Zhu Jing'an chose to play it safe, and Sanbao also did not make any rash advances.

Because, in this battle, the Qing army was already at a disadvantage.

If you continue to advance rashly under such circumstances, then the Three Treasures are really stupid.

In fact, instead of wanting to advance rashly, Sanbao now has an urge to withdraw.

But the problem is, now that the forwards of both sides have fought, it means that the main force of the Ming army is not far away from them.

If this is the case, if Sambo orders the withdrawal now, the withdrawal will easily turn into a rout!

By then, the Hubei Green Camp in his hands will probably be wiped out and all of them will be lost in Jianli.

Sanbao was riding on horseback, looking to the west with complicated expressions in his eyes.

He now began to regret that he did not listen to Agui's advice and insisted on leading troops to reinforce Jingzhou.

If he had listened to Agui back then, he would probably be guarding Wuchang City now, quietly waiting for the Ming thieves to attack the strong city.

Why did he encounter the main force of Ming thieves in the wild?
What's more important is that it's just an encounter. It's the most embarrassing thing if you can't beat the opponent after the encounter.

And looking at the current situation, there is a high probability that the Qing army will not be able to defeat the Ming army!

In other words, his Sanbao's actions this time can be said to be a thousand-mile sacrifice!
Soon, Sanbao received the reward.

"For your information, the Governor, the Ming thieves have set up camp in Shatou Ridge. It seems they are not ready to fight our army now."

A Qing army sentry rider knelt in front of Sanbao and said.

Sanbao was obviously relieved when he heard this, and then asked.

"How many soldiers and horses does the Ming army have in this battle?"

Sanbao wanted to know how many troops the Ming army had in this battle.

Then, specific tactics can be arranged according to the number of troops in the Ming army.

When the sentry knight heard this, he looked troubled and spoke.

"Reporting to the Governor, because the Ming thief's sentries have blocked the battlefield, our army's sentries cannot approach the Ming army's camp at all."

"It is impossible to specifically judge the strength of the Ming army, but based on rough visual inspection, the strength of the Ming army in this battle should be between 5 and [-]."

After hearing this, Sanbao took a deep breath again, and his expression became quite solemn.

Because, for this battle, he only had a little over 3 troops on hand.

Although the number of troops on both sides is similar, when it comes to actual combat effectiveness, they are completely different.

The green battalion soldiers of the Qing army were far from rivals of the Ming army soldiers on the battlefield!

Not even mentioning the Ming Army's headquarters soldiers, even the Ming Army's forward battalion adapted from prisoners of war could not be defeated by the Qing Army's green battalions.

Sanbao slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and then spoke.

"Our army does not have an absolute advantage in strength, and it is no match for the Ming thieves in the field."

"Send the order, the army is ready to form a stronghold!"

"Only by defending the stronghold can our army compete with the Ming thieves and maintain an undefeated battle..."


On the other side, Zhu Jing'an also received information about the deployment of the Sanbao Division.

"His Royal Highness, the Qing Army Governor Sanbao of Huguang is stationed at Shanshanlingxia Village. The number of troops is approximately 4, and they are respectively deployed in Shanshanling, Blacksmith Bay, Chenjiamen and other places..."

The Qing army's sentry cavalry could not get close to the Ming army's camp, but this did not mean that the Ming army's sentry cavalry could not reach the Qing army's camp.

Zhu Jing'an was well aware of the specific troop deployment of the Qing army in this battle.

In general, the Qing army's troop deployment in this battle was roughly divided into three.

The main force was deployed on the hillside, while the partial divisions were deployed at Blacksmith Bay and Chenjiamen.

Blacksmith Bay and Chenjiamen are located on the north and south sides of Shanshan Ridge respectively, forming an angle with the Qing army camp on Shanshan Ridge, echoing each other...

In addition, the Qing army also left a small number of troops to garrison Xu Linqiao to ensure the Qing army's retreat.

From the current point of view, the Qing army's troop deployment for this battle is still very comprehensive.

Zhu Jing'an looked at the Qing army's strength points marked on the map and thought about how to fight this battle in order to achieve the greatest results at the lowest cost.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Jing'an made a decision.

He pointed at Xu Linqiao on the east side of Shanshan Ridge.

"Instruct our troops to bypass the hillside ridge, capture Xulin Bridge, and deploy defenses at Xulin Bridge to block the Qing army's eastward retreat."

Zhu Jing'an's intention was very clear. He wanted to make a big dumpling in Jianli.

Including Sanbao, the Manchu Governor of Huguang.

Then, eat it in one bite.

