Since the Qing Dynasty, the Western Regions have always been unstable.

During the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong dynasties, when the Manchu Qing Dynasty had the strongest national power, there was always a large-scale use of troops in the Western Regions.

Even in Daoguang and Tongzhi years, there were constant rebellions in the Western Regions!

It was not until Zuo Zongtang regained the Western Regions that the Western Regions were barely stabilized.

The most important task of the Qing Dynasty's elite in Gansu and Shaanxi was to deter the rebel forces in the Western Regions.

The Qing Dynasty had already mobilized troops from Gansu and Shaanxi once before. Li Shiyao felt that if the Qing Dynasty mobilized troops from Gansu and Shaanxi again.

I'm afraid the Western Region will be in chaos again!

By then, there may be another big leaking hole in the already shaky ship of Qing Dynasty.

When Qianlong heard this, he nodded slightly.

"The Manchus and Mongols are one family. Now that the Qing Dynasty is in trouble, Mongolia will naturally have to help."

"Leave it to Li Shiyao to take charge of this matter. Go to the Horqin tribes with my imperial edict, select brave men from the Horqin tribes, form cavalry, enter the customs to assist the court, and quell the rebellion of the Ming thieves!"

It must be nonsense for the Manchu and Qing dynasties to say that the Manchu and Mongolian family are even more unreliable than the Manchu and Han family.

The Manchu Qing's priority in defending against the Mongols was even higher than defending against the Han.

In any case, the most we did in the Qing Dynasty in the Central Plains was to shave our heads and change clothes, engage in massacres, literary inquisition, etc.

That is, the intention is to eliminate the Han people culturally.

At least they did not implement the policy of reducing the population and annihilating the Han people racially.

As for the Mongols, our Qing Dynasty has consistently implemented a naked reduction policy on the grasslands!
So by the end of the Qing Dynasty, Mongolia's population was only about 100 million.

What you need to know is that even during the years of war in the late Ming Dynasty, the Mongolian population was still 500 to [-] million.

In other words, in the more than 200 years since the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Mongolian population not only did not increase, but four-fifths disappeared out of thin air.

It can be seen how well the Qing Dynasty's policy of reducing the population has been implemented and how fruitful it has been.

It’s no wonder that the Rakshasa people were able to invade Siberia and the Far East.

After all, the Mongolian population has been reduced to a small amount by the Qing Dynasty, and most of them have settled in the Monan grassland.

There are tens of thousands of people in Mobei and Siberia combined.

Even if there are, these tens of thousands of people are scattered all over the place.

How could such a small number of people be able to withstand the Rakshasa's eastward invasion?
If the Mongolian population on the grasslands could maintain the 500 million people at the end of the Ming Dynasty, it would certainly not be as easy for the Rakshasa to invade Siberia and the Far East as it had been in history.

However, although our Qing Dynasty is very wary of the Mongols.

But there is one exception, and that is the Horqin Department!
The Manmeng family is nonsense, but Baqi and Horqin are real relatives.

Most of the queens of the Qing Dynasty came from Horqin. Horqin was the real hardcore of the Qing Dynasty and the only Mongolian tribe that achieved positive population growth during the Qing Dynasty.

The Qing Dynasty's war situation in the pass was tense, and then Horqin's troops were sent into the pass to assist in the battle. It was really as it should be!

When Li Shiyao heard this, he cupped his fists and accepted the order.

Qianlong thought for a while and then continued.

"In addition, the Eight Banners and Sauron soldiers outside the Pass must also be mobilized!"

"Send an order to the three generals of Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Shengjing, asking them to each select [-] elite soldiers to enter the pass to defend the capital and quell the rebellion of the Ming thieves."

"The tribes of Sauron are recruiting troops again. If 1 people are not enough, we will recruit another [-]!"

Although the Manchu and Qing Eight Banners outside the Pass were also corrupted, compared with the Eight Banners inside the Pass, they still retained some combat effectiveness.

It can be used!
As for the Sauron tribes, Qianlong is now preparing to kill the goose that lays the eggs.

Due to the difficult living conditions of Sauron's tribes, the population is not large.

As a result, our Qing Dynasty recruited more troops from Sauron's soldiers in a short period of time. The number of soldiers increased each time.

Why not kill the goose to obtain the eggs?
Of course, Qianlong didn't care whether he was killing the goose to obtain the eggs.

In his eyes, the Sauron tribe were nothing more than savages, and Qianlong didn't care no matter how many of them died.

Qianlong only cared about his Eight Banners.

After giving these instructions, Qianlong closed his eyes and meditated.

After a moment, he seemed to remember something and asked.

"By the way, how is the training of the Eight Banners New Army going?"

"Can you go to the battlefield?"

After the news of the last battle of Shaoguan came, Qianlong began to rectify the Eight Banners' military equipment.

