Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 194 Use cannonballs to solve problems

Ma Debang's answer solved Sanbao's doubts.

However, this does not affect the current overall situation!

Sanbao took a deep breath and then asked.

"General Ma, what do you think our army should do next?"

When Madebang heard this, his expression was solemn and he said firmly.

"Reporting to the Governor, the general feels that our army must send troops to recover Xu Linqiao."

"Xulin Bridge is our army's retreat to the east. Once it is occupied by Ming thieves, our army's retreat will be cut off."

"In this case, our army is in danger of being wiped out in Jianli!"

"Besides, if the retreat is cut off, it will probably have an impact on the morale of the army!"

Although Sanbao was preparing to fight the Ming army by relying on the tactics of Jie Li stronghold, this did not mean that he did not want to leave a way out for himself.

Used to withdraw troops when the war situation is really irreversible!
Therefore, Xu Linqiao must not make any mistakes!
After thinking for a while, Sanbao spoke again.

"What Mr. Ma said is reasonable, so how can our army regain Xu Linqiao?"

Although Sanbao's military ability is not outstanding, he has one advantage, that is, he can recognize himself.

I won’t give blind orders!

In terms of specific tactical and strategic command, he generally relies on the opinions of generals.

At this moment, Zhao Shijie, the commander-in-chief of Xiangyang, stood up and spoke.

"I would like to report to the Governor that the general is willing to lead troops to recover Xulin Bridge and open up a channel for our army to retreat eastward."

In fact, it was a lie that Zhao Shijie wanted to get through Xu Linqiao, but it was true that he wanted to take the lead in escaping when the war was unfavorable.

Madebang on the side heard this and spoke.

"Your Majesty the Governor, I have also asked you to lead troops to open the Xu Lin Bridge."

Obviously, Ma Debang and Zhao Shijie have the same idea. They are not very optimistic about the current war.

Everyone felt that the Qing Dynasty was very likely to be defeated!
Therefore, they all want to fight for an opportunity to withdraw from the battlefield first after the defeat.

The current Qing army is so scared when they see the Ming army's banner!

Seeing Zhu Jing'an's big banner, he became timid even before fighting.

how to say.

Zhu Jing'an, the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty, is so famous now!
In his hands, the Qing Dynasty lost several provinces in less than two years, and many governors and governors were defeated one after another.

Even Agui, a veteran general of the Qing Dynasty, suffered a heavy loss at the hands of the Ming thief prince and was defeated in Changsha.

This guy is really good at fighting, and his military talents are probably all over the place!

Nowadays, many people in Jiangnan call Zhu Jing'an "Little Taizong"!
That Taizong of Tang Taizong Li Shimin!
Everyone is counting on Daming to fight back to Jiangnan!

This argument was widely circulated, and soldiers of the Qing army had inevitably heard of it.

Zhu Jing'an's reputation was so great that the Qing army would inevitably show cowardice after facing him.

If Sanbao, the governor of Huguang, had not insisted on having his own way, Ma Debang and Zhao Shijie would not have taken the initiative to seek bad luck on the Ming thieves even if they were killed.

Because I really can’t beat him!

Hearing this, Sanbao frowned and began to think, but after a moment he spoke.

"The two military gates just need to keep an eye on the defense of Blacksmith Bay and Chenjiamen. I will let the governor do it to recover Xu Linqiao."

The reason why Sambo does this is also very simple.

Xu Linqiao is the army's retreat and cannot and should not be controlled by the general soldiers below.

Otherwise, once the general soldiers below have the idea of ​​surrendering to thieves, the army will really be trapped in Jianli.

If it had been when the Ming thieves were still making trouble in Guangdong and Guangxi, it would have been unlikely that a senior member of the Qing army would take the initiative to surrender to the thieves.

Because the Ming thieves at that time did not have the ability to dominate the world.

How desperate were the officers and soldiers of the Qing Dynasty to surrender to a group of bandits who could be wiped out by the imperial army at any time?

But things are different now. The battle of Shaoguan, the battle of Changsha, and the battle of Jingzhou were three consecutive wars, and the Ming thieves all won great victories.

Its power spans Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, and other five provinces. After consecutive battles and victories, it has already become somewhat of a world leader.

If you vote at this time, you will not vote for the thief, but for the dragon!

It is inevitable that someone will be tempted...

As the governor of Huguang and a high-ranking member of the Eight Banners, his Sanbao would not surrender to thieves.

But no one knows what the underground generals and generals think. People's hearts are separated from each other.

When Ma Debang and Zhao Shijie heard this, they were a little reluctant, but they could only accept the order with clasped fists.

However, at this moment, a messenger ran in from outside the tent, breathing heavily and speaking with fear on his face.

"Mr. Governor, something bad is going to happen, something is going to go wrong!"

