Chapter 1 Traveler's Diary

The first chapter of the time traveler’s diary:
In the Western calendar year 1776, the 41st year of Qianlong reign in the Qing Dynasty, it was sunny on the fifth day of August.

It is suitable to get married and start a business, but avoid moving and breaking ground.

My name is Zhu Jingan, and I am a handsome boy. Unfortunately, I have traveled through time.

Judging by the money and rat-tail hairstyles of the people around me, it must be from the Manchu and Qing dynasties. I roughly estimate that it should be from the early Qing Dynasty or the middle of the Qing Dynasty, but it is definitely not the late Qing Dynasty.

Because by the end of the Qing Dynasty, with the decline of the Manchu imperial power, everyone's hairstyle was almost yin and yang.

Only in the early and middle Qing Dynasty, people's hairstyle was this ugly rat tail that would make people invisible without a hat.

But there is no way to tell the specific time.

What should I do next?
Waiting online, very anxious!


The second part of the traveler’s diary:

On the sixth day of August, it rained lightly.

The general situation is clear. The time is the mid-Qing Dynasty, the autumn of the 41st year of Qianlong, and the location is Xunzhou Prefecture, Guangxi.

(PS: Remember to add the date of the last diary entry. Without a date, what is a serious diary?)

Good news: My family seems to be quite wealthy. We have a lot of wealth, thousands of hectares of land, and a lot of maids and servants. Ever since I traveled across time, I have been taken care of by myself when I eat, dress, bathe, and even go to the toilet.

But the hairstyle is really ugly, Gan!


On the seventh day of August, it was cloudy.

Even when you poop, there is a little girl taking care of you. It feels so good to have a beautiful maid who warms the bed when you sleep...

Oh, God, damn it, am I going to be corrupted by all the evil feudal dross like this?

No, this is not possible!

I want to cheer up, I want to work hard, I want to rebel, I want to drive out the Tartars and restore China.

But having said that, although it is said that the Qing Dynasty will not rebel, it is still the middle period of the Qing Dynasty.

Playing rebellion during the Qianlong period is unreliable no matter how you think about it.

But I heard from my father that our family seems to be descendants of the Ming Dynasty clan, and I don’t know if it’s true or not.

Hey, having said that, it feels good to have a maid warm the bed at night...


On the eighth day of August, it was sunny.

After working hard to become stronger, I slipped away from the middle road...

Hey, the little peach blossoms in Manchunlou are so moist.


On the ninth day of August, it was sunny.

Fight against the Qing Dynasty, I want to fight against the Qing Dynasty...

Well, the Cuiliu girl from Manchun Tower in the city is also pretty good. She is especially good at playing, playing, singing, and playing the flute and harp.

Let’s go play the flute~

On the tenth day of August, listen to music on the hook.

Miss Bai Xue's life experience is really pitiful. Her father bets on her mother and her sick brother is studying... It's so miserable. She must be taken good care of.


On August [-], listen to music on Goulan.


On August [-], listen to music on Goulan.


Mid-Autumn Festival, August [-]th, sunny.

I didn't check the box today and got a good news and a bad news.

Good news: Rebellion is no longer something to think about.Bad news: My father claims to be the fifth-generation grandson of Emperor Chongzhen, and because he is the sixth generation of the same generation, he is known as the sixth prince Zhu. He has rebelled.

Comment: You are really a fucking idiot!

He looked at the man in front of him who was wearing a costume with a wide robe and long sleeves, his hair cut in braids, and a crown on his head, sitting on a chair in a grand manner.

Zhu Jingan's face was full of despair.

"Dad, what on earth are you thinking?"

"You are living a good life, why do you think of rebelling against the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty?"

Zhu Jingan really didn't expect it.

As a time traveler, he was about to be incited to rebel by the decadent and extravagant feudal life, and he was about to completely lose his fighting spirit and desire to fight against the Qing Dynasty.

Zhu Guochang, a native born and raised in the current era, was actually willing to part with millions of dollars in wealth and a life of splendor and wealth, and flagrantly raised his flag to rebel against the Qing Dynasty.

When Zhu Guochang heard this, he rolled his eyes at his son angrily and said.


"My family is the descendant of the Ming Dynasty clan, relatives of the emperor and nobles of Tianhuang. The blood of Taizu Emperor Gao flows in our body. I have never forgotten the ambition of recovery."

"How can we forget our great ambition to restore our ancestors' inheritance just because we are greedy for glory and wealth?"

"In this case, can An be worthy of his ancestors?"

Regarding the rebellion, Zhu Guochang had actually been thinking about it for a long time.

Coincidentally, this year there was a locust plague and severe drought in Guangxi, resulting in widespread local grain harvest failure.

Many severely affected areas lost their harvests, and many tragedies occurred where crops were exchanged for food.

In order to survive, there were many people who sold their children and daughters, or even simply sold themselves as slaves to wealthy families.

Under such circumstances, the Qing court did not want to provide disaster relief, but it still pressed for taxes, causing chaos everywhere in Guangxi.

In this way, Zhu Guochang saw the opportunity. According to the folk proverb of killing Tatars on August [-]th, he decisively chose to raise troops to fight against the Qing Dynasty.

He led the villagers, who were agitated because of the imperial court's demand for taxes, and killed the policemen sent by the county to collect grain.

The chief clerk of the county who came to supervise the grain supply was beheaded in public.

Then, he took on the banner of Prince Zhu Liu.

The bankers and common people were given a secret trick to control Chencang, and the game was a surprise.

Before these farmers could react, they had turned from a mob resisting food and taxes into rebels opposing the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty.

Before Zhu Guochang took up the banner of Prince Zhu Sixth, these villagers thought they were just following Mr. Zhu in resisting grain and taxes.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhu wants to rebel against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty!
If they had known this earlier, they would not have made trouble with Mr. Zhu even if they were killed.

With just one thought, he suddenly changed from an ordinary citizen to a rebel who wanted to confiscate his home and destroy nine tribes. Who the hell can bear this? !
Although, their food and taxes are indeed settled, because they will most likely not have to pay them in the future.

If the rebellion against the Qing Dynasty and the restoration of the Ming Dynasty can succeed, then these people now will be the great contributors to the restoration of the Ming Dynasty.

Everyone will be a noble of the country, and naturally there will be no need to pay food and taxes.

If the rebellion against the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty fails, there is a high probability that they will all be killed by the Qing army.

Naturally, the dead do not need to pay food or taxes.

But they really don’t want this opportunity to not have to pay food and taxes.

Nowadays, the Qing Dynasty is at its peak, with all barbarians subdued. Jinchuan and Jinchuan, which have been turbulent for decades, have just been pacified, and the resistance forces on the plateau have also been wiped out.

The imperial power of Emperor Qianlong, who had been in power for decades, was unprecedentedly stable and commanding power over the world.

At this time, the probability of success in rebelling against the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty is really slim.

But by the time they reacted, they were already on the pirate ship, and it was too late to regret it.

No matter how much they regretted it, the police officers who were beaten to death and the boss who was beheaded in public would not come back to life, giving them a chance to make a new choice.

It can only be that Zhu Guochang is truly a sixth man.

The outcome was a done deal, forcing a large number of villagers and common people to stand by his side and follow him to contribute to the great cause of resisting the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty, and struggled throughout their lives.

The corners of Zhu Jingan's mouth twitched, but he still asked.

"Then what is father going to do next?"

 The author has released a new book again, please support the genuine version
(End of this chapter)

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