Now, after such a long time has passed, Qianlong thought that it was almost time to achieve certain results.

He did not expect the New Eight Banners Army to go to the front line to fight the Ming Army, but the New Eight Banners Army must have the ability to defend Beizhili after the Green Battalion from Beizhili was transferred to reinforce the war in the south.

He Shen heard the words and spoke.

"Your Majesty, I have already contacted the foreigners for our Qing Dynasty. The foreigners from England have sent some foreign craftsmen who are proficient in making guns and cannons to our Qing Dynasty."

"Now, all those foreign craftsmen have been assigned to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Jingshan Gun Factory under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has begun to produce cannons."

The British suffered a loss in Macau and were severely punished by the Ming Dynasty, and more than half of their trade share was taken away by the French.

It is impossible to swallow this breath!

Therefore, the British chose to side with the Manchus and allowed the Manchus to open their country to Britain by providing the Manchus with talent for making cannons and guns and selling firearms.

So far, the effect is pretty good!
Qianlong was quite courageous in his work. In order to obtain foreign guns and cannons, he agreed to the British request.

Choose to switch in Tianjin!
Then, with the support of the British, the Qing Dynasty not only reopened the Jingshan Gun Factory for casting cannons.

Under the guidance of foreign instructors, the Eight Banners soldiers were reorganized into a pure firearms unit, known as the Eight Banners New Army.

The target is the headquarters soldiers of the Ming Army!

More importantly, with the opening and closing of Tianjin, the increase in tariff revenue has, to a certain extent, alleviated the Qing's financial difficulties after losing Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan.

Without the revenue from Tianjin Customs, the financial problems of our Qing Dynasty would only become more difficult.

Yu Minzhong also opened his mouth to report.

"According to the reports of those foreign instructors from England, the training of our Eight Banners New Army of the Qing Dynasty is still slightly insufficient. It still needs to intensify its training. There is a lot of room for improvement."

What Yu Minzhong said was actually quite euphemistic.

High emotional intelligence: There is a lot of room for improvement!

Low EQ: Practiced like shit!
The foreign instructors that my Qing Dynasty spent a lot of money to hire are now being tortured crazy by my Qing Dynasty’s Eight Banners uncles.

They have never seen a soldier who is more capable of cheating and cheating than me, the Eight Banners Master of the Qing Dynasty!

A phalanx of 1000 recruits was called at roll call, but the actual number was less than half.

Of this half, more than half were temporarily hired to impersonate trained businessmen and farmers, rather than the soldiers themselves.

How dare you believe it?
Qianlong was obviously also a person with high emotional intelligence. He heard the deep meaning in Yu Minzhong's words and took a deep breath.

"Haha, it seems that the Eight Banners New Army still needs to step up supervision!"

"We must deal with a group of thieves and sneakers ruthlessly. The country is facing a crisis. As a nation, the Eight Banners cannot continue to degenerate."

"I will take charge of this matter personally, and I must protect the Eight Banners!"

Now that the world situation is so critical, Qianlong cannot allow the Eight Banners to continue to deteriorate!

The Eight Banners must cheer up!

The first year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty and the 43rd year of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty.On the fifth day of June, the main force of the Ming army conquered Jingzhou and after resting for a period of time, the army set off eastward along the Yangtze River towards Yuezhou.

On the tenth day of the sixth lunar month, the forwards of the Ming army arrived in Jianli and met head-on with Sanbao, the Manchu and Qing governor of Huguang who had marched west from Wuchang.

Immediately, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides!
The rumble of horse hooves resounded, and the Ming army's cavalry galloped over, scattering arrows as they flew past the Qing army's formation.


The bowstring trembled, and arrows fell into the Qing army's formation like locusts.

The sharp arrows penetrated the human body mercilessly, and blood spurted out.

The Qing soldiers who were hit by arrows screamed and wailed, and fell to the ground helplessly.

The cavalry of the Ming Army originally did not know how to ride and shoot, but after the Battle of Changsha, the Ming Army captured a large number of prisoners of war from the Gansu and Shaanxi Green Camps and some Sauron soldiers, and also captured a large number of war horses and bows.

These prisoners of war were very good at riding and shooting.

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an incorporated them into the cavalry.

After the addition of these elite cavalry, the cavalry of the Ming Army had initially mastered the skills of riding and shooting.

After going to the battlefield, I can finally use some tactics instead of just rushing in without thinking!
"Brothers, kill!"

"Crush these dog Tatars and let His Highness know that we are all good people..."

"Go to Jiangnan and divide the fields!"

The cavalry of the Ming army galloped. Wherever the horses' hooves passed, smoke and dust suddenly rose, and there was a shower of arrows. After shooting the arrows, they turned their horses away.