"The Ming thief has launched an attack on Blacksmith Bay. There is an emergency in the direction of Blacksmith Bay..."


After the Qing army received the news that Xu Linqiao had been lost, Zhu Jing'an also received the news that the Ming army had captured Xu Linqiao.

Immediately, without any hesitation, he directly ordered the Ming army to launch an offensive against Blacksmith Bay.

As per the old rules, the artillery of the Ming army was still the first to speak on the battlefield.

The rumble of artillery fire resounded through the sky, and shells pierced the sky one after another, shooting towards the camp built by the Qing army at Blacksmith Bay.

The shell hit the wall of the camp, and instantly, a big hole was made in the wall of the camp.

Sawdust is flying everywhere!
The Qing army's camp was originally a temporary structure and could not be called solid at all. Now it was bombarded by artillery fire, almost leaving a gap every time it was fired.

The damage efficiency is frighteningly high!

Almost all the Qing troops in the camp were running around in panic.

Facing the Ming army's heavy artillery fire, it was difficult for the Qing army to come up with a way to deal with it.

The sound of shelling became more and more fierce, and the Ming army's offensive troops began to advance bit by bit under the cover of artillery fire.

The sound of swishing shells piercing the air continued, and the shells fell into the Qing army camp like raindrops one after another. The smashed Qing army camp saw sawdust flying, and the tents were overturned...

The Qing army was so bombarded by the Ming army's heavy artillery that they could not raise their heads. They could only watch helplessly as the Ming army's offensive troops arrived in front of the Blacksmith Bay camp.

Immediately after the artillery fire stopped, the piercing charge horn sounded, and the Ming army's forward battalion held swords and guns and charged towards the Qing army in the Blacksmith Bay camp.


"Kill the Tatars and restore the Ming Dynasty. Long live the Ming Dynasty!"


The Ming army's offensive troops followed the gap created by the artillery shells and poured into the Qing army's camp.

The Qing army, forced by the supervising team, also came forward to block the Ming army's offensive.

In an instant, the two sides were fighting together!
Spears stabbed each other, swords cut each other.

However, facing the Ming army's overwhelming offensive, it was quite difficult for the Qing army to support it.

You know, the Ganshan Green Camp was originally the elite of the Qing army.

It is one of the few front-line troops in the Qing army that can fight in the field.

As for the soldiers and horses in the hinterland of the hinterland, Hubei Green Camp is not even considered a second-line force. It can only be regarded as a third-line force, and it is still the weaker type among the third-line forces.Of course, the so-called first, second and third lines were divided by Zhu Jing'an himself.

In Zhu Jing'an's standards, the first-line troops refer to the Sauron soldiers, the elites of Gansu and Shaanxi Green Battalions who can fight in the field with the enemy.

The second-line troops are the green camp garrisons in key areas such as Beizhili, Guangxi, Yunnan, and other border areas.

The third line is the green camp garrisons in the heart of the Qing Dynasty, such as the green camp garrisons in Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangnan and other places.

There is a decreasing relationship between combat effectiveness among these three.

There is a huge gap between the first and third lines. If the two sides really want to fight, there is no way that the Hubei Green Camp can be an opponent of the elite Gansu and Shaanxi Green Camp who have experienced battles for a long time.

Not to mention that after the Gansu and Shaanxi Green Battalions defected to the Ming Dynasty and were reorganized into the Vanguard Battalion, they still had the carrot of dividing their fields after conquering Jiangnan.

Nowadays, everyone in the Green Camp of Gansu and Shaanxi has green eyes when looking at the enemy. They grit their teeth and want to fight to the south of the Yangtze River to divide the fields.

Enjoy the glory and wealth!

Not to mention that the only thing standing in front of them was a weakling like the Hubei Green Camp. Even the elite Sauron soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, the Ming Army's forward battalion adapted from the Gansu and Shaanxi Green Camp, dared to go up and kill him.

The Ming army's offensive force was divided into three parts, front and rear, and they charged forward one after another.

To create the illusion of a continuous offensive and to cause psychological pressure on the Qing army!

The Qing army resisted desperately, but was suppressed and retreated.

Seeing that the camp at Blacksmith Bay was about to be captured by the Ming army, Zhao Shijie, the commander-in-chief of Xiangyang who was responsible for guarding Blacksmith Bay, finally sent out his town sign.

I want to use this to save the situation!
After Zhao Shijie, the commander-in-chief of Xiangyang, suppressed his suppression, the Qing army finally managed to maintain the battle situation and regained a slight [-]%.

Despite huge casualties, they finally withstood the Ming army's offensive.

The soldiers on both sides fought fiercely on the front lines, stabbing with spears and waving swords. As the fighting became fierce, the casualties on both sides continued to rise.

A Qing soldier was stabbed in the chest by a spear and couldn't help but scream.