"After capturing Xu Linqiao, the main force of our army took advantage of the frontal battlefield to launch an attack on Blacksmith Bay and capture Blacksmith Bay first."

Blacksmith Bay is located to the north of Shanshan Ridge. Once the Ming army captured Blacksmith Bay and Xu Linqiao changed hands, it was equivalent to the Ming army encircling the Qing army from the east, west and north.

The remaining side was not a way out for the Qing army.

Because, to the south is the Yangtze River!

How many people in the Qing army were good enough to swim across the Yangtze River and swim to the other side?

If you really jump into the river, you are basically going to feed the fish.


After Zhu Jing'an made specific tactical arrangements, the Ming army began a roundabout attack overnight.

With the cooperation of our own sentry and cavalry, a 3000-strong Ming army headquarters soldier left the camp at night, bypassed the Qing army's deployment, walked northward to Zhoujiamen, Zhuziqiao, and Zhengjiawan, turned to the southeast, and continued all night long. Attack Xu Linqiao.

The movement was in place at dawn and prepared to attack Xu Linqiao!
Although the Qing army deployed a small number of troops to garrison Xulinqiao, the main direction of the garrison's defense was to the west to guard against enemies in the west.

They never imagined that the Ming army would make a large circle to the north overnight and would attack from behind them.

"One last reminder, check whether your weapons and equipment are incomplete."

"If you don't check now, you will ask the enemy to check for you later on the battlefield!"

"And the price is your own life!"

A junior officer of the Ming Army reminded him.

Arrange for your own soldiers to conduct final inspections.

"Also, just eat half full. Don't overeat. Otherwise, you will have a stomachache when you fight later and you won't be able to use your strength."

"The officers from each department will conduct a final inspection to ensure that there are no vacancies in weapons and equipment..."

Su Yuan held the musket in his arms and ate the dry food he carried with him.

From time to time, he would take a sip of the cold water from the kettle, his expression slightly solemn.

Su Yuan is a Cantonese from Chaozhou Prefecture.

After the Ming Dynasty conquered Chaozhou, he was really jealous of the benefits that the Ming Dynasty gave the soldiers to divide their fields, so he gritted his teeth and joined the army.

After three months of training in the new military camp, I endured a lot of hardships, but I also developed a good figure.

He was then assigned to the army for further practical training.

Later, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince led the army to the Northern Expedition, and his troops were among the mobilization sequence.

Su Yuan naturally had to follow the army.

Along the way, he had quite a lot of experience, first the Battle of Changsha, and then the Battle of Jingzhou.

It’s all a big win!

It is a pity that in these two battles, he was just a soy sauce player and was not sent to the front line.

Now, as the army moves eastward and encounters the Qing army in Jianli, Su Yuan finally gets the chance to go to the battlefield.

This was his first time on the battlefield, so naturally he felt uneasy.

Of course, it's just anxiety, not fear.

Because the Ming army's consecutive victories against the Qing army really boosted the morale of too many Ming soldiers.They have a natural psychological advantage when facing the Qing army.

This psychological advantage often enables our soldiers to exert stronger combat effectiveness and possess stronger resilience on the battlefield.

Su Yuan was half full, stuffed the remaining half piece of dry food into his arms again, and then began to clean the bayonet silently.

Waiting for the general attack order to be issued!

On Xulin Bridge, as the sun jumped out of the horizon and shed light on the earth, the sentries of the Qing army began to feel sleepy.

Many people were leaning against the camp wall, moving their heads little by little, like woodpeckers, as if they were about to fall asleep.

Because Xu Linqiao was located in the rear, many people felt that even if the Ming thieves wanted to attack, they would first attack the hills and mountains before it was their turn.

Therefore, the Qing army responsible for guarding Xu Linqiao was not very vigilant!

The sun has just risen, and some people are tired and ready to catch up on their sleep.

Because this is often the time when people are most sleepy!
Coupled with the sense of security brought by the dawn, people will unconsciously want to sleep.

Zhao Qiang rubbed his face, feeling the sun shining on his body, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

I tried several times, but I couldn't open my eyes.

Suddenly, the expression on Zhao Qiang's face changed, because he saw a black spot appearing at the end of the horizon.

Those black spots are moving forward rapidly, getting closer and closer to Xu Linqiao.

Under the backlight, Zhao Qiang couldn't see clearly what those black spots were.

Zhao Qiang squinted his eyes hard, trying to see clearly.

Suddenly, a big flag appeared in his eyes.

Although the flag was also backlit, the red flag still stung Zhao Qiang's eyes.

The big word on the flag made Zhao Qiang feel trembling in his heart.

