When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he said drunkenly.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

The sentry rider knelt down on one knee and spoke.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince, Zuo Guoliang, the deputy general of the Jiangning City Defense Battalion in Nanjing City, sent a message to defect to our country, the Ming Dynasty."

"The messenger is outside the camp now, waiting to be received by His Highness the Crown Prince!"

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he was not surprised.

Because he almost often received messengers sent by Qing generals who wanted to surrender, he had long been used to it.

How should I put it? Although the Qing generals decided to surrender to the Ming Dynasty, the conditions for surrender still needed to be discussed.

Since we want to negotiate terms, don’t we have to send envoys?

After thinking for a while, Zhu Jing'an spoke.

"Bring people to the big tent!"

Although Zhu Jing'an had confidence in the Ming army, he believed that the Ming army would be able to capture Nanjing.

But if we can get the support of some people in Nanjing City and cooperate with each other internally and externally, wouldn't it be easier for the Ming Dynasty to seize Nanjing City again?

Now the Ming army is also very limited in strength, so it would be best if fewer people die.

Since someone in Nanjing wanted to join the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Jing'an naturally didn't mind meeting him.

After saying this, Zhu Jing'an returned to the Chinese army's tent and sat at the top, waiting for the envoy to arrive.

Zhu Jing'an didn't have to wait long before a slightly fat man entered the tent surrounded by two soldiers.

Zhu Jing'an has no other merits except that he is afraid of death.

He would certainly not receive the messenger alone.

What if the envoy has the Qing Dynasty in mind and pretends to surrender, and after entering the Ming army's tent, he wants to risk his life to help the Qing Dynasty eliminate the giant thief Zhu Jing'an?
Although Zhu Jing'an also exercises, he does so more to strengthen his body so that he can live longer, rather than to fight with others.

Speaking of fighting ability, it may not be comparable to the ex-girlfriend he once dated who practiced Sanda.

He doesn't want to risk his own life!

The envoy walked into the big tent and saw Zhu Jing'an sitting in the top position at first sight.

His eyes were full of complexity!
It was this young and outrageous young man in front of him who led his troops to sweep across half of the Qing Dynasty, defeated dozens of Qing governors and governors, and destroyed hundreds of thousands of Qing troops.

This abruptly brought an end to the "prosperous age" of the Qing Dynasty...

And today, he had to surrender to the man in front of him for the sake of his own life and the safety of his family.

The messenger stood in the big tent, knelt down with a bang, kowtowed, and spoke.

"The deputy general of the Jiangning City Defense Battalion, Zuo Guoliang, sent Gelehun to see His Highness the Ming Dynasty Prince!"

Gelehun was a bannerman, a member of the Eight Banners of Jiangning, and one of the soldiers who were dispatched to Zuo Guoliang to monitor him.

Gelehun was persuaded by Zuo Guoliang and others at the banquet.

Now he still remembers the words of Zuo Guoliang and the wealthy gentry in Jiangning City!

"Why do you ordinary bannermen risk your lives and your families to gamble for fame and wealth with those imperial officials?"

"Their families are enjoying glory and wealth in the capital, but your family is living in danger in Jiangning City. What are you trying to do?"

"If the city of Jiangning is destroyed, those high officials of the imperial court will simply die. They can be regarded as martyrs for the Qing Dynasty, and their names will remain in history."

"And what about you ordinary bannermen? Once Jiangning City is destroyed, your entire family will be dead! Besides, who will remember your names?"

"Although you belong to the Qing nation and have enjoyed the wealth brought by the Qing Dynasty, didn't your ancestors also fight tooth and nail for the Qing Dynasty to rule the world?"

"The glory and wealth you enjoy are all earned by your ancestors' hard work, not the gifts of the Qing Dynasty!"

"Besides, isn't the Qing court now going to stop issuing hard-core crops? If that's the case, then why do you continue to work for the Qing Dynasty?"

There is no doubt that Gelehun was given to KTV by the gentry in Nanjing!
Speaking of words, how could he be a match for the gentry in Nanjing?
Then, he figured it out!
Whether it is clear or not, one's own family is more important.

He can die for the Qing Dynasty, but his family cannot.

You have to find a way for them to survive!
Then, Zuo Guoliang continued to fool him.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Ming Dynasty has always been magnanimous when it comes to surrendering soldiers and generals. Although you are bannermen, if you surrender voluntarily, you dare not say anything else, but there is definitely no problem in asking for a life.

Even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about your family, right?

There is no doubt that Geluhun was moved.

However, he was afraid of being deceived by Zuo Guoliang and others, so he wanted to personally act as an envoy and come to Jiangning outside the city to see Zhu Jing'an.

He wants to get a promise from Zhu Jing'an!
In Gelehun's view, Zhu Jing'an's promise was much more reliable than the promises made by Zuo Guoliang and others.

A person as powerful as Zhu Jing'an would never make fun of his own credibility just to deceive him.

