When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just shook his head, laughed, and continued.

"No, no, no, there is no need for you to betray the Tatar court. I just want to ask you a personal question. It has nothing to do with the secrets of the Tatar court."

After hearing this, Feng Sheng'e became interested. He wanted to see what there was to say between the Ming thief prince and him, the imperial envoy of the Qing Dynasty.

"Just ask!"

Feng Sheng raised his neck and spoke.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an was not polite and asked with a smile.

"Gu Zhen is very curious, why did you leave this good Fengyang fortified city and not defend it, but chose to withdraw your troops when Gu led his army to reach Fengyang City?"

"If you want to retreat north, why don't you find a suitable opportunity to leave early?"

After saying this, Zhu Jing'an whispered again.

"Actually, if you and others had not withdrawn our troops for no reason, even if I could win this battle, it would never be so easy."

"So, Gu is very curious, who gave the order to withdraw the troops? Gu wants to thank him properly."

Zhu Jing'an really didn't understand the Qing army's operations, so he chose to ask directly.

Hearing this, Fengsheng'e's expression froze instantly.

There was a period of uncertainty.

Because to his ears, Zhu Jing'an's words were nothing but poking holes in his heart.

Is this what is called ridicule from the winner?

Seeing Feng Sheng's forehead frozen and not answering, Zhu Jing'an didn't take it seriously and just continued to ask.

"Furthermore, from Gu's perspective, the Qing army under your command should be quite elite."

"You just withdrew your troops from Fengyang inexplicably. Why did you collapse inexplicably just after you left the city?"

"I am really curious about these two questions now. Sir Lao Feng Sheng'e can help me clear up my confusion."

When Feng Sheng'e heard this, his expression became extremely strange.

He didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

Just kidding, he really couldn't laugh. More than 100,000 troops were wiped out in an instant, and nearly half of them were annihilated by the Ming army.

If Feng Sheng'e can still laugh at this, then which side of his butt is sitting on is worth pondering.

He said he could cry, but he couldn't cry either.

Because Zhu Jing'an now admitted in front of him that the Qing army was also quite elite.

The recognition from the enemy made Feng Sheng'e feel a little proud.

Feng Sheng'e took a deep breath and said with resentment in his words.

"If it hadn't been for the Hunjun's order for me to withdraw my troops, and I would have held heavy troops to defend Fengyang and fight steadily, how would we have been defeated today?"

"If it weren't for those Mongolian soldiers from foreign vassals who were greedy for life and feared death, they broke away from the main force of the army and retreated north just after leaving the city, disrupting the morale of the army and the arrangements of the officers. The outcome of this battle is still unknown!"

When Feng Sheng'e said this, the resentment in his words almost overflowed.

He felt that he had been tricked by Qianlong and Sangzi Zabu this time. If it hadn't been for the successive tricks of these two people, he would not have become a prisoner of war of the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, since Zhu Jing'an asked, Feng Sheng'e didn't mind speaking out and venting his depressed emotions.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he understood.

But he couldn't help but be speechless in his heart.

No wonder the Qing army's operations today seemed so nonsensical. It turned out that someone was micro-managing thousands of miles away.

This is normal!

As we all know, there are basically no correct operations that micro-manipulation masters throughout the ages can perform.

Most of their remote control operations were thought to be correct, but when they were actually executed, they turned out to be shocking.

Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Huaizong of the Ming Dynasty, and Principal Chang should all have considerable experience in this matter.

Plus the current Qianlong!

Putting the brothers together, they could just have a table of mahjong, and then share their experiences in remote micro-management.

Zhu Jing'an glanced at Fengsheng's forehead with sympathy. This child was really miserably cheated by Qianlong...

After coughing slightly and clearing his throat, Zhu Jing'an continued to speak.

"The matter has come to this. Under your wise command, Fengsheng'e, it is a foregone conclusion that most of the hundreds of thousands of Qing troops in Fengyang will be annihilated by our Ming Dynasty."

"To put it bluntly, you Feng Sheng'e are now the biggest sinner in the eyes of the Qing court. Even if I let you go back, you will not escape the consequences of having your family confiscated and exterminated by Qianlong."

"In that case, Lord Feng Sheng'e, do you have any thoughts on changing the family?"

"If you are willing to return to the Ming Dynasty, I guarantee that you will be put to good use, and you will enjoy endless wealth and glory."

Zhu Jing'an had the idea of ​​​​recruiting Feng to increase his position.

Of course, what he values ​​​​is not his ability to increase his quota, but his political influence.

If Feng Sheng'e, a high-ranking Manchu military minister, surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, it would have a huge impact on the political arena of the Qing court.

It will also further make people all over the world lose confidence in the rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty!

When Feng Sheng'e heard this, he said very firmly.

