"Report, report to His Highness the Crown Prince!"

"The defenders in Jingzhou City resisted fiercely, and the Eight Banners resisted fiercely. The battle situation reached a stalemate!"

Zhu Jing'an stood outside Jingzhou City with his hands behind his hands, looking in the direction of Jingzhou City, his eyes slightly narrowed.

After hearing the report from the Ming army's messenger, Zhu Jing'an frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with the procrastination of the battle.

But he still patiently asked.

"Do the defenders of Jingzhou City have such strong resilience? The city has been destroyed, but they are still resisting."

Zhu Jing'an could not have imagined that the Jingzhou defenders were able to engage in fierce street battles with the Ming army and persist in resisting after the city wall collapsed.

He thought that as long as Jingzhou's city wall collapsed, all that would be left would be devastating consequences!

Beside him, the Ming army's messenger heard the words, but said with a troubled expression.

"If we return to His Majesty the Crown Prince, the Green Camp soldiers in Jingzhou City will have already been defeated."

"The ones who are still fighting are the Eight Banners soldiers of Jingzhou Eight Banners!"

"Those Eight Banners soldiers performed very tenaciously on the battlefield. Many of them were risking their lives to fight. Our soldiers were unable to make a breakthrough in a short time, and the battle situation became deadlocked."

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, the expression on his face changed, but he was not panicked by the unexpected incident.

Because even if the Eight Banners of Jingzhou suddenly rose to prominence, it would not be able to change the overall situation.

Tens of thousands of Ming troops besieged the city, and the battle situation in Jingzhou was still under his control!
The only difference is that more people must die before the Ming army can capture Jingzhou!
Zhu Jing'an pondered for a while, and then spoke.

"Send the order and send more troops to Jingzhou City immediately!"

"End the war in Jingzhou as soon as possible!"

Upon hearing this, the Ming army's ordering soldiers clasped their fists to accept the order, and then went to convey the order.

Soon, with the flags waving, a large number of Ming army forward battalions and soldiers from the headquarters picked up swords, spears and muskets and headed towards Jingzhou City.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Go to Jingzhou and divide the fields!"


The Ming army's reinforcements entered Jingzhou City with shouts of killing.

After receiving reinforcements, the Ming army's offensive began to become more and more fierce.

The balance of victory is shifting little by little towards the Ming Dynasty!
Ersu stood at the top of the city of Jingzhou and beat drums in person to cheer for the Eight Banners of Jingzhou who were fighting against the Ming army.

Beside him was an old and weak woman and child named Jingzhou Baqi.

Although these old and weak women and children were unable to wear armor and fight against the Ming army, they still shouted to cheer for their husbands and sons.

Many people have shouted until their voices are hoarse!

When the bannermen of the Eight Banners of Jingzhou saw this scene, their morale became more and more encouraging, and they even risked their lives to fight with the Ming army, desperately preventing the Ming army from advancing.

Now, they have a reason to fight!
When faced with life and death, many people cannot let go. It is human nature to be greedy for life and afraid of death.

But if it is for their own families, there are many people who are willing to die.

This is the current situation of the Eight Banners in Jingzhou!

They are indeed greedy for life and afraid of death.

It is true that the bones have been softened by the wealth and glory.

But one day, when their families face danger, they dare to risk their lives.

Not for the Qing Dynasty, but for their families.

However, many of the Eight Banners of Jingzhou could not help but feel despair in the face of the Ming army that was constantly adding troops to Jingzhou City.

Making the last desperate struggle!

Boom!dong dong!

The dull sound of war drums echoed across the battlefield.

The Ming army controlled the gates of Jingzhou's outer city and dragged field artillery pieces into Jingzhou city.

Several Type 65 field artillery were pushed to the front line of the battlefield. After loading, the array aimed at the Qing army lit the match rope and began to fire.

There was a loud bang, and a large barrage of shotgun shells came out of the barrel and shot towards the Qing army.

Countless shotguns flew past, sweeping across.

A hole was torn open in the Qing army's array. Even though they were wearing cotton armor, the Eight Banners of Jingzhou fell down like wheat.

At best, the cotton armor can only block the iron sand shot by the shotgun, and it can't even withstand single-point bullets, let alone the shotgun blasts from the artillery.

In the face of shotgun pellets the size of longan eyes, the cotton armor worn by Jingzhou Eight Banners was no different from paper and could be torn apart very easily.

After the artillery opened the gap, the soldiers of the Ming army swarmed forward and poured into the gap, constantly expanding the results of the battle.

The grenade was thrown away and landed in the crowd.

Every time an explosion sounded, stumps and broken arms would be thrown into the sky.

There was a loud bang, He Gui felt the air waves coming towards his face and shouted loudly.

