Chapter 219 Two Problems
Zhu Jing'an agreed to Gelehun's request.

Agree to give a way out to the bannermen who assisted Zuo Guoliang in presenting the city and their families.

Of course, it's just a way to survive.

Your life can be saved and you can be exempted from the labor camp, but you don’t have to worry about your family wealth!

Hearing this, Geluhun took a deep breath and kowtowed vigorously.

"I would like to thank His Highness the Crown Prince for your great kindness!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your great kindness!"

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just nodded slightly, then waved his hand and said.

"Go back!"

"Tomorrow the king's division will launch an attack on the Qing army's stronghold outside Nanjing City and open up a channel to regain Nanjing City."

"I hope I can see your sincerity before this happens!"

"I hope you won't live up to Gu's good intentions!"

"Otherwise, if I promise to give you a way to survive, I will make you pay the price for deceiving me!"

When Geluhun heard this, his body visibly trembled and he spoke.

"The villain understands, the villain understands!"


Gelehun got the answer he wanted from Zhu Jing'an and immediately left.

Get ready to return to Jiangning City!
After Gelehun returned to Jiangning City, he immediately went to see Zuo Guoliang.

And now beside Zuo Guoliang, a group of Jiangning Eight Banners soldiers were eagerly waiting for Gelehun to bring them good news.

Geluhun stepped into the lobby, and gazes from all around gathered around him. There was a faint expectation and hope in his eyes.

Especially those bannermen, they are all collectively controlled by the CPU now.

Each and every one of them had already made up their mind to betray their country and survive, and now they were waiting for Grehun to bring them accurate information that would allow them to make their final decision.

Geluhun felt the expectant eyes around him, and without showing off, he nodded directly and said.


"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has promised to give us banner men who have made contributions to the city a way out!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince promised that as long as we can contribute to the dedication of the city, after the Ming Dynasty regains Nanjing, he can forgive us and our families, and allow us to live under the Ming Dynasty like ordinary people."

When the bannermen in the lobby heard this, they all couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps it was because Ming Dynasty's previous methods against the bannermen were too cruel.

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an only promised to let them live, which made these bannermen feel that they had taken a huge advantage.

"Great, this is really great!"

"It's good to be alive. It's good to be alive. Money and other things are just things outside the body."

"It's the best, it's the best. It's great if your family and life are safe. There's no need to ask for anything else."


Seeing this, Zuo Guoliang said.

"Everyone, now we have received an accurate answer from the Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty."

"Can you help me prepare for the city dedication?"

"This should be done sooner rather than later!"

Geluhun also spoke.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has said that Master Wang will launch an attack on the Qing army stronghold outside Nanjing tomorrow to open up a channel to regain Nanjing."

"Time is urgent, I can't delay any longer!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded in approval.

Zuo Guoliang then spoke.

"In that case, let's go and contact our own people and get ready anyway."

"I would like you all to remember one thing: everything is illusory, only your own life is real."

"What you are doing now is not a betrayal of your ancestors, but just a necessary sacrifice to continue the incense. I believe that if our ancestors are alive in heaven, they will understand."

After hearing this, all the bannermen officers spoke one after another.

"I'll wait to understand!"


On the second day, as soon as it got dark, the Ming army began to cook rice in the camp and prepare to launch an attack on Fangshan.

boom!Boom!Boom boom boom!

The deafening sound of shelling sounded again.

Cannonballs were fired one after another in the direction of Fangshan.

The black iron ball landed on the ground, bounced up, rolled and spun forward.

With a bang, it hit the wall of the Qing army's camp on Fangshan Mountain.

The Qing army's camp on Fangshan Mountain has been operated for two months, and it is reinforced with sandbag fortifications, so it appears to be extremely strong.

After the shells fired by the Ming army's heavy artillery hit the wall of the camp, the kinetic energy was absorbed by the sandbag fortifications and failed to tear the wall apart.

However, the Ming army was not in a hurry about this, because during the Battle of Yuezhou, the Qing army's camps were also reinforced with sandbags.

But so what?
Victory ultimately belongs to Ming Dynasty!

The Ming army's artillery continued to fire, and the Qing army on the other side of the mountain suppressed fire.

At the same time, civilian workers were also being organized to extend the trenches toward the Fangshan line.

Mortars and boxes of explosive shells are all ready.

As long as the trenches are dug, the mortars can go to the front line to hit the curved trajectory and deliver the explosive bombs to the Qing army camp.

At that time, the main force of the Ming army will also attack Fangshan Camp under the cover of firepower from explosive bombs.Standing under the banner of the Chinese Army, Zhu Jing'an looked at the direction of the battlefield with his binoculars, squinting his eyes slightly.

"As the war situation develops, the firearms that Ming currently possesses are beginning to be insufficient."

Zhu Jing'an couldn't help but sigh.

Zhang Jin on the side heard the words and spoke.

"Why did your Highness say this? Aren't our artillery batteries of the Ming Dynasty suppressing the Tatars right now?"

Zhu Jing'an pointed at the Qing army's wall and said.