"I, Fengsheng'er, was born as a member of the Qing Dynasty, and died as a ghost of the Qing Dynasty!"

"The Qing Dynasty and the Emperor have treated me well. Even if I die, I will not betray the Qing Dynasty."

Feng Sheng'e was a little afraid of death and couldn't commit suicide.

However, this does not mean that he will surrender to the Ming Dynasty.

Because he knew that if he was defeated and captured, the most the imperial court could do was confiscate his home and let his whole family go to Ninggu Pagoda, so as not to destroy his clan.

Because since the Ming Dynasty launched its army, too many governors and governors from the Qing court fell into the hands of the Ming Dynasty, and many of them became prisoners of war.

If Qianlong really wanted to confiscate the homes and exterminate these people one by one, he would not be able to do so.

Even if it could be destroyed, Qianlong could not do so.

Because, if he really did this, no one in the Qing Dynasty would dare to lead troops on expeditions in the future.

However, to be captured is to be captured, and to submit is to submit.

It would be fine if Feng Sheng'e was merely captured, but if he dared to surrender to the Ming Dynasty after defeat, that would be another matter.

No matter how good-tempered Qianlong was, he could not tolerate Feng Sheng'e's betrayal.

If he dared to betray, Qianlong would dare to kill his nine clans.

Therefore, even if Fengsheng'e is afraid of death, he can't hold his tongue now.

Even for the sake of his family, he did not dare to submit to the Ming Dynasty.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just nodded slightly and waved his hand to his own soldiers to take Feng Sheng'an under custody.

I don’t mean to force it!

Although Feng Sheng'e was a talented person, he was not worthy of Zhu Jing'an spending so much time on him.

Since he is unwilling to surrender, he should go to a labor camp to reform through labor!

As soon as Feng Sheng'e was escorted away, he saw another fast horse rushing from outside the city and ran all the way into Fengyang City.

Not long after, the knight on horseback was brought to Zhu Jing'an.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince, our army guarding the pontoon bridge blocked a Qing cavalry retreating north on the bank of the Huaihe River."

"The battle situation on the pontoon bridge is now tense. Our army's partial division guarding the pontoon bridge can no longer hold on."

"Please also ask Your Highness to quickly send troops for reinforcements!"

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, the expression on his face was obviously a little stunned.

"Blocked a Qing army cavalry? How many people are there?"

The messenger of the Ming Army heard this and spoke.

"Reporting to Your Highness, the actual strength of the Qing cavalry blocked by our army is more than 10,000, all of which are elite cavalry with one man and two horses." Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an couldn't help being surprised again.

No, what the hell is going on!

Why did the Qing army do so many tricks today?

After inexplicably retreating to the north, inexplicably collapsing, and now being inexplicably blocked by the Ming army on the south bank of the Huaihe River, Zhu Jing'an felt helpless to complain.

Didn’t you guys withdraw from the battlefield long ago?

Why did you come back again?

However, he was shocked, but this did not prevent Zhu Jing'an from making the right decision.

After he came to his senses, he immediately spoke.

"Send the order and send troops to reinforce the pontoon battle."

"Since this cavalry of more than ten thousand people has been blocked south of the Huaihe River by our Ming Dynasty, it is a God-given opportunity for our Ming Dynasty to annihilate them."

“If God doesn’t take what he wants, he will suffer the consequences!”

"All departments of our army should work together to annihilate them south of the Huaihe River without making any mistakes..."


On the bank of Huaihe River!

While Zhu Jing'an was dispatching troops to reinforce the Huai River war, Sangji Zabu was looking at the wide Huai River with a scary and gloomy expression.

Because the unlucky man who happened to be blocked south of the Huai River by the Ming army's pursuers was him and the more than ten thousand Horqin cavalry under his command.

Although Sanzizhab was the first to take the lead in escaping, he had bad luck.

Because he didn't have time to find a few guides, Sanzizhabu took the wrong route just after he led his people to withdraw from the battlefield.

After leading people around Fengyang for several times along the lakes, streams and other water networks, the Qing army led by Sangzi Zabu soon became completely lost.

By the time they found the right road, the Ming army's pursuers had successfully controlled the pontoon bridge on the Huaihe River.

Blocked Sangji Zabu's troops south of the Huaihe River!

Seeing this, Sanzizhabu immediately ordered his cavalry to attack the pontoon bridge in an attempt to recapture the pontoon bridge and then cross the river through the pontoon bridge.

However, his troops launched several cavalry charges in succession, but failed to achieve success.

Instead, he was beaten into disgrace by a volley of guns and artillery fire from the Ming army!

It wasn't until Sanzizhab personally led the charge that they were able to break through the Ming army's blockade of the pontoon bridge.

However, at the same time, the soldiers of Ming Dynasty also detonated the explosives prepared in advance on the pontoon bridge.

