery was suppressing the Qing army throughout the whole process.


Liu Mingyou and Zhong Haishan each led a round of sword and shield soldiers and penetrated directly into the flank of the Qing army.

Liu Mingyou shouted loudly.

"Brothers, follow me to kill!"

"Kill the enemy and serve the country, and the Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"

After saying this, he waved his hand and took the lead into the flank of the Qing army.

They skillfully used thunder to clear the way, breaking up the formation of the Qing army and militia, and at the same time giving the Qing army and militia a fright.

There was a rumbling explosion, fragments were raging, there were few shock waves, and smoke and dust filled the air. A gap was torn open in the Qing army's array, and screams continued.

Immediately, the sword and shield men swarmed in from the gap opened by the thunder, slashing and killing.

The entire Ming army fought tooth and nail for land and their wives.

However, many people in the Qing army were paddling, trying to preserve their strength as much as possible.

So much so that the battle situation was obviously unfavorable to the Qing army!

But the more unfavorable the battle situation is, the more people are paddling...

It has formed an infinite loop.


"Daming Wansheng, Daming Wansheng!"

"Drive out the Tartars, restore China, fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and divide the fields!"


Under the pincer offensive of the Ming army's sword and shield soldiers, the Qing army and militia on the frontal battlefield began to show signs of retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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