Sangzi Zabu's soldiers and horses were blocked by the Ming army on the south bank of the Huaihe River and surrounded and annihilated. After his defeat, he himself unfortunately became a prisoner of war.

Out of bad taste, Zhu Jing'an ordered Sangji Zabu and Fengsheng'e to be imprisoned together.

I want to see if these two people can create any sparks if they stay in the same prison.

Then, there was this scene now.

Sanzizhabu had just been thrown into the cell, and his eyes were still dark because he could not adapt to the environment in front of him.

But before he could adapt to the light in the prison, he felt a pain on his face, and then he fell to the ground in a daze.

After Feng Sheng'e saw that the person being taken into the cell was Sanzi Zabu, the grievance and anger in his heart broke out instantly.

He flew up and raised his fist to hit Sanzizhabu, who was still squinting his eyes to adapt to the environment.

Dangjie knocked Sangzizabu to the ground with one punch, and then sat on Sangzizabu and punched him.

"Sangzizabu, damn, I will beat you to death, you traitor!"

"Mom, if you, the traitor, hadn't escaped before the battle, how could we, the Qing Dynasty, have been defeated in Fengyang?!"

"If I don't beat you to death, it's really hard to understand the hatred in my heart!"

Sanzizhabu was stunned by Fengsheng's fist. He subconsciously held his head with his hands to defend himself, protecting his vitals and letting out screams.

But soon, the old and frail Feng Shengqun ran out of energy and could no longer swing his fists.

At this time, the young man Sanzizhabu also reacted.

Although he was young and strong, he was injured, but it was not a problem to beat an old man.

With just the force from his waist, he pushed down Feng Sheng'an who was riding on him, and then started to fight back, raising his fist to hit Feng Sheng's body.

The scene inside the prison can be described as a turn of events!

The one who had been beaten just now was Sanzi Zabu, but in the blink of an eye it was Feng Shengquan.

Seeing that his master was suffering a loss, the soldier on the side who had a high rank would not sit idly by and ignore him. He also rushed forward and started fighting with Sangji Zabu.

In an instant, the three of them were fighting together.

Screams, curses, and punches to the flesh were heard constantly.

Although Sangzizabu was young and strong, it would not be a problem to defeat an old man like Fengsheng'e, but he was no match for Fengsheng's soldier.

If Feng Sheng'an's soldier hadn't been distracted in protecting his master, Sangji Zabu would have been pinned to the ground and blasted with a hammer.

After all, someone who can serve as a personal soldier for a military minister like Feng Sheng'e cannot be inferior in skill.

After a long time, the three of them were exhausted from fighting.

Seeing this, several soldiers of the Ming Dynasty knew that the show was over, so they no longer sat back and watched. Instead, they walked into the prison and imprisoned the three people with bruises and faces separately. This was the end of the matter.

After that, several Ming soldiers guarded the cell obediently, while one person excitedly went to report to Zhu Jing'an about the good show of dog-eating dogs among prisoners.


Zhu Jing'an listened to the Ming soldiers' reports with a smile on his face.

His expression was also quite relaxed, which showed that he was in a good mood now.

At this moment, Zhang Jin, holding a battle report in his arms, slowly came to Zhu Jing'an and spoke.

"Your Highness, our army's gains in the Battle of Fengyang have been roughly calculated. Please take a look at it."

While talking, Zhang Jin presented a thick battle report to Zhu Jing'an.

Zhu Jing'an took the battle report and started reading it.

In the Battle of Fengyang, due to the inexplicable collapse of the Qing army, the Ming army achieved great gains with very few casualties.

In terms of casualties, the Ming army suffered a total of 527 casualties in the Battle of Fengyang, of which 213 were killed and the rest were wounded.

Most of the more than 500 casualties came from the battle with Sanzizhabu's cavalry for the pontoon bridge.

In addition, the Ming army fought this battle quite smoothly.

In terms of gains, in the Fengyang battle, the Ming army annihilated a total of more than 70,000 Qing troops. Of course, this is only an approximate number currently calculated, and the specific number is still being calculated.

Although the Qing army that was annihilated was quite powerful, the Ming army actually did not kill many enemies in this battle. This battle was far less tragic than the Yangzhou battle.

The total number of Qing troops killed by the Ming army was probably only a few thousand.

The rest all became prisoners of war of the Ming army.

Most of them were green soldiers who could not escape without horses, numbering nearly 60,000.

The remaining more than 10,000 were the Mongolian cavalry from the outer vassal state led by the unlucky man Sangzi Zhabna who got lost and was blocked south of the Huaihe River by the Ming army.

Although the Ming army failed to annihilate the Eight Banners New Army and the Sauron Army, which were the main forces of the Qing army in this battle, the defeat of 78,000 Qing troops in one battle could definitely be regarded as a brilliant victory.

Apart from these, there are also the seizures of weapons and food.

In this battle, the Ming army seized a total of 42,000 muskets of various types, mostly shotguns.

There are 200 small artillery pieces of various types. Basically all the artillery brought by the Qing army from the capital to Fengyang have been captured by the Ming army.

The Qing army was really too anxious to withdraw. Not to mention heavy things like artillery, they couldn't even take away much food.

The Ming army seized more than 200,000 shi of grain in Fengyang City.

Fengsheng'e originally planned to fight a defensive counterattack in Fengyang, so naturally he had to stock up on food and grass in Fengyang City.

In order to prevent Fengyang from being besieged by the Ming army and running out of food in a short time.

But now, I'm sorry, all the grain and grass that Fengsheng'e has hoarded in Fengyang City have been renamed Zhu.