"The Tatars were stunned by the bombing."

"Brothers, follow me!"

He Gui shouted loudly to kill and led his men into the enemy's formation.

Beside him, a Ming soldier holding a spear followed closely.

They all stabbed the spears in their hands at the Jingzhou Eight Banners who were stunned by the explosion!

The sound of a sharp blade penetrating flesh was heard.

A member of the Eight Banners of Jingzhou was pierced by a spear, and was pushed back by the power carried by the spear.

Blood flowed down the barrel of the gun, mostly blocked by Hongying's blood.

The spear head pierced the human body, and the Eight Banners soldiers let out bursts of shrill screams.

But they did not fall down, but continued to stand, using their bodies to control the barrel of the gun to prevent the spear from being drawn out.

The other Eight Banners soldiers behind them also took the opportunity to raise their spears and stabbed the Ming soldiers.

With a pop, the spear also pierced the body of the Ming soldier, and then penetrated.

Blood sprays in a scattering pattern!

There was a pungent smell of blood in the air.

Spears exchanged blows, and soldiers from both sides fiercely exchanged lives on the front line.


boom!Boom!bang bang bang!

It was a volley of musketry.

Every time a gunshot rang out, a large piece of the Qing army on the opposite side would fall down.

On the battlefield, the killing effect of muskets is much better than that of spears.

If the spear is pierced in the wrong position, it may not be able to break the armor!

But when the musket is fired close to the face, almost all guns can break armor, and the killing effect is first-rate.

Immediately afterwards, the Ming army's musketeers straightened their bayonets and launched a bayonet charge.

As more and more Ming troops poured into the battlefield, the situation on the battlefield became increasingly clear.The Ming army's offensive has advanced to the gates of Mancheng in Jingzhou, blocking the Eight Banners of Jingzhou in an open space outside the gates of Mancheng.

Everyone knows that the last moment of the Jingzhou Eight Banners is coming!

However, for the sake of the family members behind them, the Jingzhou Eight Banners, who had already suffered more than half of their casualties, still persisted in fighting for their lives.

But as the Ming army transported heavy artillery into Jingzhou City, they aimed their heavy artillery at the formation of the Eight Banners in Jingzhou.

A single shell can easily penetrate dozens of people, causing countless stumps and broken arms, causing a large number of casualties in a dense array.

Seeing this scene, the Eight Banners of Jingzhou, which had finally raised its head, finally couldn't hold on and collapsed.

The Ming army used heavy artillery to blast open the gates of Mancheng in Jingzhou, and then the armored forward battalion swarmed in and quickly set out to seize control of Mancheng.

Ersu looked up at the sky and laughed as more and more Ming troops poured into the city of Jingzhou.

"Hahaha, God is unfair! Hahahaha, God is unfair..."

After saying this, he jumped down from the top of Jingzhou City.

With a bang, his head hit the ground, and his brain burst out, causing him to die tragically on the spot.

After the city of Jingzhou was destroyed, Ersu chose to die in despair.

After Ersu's death, Jingzhou City quickly changed hands. On the walls of Jingzhou City, the sun and moon flag of the Ming Dynasty was flying high.

Declare the ownership of Jingzhou to the world!

"Report to His Highness the Crown Prince that our army has captured Jingzhou City!"

Zhang Jin came to Zhu Jing'an with a happy face to report.

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly with a calm expression, but still asked.

"What are the casualties of our troops?"

Zhang Jin took a deep breath and said with a slightly solemn expression.

"Based on the data currently available, our army's casualties in this battle were approximately [-]. The casualties of our troops who went in for reinforcements later were not many, but the casualties of the forward battalion responsible for attacking the city first were quite heavy."

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he took a deep breath and said with a sigh.

"Haha, I really didn't expect that the Eight Banners of Jingzhou could be so brave."

"The Eight Banners are not all trash!"

"The trapped beast still fights, that's all!"

Zhang Jin heard this and asked.

"Your Highness, what should we do with the remaining people from the Eight Banners of Jingzhou?"

From what Zhu Jing'an said, he seemed to want to be more open-minded and give certain preferential treatment to the Eight Banners prisoners of war.

In order to avoid the Eight Banners trapped beasts still fighting in the future and causing some trouble to the Ming army, this kind of thing means that it will happen.

Therefore, Zhang Jin asked.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just narrowed his eyes and then spoke.

"No, pass on the order and kill those who resist!"

"I ordered people to immediately start inventorying the banner properties of the Eight Banners in Jingzhou, and conduct property raids and liquidation of the Eight Banners in the city of Jingzhou."

"Women were housed separately from the old and weak, and women with childbearing potential were placed in separate places. The remaining old and weak were massacred outside Jingzhou City."