"Our army's artillery group can indeed suppress the Qing army, but that's all."

"From the current point of view, facing the Qing army's fortifications, it is difficult for the solid bullets fired by our army's heavy artillery to achieve actual damage effects."

"Only when the flowers pop open can they exert corresponding power!"

"And the range of the mortar is too close, so its use is quite limited."

"That's why I can sigh like this!"

"If our Ming Dynasty can develop explosive shells that can also be used by heavy artillery, then the combat effectiveness of our army will definitely be greatly increased!"

"When we face fortifications like the Qing Army's in the future, we don't have to dig trenches and can directly deliver firepower!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jin nodded understandingly and spoke.

"His Highness Shengming!"

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an squinted his eyes and continued to observe the battlefield.

I was also thinking about developing explosive shells for heavy artillery.

The reason why heavy artillery cannot use blooming ammunition is mainly due to two reasons.

First, compared with mortars, the caliber of heavy artillery is too small. Even if it uses explosive bullets, its power is almost useless.

The second reason is that the barrel multiple of the heavy artillery is too large, and the chamber pressure when firing is much higher than that of the mortar with a smaller barrel multiple.

It's just a solid bullet, just a big iron ball.

As long as the barrel of the gun itself can withstand the chamber pressure, the rest is not a big problem.

But blooming bombs is another story!
If the barrel pressure of the artillery is too high, the shell of the explosive bullet cannot bear it. Once the shell of the shell cannot withstand the chamber pressure and explodes in the barrel of the gun, it will explode.

Therefore, if Ming Dynasty wants to develop explosive ammunition that can be used by heavy artillery, it needs to overcome two problems.

The first is to develop and produce more powerful explosives so that the shells fired by heavy artillery can have a good killing effect.

The second is to develop special metals with higher strength so that the projectile body of the explosive ammunition can withstand the bore pressure when the heavy artillery fires, reducing the probability of the bore exploding.

As long as these two problems can be solved, the explosive ammunition used by the heavy artillery will soon be developed.

By then, the density of firepower that the Ming army can unleash on the battlefield will also be greatly increased.


In Nanjing, Shu Hede received a request for help from Fangshan Camp.

"The Ming thieves concentrated their troops, horses, and artillery fire to attack Fangshan. Now that Fangshan is in urgent need, please send reinforcements as soon as possible!"

A man covered in dust knelt in front of Shu Hed and kowtowed.

His face was full of horror and fear.

When Shu Hede saw this scene, the expression on his face was uncertain.

He also thought that the Ming thief's attack would focus on Niushou Mountain.

Unexpectedly, the Ming thieves did not attack Niushou Mountain, but chose to attack Fangshan.

You must know that Fangshan's defense is far inferior to Niushou Mountain, which Shu Hede has been focusing on during this period.

The elite level of the defenders was even worse.

Originally, in Shu Hede's plan, Fang Shan played a diversionary role at most.

But now, Fang Shan, who was responsible for containment, has turned into the main battlefield!
If this is the case, Fangshan is in danger!

Shu Hed gritted his teeth and asked.

"I wonder if troops can be mobilized from the direction of Niushou Mountain to reinforce Fangshan?"

Basically, Shu Hede deployed all the troops in Nanjing on the four peaks outside the city.

Nowadays, the troops in Nanjing City can only defend the city for a while at most, and they are unable to go out of the city for reinforcements.

That's why he placed his hope in Chatai to send troops to reinforce Fang Shan!
As soon as Shu Hede said this, Gao Jin, the governor of Liangjiang on the side, spoke.

"I'm afraid it's not possible. While the Ming thieves were mainly attacking Fangshan, they also sent troops to contain our troops on Niushou Mountain, Tangshan, and Qixia Mountain."

"If our troops stationed on Niushou Mountain act rashly, accidents may happen..."

When Shu Hede heard this, he let out a heavy breath.

My heart is full of helplessness, this is the result of losing strategic initiative.

In this battle in Jiangning City, I, the Qing Dynasty, were led by the Ming thieves throughout the entire battle!
This battle was fought too passively!
"What about the battle situation in the direction of Fangshan?"

"Fangshan is in a critical situation now. If our army does not send troops to support as soon as possible, if Fangshan falls, Niushou Mountain will be in danger sooner or later."

Hearing this, Gao Jin narrowed his eyes and said.

"Instead of being led by the Ming thief, I will dispatch troops to reinforce Fang Shan, and then be ambushed by the Ming thief."

"Why don't we surround Wei and rescue Zhao with one hand, and force the Ming thieves to retreat from Fangshan!"

"Relieve the siege of Fangshan!"

Hearing this, Shu Hede couldn't help but show curiosity and asked.

"Governor Gao, what do you mean?"

Gao Jin reached out and clicked on the location of Baohua Town on the map and said.

"Didn't the Ming thieves send a partial army to camp in Baohua Town to contain our troops on Tangshan and Qixia Mountains?"

"Just in time, then our army will send troops to Baohua Town!"

(End of this chapter)
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