Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 188 The Awakening of the Eight Banners of Jingzhou

The shelling continues!
Accompanied by bursts of heavy artillery roar.

A 150 mm diameter artillery shell, packed with terrifying kinetic energy, hit the Jingzhou city wall hard.

This shell was like the straw that broke the camel's back.

With a loud rumbling noise, the Jingzhou city wall finally collapsed.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, a gap appeared in the tall Jingzhou city wall.

Bricks and pieces of masonry were scattered everywhere!
After the collapse, the masonry and earth piled up into a mound on the ground.

Many Qing troops who hid behind the curved surface of the city wall to avoid artillery fire were buried alive under the mounds by the collapsed masonry.

The moment the city wall of Jingzhou collapsed, the whole world seemed to fall silent.

What followed was bursts of cheers from the soldiers of the Ming army.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"


The Ming troops outside the city all raised their arms and shouted.

But the Qing army in the city was in another miserable scene.

Ersu stood there blankly, looking at the collapsed Jingzhou city wall in the distance, opened his mouth, and said in an interfering voice.

"It's over... it's over. The city wall has been blown down. Jingzhou is doomed!"

"Why haven't the reinforcements arrived yet?"

Xiang Huai on the side also had a look of shock and fear.

There was a thin drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

The first person to react was Yang Mao, the prefect of Jingzhou.

Yang Mao grabbed Ersu and shouted.

"General, the city wall has collapsed. The Ming thieves will attack soon. Send people to fill the gap quickly!"

"It's too late!"

Hearing this, Ersu also looked at Xiang Huai who was aside.

I want Xiang Huai to direct his city defense battalion to block the gap.

But Xiang Huai just opened his mouth and murmured with a dull expression.

"The city is broken, the city is broken, the city of Jingzhou is broken..."

Seeing Xiang Huai like this, Ersu knew that the Green Camp soldiers were unreliable, so he could only turn to his deputy general Fu Yuan.

"Fuyuan, go and gather the Eight Banners soldiers in the city and ask them to attack immediately. They must block the gap in the city wall."

"Tell the Eight Banners soldiers that their wives, children, and children are all in Jingzhou City behind them. If they can't withstand it, when the Ming thieves break through the city, their wives, children, children, and children will not survive."

"As a member of the Qing Dynasty, they have enjoyed enough glory and wealth!"

"Now they should risk their lives for the Qing Dynasty and their own families!"

After hearing this, Fuyuan clasped his fists solemnly and left.

Ersu turned his head and continued to give instructions to Xiang Huai.

"Send the order to the general and ask the city defense battalion to go to the gap in the city wall for a while. As long as they can hold on for a while, support from the Eight Banners soldiers will arrive soon."

Upon hearing this, Xiang Huai also regained his composure, and immediately began to direct the green battalion soldiers towards the gap created by the collapse of the city wall.

But it was obvious that after the city wall collapsed, the already low morale of the Green Camp soldiers was almost about to collapse.

Almost everyone looked slouched, with expressions of fear and fear on their faces.

Such green soldiers have long lost their combat effectiveness. It is a joke to expect them to fight against the Ming army's siege troops and block the gaps in the city wall.


The green battalion soldiers had just moved into position, preparing to welcome the Ming army's siege.

But the Ming army's siege troops were not seen for a long time.

But before the Qing army could breathe a sigh of relief, they heard a burst of low artillery fire.

Amidst the low sound of shelling, a round of ammunition was fired from the barrel, drawing a parabola in the air and falling towards the Jingzhou city defense camp behind the mound.

After the cannonball landed, it rolled several times and came to the feet of a Qing soldier.

Seeing this, the soldier from the Green Camp of the Qing Army had a strange expression and said.

"Hey, the Ming thief's cannon is weak. The shells don't move when they hit the ground. How can they kill people?"

However, he was only halfway through his words.

He saw a flash of white light before his eyes, and in an instant, his whole body was engulfed in fire and gunpowder smoke.

The rumble of explosions echoed through the sky!

Broken limbs and broken arms, broken flesh and blood were scattered everywhere.

The air is filled with the pungent smell of blood and gunpowder smoke!
boom!Boom!Boom boom boom!

The dull sound of shelling continued.

Then, there were rumbling explosions one after another.

Some bombs exploded when they hit the ground, and the flames and smoke swallowed up lives.

Some explosive bombs exploded in the air, and the fragments were as dense as raindrops, falling to the ground with crackling crackles, easily taking away lives.

While the roar of explosive shells resounded across the battlefield, the soldiers of the Ming Army's forward battalion also received military orders to prepare for an attack.

They just waited for the Chinese army to give the order and they were going to attack.

Listening to the roar on the battlefield, several soldiers from the forward battalion couldn't help but talk.

"The Ming Dynasty's cannons hit really hard!"

"Yes, yes, this artillery fire is so fierce. Even if the Tatar soldiers are made of iron, they will be melted into molten iron when faced with such an intensity of artillery fire."

"You are worthy of the Ming Dynasty. Master Wang is the master!"

"After this artillery fire, isn't it time for us to charge?" "Does that need to be said? Get ready!"


However, just when the forward battalion of the Ming Army was about to attack, a whizzing sound broke through the air.

At this moment, almost everyone looked up to the sky.