The Ming army on the opposite side united their waists and horses and moved forward with all their strength. There was only a pop sound, and the spear heads were thrust out from the back of the Qing army.

But the soldier of the Ming Dynasty had no time to be happy, and his vision went dark, and an arrow was shot, hitting his eye socket.

The Ming soldier didn't even have time to scream, before he lost his breath and fell to the ground with his head up.

A Qing sergeant rushed forward with a gun, but only halfway through the charge, he heard a gunshot and fell to the ground helplessly, holding the wound on his chest.

The fighting is getting more intense!
On the battlefield, it was very obvious that the forwards of the Ming army charged a little too hard, penetrated too deeply into the Qing army camp, and were somewhat out of touch with other departments.

Zhao Shijie seized the opportunity and mobilized his troops to attack the flanks of the Ming army. He wanted to cut off the connection between the Ming army's forward and the main force, and outflank and eat the Ming army's forward.

The Ming army suffered a small loss unprepared, and dozens of people were surrounded and annihilated because of their excessive charge.

At this time, the clarion call for withdrawal came from the center of the Ming army, and the Ming army began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Seeing the arrogant Ming army rushing up being defeated by them and retreating, the Qing army couldn't help but feel excited!

They finally defeated the Ming army!
Even if it's just a small, insignificant victory.

But from the perspective of the Qing army, which had suffered consecutive defeats, it was worth cheering up and writing a special book about it.

However, the Qing army did not wait long to be happy about this rare victory.

Only a roar was heard again between heaven and earth, and the Ming army's heavy artillery began to fire again.

Along with the roar and smoke, artillery shells continued to fire towards the Qing army camp.

A shell penetrated the Qing army's wall, poured into the Qing army's camp, bounced and rolled, overturned several tents, and then tore open the bodies of several Qing soldiers one after another.

Only then did the kinetic energy run out, and it fell to the ground spinning.

The blood and minced meat stained on the shells are shocking to people.

The originally high morale of the Qing army suddenly stagnated.

Then it fell like a bungee jump.

Fear and terror appeared on the faces of the Qing soldiers again.

The heavy artillery of the Ming army vented his anger unbridled.

Although the artillery of the Qing army was also fighting back, the effective range of several wrought iron cannons was still several hundred meters away from the Ming army.

It sounds like a lively fight, but in fact it’s just a loud noise!

It is impossible to cause effective damage to the Ming army!
The shelling continued for half an hour, and the morale of the Qing army, which was already low, collapsed.

Immediately, there was another piercing sound of charging horns.

After the bombardment, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty came up again with knives and guns.


"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"


Amid shouts of killing, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty once again poured into the Qing army camp, killing the Qing army and retreating steadily.

Just as the Qing army gathered its elite troops and prepared to counterattack, the Ming army's offensive troops retreated again.

Immediately, the sound of cannons sounded!
Zhu Jing'an always followed a basic principle in fighting.

That is, if the problem can be solved with artillery, don’t add human lives to it!
Isn't it difficult to conquer your camp?
I let go of the heavy artillery!

If one round doesn't work, just do two rounds. If two rounds don't work, do three rounds. Sooner or later, the problem will be solved.

If the cannonballs are used up, they can be remade, but if the elite soldiers are used up, there will be no place to replenish them for a while.

Besides, how much does it cost to produce one cannon shell?

What about training an elite soldier?

Together with food, equipment, training, military pay, and pensions after death or disability, the total will add up to an astronomical figure.

The cost of the two is not on the same level.

Even if it is a simple economic calculation, it is more cost-effective to use artillery shells to attack the enemy than to use human lives to fill it.


Sanbao stood on the hillside of Lingshan, looking towards Blacksmith Bay.

Listening to the bursts of shelling and smoke rising from the other side, his face kept twitching.

Beside him, a Qing soldier had a look of fear on his face.

"The Ming thief's firearms are sharp, it's really not the rumor!"

"With such fierce artillery fire, the battle over Blacksmith Bay is probably going to be dangerous..."

Sanbao took a deep breath and sighed with helplessness in his tone.

Madebang on the side heard this and spoke.

"Mr. Governor, if our army wants to send troops to reinforce Blacksmith Bay, General Zhao has asked for help several times. If our army doesn't send troops to reinforce Blacksmith Bay, I'm afraid Blacksmith Bay will not be able to withstand it."

When saying this, Madbon had a solemn look on his face.

Although he had long known that the Ming army's firearms were sharp, the fact that the Ming army's artillery was so ferocious was far beyond his expectation.

Just by listening to the momentum, you can tell how dangerous the situation at Blacksmith Bay is!

Now the Qing army has not been able to recapture Xu Linqiao. If Blacksmith Bay is lost, the Qing army will be completely surrounded by the Ming army! (End of chapter)

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