The floating bridge instantly turned into powder, and a large amount of broken wood was scattered on the wide Huaihe River.

Sanzizhabu's face was extremely expressionless.

Because, the Horqin cavalry under his command cannot be said to be 100%, but 99% of them are landlubbers, but they are not running away.

Without the pontoon, they really couldn't cross the river.

At this moment, there was a sudden rumble of horse hooves from behind, as well as the tramping sound of a large group of troops marching.

Sangzizabu turned his head subconsciously and watched helplessly as the main force of the Ming army approached in darkness.

Countless red armors were connected together, like a surging flame, warm and raging.

Flags with clear characters fluttering in the wind!

The wind blows the red flag and makes a hunting sound.

Sangzizabu looked back at the mighty Ming army pressing over him, and then at the wide river in front of him, with the other side almost invisible.

His eyes were full of despair...

He knew that he was probably going to die!

The return route was cut off and the enemy army surrounded them.

My current situation is so similar to that of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu who was trapped in Gaixia!

No, I was even worse off than King Chu. King Chu had a small boat back then. If he could ruthlessly abandon his army, he could still run away if he wanted to.

But now, he doesn't even have a boat that can allow him to escape...

Seeing that the main force of the Ming army was getting closer and closer, field artillery and rockets were pushed to the front line, and riots began to spread obviously among the Qing army.

Fear is brewing in everyone's hearts!


Sanjizabu gritted his teeth and spoke as if he had made up his mind.

"Give the order and prepare to charge. After breaking through the Ming thief's blockade, everyone will break out separately..."

However, only halfway through what Sanzizhabu said, a burst of artillery fire was heard throughout the battlefield.

The Ming army's field artillery aimed at the Qing army's cavalry array and began to pour firepower.

There was a rumble of shelling and smoke filled the air.

Artillery shells flew across the battlefield, breaking bones and tendons wherever they passed, and scattered limbs and arms.

The next moment, there was the sound of rockets piercing the air.

Rockets took off one after another, drawing a beautiful arc in mid-air, and fell towards the Qing army.

The rocket landed, followed by a series of rumbling explosions.

The Qing cavalry under Sangji Zabu's command were instantly beaten to pieces!

At this time, the cavalry of the Ming Army also came on stage.

A Ming Army cavalryman wearing heavy armor, riding a tall horse, leaping on his horse and whipping his whip, rushed towards the Qing army whose array was blown to pieces.

To deal with this Qing army trapped on the bank of the Huaihe River, the Ming army's tactics were simple.

The main force of infantry holds down the formation, the cavalry charges after the artillery blast, the cavalry charges after the artillery attack...

On the bank of the Huaihe River, the roar of artillery shelling and the loud sound of horse hooves hitting the ground continued for half a day. As the trapped Qing army finally hoisted the white flag, the war was declared over.

Facing a cavalry that had lost its mobility, the Ming army won without any surprise.


Fengsheng was sitting cross-legged in the prison in Fengyang City, with heavy shackles on his body, and he was sleeping with his eyes closed.

In several cells around him, there were many defeated and captured Qing generals.

There was a tray in front of Fengsheng's forehead. There were several steamed buns and a bowl of multigrain porridge on the tray.

Feng Sheng's stomach made a growling sound, but he completely turned a blind eye to the food in front of him.

Beside Feng Sheng'e, a soldier who was also captured saw this and couldn't help but speak.

"General, please eat something!"

"If you don't eat, your body will collapse sooner or later."

When Fengsheng'e heard this, he didn't even open his eyes, he just waved his hands and said.

"I, Niu Gulu, have been favored by the country for generations. Although I am defeated and captured, I am unwilling to betray the Qing Dynasty. I would rather starve to death than eat grain."

To put it bluntly, Feng Sheng was afraid of pain in his forehead and could not commit suicide.

Therefore, he prepared to go on a hunger strike to starve himself to death and die for the Qing Dynasty.

When the soldiers on the side heard this, they couldn't bear to see Fengsheng'e die on hunger strike, and couldn't help but continue to persuade him.

"Sir, you must not think like this. Once a person dies, everything will be over."

"Only by living can we have hope and one day be able to see the revival of the Qing Dynasty!"

Feng Sheng'e heard the words, but ignored them, as if he hadn't heard anything, and continued to close his eyes and fall asleep.

At this moment, a burst of chaotic footsteps suddenly occurred outside the prison.

The sound of a series of iron chains rubbing together was heard.

I saw several Ming soldiers holding torches and escorting one person into the prison.

The door of the prison where Feng Sheng'e was located was opened, and immediately, a man covered in blood was thrown into the cell.

Fengsheng looked up subconsciously, and then he saw a face that made him itch with hatred!

It was Sanzi Zabu, the unlucky guy who couldn't escape for the first time... (End of this chapter)

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