When Zhu Jing'an heard Geluhun's name, he rolled his eyes, as if he remembered something, and asked with a frown.

"Are you a Bannerman?"

Gelehun heard Zhu Jing'an's question. Zhu Jing'an's voice was obviously calm, but he still felt the pressure coming towards his face like a mountain of taiwan.

Kneeling on the ground, Geluhun replied with a trembling voice.

"Little...little man is indeed a banner man!"

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an asked with a hint of joking in his tone.

"You, a bannerman, dare to come here alone. Are you not afraid of death?"

Geler took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, and spoke. "I...Although I...am a bannerman, I am representing the Zuo Lieutenant General, and I am here...to discuss with Ming Dynasty about surrendering."

"With... His Highness the Crown Prince's mind... he would never think... of killing one of my envoys!"

Although Zhu Jing'an spoke in a joking tone without much murderous intent, Geluhun was still unavoidable in fear.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, his eyes narrowed, and then he laughed.

"Interesting! You are an interesting person."

"But you are right. Since you are here to discuss surrender, I really won't kill you."

Zhu Jing'an leaned back and said lazily.

"Tell me, what conditions do you want?"

Zhu Jing'an was a little drunk now, and he was only facing a banner man, so he didn't bother to put on airs anymore.

Seeing this, Geluhun took a deep breath and put forward his conditions.

"We just want to save ourselves and our families!"

"I hope His Highness the Crown Prince can give me and other bannermen a way to survive after destroying the city."

Zhu Jing'an's expression remained unchanged and he just asked.


"Why should I give you banner people a way to survive?"

"You bannermen, as the minions of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, have been arrogant in the Central Plains for such a long time, squeezing the bones and blood of the Han people in the world to enrich yourself."

"Now that the Ming Dynasty has been restored and the Manchu rule has collapsed, you bannermen who have been arrogant and domineering for such a long time should pay the price for this!"

When Zhu Jing'an said this, he looked at Gelehun with murderous intent in his eyes.

The fundamental reason why Zhu Jing'an wanted to liquidate the bannermen was actually not the so-called ethnic conflict, but class conflict.

It was the Han people who were in the ruled class. After the change of dynasty, they set out to liquidate the bannermen who were in the ruling class!

The purpose is to seize the interests occupied by the ruling class.

This has been done throughout the ages!
As for the so-called ethnic conflicts, they are actually just appearances.

Class conflict is the essence!

As we all know, class contradictions are irreconcilable!

Because if Zhu Jing'an does not liquidate the ruling class of bannermen, then he will not have enough profits to feed the Ming army who followed him in rebellion.

There would not be enough benefits to appease the gentry class who chose to side with them.

Therefore, the liquidation of the bannermen must be done!
But then again, liquidation is liquidation, and the intensity of liquidation is also different.

Zhu Jing'an can take money and life from the bannermen.

However, if those banner men could show enough value, he wouldn't mind just giving them money, not their lives.

Give those bannermen a chance to mend their ways!

But when he was talking, Zhu Jing'an could not help but feel murderous.

Murderous intent is a mysterious and mysterious thing, perhaps due to psychological effects. For many lower-ranking people, they can indeed feel the murderous intent of the upper-ranking ones.

Gelehun felt the killing intent from Zhu Jing'an now. His whole body felt cold and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

But he still mustered up the courage to continue.

"To be honest with His Highness the Crown Prince, although the current Lieutenant General Zuo is willing to surrender to the Ming Dynasty, the army under his command is not something he can decide on his own."

"Lieutenant Zuo and his important subordinates are surrounded by banner men for supervision."

"Without the help of us bannermen, Lieutenant General Zuo would not be able to offer the city to the Ming Dynasty."

"By then, even if the Ming Dynasty can conquer Jiangning, I'm afraid it will have to pay a lot of casualties..."

"Now, we banner men only want one to survive. As long as His Highness the Crown Prince can give us a chance to survive, we are willing to fully assist Lieutenant General Zuo in Xiancheng."

"I hope His Highness the Crown Prince will show mercy!"

"Give us bannermen a chance to live!"

After Gelehun finished speaking, Zhu Jing'an did not reply.

Inside the empty tent, there was an almost suffocating silence.

Half a minute passed, and just when Gelehun's thoughts were about to be filled with fear and despair, Zhu Jing'an finally let out a soft hum.


This soft "hmm" was like the sound of nature to Geluhun.

Geluhun quickly kowtowed his head.

"I thank His Highness the Crown Prince for showing mercy, I thank His Highness the Crown Prince for showing mercy!"

Zhu Jing'an saw this and said.

"Since you want to live, I will give you a chance. You bannermen who cooperated with Zuo Lieutenant General to present the city, I promise that you can save your lives and your families."

"From now on, you can live like ordinary people."

"I just hope you don't disappoint me..." (End of Chapter)

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