Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 190 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

The Battle of Jingzhou is over!

The next day, there was still a scene of mourning inside and outside Jingzhou City.

Because the Ming army was escorting the prisoners of war captured in Jingzhou City to outside Jingzhou City for centralized execution.

Among them are the Eight Banners soldiers who insist on resisting, and the old and weak members of the Eight Banners in Jingzhou.

There are also a lot of green camp soldiers!
The reason for this is that after the Ming army arrived at Jingzhou City, the Qing army defending the city persisted in resisting for several days.

Then, Jingzhou City was destroyed!

In order to kill the chickens and scare the monkeys, so that no one dares to resist when the Ming army attacks the city in the future, they must deal with a group of prisoners of war who insist on resisting ruthlessly.

Use the heads of these prisoners of war!
A group of Qing prisoners of war were stripped of their clothes and armor and knelt in a row outside Jingzhou City.

Behind them was a Ming soldier holding a musket.


Following the officer's loud shout, the Ming soldier holding a musket aimed the gun at the Qing prisoner's back, and then pulled the trigger.

Along with a burst of gunfire, the prisoners of war burst into blood sprays, and then their bodies trembled and they fell forward to the ground.

"Fix the knife!"

The officer continued to drink.

A group of new soldiers received the military order, went up with bayonets and stabbed the corpse.

The sound of the bayonet penetrating through the flesh was extremely obvious. Listening to this sound, the faces of these recruits who were on the battlefield for the first time had different expressions.

This is the first time most of them have killed someone!
Even though he was practicing with prisoners of war who were supposed to die, it was still very uncomfortable.

After repairing their knives, many people couldn't help but bend over and vomit, causing the veterans on the side to burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, these new recruits just don't have the mental endurance."

"That's right, how many people died just now, and they vomited?"

"You still have to practice hard."


Of course, despite all the laughter, these veterans actually don’t have much ill will towards the new recruits!

Because, they all came here like this in the beginning.

Looking at these young recruits, they seemed to see their former selves.

The officer on the side saw this and said angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense and continue with the execution."

"There are thousands of people waiting to be killed behind. Why, you still want to delay it until tomorrow?"

After finishing speaking, he said to the recruits who had vomited after last-hitting.

"You guys stay here and continue to practice your courage on the prisoners of war. How can you do that if you are a soldier who doesn't dare to kill people?!"

"The remaining people went to get shovels to dig a hole, they will be used to dispose of the body later!"

Some people in Jingzhou watched the Ming army handling prisoners of war from a distance.

Seeing that the Eight Banners of Jingzhou who used to ride arrogantly above them were executed together, the people of Jingzhou couldn't help but burst into cheers.

"Kill the Tartars and restore Ming Dynasty!"

"Kill well, kill well, kill all these dog Tatars!"



The capital, the Forbidden City!

Since the news of General Agui's defeat in Changsha came out a few days ago, there has been a low pressure inside and outside the Forbidden City.

The emperor was in a bad mood, and his servants were naturally frightened.

I was afraid that if I did something wrong, the emperor would take it out on me.

By then, my life may not be guaranteed!
Even the chief eunuch Li Yu, who is close to Emperor Qianlong, has been walking on thin ice recently.

Everyone is careful in everything they do and doesn't dare to be careless in anything.

At noon, the emperor was taking a nap.

Li Yu stood in the palace, personally guarding the door for the emperor. Listening to the emperor's even breathing on the imperial couch behind him, the expression on Li Yu's face relaxed slightly.

Asleep, the emperor is asleep!
Now that the emperor is asleep, he can breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Yu's expression relaxed slightly when he saw his confidant Xiao Anzi slowly coming forward and stuffing a brochure bag into Li Yu's hand.

Said in a low voice.

"Dad, this is the new Mingqian Longjing this year. My son specially ordered someone to go to the West Lake to get it. You can try it."

Hearing this, Li Yu took the brocade bag, pinched a few tea leaves from the brocade bag, and stuffed it into his mouth.

After chewing a few times, Li Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right, it's good tea, you've got a lot of heart for it!"

"It's a lot of trouble, right?"

Since Li Yu often had to serve Qianlong, he was unable to satisfy many of his desires.

Eating onions, ginger, and garlic will cause a peculiar smell in your mouth, and eating too much meat will cause body odor.

He rarely even drinks tea because he urinates more if he drinks too much water. Since eunuchs can't hold back their urine, if they urinate too much, they may smell like urine.

These may affect the emperor's mood!
Therefore, Li Yu rarely even drank tea. When he wanted to drink tea, he could only chew the tea leaves and taste them.

Over time, this became a habit.

When Xiao Anzi heard this, he just said with a flattering look on his face.

"As long as godfather likes it!"

"As long as my godfather likes it, my son's hard work will not be in vain."

Li Yu turned around and glanced at the sleeping emperor behind him, guessing that it would take a while for the emperor to wake up.

So, he walked towards the outside of the palace.

Xiao Anzi followed closely.

When they came to a quiet place, Li Yu turned to Xiao Anzi and asked.

"Let's be honest, you are so attentive, but what do you want from me?"

Hearing this, Xiao Anzi looked happy and spoke.