"The rest is to follow Guangzhou's old practices!"

"I want those Eight Banners to know what will happen if they dare to resist the soldiers of tomorrow!"

When Zhang Jin heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he cupped his fists and took orders.

"The subordinate understands!"

It's not that Zhu Jing'an doesn't want to be open to the Eight Banners Network, but that he can't.

Rebellion, to put it bluntly, is a process of redistribution of interests.

What Zhu Jing'an needs to do now is to plunder the interests occupied by the Eight Banners interest group and then distribute them to the troops and heroes who follow him.

And a part of it was used to win over the gentry.

If he is open to the Eight Banners Network, where can he get so many benefits to satisfy the army and win over the gentry?

Why did Li Zicheng suffer a complete defeat after entering Beijing?
To put it bluntly, he was unable to satisfy even the interests of the army and the gentry.

As long as he can stabilize one of them, Li Zicheng's Dashun will not collapse directly after being defeated.

In general, Li Zicheng's behavior of extorting wages in the capital was right.

This is the liquidation of the remnants of the previous dynasty, and it has to be done in every dynasty.

Otherwise, the new dynasty may not be able to operate normally after it is established!
In fact, the Ming Dynasty's liquidation of the Eight Banners is of the same nature as Li Zicheng's extortion of wages after entering Beijing.

However, the Ming Dynasty only carried out liquidation against the Eight Banners, while Li Zicheng carried out the liquidation with noble officials and gentry.

Li Zicheng's mistake was that he excessively expanded the scope of the attack and included the gentry as a target when he was extorting wages.

After Li Zicheng entered Beijing, the correct operation should be to confiscate the homes of nobles and pay them, and use the money and land to satisfy the army's appetite, and allocate land and housing to hundreds of thousands of loyal troops in the capital.

Then he used the vacant official position to win over the gentry and gain the support of the gentry class.

In this case, it would be impossible for the Manchus to enter the pass.

If the Manchu and Qing dynasties want to enter the Pass, the hundreds of thousands of Shun soldiers who have been allocated fields and houses in the capital will fight against the Qing army even if it is for themselves.

If everyone fights for the hundreds of thousands of Shun soldiers, even if they are all defeated by the Qing army's tens of thousands of Eight Banners, they will not be able to enter Shanhaiguan.

As long as the military stood firm and the gentry helped build the most basic governance framework, a new dynasty would be established.

The most typical example is the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. After entering the customs, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties did this.

Use land enclosure orders and house occupation orders to allocate fields and houses to the Eight Banners in the capital to stabilize the army.

Then a large number of officials from the former Ming Dynasty were recruited. As long as you come to vote, I, the Qing Dynasty, will give you an official position. I will grant you an official position according to the highest grade you have ever achieved.

Use this to win over the gentry!
Then, I, the Qing Dynasty, gained a firm foothold!

But what did Li Zicheng do after entering Beijing?
First, the extortion of wages was expanded, pushing the gentry against themselves.

Most of the tens of millions of taels of silver copied in the capital went into the private treasury of generals at all levels and were transported to Xi'an by carriages and horses instead of being distributed to soldiers.

Even the most precious real estate, such as land and houses, was almost completely ignored by Li Zicheng, with no intention of using it at all.

The soldiers followed you hard into the capital and helped you establish the Great Shun Dynasty, and in the end they were rewarded with such a few taels of silver.

Who can balance this?
In this way, the morale of the army is scattered!
There have been so many stupid moves and so many reverse operations. If Li Zicheng doesn't jump on the street, who will?

Zhu Jing'an understood this very well, so his goal was clear from beginning to end.

Use the benefits gained from attacking the Eight Banners to win over the army and gentry!
Therefore, Zhu Jing'an really couldn't be open to the Eight Banners Network.

As for the Eight Banners, what should we do if the trapped beast still fights?
Haha, that's not important, it's just more people dying!

When dynasties change, there are no immortals!

More importantly, the Eight Banners in Jingzhou have just taken off.

It is precisely because of this that Ming Dynasty is even less likely to relax its policy on the Eight Banners!
Otherwise, wouldn't it encourage the Eight Banners to continue to fight against the Ming Dynasty?

Since they can get preferential treatment from Ming Dynasty if they resist, what reason do they have for not resisting?

Therefore, instead of giving any preferential treatment to the Jingzhou Eight Banners, Zhu Jing'an would use more brutal methods to deal with them.

Helpless, kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, and tell the Eight Banners garrisoned in other places that this is the fate of those who dare to resist the Ming Dynasty.

If you don't resist, you can still serve 20 years of hard labor. If you can survive it, you can regain your freedom.

If you resist, sorry, you will have to restart. (End of chapter)

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