Chapter 220 The Qing army attacks

Gao Jin said with a very decisive expression.

"Baohua Town is not only the key for the Ming thieves to contain our Qing soldiers and horses, but also a bargaining chip for our Qing Dynasty to contain the Ming thieves and force the Ming thieves to retreat."

"If our army's heavy troops stationed in Tangshan and Qixia Mountains can attack Baohua Town from both sides and force the Ming thieves to reinforce Baohua Town, it will definitely reduce the pressure faced by Fangshan to a great extent."

Shu Hede nodded after hearing this.

"What Governor Gao said is reasonable. Baohua Town is indeed the key to this battle!"

Taking a deep breath, Shu Hede gave an order.

"Send an order to Chang Qing and ask him to lead the troops from Tangshan and Qixia Mountains to attack Baohua Town. He must inflict heavy losses on the Ming thieves stationed in Baohua Town and force the Ming thieves to reinforce Baohua Town."

When the ordering soldier heard this, he responded with a chirp, then turned around and went out to convey the order.


After Ma Debang led his army to Baohua Town, he immediately set out to set up camps and defenses, preparing to contain the Qing troops on Tangshan and Qixia Mountains.

Madbon stayed in Baohua Town, directing his subordinates to set up camp while listening to the faint sound of heavy artillery bombardment in the distance, with an obviously envious expression on his face.

Nanjing is the old capital of the Ming Dynasty, and the battle to regain Nanjing is of great significance. If you can take a hand in this battle, you will be able to leave a rich legacy in the personal resumes of the generals.

The quality is definitely good!

Everyone in the Ming army envied Pao Ze, who was responsible for the main offensive task.

After all, who can refuse the credit for recovering Nanjing?
At this moment, a messenger came running from a distance.

The messenger rushed all the way to Madebang and spoke.

"... I'm reporting to the Commander-in-Chief that the Qing captives on Tangshan and Qixia Mountains are interested and may want to attack Baohua Town."

When Madbon heard this, he looked away from the direction of the distant gunfire, grinned, and said.

"Explore again, report again!"

The messenger clasped his fists and left, but the expression on Madebang's face could not conceal his excitement.

Because if the Qing army invades, it will play into his hands!

In such an important battle to recapture Nanjing, Ma Debang was definitely not willing to be reduced to a foil.

Now that the Qing army is taking the initiative to kill, doesn't this just give him a chance to show off?
Such a good opportunity to make a meritorious service comes to your door, and Ma Debang will never miss it.

Soon, the messenger reported again that the Qing troops on Tangshan and Qixia Mountains had already set off and were really heading towards Baohua Town.

When Madebang saw this, he laughed immediately.

"Okay, okay, pass on the order, prepare the whole army for war, and be ready to attack the Qinglu!"

"Originally, my commander-in-chief thought that we were destined to become mere foils in this battle. Unexpectedly, the Qing prisoners actually took the initiative to invade."

"It's just a perfect opportunity. The opportunity to make great achievements is now in front of you. You guys should rise up."


When everyone around Madebang heard this, they laughed together.

"That's true. In the battle to recapture Nanjing, we should fight bravely to gain fame, fortune, and a wife."

"The final general's request to fight and the great achievement of recovering Nanjing must not be compared to the previous one, Paoze Zhuanmei?"

"It's true, it's true. We are right in front of us to make great achievements. Since the Qing Dynasty invaders are coming, how can we be afraid of fighting?"


At this time, the morale of the Ming army was really high.

Facing the Qing army's active invasion, even if one's own forces were at a disadvantage, not only did no one in the Ming army feel fearful or intimidated, but everyone in the Ming army was scrambling to fight.

Seeing this, Madebang looked solemn and said.

“It’s great if everyone has this intention!”

"Send the order, the whole army will come out of camp and prepare to meet the enemy!"


After receiving Shu Hede's order, Chang Qing, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, ordered the soldiers and horses from Tangshan and Qixia mountains to go down the mountain and attack Baohua Town without any hesitation.

But what he didn't expect was that instead of sticking to the camp, the Ming thieves stationed in Baohua Town chose to take the initiative to fight against the Qing soldiers.

Seeing this, Chang Qing sneered and said.

"The Ming army in Baohua Town is just a surrender force, not the main force of the Ming thieves. They are so confident that they dare to fight with our Qing soldiers in the field at a disadvantage."

"Do you think that if you change your skin, you can really become a thief?"

"Go down with the order, march forward, and give those thieves who surrendered a powerful look!"

As Chang Qing's order was issued, the Qing army began to press forward.

Immediately, artillery fire from the Ming army began to sound.

Amidst the roaring shelling, clouds of smoke rose from the battlefield.

The originally neat array of the Qing army was blasted one after another by the Ming army's field artillery.

Gradually, the originally strict array of the Qing army began to loosen up.

Although the artillery of the Qing army was also fighting back, the range and power of the wrought iron cannons equipped by the green battalions could not be compared with the field artillery equipped by the forward battalions of the Ming army.

Don't look at the artillery on the Qing army's side, but it was also very lively.