The war horses galloped around the battlefield, accumulating power and preparing for the next round of mounted shooting.

Amidst the sound of bow strings trembling like cotton, arrows rained down, and the Qing army was so suppressed that they could hardly lift their heads.

The cavalry of the Ming army was almost unilaterally suppressing the Qing army!
The Qing army had almost no power to fight back.

Although the Qing army also had cavalry, in terms of quality, they were far inferior to the Ming army's cavalry.

Because the Ming Army cavalry was adapted from the elites of the Green Battalion of Gansu and Shaanxi and the Sauron soldiers.

The gap between the half-baked cavalry of Hubei Green Camp and these people is not 01:30 points!
Therefore, the Qing army's cavalry was suppressed by the Ming army as soon as they entered the field.

Without even a moment of support, he withdrew from the battlefield because he couldn't hold on any longer!

Only the infantry of the Qing army were left, which became the meat of the Ming army.

The Ming army's cavalry galloped rapidly, constantly squeezing the living space of the Qing army's forwards, and seemed to be squeezing them towards the bank of the Yangtze River.

As the Ming cavalry galloped and arrows flew, the Qing forward was completely pushed to the bank of the Yangtze River.

Some people even started to fall into the river because their feet slipped!
Immediately, he was swept away by the rushing river, and after a few splashes, he completely sank to the bottom...

At this time, the artillery unit of the Ming Army finally arrived on the battlefield.

One after another, Type 65 and Type 90 field guns were dragged to the front line of the battlefield.

Start aiming at the Qing infantry array compressed on the bank of the Yangtze River and fire!

The sound of artillery sounded, and solid artillery shells were fired at the Qing army's infantry array.

The artillery shells poured into the infantry array, and the huge kinetic energy was released instantly, tearing open the human body with ease, splattering blood, broken flesh and bones, and the scene was shocking.

In the age of firearms, when faced with a dense infantry array, the best option was not to use cavalry for mounted shooting.

Instead, use artillery to blast!
When it comes to the killing effect on dense infantry arrays, nothing can compare to artillery.

The sound of artillery sounded one after another, and the Qing army's forward array was torn into large holes.

The number of casualties began to rise.

The screams and wails were shrill and desperate.

The Ming army's artillery fired only a few rounds, and the Qing army's forward completely collapsed.

Some people chose to kneel down and surrender to the Ming Dynasty, some chose to turn around and run away, and some lost their heads and jumped directly into the Yangtze River.

In the blink of an eye, he was swept away by the rushing river, and his fate was unknown.

In less than half a day, this encounter between the Ming and Qing Dynasties ended with the victory of the Ming army.


"Report! Report to His Highness the Crown Prince!"

"The vanguard of our army encountered the vanguard of the Qing army, a fierce battle broke out, and we won a great victory!"

"Behead three thousand prisoners in total!"

A Ming army messenger galloped all the way to Zhu Jing'an, got off his horse, knelt on one knee, and said excitedly.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just nodded slightly.

"Spread the good news throughout the army to boost the morale of the army!"

Although the Ming army has won consecutive battles since launching the Northern Expedition.

However, this forward encounter can still boost the morale of the army!

Zhu Jing'an's order was issued, and as the victory news was circulated, the Ming army could not help but cheer.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is a thousand years old, and the Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"


Zhu Jing'an said with a smile on his face.

"Send the order, the main force of the army is preparing to camp at Shatou Ridge."

"Send our army's sentries to block and search the surrounding areas of the battlefield to ensure our army's absolute control of the battlefield."

Zhu Jing'an is a person who sounds cautious, but in reality he is afraid of death.

Therefore, even though the forwards had already won a great victory, he did not order the main force of the army to speed up the advance.

Instead, let the army camp on the advantageous terrain of the battle situation!

Then sent out sentries to seal off the battlefield to ensure safety.

After the Battle of Changsha, the Ming army had taken absolute initiative in the southern war situation.

He can win even if he plays slowly and steadily!

If this is the case, why did Zhu Jing'an let the army take risks and advance quickly?

Just as the Ming army was camping, Sanbao, the governor of Huguang on the other side, also received news that his forwards had encountered the Ming army and suffered a disastrous defeat.

When Sanbao heard the bad news, he was stunned.

Because he received a double blow from this news and heard two pieces of bad news.

First, our own forward suffered a disastrous defeat, with heavy casualties.

Second, Jingzhou may have been lost!

Otherwise, how could the Ming thieves march eastward...

I'm afraid the Huguang war situation is in trouble!
Taking a deep breath, Sanbao forced himself to calm down, and then gave instructions.

"After the order is passed, the army will camp on the spot, bury the pots, make rice, and prepare for war."

"Send sentry riders to investigate the situation on the battlefield. The governor wants to know the movements of the main force of the Ming thieves..." (End of Chapter)

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