Fengsheng'e was really angry now.

If Sangzi Zabu were in front of him now, Feng Sheng'e would definitely cut off his head without hesitation and punish him.

As for Sanzi Zabu’s identity?

Now that Fengsheng's forehead has been tricked into looking like this, do you still care about this?

In Feng Sheng'e's opinion, if Sangji Zabu had not led his troops to escape before the battle, the Qing army would have suffered some losses even if they were pursued by the Ming army during their retreat.

It is impossible to collapse directly!

But, as the saying goes, defeat is like a mountain.

It is by no means an easy task for a collapsed army to reorganize and restore order.

Therefore, now Feng Sheng'e is watching the Qing Dynasty's main army of hundreds of thousands fleeing, and his heart is filled with a sense of powerlessness.

There was a hint of desperation in his eyes.

The matter has come to this, and now he can only control the army, and only a part of his own soldiers are left.

The rest of the Qing army, including the Eight Banners New Army, the Sauron soldiers, the Green Camp soldiers, the Mongolian soldiers from the outer vassals, and the remnants of the two to three thousand Korean soldiers who had withdrawn from Yangzhou City, had all broken up and fled.


At the same time, Zhu Jing'an also received news that the Qing army had collapsed inexplicably.

After hearing the news, Zhu Jing'an couldn't help being dumbfounded again.

No, what the hell is going on?

It was strange enough that the Qing army was well on its way to withdrawing troops from Fengyang. Why did it collapse on its own now?

Is the Qing army in Fengyang really the one that fought back and forth with the Ming army outside Yangzhou City?

Are they a little too watery?

However, being confused did not prevent Zhu Jing'an from making a decision.

Now that the Qing army has collapsed, it's good that the Ming army can take advantage of the situation to expand its results...

As Zhu Jing'an's order was issued, the Ming army began to accelerate its pursuit of the collapsed Qing army.

Under the premise that all the Qing army's troops fled one after another, Fengsheng'e Division, the only one that did not collapse, became the most conspicuous part on the battlefield.

The pursuing Ming army cavalry immediately surrounded Fengsheng'e's troops outside Fengyang City!

Constantly using cavalry and shooting to compress the living space of these soldiers under Fengsheng's hands.

At the same time, the main force of the Ming army also followed up dragging artillery pieces.

Field artillery pieces were dragged to the front line of the battlefield, and their black muzzles were aimed at the Qing army's array.

Accompanied by bursts of bombardment, artillery shells poured into the Qing army's array.

Because the living space of Fengsheng'e's troops was compressed by the Ming army's cavalry, the array was quite dense. Therefore, wherever the artillery shells passed, stumps and broken arms flew everywhere, and the casualties of his troops were extremely heavy.

Fengsheng's eyes looked like this, and his eyes were about to burst.

His whole face looked very ferocious.

After blasting away the Qing army's array with artillery, the next moment, the rumble of horse hooves sounded.

The Ming army cavalry came on horseback, and in one charge they overwhelmed all the soldiers around Feng Sheng'e.

When Feng Sheng'e saw this, he was shocked and turned his horse to try to escape.

But just as he turned around, he felt a huge force coming from behind him, and his whole body was trapped on the back of the horse.

I fell to pieces!

In a daze, Fengsheng heard a shout.

"I've caught Feng Sheng'an. I've caught Feng Sheng'an. Go and report to His Highness!"



On the battlefield, the Ming army's cavalry galloped and galloped, rapidly expanding their results.

Those who rode horses in the Qing army were okay, although they also ran in a chaotic mess and lost unified command. But anyway, they are still riding horses. Four legs can always run faster than two legs.

Therefore, most of them were able to withdraw from the battlefield safely.

At the very least, the Ming army, which was dominated by infantry, could not stop them.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the Ming army mainly targeted the infantry of the Qing army.

Otherwise, a few can be stopped.

Zhu Jing'an has always been a very tolerant person.

Since the Qing cavalry runs too fast and is difficult to deal with, then simply don't take the risk and stop staring at the Qing cavalry.

Be careful, just encircle and annihilate the Qing army's infantry!

The shouts of killing outside Fengyang City were loud. The battle lasted for most of half a day before it ended. A large number of Qing infantry were surrounded and annihilated outside Fengyang City by the Ming army.

The wilderness outside Fengyang City was covered with corpses in various forms of death.

But most of them are still prisoners of war who kneel on the ground waiting for surrender after raising their hands in surrender.

In this battle of Fengyang, the Ming army gained a lot. Even if it is a conservative estimate, the number of Qing troops annihilated in this battle was 60,000 to 70,000.

In this battle, the only cavalry with war horses that the Qing army could withdraw from the battlefield were the Eight Banners soldiers, Sauron soldiers, and the Mongolian soldiers of the foreign vassals who were the first to escape.

In addition, most of the remaining Green Camp soldiers without horses could not escape from the battlefield.

Annihilating the enemy's strength of 60,000 to 70,000 in one battle can be considered a great victory no matter what!

Although this victory does come a bit hastily...

But that’s not important, just tell him whether he won the fight!


The Ming army successfully took over Fengyang city defense.

On the battlefield outside Fengyang City, the Ming army was cleaning the battlefield and finishing the battle.

After Feng Sheng'e regained consciousness, he was escorted to Zhu Jing'an.

Fengsheng was kicked in the forehead, and he knelt down as soon as his legs became weak. Then his head was pressed, and his shiny forehead was knocked against the wall tiles at the top of Fengyang City.

Feng Sheng'e raised his head with great difficulty and looked at the young man in front of him who was sitting on a chair with a golden sword.

He was tall and strong, and his brows were full of solemnity and sharpness, like an unsheathed sharp blade.

The stiff military uniform on his body made his temperament even more heroic.

Although his skin is inevitably a little dark due to exposure to wind and sun, his overall facial features are very outstanding, and he can be called rich and handsome!

But compared with his appearance, what stands out most about Zhu Jing'an is his overall demeanor.

Zhu Jing'an just sat there, as if he were an insurmountable mountain, and his gaze made people feel fearful from the bottom of their hearts.

Having been in a high position for a long time, Zhu Jing'an's majesty increased day by day.

Now he can be said to be confident and confident without getting angry!

Feng Sheng'e looked at the young man in his early twenties in front of him, feeling full of frustration.

Was he defeated by such a young man?

Was it because the Qing Dynasty suffered repeated defeats at his hands and lost most of the world?

He is really too young!

Zhu Jing'an withdrew his gaze from the battlefield outside Fengyang City, and then looked at Feng Sheng'an who was kneeling in front of him.

He asked with a slightly teasing tone.

"I have something that I don't understand. I wonder if Feng Sheng'er would be willing to help me solve my problem?"

Hearing this, Feng Sheng'e snorted coldly and said.

"I have been defeated by you thieves. If you want to kill or behead me, please do as you please."

"But if you want me to betray the Qing Dynasty, it's impossible!" (End of Chapter)

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