But looking at the damage, the Ming army's array was not affected at all.

The shells fired by the Qing army's forged iron cannons ran out of kinetic energy halfway through their flight, and fell to the ground one after another.

There is no way to reach the Ming army's array!
The arrays on both sides continued to move towards each other, advancing forward, and the distance between them began to get closer and closer.

"When the enemy advances 200 meters, each field artillery team switches to shotgun shells!"

"Adjust shooting Zhu Yuan and continue firing!"


A Ming army artillery commander shouted at the top of his lungs.After each cannon was loaded, a sharp copper whistle sounded.

Immediately, the roar of artillery fire echoed across the battlefield.

Compared with the previous shelling, the current shelling was obviously much duller.

Thick clouds of shotshells were flying on the battlefield, and the front rows of the Qing army's array fell to the ground like wheat.

Screams and wails started immediately!

The smell of blood and gunpowder smoke filled the air, mixing together to make people sick to their stomach.

After being bombarded with shotguns by the Ming army, the Qing army's array obviously began to waver.

But at the same time, the Qing army's forged iron cannons almost reached the Ming army's array.

Artillery shells flew one after another, causing certain casualties to the Ming army.

Mo Fei stood in the array, holding a spear, forming a strict array, and constantly advancing forward.

The sound of shelling sounded continuously in my ears.

On the vast battlefield, the roar of artillery sounded like the roar of the God of Thunder, venting his anger to the world.

Clouds of gunpowder smoke rose up, like clouds left by gods casting spells.

With a bang, Mo Fei's peripheral vision saw a shell piercing the air and hitting a robe diagonally in front of him.

In just an instant, the shell tore half of the man's body apart, and blood spurted out like a fountain.

Mo Fei's face was covered in blood.

Before the cannonball was fully charged, it smashed another person's head. Only then did its kinetic energy run out and it fell to the ground.

The cannonball, which was just a rough round shape, was stained with blood and brains. One look at it and it was a shocking surprise.

At this moment, the expression on Mo Fei's face was obviously stagnant, and his teeth were trembling.

Mo Fei forced himself to retract his gaze, took a deep breath, and regained his composure.

However, the veins popping up in the hand holding the spear showed that his current mood was not as calm as he appeared.

Even though he was used to seeing dead people and corpses littering the battlefield, he still couldn't help but be afraid.

The soldiers in the rear moved forward to fill their positions in accordance with military orders, and the Ming army's array returned to order.

Only the blood stained on the people around him could prove that everything that happened just now was real and not an illusion.

Soon, the distance between the arrays of the Ming and Qing Dynasties entered the stage of close combat.


Bursts of neat gunfire continued.

The musketeers on both sides raised their guns and fired, and the battlefield was filled with smoke.

The soldiers in the front row all fell to the ground.

But it is obvious that the morale of the Ming army is still high. Even if the front row suffers heavy casualties, the soldiers in the back row are still shouting and moving forward.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Ming Dynasty Wan Sheng!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"

"Recapture Nanjing and divide the fields!"


But it was a different story with the Qing army. A group of green soldiers were not determined to fight, and they could barely cope with the gunfire.

But when it comes to close combat, it's inevitable that he will show his timidity.

Not daring to fight hand to hand, this is an old problem of the Qing army.

Seeing the Ming army rushing forward with swords and spears, some people dropped their weapons and wanted to retreat.

However, the supervising team arranged by Chang Qing would not just watch this scene happen.

Facing the fleeing Green Camp soldiers, the soldiers of the supervising team stabbed them mercilessly.

In an instant, heads rolled down and blood sprayed.

The momentum of the Qing army's retreat stalled.

"Stop, don't retreat!"

"The Governor has an order. Anyone who retreats without the order will be killed. No one is allowed to retreat and continue to move forward."

"The Governor has an order. If one person retreats, kill another. If ten people retreat, kill ten. No mercy!"

As the supervising team ruthlessly supervises the battle.

The green soldiers of the Qing army could only muster their courage and turn around to face the Ming army.


Mo Fei strode forward, and the spear in his hand mercilessly pierced the heart of a Qing soldier holding a shotgun.

There was only a pop, and a sharp spear pierced through the chest.

The Qing soldier fell to the ground with his head thrown back, his body shaking unconsciously. As blood continued to flow from the wound, the Qing soldier's breath became weaker and weaker.

But before Mo Fei could pull out his spear from the body of the Qing soldier he stabbed to death, he saw a long knife coming towards his face.

But Mo Fei didn't have the slightest fear about this, and he didn't even blink an eyelid.

Just when the long knife was about to hit Mo Fei, a man next to him raised a shield and faced him.

There was only a clang sound, the long knife struck the shield, and sparks flew everywhere.

Mo Fei took this opportunity to pull out a spear from the Qing soldier who was using a shotgun, and then stabbed the Qing soldier who was wielding a knife at him.

Now the Ming army is quite methodical when fighting on the battlefield!
It attaches great importance to teamwork. If someone attacks, someone will defend. Some are responsible for close combat, while others are responsible for long-range attacks.

(End of this chapter)
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