"As far as my godfather is concerned, there is indeed such a thing."

"My mother is sick. A letter from home said that she is very ill. I would like to ask my godfather for a chance to go out of the palace on errands and go home to see my mother." Hearing this, Li Yu narrowed her eyes and said.

"Oh, it's rare that you are a filial person."

"That's all, you can go if you want. It just so happens that the Dongzhu that has recently been used for medicine is gone in the hospital room. I have to send someone out of the palace to buy it."

"It's up to you!"

Hearing this, Xiao Anzi hurriedly spoke.

"Xiao Anzi thanks my godfather for his kindness. I will definitely respect my godfather in the same way I respect my mother."

Li Yu nodded and said.

"Just do your job well. You are my godson. If you have a suitable job, I will definitely take care of you."

"As long as you don't mess up the matter, it is the greatest filial piety to your godfather."

As an eunuch, his favorite thing is to collect adopted sons from everywhere because he has stopped serving.

One is to inherit the incense and provide for oneself in old age.

The second is to inherit one's position so as not to be liquidated by political opponents after one retires in the future.

And Xiao Anzi is one of his favorite adopted sons.

Young, sensible, smart, and filial.

is a good boy.

You can cultivate it!
Just as the two of them were talking quietly, a young eunuch hurriedly ran up from a distance.

"Boss, Boss, something is wrong!"

With a face full of anxiety and fear, the young eunuch ran all the way to Li Yu and gasped.

Seeing this, Li Yu suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Is there another change in the war situation in the south?
This is not good news!

Therefore, he asked with a slight frown.

"What's the matter? Why are you so panicked?"

The little eunuch wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve and spoke in a low voice.

"When I get back to the Chief Manager, it' urgent military situation has come from the south. Several military ministers are outside the palace asking to see the master."

Li Yu twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard this, and his heart suddenly lurched, and he asked.

"What exactly is going on? What happened to the war situation in the south?"

"Why is it an emergency military situation again?"

The little eunuch didn't dare to hide anything and spoke directly.

"When I get back to the Chief Manager, it seems that after the Battle of Changsha, Ming thieves sent troops to invade Jingzhou, and Jingzhou is in urgent need..."

When Li Yu heard this, his heart suddenly trembled.

"It's over, it's over, the master is going to be angry again!"

"Master is going to be angry, how can we slaves be nice?!"

After a moment, Li Yu took a breath of air, forced herself to calm down, and then spoke.

"Let's go and ask to see the master!"

"The military situation is urgent, and we slaves cannot afford to delay..."


A moment later, the Forbidden City, Qianqing Palace!

Qianlong woke up from his sleep and received the bad news that Jingzhou was besieged.

Immediately, his vision went dark and he almost fell asleep again.

The Qing Dynasty had already lost Guangzhou and lost more than [-] people from the Eight Banners. If it lost Jingzhou again and lost more than [-] people...

Qianlong felt that even if he died, he would have no face to see his ancestors underground.

Da Qing’s face will be completely lost by him!

"Master, several military ministers are outside asking for an audience!"

Seeing Qianlong's dull expression, Li Yu could only muster up the courage to remind him.

Qianlong sat up, and Li Yu came forward to put on Qianlong's clothes.

Qianlong put on his clothes, sat on the imperial couch to calm down, and then gave instructions to Li Yu.

"Go and give the order!"

"Call a few military planes to come to Qianqing Palace for an audience and discussion!"

Li Yu responded with a chirp, then turned and left.

Not long after, Yu Minzhong, Yuan Shoudong, Liang Guozhi, He Shen, Li Shiyao and others were seen filing in.

Among them, Li Shiyao was recently recalled from the local area by Qianlong and included in the military aircraft.

The reason why Qianlong recalled Li Shiyao was because Agui and Shuhede were out of Beijing.

Since two high-ranking Manchu officials, A Gui and Shu Hede, left the capital, only four people, Yu Minzhong, Yuan Shoudong, Liang Guozhi, and He Shen, were left in the Military Aircraft Department.

Among them, there is only one bannerman, He Shen, while the other three are Han Chinese.

Therefore, Qianlong decided to summon Li Shiyao back to Beijing to join the military fleet to balance the Manchu and Han forces in the court.

Well, although Li Shiyao is a Han, he is a bannerman of the Han army and can be counted as a bannerman.

The five people filed into the Qianqing Palace, and then bowed and kowtowed in front of Qianlong.

"Slaves/minions, please see your Majesty, long live my Emperor, long live, long live!"

When Qianlong saw this, he nodded slightly.

"Everyone, let's live in peace!"

After hearing this, several people stood up from the ground and lined up in two rows.

When Qianlong saw this, he said with a gloomy face.

"I already know why you are here, but I only have one sentence for you!"

"Jingzhou must be saved!"

"Once Jingzhou is lost, the war situation in Huguang will be ruined! The Jingzhou nation will also fall into the hands of Ming thieves."

"Agui and Sanbao must find a way to break the siege of Jingzhou."

Qianlong's attitude was very tough and resolute.

The Qing Dynasty must not lose Jingzhou!
The Qing Dynasty at this time could not bear the price of losing Jingzhou. (End of chapter)

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