Zhu Jing'an said, "Feng Sheng'e, you are quite a nice person!" In addition, there are also some swords, spears, bows and arrows.

However, although the Ming army captured a lot of weapons, grain, guns and other ordnance in this battle, Zhu Jing'an did not care.

What Zhu Jing'an really cares about is the 31458 fine horses captured by the Ming army in this battle...

Well, there are parts and pieces!

With these 30,000 horses, Zhu Jing'an had begun to form a large-scale cavalry to cover the main force of the Ming Dynasty in competing with the Qing army's cavalry group on the North China Plain.

If the Ming army wanted to conquer the entire Central Plains in the Northern Expedition, having a cavalry that could compete with the Qing cavalry was the most important prerequisite.

Otherwise, in the thousands of miles of fertile wilderness of the North China Plain, the infantry of the Ming Army would really suffer a huge disadvantage once they faced the cavalry group of the Qing Army.

Looking at the number of horses captured by the Ming army in this battle, a smile appeared on Zhu Jing'an's face involuntarily.


Originally, Zhu Jing'an was thinking that he could temporarily stop advancing troops until he regained the south of the Huaihe River in this battle.

However, after the Battle of Fengyang severely damaged the main force of the Qing army, Zhu Jing'an suddenly realized that based on the current battlefield situation, he might be able to fight to the edge of the Yellow River in one go...

However, in retrospect, it remains to be debated whether we should do this.

Because, if Zhu Jing'an wanted to reach the edge of the Yellow River in one go, it would not be difficult from a military point of view.

It can even be said that the conditions are completely mature!

But from other perspectives, it is exactly the opposite.

Now is by no means the best time for the Ming army to launch its Northern Expedition and regain the land south of the Yellow River.

One is because the grain, grass, baggage and supplies of ordnance prepared by the Ming Dynasty for the Northern Expedition were calculated according to the standards for the recovery of Huainan.

If Zhu Jing'an rashly moves his troops to fight north, there is a risk that the army will run out of food or the artillery shells and gunpowder will be exhausted.

By then, the Ming army would be passive.

The second reason is that the cavalry strength of the Ming army is still weak. If the Northern Expedition is launched at this time, once the main force of the Ming army crosses the Huaihe River and arrives on the plains north of the Huaihe River.

Then the Ming army would be very passive after facing the Qing army's cavalry.

The third is the most important point, and that is the issue of the Yellow River bursting.

After the Yellow River burst at Liuyuankou, floods flooded almost half of Henan, creating millions of victims.

Once the Ming army launched the Northern Expedition and regained the land south of the Yellow River, these millions of victims would have to rely on the Ming Dynasty to feed them.

But the current Ming Dynasty's finances are barely enough to feed these hundreds of thousands of troops, and they do not have the ability to feed millions of mouths.

Not to mention that Ming Dynasty is still a feudal country in a semi-agricultural and semi-industrial era.

Even in future generations, only Shang Sanchang would be able to support millions of victims.

Once the Ming Dynasty regained Henan, it had an obligation to be responsible for the victims of the disaster in Henan.

It is really conceivable what would happen if millions of people went hungry under the rule.

If Zhu Jing'an still has a way to overcome the first two problems, then Zhu Jing'an is really at his wits' end for this problem.

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an must have lost his mind.

Otherwise, production will not resume in Henan.

In other words, Zhu Jing'an will definitely not continue to fight in Henan until millions of victims have died enough to be able to support themselves with Henan's immediate productivity.

If there were only tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of victims in Henan, maybe Zhu Jing'an would continue to go north to regain Henan and then provide relief to the victims.

But facing millions of victims, he was really helpless.

Of course, Zhu Jing'an would not just sit back and watch millions of victims in Henan starve to death while doing nothing.

He was going to report to the Ming court and discuss a practical disaster relief plan with the DPRK.

After all, the Ming Dynasty was the king of the Han Dynasty and the Chinese orthodoxy. Although it was unable to provide relief to the millions of victims, it was impossible to say that it really sat back and watched the millions of victims starve to death.

Even if you mean it, you have to show it off, right?


The news of the Qing army's disastrous defeat in Fengyang was quickly sent to the capital.

Soon, the decorations in Qianlong's Yangxin Hall suffered another disaster.

Amidst the crackling sound, Qianlong's chest rose and fell violently like a blower.

"Feng Sheng'an, Yongqi is incompetent, the loss of an army is humiliating the country, more than half of the army of more than 100,000 was lost in an instant, I'm so angry... I'm so angry, I'm so angry!"

Qianlong was really angry now.

"More than 100,000 troops!"

"That's an army of more than 100,000 people. Are they all trash?!"

"Even if there are 100,000 pigs, the Ming army shouldn't kill them so quickly!"

Qianlong covered his face with his hands and made bursts of sounds that sounded like crying and laughing, which made people feel numb when they heard them.

The skin on the back of his hands was dry and wrinkled, and the age spots were unusually conspicuous.

What you need to know is that just two or three years ago, Qianlong's hands were smooth and white, like those of a young man.

It has only been a long time, but he has already become like this. It can be seen that Qianlong has been really exhausted recently.

A series of defeats really hit Qianlong to the point of completely losing confidence.

After a long time, Qianlong finally forced himself to calm down, looked at the military minister in front of him expressionlessly, and asked.

"Let's talk about it, everyone. The main force of our Qing Dynasty was severely damaged in Fengyang. If the Ming thieves take advantage of the situation and go north, how should we, the Qing Dynasty, respond?" (End of Chapter)

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