Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 23 Divide the land and distribute the wife

Chapter 23 Divide the land and distribute the wife
But even so, due to the limitations of the times and productivity, the number of resources possessed by China's rural areas during this period still far exceeded the number of resources possessed by cities.

For today's Ming Dynasty, there is nothing wrong with taking the road of encircling the cities from the countryside.

"It doesn't matter if we leave a separate county to the Qing Dynasty. For the Ming Dynasty, the resources in the countryside are enough to support our development for the time being."

Zhu Jing'an said.

Hearing this, Zhu Jianzhuo nodded in approval.

Then asked.

"Then from the prince's point of view, what should I, Ming, do next?"

Zhu Jing'an said.

"Returning to my father, in my opinion, I, Ming Dynasty, should take the initiative before the gentry and wealthy gentry in Jintian Town gather together the militia."

"Instead of waiting for the enemy to gather their forces and make full preparations before attacking, we, the Ming Dynasty, should take advantage of the enemy's failure to gather their forces and take the initiative to attack and defeat them one by one."

When he said this, Zhu Jing'an's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Jianzhuo felt that what his son said was reasonable, but he did not agree immediately. Instead, he was going to discuss it with the other senior officials of Ming Dynasty.

"This matter is of great importance, so it would be better to discuss it with the officials before making a decision."

Zhu Jianzhuo said.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he naturally would not refuse, but just nodded to show that his father was wise.


Many high-level officials from Ming Dynasty gathered together again.

Wang Shun, Li Mu, Guo Dashan, Zhang Hu, Han Sigu and others gathered together.

Zhu Jing'an and his son walked in one after another, and then took their seats.

As soon as Zhu Jianzhuo sat down, he made it clear that the Ming Dynasty was now facing an extremely serious food crisis.

"The food stored in my Ming Dynasty's treasury is about to run out. Do you have any solutions?"

"If there is, the lonely king will not hesitate to reward you generously."

When everyone heard the words, they were all silent.

Obviously, they have no good way to solve the food shortage problem faced by the Ming army for the time being.

Zhu Jiazhuo was not surprised by this either.

Then he told Zhu Jing'an's method and asked them to help him.

"The prince's suggestion is that our Ming army should not passively wait for the enemy to attack, but should take the initiative to strike for food before the enemy has gathered their forces and defeat the enemies one by one."

"What do you gentlemen think?"

Wang Shun heard this and stood up and said.

"If we return to the prison country, I think what His Highness the Crown Prince said may be feasible."

"But after all, our army has just been formed recently, and the training time is still short. If we go out like this, the risk is probably not small."

Wang Shun did not agree with the Ming army taking the initiative to go out to meet the enemy.

He was a little addicted to the false sense of security that came from the mountains.

They felt that since they had the mountain as a support and could temporarily guarantee their safety, why would they risk going out of the mountain?
After Wang Shun finished speaking, Han Sigu stood up and said.

"Reporting to the Supervisor, the general will agree with His Highness the Crown Prince's suggestion."

"Because now the only way to alleviate our army's food shortage is by marching out of the mountains."

Zhang Hu also spoke angrily.

"Our army now has over a thousand troops, and many of them are strong men who are not afraid of fighting. The enemy will attack sooner or later anyway, so why don't we take the initiative to fight out before the enemy attacks?"

"Anyway, according to my experience in fighting with people since childhood, when two parties fight, the one who takes the back always suffers the most."

"It is definitely true to strike first and gain the upper hand!"

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an also spoke from the side.

"Writing, in essence, is to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses, take advantage, and find ways to always keep yourself in a superior position." "Concentrating superior forces to defeat scattered enemies is the most ideal state of war."

Hearing this, Zhu Jianzhuo pondered again.

Li Mu on the side said.

"Your Majesty, I also agree with the prince's idea."

"Now the big gentry in Jintian Town are still preparing for war. They have not been able to gather the militia, but are scattered in various villages. This is a great opportunity for our army to take the initiative and defeat them one by one."

Li Mu's statement moved Zhu Jianzhuo.

Finally he nodded and said.

"Okay, let's follow this arrangement!"

"Send an order to the entire army to prepare for departure. Take the initiative before the enemy invades Bauhinia Mountain and catch them off guard."

"Show me the prestige of the Ming Dynasty!"

After Zhu Jianzhuo finished speaking, everyone responded in unison.

Then, they went about their preparations for war.


On August 29, the Ming army prepared for war.

On the second day, Zhu Jing'an led the army to set out for Jintian Town outside Zijing Mountain.

They planned to bypass the Hakka area after leaving the mountain.

Along the waterway, ships were used to transport the food, grass and baggage required for the army to fight, and the army marched directly to Jintian Town.

Come and capture the thief, capture the king first!
Directly kill the Yang family, the head of the big gentry family in Jintian Town, so that the big gentry families in Jintian Town lose their command and fight independently, so that the Ming army can defeat them one by one.

On the mountain road in Bauhinia Mountain, at a glance, there are all Ming soldiers for miles.

If an army of a thousand people were placed on the plains, it would naturally not be noticeable, but if it were placed on the winding mountain roads in Guangxi, it would not be visible at a glance.

It gives people an endless sense of majesty!
Each of these soldiers of the Ming Dynasty held swords and spears, and their heads were wrapped in red scarves that symbolized their status. They marched along the mountain road with high spirits.

Although the Ming Dynasty is not able to provide uniforms for all its soldiers, it can still be done with a red turban for each person.

"The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, fame and fortune, dust and soil!"

"Looking at Shenzhou, the people are suffering, and thousands of miles of fertile land are barren!"

"Look at the world, make all the hustlers, and make up for the incompleteness of heaven!"

"Good boy, don't leave your parents, just for the common people and not for the Lord..."

The battle song of the Red Turban Army that once resounded throughout the world was sung again, with a loud and powerful voice.

Zhu Jing'an was full of excitement and pride about this. Once upon a time, the ancestors sang this war song and worked together to drive the arrogant Mongols out of the Central Plains.

Now, it is their turn to sing war songs, declare war on the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and work hard to reproduce the achievements of their ancestors!

The main reason why the Ming army has the current morale is because Zhu Jing'an made a promise to the Ming army before the expedition.

After capturing Jintian Town, he will divide the land among his brothers according to their military merit and give them wives!

The land is naturally the land of the wealthy gentry families.

The wives were naturally the maids, maids, and wives of wealthy gentry families.

As for how to divide the land between the land and the wife?
That will naturally be divided according to military merit.

Those with more military merit will be chosen first, and after they have finished choosing, it will be the turn of those with less military merit to choose the rest.

It is precisely because there are two carrots hanging in front that the morale of the Ming army has been maintained quite well.

Needless to say, dividing fields is a great weapon in any era.

As long as you take it out, it will definitely be effective.

The Chinese people's enthusiasm for land is unimaginable to foreigners.

(End of this chapter)

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