In the sky, rockets dragged long tail flames and shot towards the city of Jingzhou overwhelmingly.

Looking at the black mass of countless rockets in the sky, the soldiers of the forward battalion opened their mouths wide and couldn't help but think of the scene under Changsha City.

Many of them were blown up by the Ming army's rockets and then surrendered.

"Good...a lot!"

"Are these rockets? They look really scary. Ming Dynasty's firearms are really sharp..."


Rockets trailed flames one after another and fell behind the mound. The next moment, an increasingly violent explosion sounded.

The moment the explosion sounded, the forward battalion also received the order to march.

The war drums are beating and flags are waving!

The charge horn also sounded immediately.

"Brothers, kill!"

"Go to Jingzhou, divide the fields, kill the Tatars, and restore the Ming Dynasty!"


Wearing green uniforms and red turbans, the descendants of the Ming Army's forward battalion rushed towards Jingzhou City in darkness.

The sound of shouting and killing was earth-shattering!
At this moment, the morale of the Ming army was like boiling water, seeming to swallow everything up.

The explosion of the rocket instantly emptied the mound inside and outside.

A large number of the Qing army's green battalion soldiers who came to block the gap were killed. The morale of the remaining ones was completely shattered. They turned around and ran away, collapsing.

The forward battalion of the Ming Army took advantage of the situation and entered Jingzhou City from the mound!

What they were facing were the fleeing Green Camp soldiers of the Qing Army.

He Gui took the lead and rushed to the front. When he saw this scene, his eyes brightened and he shouted loudly.

"Brothers, follow me and kill!"

"Kill the Tartars and restore Ming Dynasty!"

The Ming army's offensive poured into Jingzhou City like a tide.

The Qing army's resistance collapsed faster than the ebbing tide.

But just as the Ming army was rapidly expanding its victory, the Eight Banners soldiers of the Qing army in heavy armor came forward.

The bannermen of the Eight Banners of Jingzhou gritted their teeth and faced the forward battalion of the Ming army entering the city.

"Brothers, kill and drive out the thieves!"

"Young and old men, please work harder, the women and children are behind you, we can't retreat!"


In order to protect their families, the Eight Banners of Jingzhou rushed forward with a death wish and fought together with the Ming army that entered the city.

He Gui saw an Eight Banners soldier from the Qing Army swinging his sword and slashed at him. He turned slightly sideways to avoid the oncoming sword.

Then he took advantage of the situation and stepped forward, hitting the head of the Eight Banners soldier in front of him with the handle of the knife in his hand.

With a thud, the handle of the knife hit his head, and his helmet was instantly dented.

The Eight Banners soldier felt his eyes go dark, and the next moment he felt severe pain in his chest.

The sharp knife in He Gui's hand had already penetrated along the gap between the armor plates, directly piercing the person.

Although the Jingzhou Eight Banners were willing to sacrifice their lives, their combat experience was weak, and they were really incomparable to the Ming Army.

Most of the Ming army were veterans who had been in battle for a long time, and people like He Gui were veterans who had been fighting for a lifetime.

In front of him, the bannermen of the Eight Banners of Jingzhou were no different from children who had just learned to walk.

He Gui could tell with a quick glance whether the cotton armor of the Eight Banners soldiers on the opposite side was missing an armor piece, or where it was missing.

But the new recruits of the Eight Banners in Jingzhou have absolutely no such vision.

Feeling the severe pain caused by the sharp knife stirring in his body, the expression on the Eight Banners soldier's face twisted.

The hand holding the sword still wanted to wave it, but in the end it fell down feebly.

He Gui saw from the corner of his eye another person rushing towards him, drew his knife and retreated, avoiding the life-threatening attack of another Eight Banners soldier of the Qing army.

The Eight Banners soldier jumped out of the air and fell to the ground. Before he could get up, he was swarmed by several guards around He Gui and stabbed into a bloody gourd with long spears.

On the battlefield, the armor-breaking ability and killing effect of a spear are much stronger than that of a knife!
Facing a group of veterans with rich war experience, just knowing how to fight is actually going to die.

But even so, the Jingzhou Eight Banners still managed to hold off the Ming army's fierce attack by fighting tooth and nail and paying many times more casualties than the Ming army.

The battle situation in Jingzhou City has reached a stalemate!
"My sons, kill! Our family is right behind us. Even if we risk our lives, we must not let the thieves break the city!"

"Fight hard, I won't survive today!"

"Hold on, you must hold on. General Agui's reinforcements will arrive soon. When the time comes, we and General Agui will cooperate internally and externally. The thieves will be defeated and the siege of Jingzhou will be lifted immediately."


The Jingzhou Eight Banners really risked their lives for their families.

Many soldiers of the Eight Banners in Jingzhou, even with several wounds on their bodies, still fought to the death, trading wounds for wounds and lives for lives with the Ming army.

With both sides wearing heavy armor, this fight seemed quite cruel.

In many cases, even if the attack can break through the armor, it will only cause minor injuries at most, but it will not be fatal.

Many people on the battlefield were not killed by a single fatal move, but suffered dozens of minor injuries. The wounds had no time to stop bleeding, and they were continuously bled to death.

Soon, the streets in Jingzhou City were filled with corpses, and blood formed a river in the culverts draining the city... (End of Chapter)

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