"Enemy...enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"The thieves are coming! The enemy is attacking!"

Zhao Qiang's legs weakened and he fell to the ground, and then he shouted at the top of his lungs.

The voice was hoarse and sharp, full of fear and fear.

Immediately, the shouts of enemy attack resounded throughout Xu Linqiao.

The Qing army looked very panicked. When facing the Ming army, the Qing army became timid before fighting.

But before the guarding Qing army could react, the Ming army's raiding troops rushed forward with loud shouts of killing.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Kill the Tartars and restore Ming Dynasty!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"


Amidst the deafening shouts of killing, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty rushed forward to kill.

Su Yuan held the musket with the bayonet in his hand, and the only sound left in his ears was the sound of the charging horn.

The muscle memory brought about by the long training in the boot camp told him that when the charge sounded, he had to rush forward.

If the charge doesn't stop, the charge can't stop!

Suddenly, Su Yuan saw a Qing soldier coming towards him with a sword.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, with only about ten meters remaining.

Su Yuan kept walking, subconsciously aimed the gun, and then pulled the trigger.

There was a crisp sound, and Su Yuan's shoulder hurt. This was because the butt of the musket hit his shoulder due to the recoil.

Immediately, he saw a ball of blood bursting from the chest of the Qing soldier who was charging towards him, and he fell to the ground with his head raised...

Seeing this, Su Yuan took a deep breath and continued moving forward.

When passing by the Qing soldier who fell to the ground, he raised his bayonet and stabbed it down, choosing to give the enemy a last-ditch stab without hesitation.

This was one of the first lessons the veterans taught him when he was training in the boot camp.

The enemy falls to the ground and needs to be hit!

Otherwise, you have to be careful about being attacked by surprise.

Seeing the twitching body of the Qing soldier who was stabbed by a bayonet, and the blood spurting out from the wound caused by the bayonet, Su Yuan felt a lump in his throat and almost vomited.

If he hadn't practiced with a few damn prisoners of war when he was under Jingzhou City, Su Yuan would definitely spit it out this time.

But even so, Su Yuan was still a little distracted.

Seeing this, the veteran on the side came up and kicked Su Yuan, then shouted and cursed.

"You bastard, this is a fucking battlefield. There's no time for you to be stunned. Keep charging for me!"

Su Yuan was kicked, but he finally recovered and continued to charge forward with his bayonet raised.

Next to him were several Ming soldiers who were in high spirits and shouted to kill.

Gradually, Su Yuan was also infected by the emotions of the people around him, forgetting the discomfort caused by the killing just now, his face turned red, and he charged forward with the large army.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

“Kill the Tatars and divide the fields!”


Amid the shouts of killing, the Ming army's raiding force was like a torrent, overwhelming the resistance of Xu Linqiao's Qing army in one encounter.

The only thing left to do is to chase the North, expand the results, and actually control Xu Linqiao!
The Ming army officer leading the team saw this scene and shouted loudly.

"Fucking stop, stop charging, don't worry about the defeated troops, just run away. Immediately send someone to report the victory to His Highness, and then everyone else will start setting up defenses on the spot!"

"Be prepared for the Qing army's counterattack!"

"Hurry up!"

"Every action must be smooth, don't delay!"


For this Ming army, the most important thing at the moment is to capture Xu Linqiao and defend Xu Linqiao during the Qing army's counterattack.

As for how many Qing soldiers were killed, that was secondary.

Because Xu Linqiao was the only way for the Qing army to retreat eastward. As long as they could block Xu Linqiao, they would be indispensable for their contribution.

Also, it is absolutely impossible for the Qing army to abandon Xu Linqiao.

It is estimated that troops will be sent to recapture Xu Linqiao soon!

As a large number of defeated troops fled Xu Linqiao, the news that the Ming army raided and captured Xu Linqiao could no longer be concealed.

After Sanbao received the news that Xu Linqiao had been lost, he fell into a daze, with shock and disbelief on his face.

"How could this be?"

"Isn't the main force of the Ming thieves confronting our army now? When did the Ming thieves send their troops?"

"Why don't we know anything?!"

Facing the Ming army's offensive, Sanbao couldn't keep up.

Ma Debang, the commander-in-chief of Wuchang on the side, heard this and spoke.

"Your Majesty the Governor, the general thinks that the thieves may have sent troops at night!"

"Last night, our army's sentry cavalry in the north was intercepted and killed by the Ming thief's sentry cavalry. They suffered heavy losses and lost control of the battlefield situation."

"The Ming thieves probably sent their troops to Xu Linqiao at that time!" (End of Chapter)

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